Alpha RS12 + RS8
MAGNAT Audio-Produkte GmbH • Lise-Meitner-Str. 9 • D-50259 Pulheim • www.magnat.de
Errors and technical changes excepted (09/20)

You would like a
compact home cinema,
powerful and
multi channel systems?
Then our
Alpha RS subwoofer
are just right.
Alpha RS12 + RS8
Two compact
active subwoofer for
all housing conditions
and for a perfect
housing integration.
High performance
with digital amplier
and living space friendly
dimensions, for a
easy integration
in the living area.
MAGNAT Audio-Produkte GmbH • Lise-Meitner-Str. 9 • D-50259 Pulheim • www.magnat.de
Errors and technical changes excepted (09/20)