Magnasonic MiC1000k User Manual

Model NO.: MiC1000k
To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this appliance to rain or moisture.
Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
The lightin g flash with arr owhead symbol, within an equilat eral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product's enclosure that may be of suffi ci en t ma gn it ud e to c on st it ut e a ri sk o f el ec tr ic s ho ck t o pe rs on s.
The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.
When used in the directed manner, this unit has been designed and manufactured to ensure your personal safety. How ev er, i mp ro pe r us e ca n result in potential electrical shock or fire hazards. Please read all safety and operating instructions carefully before installation and use. Keep these instructions for future reference. Take s pe ci al n ot e of a ll w ar ni ng s li st ed i n these instructions and on the unit.
1. Th e un it s ho ul d no t be u se d ne ar w at er.
2. Th e un it s ho ul d be p la ce d so t ha t it s lo ca ti on o r po si ti on d oe s no t in te rf er e with proper ventilation. Do not cover with a cloth or blanket, or place in a bookshelf or cabinet.
3. Th e un it s ho ul d be a wa y fr om h ea t so ur ce s su ch a s ra di at or s, s to ve s, h ea t registers or other appliances that produce heat. Do not place in direct sunlight.
4. Th e un it s ho ul d be c on ne ct ed t o a po we r su pp ly o nl y of t he t yp e de sc ri be d in this manual, or that is marked on the unit.
5. Power supply cords should be placed so that they are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed around unit. It is always best to have a clear area from the unit to the wall outlet it is plugged into.
6. Th e un it s ho ul d be c le an ed o nl y as r ec om me nd ed . Do n ot u se a br as iv e, benzene, thinner or other solvents to clean the surface of the unit. Use only a mild cleaning solution and a clean soft cloth.
7. Care should be taken so that objects or liquids do not fall on or into any openings on the unit. No vases or wet objects should be placed on top on the unit.
8. Do not overload wall outlets or extension cords as this can result in the risk of electric shock.
9. If the unit is to be left unused for a long period of time, the power cord sh ould be unplugge d to pre vent dam age or corrosion.
10. The user should not attempt to service the unit beyond the measures described in the user manual. Please refer to qualified service personnel for repair.
Play and charge iPhone / iPod Auto time synchronization FM radio87.5-108MHz Clock Dual alarm Sleep timer Snooze
2 1
1.POWER: DC input slot
2.ANT: FM antenna
2 1
8 3
4 6 7
5 9
1.POWER/FUNC: “P ow er o n” b y lo ng p re ss / Function”by short press
2. MEM/SET: “Me mo ry ”i n FM m od e/ “ Tim e se tt in g” w he n FM i s of f
3. MEM+:Memory +
5. Select the previous when in FM mode/Skip to the previ ous when in IPH ONE mode ; Backwa rd by lo ng press
6. VOL+/AL1: Volu me u p when power on/ Alarm clock 1 setting when power off
7. VOL-/AL2: Volume down when power on/ Alarm clock 2 setting when power off
8. Play/Pause when in IPHONE mode
9. SNOOZE/SLEEP/LIGHT: Snooze/Sleep/LED background light when power off
10. IPHONE interface
iPhone/iPod initialization
iPhone/iPod playback mode
FM radio mode
Power On: Insert the DC5V adapter plug into the power socket at the back of
the music station. Th e di sp la y an d ti me w ou ld t ur n on . Th en , lo ng p re ss t he “POWER/FUNC” to power on.
Play: Default “IPHONE” mode is set when power on. Dock the iC1000k. Tap / to s ki p to t he p re vi ou s or t he n ex t so ng , wh il e lo ng press the same buttons for fast-forward and backward. (Can charge IPHONE/IPOD in any mode)
Incoming call alert: When there is an incoming call during IPHONE music playback, the music station will stop the music and shift to ringtone. Music playback would resume when the phone call is finished.
Manual Search and Aut om at ic S ea rc h: S ho rt p re ss / f or m an ua l search; long press / for two seconds for automatic search. Once tuned to you r favori te chann el, pres s “MEM/SET” to st ore the FM stati on while pr ess / to select saving location. Up to 20 FM stations can be stored.
Volu me : Vol um e le ve l ca n be a dj us te d fr om 0 0 to 3 0.
Auto time synchronization: Each time an iPhone/iPod is docked, the clock
would automatically synchronize with the iPhone/iPod time.
Clock manual setting: In standby mode, hold “MEM/SET” button for Clock setting. When you see time digits are flashing press “ ” to set the hours and “ ” to set the minutes. Press “MEM/SET” to set the time and resume to clock mode. The re i s an “ AM ” in di ca to r an d a “P M” i nd ic at or f or d if fe re nt p er io d of t he day.
Alarm 1: In standby mode, press and hold “VOL+/AL1” for al arm sett ing. Whe n the alarm digits fl ash, pre ss“ ”to set hour, “ ”to set minu te an d “VOL+/ AL1 ” to confirm the sett ing. Then tab / to set alarm source (B: Buzzer/ F: FM Radio / I: IPHONE) and “VOL+/AL1” to return to clock mode. (a lower left dot lights up to indicate that Alarm 1 is ready) Double click “VOL+/AL1” to turn on / off Ala rm 1 .
Alarm 2: In standby mode, press and hold “VOL+/AL2” for al arm sett ing. Whe n the alarm digits fl ash, pre ss“ ”to set hour, “ ”to set minu te an d “VOL+/ AL2 ” to confirm the sett ing. Then tab / to set alarm source (B: Buzzer/ F: FM Radio / I: IPHONE) and “VOL+/AL2” to return to clock mode. (a lower left dot lights up to indicate that Alarm 2 is ready) Double click “VOL+/AL2” to turn on / off Ala rm 2.
Snooze: When the Alarm rings, press “SNOOZE/SLEEP/LIGHT” to s no oz e. T he Alarm would freeze and ring again in nine minutes. Press “POWER/FUNC” to stop the alarm.
Sleep: Hit SNOOZE/SLEEP/LIGHT unde r an y fu nc ti on o f pl ay /p au se /s to p an d set the Sleep time from: M-90/ M-80/ M-70/ M-60/ M-50/ M-40/ M-30 / M-20/ M­10/M –OFF.
an IPHONE onto
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B
digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC and ICES-003 Rules. Th es e li mi ts are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. Thi s eq ui pm en t ge ne ra te s, u se s an d ca n ra di at e ra di o frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off an d on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measure: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna; Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver; Connect the equipment to a supply outlet diff er en t fr om t ha t to w hi ch t he receiver is connected; Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Consumer Electronics, Home Appliances and Home Offi ce P ro du ct s
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BlueTro ni cs G ro up g iv es t he f ol lo wi ng e xp re ss w ar ra nt y to t he o ri gi na l consumer purchaser or gift recipient for this MAGNASONIC product, when shipped in its original container and sold or distributed in Canada by BlueTro ni cs G ro up o r by a n Au th or iz ed M AG NA SO NI C De al er :
BlueTro ni cs G ro up w ar ra nt s th at t hi s pr od uc t is f re e, u nd er n or ma l us e and maintenance, from any defects in material and workmanship. If any such defects should be found in this product within the applicable warranty period, BlueTro ni cs G ro up s ha ll , at i ts o pt io n, r ep ai r or r ep la ce t he product as specified herein. Replacement parts furnished in connection with this warranty shall be warranted for a period equal to the unexpired portion of the original equipment warranty.
This warranty shall not apply to: a. Any defects caused or repairs required as a result of abusive operation,
negligence, accident, improper installation or inappropriate use as outlined in the owner’ s ma nu al . b. Any MAGNASONIC product tampered with, modified, adjusted or repaired by any party other than BlueTro ni cs G ro up o r MA GN AS ON IC ’s Authorized Service Centres. c. Damage caused or repairs required as a result of the use with items not specified or approved by BlueTr on ic s Gr ou p, i nc lu di ng b ut n ot l im it ed t o head cleaning tapes and chemical cleaning agents. d. Any replacement of accessories, glassware, consumable or peripheral items required through normal use of the product including but not limited to earphones, remote controls, AC adapters, batteries, temperature probe, stylus, trays, filters, cables, paper, cabinet, cabinet parts, knobs, buttons, baskets, stands, shelves, cookware and cooking utensils. e. Any cosmetic damage to the surface or exterior that has been defaced or caused by normal wear and tear. f. Any damage caused by external or environmental conditions, including but not limited to transmission line/power line voltage or liquid spillage. g. Any product received without appropriate model, serial number and CSA/cUL/ cULus/c ET L/ c ET Lu s ma rk in gs . h. Any products used for rental or commercial purposes. I. Any installation, setup and/or programming charges.
Should this MAGNASONIC product fail to operate during the warranty period, warranty service may be obtained upon delivery of the MAGNASONIC product together with proof of purchase and a copy of this LIMITED WAR RA NT Y st at em en t to a n Au th or iz ed M AG NA SO NI C Se rv ic e Centre. In-home warranty service may be provided at BlueTr on ic s Gr ou p’s discretion on any MAGNASONIC television with the screen size of 27” or larger. This warranty constitutes the entire express warranty granted by BlueTro ni cs G ro up a nd n o ot he r de al er , se rv ic e ce nt re o r th ei r ag en t or employee is authorized to extend, enlarge or transfer this warranty on behalf of BlueTro ni cs G ro up . To the e xt en t th e la w pe rm it s, B lu eTr on ic s Group disclaims any and all liability for direct or indirect damages or losses or for any incidental, special or consequential damages or loss of profits resulting from a defect in material or workmanship relating to the product, including damages for the loss of time or use of this MAGNASONIC product or the loss of information. The purchaser will be responsible for any removal, reinstallation, transportation and insurance costs incurred. Correction of defects, in the manner and period of time described herein, constitute complete fulfillment of all obligations and responsibilities of BlueTro ni cs G ro up t o th e pu rc ha se r wi th r es pe ct t o th e pr od uc t an d sh al l constitute full satisfaction of all claims, whether based on contract, negligence, strict liability or otherwise.
DVD Products: 1 Year ( R em ot e Co nt ro l— 90 D ay s)LCD & Plasma Display TV: 1 Yea r ( Re mo te C on tr ol —9 0 Da ys )Television Products: 1 Yea r ( Re mo te C on tr ol —9 0 Da ys )VCR Products: 1 Year ( R em ot e Co nt ro l— 90 D ay s, Video Heads—6
Months) Home Appliances: 1 Yea r
--Microwave Magnetron parts only additional 3 Year s
--Refrigerator / Freezer Compressor parts only, additional 4 years Heating/Cooling & Humidification Products: 1Year ( Re mo te C on tr ol —9 0 Da ys )
--Compressor parts only (if applicable) , ad di ti on al 4 y ea rs Home Offi ce : 1 Year
To obtain the name and address of the nearest Authorized MAGNASONIC Service Centre or for more information on this warranty
--Vis it w ww . ma gn as on ic . ca
--Mail your inquiry to BlueTro ni cs G ro up MAGNASONIC Customer Service Niagara, ON L2H 1J9; or
--Call toll free 1- 800 - 663 - 5954, Monday to Friday 9:00am – 5:0 0p m Eastern Tim e.
MAG NA SO NIC i s a re gi ste re d tr ade - ma rk
of Bl ue Tro ni cs Gr ou p
02.2 01 0
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