Magikitch'n SMOKER BOX User Manual

smolder. Do Not allow the wood pieces to ignite.
Always wear protective clothing when working with the
smoker box unit. Metal surfaces become very hot and may
cause severe burns.
ONLY USE Naturally produced untreated hardwood pieces in
this smoker box.
DO NOT USE any processed or chemically treated wood in this
smoker box. Using processed or treated wood in this smoker
box will render food inedible and cause serious illness.
DO NOT overload the smoker box, overloading the smoker box
will void the warranty and cause serious injury.
ONLY USE wood pieces that are two(2) inches in diameter or
smaller, DO NOT stack wood pieces higher than the sides of
the smoker box.
READ AND FOLLOW the instructions completely prior to
operating the appliance with the smoker box.
L80-104 REV. 2 (3/12)
L80-104 REV. 2 (3/12)
1- Place one (1) smoker box in each water tub. Using more than one smoker box per water tub
will void the warranty.
2- Only use naturally produced untreated wood pieces, Do not use artificially processed or
chemically treated wood pieces. The wood pieces should be two (2) inches in diameter or smaller.
3- Use wood pieces of your choice and soak the wood pieces for a minimum of 30 minutes.
Soak overnight for optimal results. Keep the wood pieces moist or the the radiant heat from the burners above may ignite the wood pieces. Remember this feature is designed to add flavor and is not a fuel source to cook the food. Do not overload the smoker box, the wood pieces should be a few inches from the front and back edges of the smoker box, and should not extend higher than the top edges of the smoker box. During use the wood pieces should be moist at all times.
4- Add water to the water tub(s) by sliding it out a maximum of 3". Fill the water tub with 2" of water.
Slide the water tub back into place, refill to the 2" level as the water evaporates during use. Be careful when sliding the water tubs in and out as the contents may be hot.
5- Remove old ashes after each day's use of the smoker box, Do not leaves ashes overnight
in the smoker box. Do not remove hot ashes if there are glowing embers or coals in the ashes to be disposed. Dispose of hot ash or coals in a listed and approved Fire safeĀ­Self extinguishing container. DO NOT dispose of hot ash or coals in the trash.
Keep the wood pieces moist at all times.
In the event of problems with, or questions about your equipment,
please contact the MagiKitch'n Authorized Service and Parts
Representative (ASAP) covering your area, or contact MagiKitch'n
by phone or the world wide web.
Phone- (603) 225-6684
L80-104 REV. 2 (3/12)
L80-104 REV. 2 (3/12)