Answers to Questions ..................................... 18 Safety
Grounding ...................................................... 6
Care and Cleaning .................................... 19-21 Important Safety Instructfons
Replacing Light Bulbs ............................ 20-21 and Registration ......................................... 2-5
Interference Note ........................................... 6
Oven Operation Precautions to Avoid
Adding or Subtracting Cook Time ................ 12 Possible Exposure
Auto Cook .................................................... 12 to Excessive Microwave Energy .................... 3
Auto Defrost ........................................... 14-16
Cook Time .................................................... 10 Service Information ................................... 22-23
Keep Warm .................................................. 13
Metal Rack ................................................... 13 Warranty ......................................................... 24
Memories ..................................................... 11
Oven Controls ............................................ 7-9
Popcorn ........................................................ 12
Power ........................................................... 11
Quick Minute ................................................ 13
Reheat Cooking Guide ................................ 17
Time of Day Clock ........................................ 10
Timer ............................................................ 10
The Federal Government requires that records Include the Model Number and Serial Number
be filed on the location of all microwave ovens, in all correspondence. These numbers are
A registration card, packed inside this oven, is found on the rating plate which is located on
used to track the location of our microwave the oven front frame behind the door. Write the
ovens. Please fill in the registration card now information here for handy reference.
and mail to us. If you move, register your new
address by writing to us at the address below.
If you bought this microwave oven from a DATE PURCHASED
previous owner, please establish your owner-
ship by writing to:
Maytag Customer Service MODEL NUMBER
Warranty Administration
P.O. Box 4970
Cleveland, TN 37320-4970 SERIAL NUMBER

a. Do not attempt to operate this oven with damage tothe: (1) door (bent), (2)hinges
the door open since open door opera- and latches (broken or loosened), (3)
tion can result in harmful exposure to door seals and sealing surfaces.
microwave energy. It is important notto
defeat or tamper with the safety inter- d. The oven should not be adjusted or re-
locks, paired by anyone except properly quali-
fied service personnel.
b. Do not place any object between the
ovenfrontfaceandthedoororallowsoil e. Do not operate the microwave oven if
or cleaner residue to accumulate on the door window is broken. The micro-
sealing surfaces, wave oven should be checked for
microwave leakage by qualified service
c. Do not operate the oven if it isdamaged, personnel after a repair is made.
It is particularly important that the oven
door close properly and that there is no f. Do not operate the microwave oven
with the outer cabinet removed.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety 5. Some products such as whole eggs and
precautions should be followed, including the sealed containers - for example, closed
following: glass jars - may explode and should not
WARNING- To reduce the risk of burns, elec- poached eggs have been known to ex-
tric shock, fire, injury to persons or exposure to plode. Cover poached eggs and allow a
excessive microwave energy: standing time of one minute before cutting
1. Read all instructions before using the appli- 6. Foods with unbroken outer"skin" such as
ance. potatoes, sausages, tomatoes, apples,
2. Read and follow the specific "PRECAU- chicken livers and other giblets, and egg
TIONSTOAVOIDPOSSIBLEEXPOSURE yolks (see previous caution) should be
TO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY" pierced to allow steam to escape during
found above, cooking. "Boilable" cooking pouches and
3. This appliance must be grounded. Con- tightly closed plastic bags should be slit,
nect only to properly grounded outlet. See pierced, or vented.
"GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS" on Page 7. Do not heat, store or use flammable ma-
6. terials in or near the oven. Fumes can
4. Install or locate this appliance in accor- create a fire hazard or explosion.
dance with the provided installation instruc-
be heated inthis oven. In rare instances,
into them.

8. Use this appliance only for its intended use b. Remove wire twist-ties from paper or
as described in this manual. Do not use plastic bags before placing bag inoven.
corrosive chemicals or vapors inthis appli- c. If materials inside the oven should ig-
ance. This type of oven is specifically nite, keep oven door closed, turn oven
designed to heat, cook, or defrost food. It off, and disconnect the power cord, or
isnot designed for industrial, laboratory, or shut off power at the fuse or circuit
commercial use. It is intended for home breaker panel.
use only. Do not use for drying clothes, d. Do not use the oven for storage.
linens, newspaper, orsimilarnon-foodtype e. Do not pop popcorn except in a micro-
items, wave approved popcorn popper or in a
9. As with any appliance, close supervision is commercial package recommended es-
necessary when used by children, pecially for microwave ovens.
10.Do not operate this appliance if it has a 19.Do not operate the oven when empty.
damaged cord or plug, if it is not working 20. Do not lean on the oven door. The door is
properly, or if it has been damaged or designed to close tightly and seal properly
dropped, for safe operation. Leaning on the door
11.This appliance should be serviced only by may warp or break the hinges.
qualified service personnel. Contact near- 21.To avoid exposure to dangerous high volt-
estauthofizedservicefacilityforexamina- age, DO NOT REMOVE THE OUTER
tion, repair or adjustment. CASE.
12.Do not cover or block any openings on the 22. Do not store metal oven rack in oven. Use
appliance, the rack only when cooking more than one
13.Do not use outdoors. Do not use this prod- dish. Do not use microwave browning dish
uct nearwater-forexample, near a kitchen on the shelf; the shelf could overheat.
sink, in a wet basement, or near a swim- 23.Liquids heated in certain shaped contain-
ming pool, and the like. ers (especially cylindrical-shaped contain-
14.Do not immerse cord or plug in water, ers) may become overheated, splash out
15.Keep cord away from heated surfaces, with a _oudnoise. For best results, stir the
16.Do not let cord hang over edge of table or liquid several times before heating. AI-
counter, ways stir liquids several times between
17.When cleaning surfaces of door and oven rehearings.
that come together on closing the door, 24. Read and follow specific microwave oven
use only mild, non-abrasive soaps or de- preparation instructions on food packages
tergents applied with a sponge or soft orcontainers(especiallybabyfood). Above
cloth, all, this is a cooking appliance designed to
18.To reduce the risk of fire in the oven cavity: prepare food.
a. Do not overcook food. Carefully attend 25. Use only cooking utensils and accessories
appliance if paper, plastic, orother corn- made for use in the microwave and specifi-
bustible materials are placed inside the cally described in this manual or cook-
oven to facilitate cooking. Avoid using book.
recycled paper products. Do not use 26. Microwaveoven manufacturers do not rec-
newspaperorotherprintedpaperinthe ommend deep fat frying or frying in a
oven. Such products sometimes con- microwave oven. Hot oil can damage oven
tain impurities which could ignite, parts and utensils and even result in skin

27.Plastic wrap: Use only those types de- usingmetalinmicrowaveoven, keepmetal
signed for microwave oven use and avoid (other than metal shelf) at least 1-inch
forming an air-tight seal. Fold backa small away from sides of oven.
corner or cut a small sTitto allow steam to 31. Do not defrost frozen beverages in narrow
escape, necked bottles.
28.Stay near the appliance while it is in use 32.Cookware may become hot because of
and check cooking progress frequently, heat transferredfromthe heated food. Pot
Leaving the appliance unattended may holdersmaybeneededtohandlethecook-
result in overcooked food and possibly a ware.
fire in your oven. 33.Do not try to melt paraffin wax in the oven.
29. Do not store the temperature probe in the Paraffin wax will not melt in a microwave
oven. oven because itallows microwaves to pass
30.Use metal only as directed in the cook- through it.
book. TV dinners may be microwaved in 34.This appliance is suitable for use above
foil trays less than 3/4" deep; remove top both gas and electric cooking appliances
foil cover and return tray to box. When 36" or less.
In addition to starting by touching the fan 2. DO NOT allow grease and soil to build up
switch, the exhaust fan may start automati- inthe exhaust filter. Exhaust fan efficiency
cally if excessive temperatures occur around will decrease and fire may result. Clean
the microwave oven. This may occur with high frequently following the filter cleaning in-
temperature frying or long term cooking onthe structions.
cooktop surface below the hood or during 3. DO NOT flame foods when operating the
broiling or the pyrolytic (self) cleaning of a exhaust fan. The fan, if operating, may
range, spread the flame and cause personal in-
This automatic exhaust fan feature is de- jury or property damage.
signedtopreventdamagefromoverheatingof 4. In the event of a grease fire, smother
the oven parts. The exhaust fan may stay on flaming pan on surface unit by covering
as long as 30 minutes to cool the oven. The pan completely with welt-fitting lid.
cooling time will depend on removar of the 5. Use care when cleaning the vent hood
heat source. Pushing the fan switch will not filter. Corrosive cleaning agents, such as
turn the fan off. lye-based oven cleaners, may damage the
Because of the automatic exhaust fan lea- filter.
ture, the following cautions must be observed: 6. Do not change the cooktop or oven lights
without turning the power off at the main
1. DO NOT leave the area when using your power supply. Electrical shock may
cooktop at a high setting. Accidental fires result.
from boilover or spattering on the surface
unit could spread, especially if the exhaust
fan is operating.

This appliance must be grounded. In the Microwave ovens generate radio frequency
event of an electrical short circuit,grounding energy during operation, and if not installed
reducesthe riskof electricshockby providing properlymay cause interference to radio and
an escape wire for the electriccurrent. This televisionreception. Youcandetermine ifthis
appliance is equipped with a corcl having a unitiscausinginterferencebyturning it onand
groundingwire with a grounding plug. The offwhile the interference isoccurring. If inter-
plug must be plugged into an outlet that is ference occurs it may be corrected by one or
properlyinstalled and grounded, more of the followingmeasures:
WARNING- Improper use of the grounding • clean door and sealing surfaces of the
plug can result in a risk of electric shock, oven;
Consult a qualified electrician or serviceman • reorient the receiving antenna;
if the grounding instructions are not com-
pletely understood, or if doubt exists as to • relocate the oven with respect to the re-
whether the appliance is property grounded ceiver; and/or
and either:
• plug the oven into a different outlet so that
1) If it is absolutely necessary to use an it and the receiver are on different circuits.
extension cord, use only a 3-wire exten-
sion cord that has a 3-blade grounding If the interference persists, you may want to
plug, and a 3 slot receptacle that will consult an experienced radio/television tech-
accept the plug on the appliance. The nician for additional suggestions.
marked rating of the extension cord shall
be equal to or greater than the electrical
rating of the appliance, or,
2) Do not use an extension cord. If the
power supply cord is too short, have a
qualified electrician or serviceman install
an outlet near the appliance.

Optional Two Position
Metal Rack. Accessory
Part # 120011464 used
to give the microwave
oven cooking flexibility.
Offers the user the op-
tionof cookingor reheat- Cooking Guide
ing more than one food Label
at a time. (See p. 13) i
Rating Label i , .,
\_ ! //
_'_ __7
I Vent Grille
I / Display Window.
PI_ _ !,\ Touch Control Panel.
i_J _ gram of control panelJZl
--i _ on page 8-9.)
, / '\ // _ Filters
/ / _Cooktop Light (See p. 1g-20 for cleaning
oor Latch. These _ instructions.)
will slide intothe inter- Window. Toviewthe
lock. Ifdoorisnotcom- foods while cooking. Safety Interlock System.
pletelyclosedtheoven No microwaves can Safety latches in the micro-
will not operate, pass through the wave oven door. All ovens
metalshieldinthiswin- have at least two latches
dow. which stop the operation of
the oven when the door is
NOTE FOR NONVENTED INSTALLATION ONLY: Use Charcoal Filter Kit ( Part # 57001078) available
from your Maytag Customer Service Parts Distributor,
See more detailed dia-

Display Window
=_= ,_.pH.=.-H --Number Pads
¢=ek "4_rm eft"
Function Pads
iit _lEllt til]_Jl_LIIIII
____O.=k =°P --Clock and Timer
I_ll;ll_lEI] I=1_ I=1111 •
I...................... ' Pads
tart and Stop/
Clear Pads
On _
Vent Fan Pads C o op g a s
. ,old L' htPd