TimeSavor TMRange
featuring the Speed Oven
Keep these instructions for future reference. If you have
any questions please call us at 1-800-688-1120
iMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ....... 1-4 Preheating ................................ 11
SpeedOvenfeatureonly ..................... 4 Oven operation............................ 12
Precautionsto avoidpossib(e exposure Automaticovencookingfeature .......... 12-13
to excessive microwave energy ............ 4 Conventional baking tips .................... 14
Conventionalbakingchart ................... 15
CLOCK AND OVEN CONTROL .............. 5-6 Common baking problems chart ............. 16
Clock and oven operation .................... 5 Roasting .................................. 17
SpeedOven operation ....................... 6 Broiling ................................... 18
COOKTOP USE .............................. 7 SPEED OVEN FEATURE ................. 19-22
Control knobs .............................. 7 General information ........................ 19
Cookingtips ................................ 7 "Hold" .................................... 19
Cookware .................................. 7 Frequently asked questions about
Canning ................................... 7 SpeedOven ............................ 20
Heatsetting guide ........................... 7 SpeedCook 1or Speed Cook 2 ............. 21
SMOOTHTOPCOOKTOP ................... 8-9
Cookingareas .............................. 8 MAINTENANCE ............................. 23
Hot surface light ............................ 8 Cooktop light .............................. 23
Retainedheat .............................. 8 Oven light ................................. 23
Cooking tips ................................ 8 Ovendoor ................................ 23
Cookware .................................. 8 Doorlock lever ............................ 23
To protectsmoothtop ........................ 8 Storagedrawer ............................ 23
Care information ............................ 9 Levelinglegs .............................. 23
Defrost/Heat .............................. 22
COIL COOKTOP ............................. 10 SELF-CLEAN OVEN ..................... 24-25
Cooktop .................................. 10
Surface elements .......................... 10 CAREAND CLEANING CHART ............... 26
Indicator lights ............................. 10
Dripbowl ................................. 10 SERVICE INFORMATION ................. 27-29
Before you call for service ................... 27
OVEN USE (For Conventional Cooking)... 11-18 Explanationof fault codes ................... 28
Ovencharacteristics........................ 11 Adjustingoventemperature ................. 28
Fan ...................................... 11 Howte obtainservice....................... 29
Ovenracks ................................ 11
Useofaluminumfoil........................ 11 WARRANTY ................................ 30

Readall instructions beforeusingthisappliance.
Thefollowinginstructionsarebasedon Storageabove range- Toeliminate Useproper pansize- This
safetyconsiderationsandmustbe thehazardofreachingoverhotsurface applianceisequippedwithoneormore
strictlyfollowedtoeliminatethe elements,cabinetstorageshouldnot surfaceelementsofdifferentsizes.
potentialrisksoffire,electricshock,or beprovideddirectlyaboveaunit.If Selectutensilshavingfiatbottomslarge
personalinjury, provided,storageshouldbelimitedto enoughtocoverthesurfaceelement.
infrequentlyuseditemsthatcanbe Theuseofundersizedutensilswill
Properinstallation- Besureyour safelystoredinanareasubiectedto exposeaportionoftheheatingelement
applianceisproperlyinstalledand heat.Temperaturesmaybeunsafefor todirectcontactandmayresultin
groundedbyaqualifiedtechnician, someitemssuchasvolatileliquids, ignitionofclothing.Properrelationship
Careshouldbegiventolocationof cleaners,oraerosolsprays.Ifcabinet ofutensiltoelementwillalsoimprove
appliance- Besurefloorcovering rangehoodthatprojectsatleast
underappliance,wallsadjacentto 5-inchesbeyondthebottomofthe Neverleavesurfaceunits
appliance,cabinetryadjacentto cabinetwillreducethehazards unattendedathigh heat
appliance,andothermaterialsadjacent associatedwithsuchstorage, settings- Boiloverscausesmoking
heat.Thisisaheavyapplianceandcan Wearproperapparel- Loose-fitting andgreasyspilloversmayignite.
settleintosoftfloorcoveringssuchas orhanginggarmentsshouldneverbe Topreventdamageto range-
cushionedvinyl.Usecarewhenmoving wornwhileusingtheappliance. Neveroperateasurfaceunitwithouta
Afterapplianceisinstalled- Be replaceanypartoftheappliance boildry.
certainallpackingmaterialsare unlessspecificallyrecommendedinthe
removedfromtheappliancebefore Owner'sGuide.Allotherservicing Makesuredripbowlsare in
operatingtheunit.Ifapplianceis shouldbereferredtoaqualified place- Absenceofthesebowlsduring
installednearawindow,takestepsto technician.Alwaysdisconnectunitor cookingmaysubjectwiringor
preventcurtainsfromblowingover cut-offpowertounitbeforeany componentsunderneathtodamage.
surfaceelementscreatingafirehazard, servicing. Protectiveliners- Donotuse
Neveruseyourappliancefor Storagein,onornearappliance- aluminumfoillinerstolinesurfaceunit
warmingorheatingtheroom. Donotstoreorusegasolineorother dripbowlsorovenbottom,exceptas
,._ I/_ _ z intheoven,nearsurfaceunitsorinthe Improperinstallationoftheseliners
storageisprovided,installationofa efficiency.
Userservicing- Donotrepairor paninplaceandneverallowapanto
flammablematerials,vaporsandliquids suggestedintheOwner'sGuide.
, " i: r_ _ vicinityofthisoranyotherappliance, mayresultinariskofelectricshock,or
• asastorageareaforfoodorcooking Glazedcookingutensils- Only
utensils, certaintypesofglass,glass/ceramic,
,,,.. Useonlydrypotholders- Moistor utensilsaresuitableforrange-top
_ _ Thefumescancreateafireh_ardor fire.I;
damppotholdersonhotsurfacesmay servicewithoutbreakingduetothe
resultinburnsfromsteam.Donotlet suddenchangeintemperature.
c_oths, (continuednext page)

Utensilhandlesshouldbeturned SpeedOvenfeaturewillnegatively a steamburn.Somecleanerscan
inwardandnotextendoveradjacent affecthowthisfeatureoperates.Use producenoxiousfumesifappliedtoa
surfaceunits- Toreducetheriskof aluminumfoilonlyasdirectedinthis hotsurface.
burns,ignitionofflammablematerials, manual.
andspillageduetounintentional Ovendoor- Donotplaceexcessive
contactwiththeutensil,thehandleofa Cleanventilatinghoodsfrequently- weightonanopenovendoororstand
utensilshouldbepositionedsothatitis Greaseshouldnotbeallowedto onanopenovendooras,insome
turnedinward,anddoesnotextend accumulateonhoodorfilter.When cases,itcouldcausetherangetotip
overadjacentsurfaceelements, flamingfoodsunderthehood,turnthe over,breakageofthedoor,orserious
Donotsoakremovableheating spreadtheflame.
elements- Heatingelementsshould _. j
neverbeimmersedinwater.Immersing Deepfatfryers- Useextremecaution
elementinwaterwoulddamage whenmovingthegreasekettleor
insulatingmaterialinsideelement, disposingofhotgrease.
Usecarewhenopeningdoor- Let Donottouchsurfaceelementsor
hotairorsteamescapebefore ovenelements,areasnearelements
removingorreplacingfood. orinteriorsurfacesofoven-
Donotheatunopenedfood aredarkincolor.Areasnearsurface
containers- Build-upofpressuremay elementsandinteriorsurfacesofoven
fanoff.Thefan,ifoperating,may injury.
causecontainertoburstandresultin maybecomehotenoughtocause Toavoidpossibleexposureto
injury, burns.Duringandafteruse,donot microwaveenergy,donotoperate
Keepovenventducts touchorletclothingorotherflammable theovenusingtheSpeedOven
unobstructed- Theventislocatedat materialscontactheatingelements, featureiftheovendoorlocking
thebaseofthebackguard.Blockageof areasnearelements,orinterior mechanismordoorsealis
ventpreventsproperovenair surfacesofovenuntiltheyhavehad damaged.Seepage4for
circulationandwillaffectoven sufficienttimetocool.Amongthese additionalsafetyinstructions.
performance.Avoidtouchingovenvent areasarethecooktop,surfacesfacing Anti-tip bracket warning:
areawhileovenisonandforseveral thecooktop,ovenventopeningand
minutesafterovenhasbeenturnedoff. surfacesnearthisopening,ovendoor, Toreducetheriskoftippingofthe
Somepartsoftheventandsurroundingandovenwindow.Also,donotallow appliancefromunusualusageorby
areabecomehotenoughtocause metalobject,otherthanautensilona appliancemustbesecuredbya
burns, properlyinstalledanti-tipdevice.To
Placementofovenracks- Always elements, checkifdeviceisinstalledproperly:
whileoveniscool.Ifrackmustbe Smoothtopcooktop- Donotcookon rangetoseethatoneoftherear
movedwhilehot,usecaretoavoid brokencooktop.Ifcooktopshould levelinglegsisengagedinthebracket
contactofpotholderwithovenelement, break,cleaningsolutionsandspillovers slot.Whenremovingappliancefor
Donotcoverovenracks,theoven createariskofelectricshock.Contact engagedwhenrangeisreplaced.The
bottomoranyotherpartoftheoven aqualifiedtechnicianimmediately, anti-tipdevicesecurestherearleveling
withaluminumfoil- Thiswillcause Cleancooktopwithcaution.Ifawet legtothefloor,whenproperlyengaged.
overheatingoftheoven.Theincorrect spongeorclothisusedtowipespillson (continuednextpage)
useofaluminumfoilwhenusingthe ahotcookingarea,becarefultoavoid
aluminumfoil,meatprobesoranyother excessiveloadingoftheovendoor,the
maypenetratethebrokencooktopand cleaning,besureanti-tipdeviceis

Circuitbreakerorfuse- Locateand Donotleavechildrenalone- Thisappliancehasbeentestedfor
markbreakerorfuse.Neverreplacea Childrenshouldnotbeleftaloneor safeperformanceusing
blownfuseorresetabreakeruntilyou unattendedinanareawhereappliance conventionalcookware.Donotuse
knowwhathascausedtheproblem, isinuse.Theyshouldneverbeallowed anydevicesoraccessoriesthatarenot
Alwaysreplaceablownfusewithone tositorstandonanypartofthe specificallyrecommendedinthis
ofthecorrectamperage,donotusea appliance.CAUTION:Donotstore manual.Donotuseeyelidcoversfor
substitute, itemsofinteresttochildrenincabinets thesurfaceunits,stovetopgrills,or
aboveanapplianceoronthe add-onovenconvectionsystems.The
Controlknobs- Turnoftcontrolatthe backguardofarange, useofdevicesoraccessoriesthatare
completionofacookingoperation, notexpresslyrecommendedinthis
Self-cleaningoven- Donotclean manualcancreateserioussafety
doorgasket.Thedoorgasketis _ =-_--P',J"_k / hazards,resultinperformance
betakennottorub,damage,ormove componentsoftheappliance.
orovenlinerprotectivecoatingofany Preparedfoodwarning- Followfood
kindinoraroundanypartofthe _ manufacturer'sinstructions.Ifaplastic
inthisbooklet.Beforeself-cleaningthe coverdistorts,warps,orisotherwise
essentialforagoodseal.Careshould ___/ problems,andreducethelifeofthe
oven,removebroilerpan,ovenracks, damagedduringcooking,immediately
self-cleanoven.Cleanonlypartslisted _ frozenfoodcontainerand/oritsfilm
andotherutensils.Listenforafan.A foodcouldbecontaminated.
fannoiseshouldbeheardduringa Childrenclimbingontheapplianceto
cleaningcycle.Ifnot,cancelclean reachitemscouldbeseriouslyinjured. Important safety notice and
cycleandcalla qualifiedtechnician Childrenmustbetaughtthatthe warning: TheCaliforniaSafeDrinking
beforeself-cleaningagain, applianceandutensilsinoronitcanbe WaterandToxicEnforcementActof
Itisnormalforthecooktopoftherange hot.Childrenshouldbetaughtthatan 1986 (Proposition65) requiresthe
tobecomehotduringaself-clean applianceisnotatoy.Theyshouldnot GovernorofCaliforniatopublishalistof
cycle.Therefore,touchingorliftingthe beallowedtoplaywithcontrolsorother substancesknownto the State of
cooktopduringacleancycleshouldbe partsoftheunit. Californiato cause cancer or
avoided, reproductiveharm, and requires
CAUTION:DONOTLEAVEFOODOR 1. Turnoffapplianceandventilating potentialexposurestosuchsubstances.
COOKINGUTENSILS,ETC.,INOVEN hood.Disconnectpowerat the
DURINGTHESELF-CLEANING fuseorcircuitbreaker. Usersofthisappliancearehereby
MODEOFOPERATION. 2. Usedrychemicalorfoam-type engagedintheself-cleancyclethere
ATTENTION:NELAISSERAUCUN extinguisheror bakingsodato maybesomelow-levelexposureto
ALIMENT,USTENSILEDECUISINE, smotherfireorflame.Neveruse someofthelistedsubstances,
ETC.,DANSLEFOURDURANTLE wateronagreasefire. includingcarbonmonoxide.Exposure
CYCLED'AUTONETTOYAGE. 3. Iffireisinoven,smotherbyclosing tothesesubstancescanbeminimized
IN CASE OFFIRE: businessesto warn customersof
ovendoor. byproperlyventingtheappliancetothe
4. Iffireisinapanonthesurfaceunit,
coverpan. (continued next page)

A. DonotattempttooperatethisovenwiththedooropenC. Do notoperatethe ovenif it is damaged.It is
sinceopen-dooroperationcan resultin harmful particularlyimportantthattheovendoorclosepropedy
exposuretomicrowaveenergy.Itisimportantnotto andthatthereisnodamagetothe:(I}Door(bent),(2)
defeatortamperwiththesafetyinterlocks, hingesandlatches(brokenorloosened),(3)door
B. Donotplaceanyobjectbetweentheovenfrontface sealsandsealingsurfaces.
andthedooror allowsoilorcleanerresidueto D. Theovenshouldnotbe adjustedorrepairedby
accumulateonsealingsurfaces, anyoneexceptproperlyqualifiedservicepersonnel.
WhenusingtheSpeedOvenfeaturebasicsafetyprecautions 10.Donotcoverorblockanyopeningsontheoven.
shouldbefo}lowed,includingthefoUowing: 11.Donot storethisapplianceoutdoors.Donotusethis
productnearwater- forexample,nearakitchensink,in
WARNING - Toreducetheriskofburns,electricalshock, awetbasement,ornearaswimmingpool,andthelike.
fire,injurytopersonsorexposureto excessivemicrowave
energy: 12.Donotimmersecordorpluginwater.
13. Whencleaningsurfacesof doorandoventhatcome
1. Readalltheinstructionsbeforeusingtheappliance, togetherondosingdoor,useonlymild,nonabrasive
2. Readandfollowthe specific"precautionsto avoid soapsordetergentsappliedwithaspongeorsoftcloth.
possibleexposureto excessivemicrowaveenergy" Donotcleanorrubthegasketaroundtheovendoor.
foundatthetopofthispage. 14. Toreducetheriskoffireintheovencavity:
3. This appliancemustbe properlygrounded.See a. Donotovercookfood,especiallystarchyitemssuch
installationinstructionsforgroundinginstructions, aspotatoesandfattyitemssuchasbacon.Carefully
4. Installorlocatethisapplianceonlyinaccordancewiththe attendapplianceif heat-proofpaperor plastic
installationinstructions, containersareplacedinsidetheoven.If aplastic
5. Someproductssuchas wholeeggsand sealed
containers,suchasclosedglassjars,mayexplodeand immediatelydiscardthefoodanditscontainer.The
shouldnotbeheatedinthisoven. foodcouldbecontaminated.
warpsor is otherwisedamagedduringcooking,
6. Usethisapplianceonlyforitsintendeduseasdescribed b. Removewiretwist-tiesfromheat-preefpaperor
inthismanualorintheSpeedOvenCookingGuide.Do ovencookingbagsbeforeplacingbaginoven.
Thistypeofovenisspecificallydesignedtoheat,cook, c. Ifmaterialsinsidetheovenshouldignite,keepoven
ordefrostfood.Donotusefordryingclothes,linens, doorclosed,turnovenoffandshutoffpoweratthe
newspaper,or similarnon-foodtypeitems.It is not fuseordrouitbreakerpanel.
designedforindustrial,laboratory,orcommercialuse.It d. Donotusethecavityforstoragepurposes.Donot
isintendedforhomeuseonly. leavepaperproducts,cookingutensils,orfoodinthe
7. Makesurethat all personsusingthisappliance, cavitywhennotinuse.Useonlyheat-proofpaperor
especiallychildren,arecloselysupervisedandproperly conventionaloven.
8. Donotoperatethisapplianceifithasadamagedcordor 15. Useonlycookingutensilsandaccessories,specifically
plug,ifitisnotworkingproperly,orifithasbeendamaged describedinthismanualorinthecookingguide.
ordropped. 16. Donotuseoutdoors.
9. Thisapplianceshouldbe servicedonlybyqualified t 7. Stayneartheovenwhileitisinuseandcheckcooking
servicepersonnel.Contactthe nearestauthorized progressfrequently.Leavingtheovenunattendedmay
servicefacilityforexamination,repairorreplacement.Do resultinovercookedfoodandpossiblyafireinyouroven.
plasticcontainersrecommendedfor use in a

!d s=o
• I-I I-I n n n ]
c.oc,l[coo:I[c.,= I ]
(Note: Allindicator words are displayed to show their location.)
Press this pad to cancel all t, PressCLEAN. Turn this knob in either directionto
programmingexcept the Clock and 2, Closeandlock ovendoor, entertimeortemperature.Thisknob
Timer, 3. Ovenwillautomaticallycleanfor 3 isalsousedtoselectHI or Lo broil,
hours. Select 2 to 4 hours by
TIMER turningSET knob, OVEN TEMP
1. PressTIMER.
2. TurnSET knobto desiredtime. "door"willappearindisplayuntilthe t, PressOVENTEMP,
door isproperlylocked.Seepages24 2. Turn SET knob until desired oven
TIMER can be set from 1 minute and 25for additional information, temperature appears in the
(0HR:01) up to 9 hours and 50 display.
minutes (9 HR:50).The TIMER does COOK TIME/STOP TIME
not control the oven. See pages 11 to 17 for additional
To begin cooking immediately: informationon conventional baking
The timing operation will start 1. PressCOOK TIME. Enterdesired and roasting.Do notpressthispad if
automatically.Colonswillflash inthe cookingtime by turningthe SET usingthe SpeedOvenfeature.
displayto indicatea timingoperation, knob.
OnelongcontinuousDeepsignalsthe 2. Press OVEN TEMP. Enter oven BROIL
endofthetimingoperationand "End" temperaturewithSET knob.
briefly appears in the display.The 1. PressBROIL.
time of day will automatically 2. TurnSET knobclockwisetoselect
reappearinthe display.The TIMER To delay the start of cooking: HI broil or counter clockwise to
doesnotcontrolthe oven. t. PressCOOKTIME. Entercooking selectLObroil.
Tocancel: PressTIMER andholdfor 2. PressSTOP TIME. Enterthetime See page 18 for additional
3 seconds.Time of daywillreappear youwishthe ovento turn off with information.
after a slightdelay. SET knob.
1. PressCLOCK. temperaturewithSET knob. A beep soundseachtimea pad is
2. TurnSETknob untildisplayshows The oven will automaticallyturn on pressed.
correcttimeofday. andoffat the presettimes. 4 beeps If "door"appears in the displayit
When powerisfirstsuppliedto oven willsignalthe end of cooking."End" indicates that the door is not
or ifthere has been a powerfailure, will appear in the display and locked. See page 23 for
the displaywill flash. Followabove continuousbeeps will promptyouto instructionson lockingthe door.
instructionsto set clock.Clocktime removethefoodfromthe oven.
cannotbe changedwhenoven isset Press STOP/CLEAR to cancel If a fault code (example: F 2) is
for automatic oven cooking, end-of-cooking beeps.
self-clean or Speed Oven STOP/CLEAR. If fault code
operations.Canceloperationthenset See pages12 and 13 for additional continues,see page28.
clock, information.
PressCLOCK to recalltime of day
whenanotherfunctionis displayed.
timewithSET knob.
displayedand beepssound,press

(See pages 19 to 22 for complete instructions.)
I 1 ,-,,-,,-, s_.
C,EA, I" I_11 I O_..o,LLocK
stop o
[ ...,,1[c.oc.1[co:_l[c._.I[s;o:1[.o,.l[ov;.I
[s,.oI ..oo---oo......,.lio,,.os.1.o...j[o.ss.o,is..o]o.o,,COOK1 RSH,VEGETABLESJ L HEAT 0er.OsTONLVFOODS COOK2
HowToSetA SpeedOven Operation SpeedSettings
1, Positionthe oven racks, Placethe food in the even • Use SPEED COOK 1 for meats, poultry, fish,
and close the oven door. casseroles, main dishes, vegetables, oven meals or
2. Pressthe appropriate Speed pad.
• SPEED COOK 1 • Use SPEED COOK 2 for dessertsand delicateitems
• DEFROST/HEAT defrost-and-heat frozen convenience foods in
3. Movethedoorlocklevertotherightorlockedposition, heatproofpaper orplasticcontainers.
4. TurntheSET knobuntilthedesiredSpeedCooktime • Use DEFROST/HEAT for 60 minutes or more to
appearsinthedisplay.Set the Speed Cook time for defrost-on/y meatsorpoultryweighingover4pounds.
halfthe maximumconventionalcookingtime.Open
door and check the food at half the minimum
frozen conveniencefoods inaluminumfoil containers.
• Use DEFROST/HEAT for 59 minutes or less to
conventionalcookingtime. ABOUT "HOLD"
! u * • ,
HOLD automaticallyappears*nthe displayat
theend ofa SPEED COOK 1. SPEED COOK 2
or DEFROST/HEAT 59 minutes or Jess
operation. ,,
• There isno HOLD"ifDEFROST/HEATissetfor
60 minutesor more.
5. Attheendof Speed Cooking,"HOLD" appearsinthe "HOLD"period.'HOLD' isdesignedtocomplete
display.Movethedoorlocklevertotheleftorunlocked cooking.
position.Openthedoorand checkthe food.
• Ifthefoodisdone,pressthe STOP/CLEAR pad. automaticallycancel at the end of 10 minutes
• ifthe foodisnotdone,closeandlooktheovendoor. andthe time ofdaywiltreappearinthe display.
Turnthe SET knob to select 1 to 10 minutesof iscanceledif
additionalcooking."HOLD" is a special operation
• You can set additional cooking time in the
If you do not entera HQLD hme HOLD will

Control Knobs Cookware
Yourcooktopisequippedwith controlknobsthat provide Cooking performance is greatly affected by the type of
an infinite choice of settings from LOW to HIGH. The cookware used. Proper cookware will reduce cooking
knob can be set on or between any of the numbered times, use less energy and produce more even cooking
settings, results. For best results use a heavy gauge metal pan
To operate push in and turn the knob in either direction
to the desired setting. Cookware with uneven, warped, or grooved bottoms do
Toremoveknobsforcleaning,gently pullforward.Wash reduce heat conductivity and result in slower, less even
knobs in mild detergent and water. Do not use abrasive heating.
cleaning agents as they will scratch the finish and
removemarkings. Rinse,dry and replace.Turn on each Different types of cookware materials require different
elementto be sure knobs have been replaced correctly, heat settingsfor the samecooking operation. The chart
Cooking Tips Lowerthe heat setting if using a thinner gaugemetal or
To preventdamageto the range, backguard or utensil,
neveroperatesurface unitwithouta paninplace,never Oversized cookware orcookware that restsacrosstwo
ellowapantoboildryandneveroperateanelementon elements are not recommended as they may trap
HIGHfor extendedperiods of time. enough heat to cause damage to the cooktop or
Food will not cook any faster at a higher setting than
neededto maintain agentle boil.Water boilsatthe same Donot use woks equipped with round metal rings. The
temperature whether boiling gently or vigorously. If a ring, which is designed to support the wok above the
highsetting is used,excessive spattering will occur and element,willtrapheat andmaydamagetheelementand
food may stick or burnonto the bottom ofthe pan. the cooktop.
with a smooth flat bottomand a tight fitting lid.
not make good contact with the heating surface, will
below is based on heavy gauge aluminum cookware.
other materials.
elements.This isespecially important when canning.
Ifa higherheatsettingis usedto bringliquidto aboilor to Canning
begin cooking, always reduce to a lower setting once
liquid comes to a boil or food begins cooking. Never Usethe HIGH setting just until water comes to a boil or
leavefood unattended during a cooking operation, reduce to the lowestheat setting that maintainsthe boil
Fitthe size of the cookwareto the size of the element, or pressure. Prolonged use of the HIGH setting, or the
This conserves energy, use of incorrect canning utensils produces excessive
pressure is reached in the pressure canner. Then,
heat. Excessive heat can cause permanent damage to
the porcelain cooktop, coilelement and the drip bowl.
HIGH To bringliquid to a boil, blanch, preheat skillet, or reach pressure in a pressure cooker.
Always reduce to alower heat setting when liquidsjust begin to boil or foods beginto cook.
MedlUm_H_gh Tobiow_ Orseai meati _eat oi foideep fat i_ ng;s_id; to _ute _i f_i Mantai_fast boii'for'
17-9 largeamountsof iiq,,id_: :
Medium To maintain moderate to slow boil for large amounts of liquids.
4-6 Tocontinue cooking uncovered foods and for most frying operations.
.... : ........
LOW I TOkeep foods warm before serving. Melt chocolate.i
NOTE: Referto cookwaremanufacturer's recommendationsfor suggested heat settings. Some manufacturers do
not recommend the use of HIGH, or the use of HIGH for extended cooking operations.

Cooking Areas Cooking Tips
On Canadian models only: The surface units will not When cooking delicate foods which easily scorch or
operate during a clean cycle. This isnormal, overcook, start with a lower heat setting then gradually
increase the setting until you find the optimum setting.
The four cooking areas on Boiloversaremore likelytooccur if you startoutonHIGH
your range are identified by then reduce to the lower setting. Ifyou do begin cooking
cooktop. There are two a fullboil.
permanent patterns in the _/)/_ _ on HIGH,reducetoa lowersetting beforeliquidscometo
large(8-inch) andtwosmall _li_ fffoodis cooking toofast or if a boiloveroccurs,remove
(6-inch) areas. The pat- _/l_
not look like the cooktop in adjust to the newsetting.
terns on your cooktop may @ _/_/_ a lowersetting.Allowenoughtimefor the cookingareato
this illustration but your
cooktopwilloperate as de-
scribed inthis manual. Cookware
Before using the cooktop for the first time, clean it onto the glass. Do not use aluminum foil or foil-type
thoroughly as directed onthe cleaning chart on page 8. disposable containers such as popcorn poppers under
Thiswill protectthesmoothtopandwillguarantee aclean anycircumstances.They mayleave metal marksor may
cooktopwhen the elements are turned on. permanently melt onto the smoothtop. Do not use
Duringthefirstfew hoursof use,youmay noticethatthe an authorized servicer.Do not attempt to repair cooktop
cooktop emits a slight burning odor and a light smoke, yourself.
Bothof these conditions are normal.
When acooking areaisturned on,the coilelement under glass if you slide them across the smoothop. Remove
the cooktop will heat up and glow red. To maintain the any metal marks immediately using Cooktop Cleaning
heatsettingthe elementwillcycle on and off. Itis normal Creme.
to see a red glow through the smoothtop when the Glass ceramic, earthenware, porcelain over metal,
elementcycleson. heat-proof glassor glazed oookware mayscratchthe
lidor remove cookwarefrom cookingarea and reduce to
Aluminum foil will damage the smoothtop if it me}ts
cooktop if aluminum foil melts onto the smoothtop. Call
Aluminum cookware will cause metal marks on the
smoothtopcooktopif youslidethemacrossthe top.
Indicator Lights
Rangesareequippedwithtwoindicatorlightswhichglow TOProtect The Smoothtop
when a surfaceelement is on. The indicatorlightwill
remainon untilthe element isturnedoff.Aftera cooking • Do not use the top as a work surface or as a cutting
operation,besurethe elementand indicatorlightare off. board. Do not cook food directly on the cooktop.
• Do not use atrivet or metal stand (suchas awok ring)
Hot Surface Light betweentheutensilandthecooktop.These itemscan
Your range is equippedwith a HOT SURFACE light markoretchthe surfaceandaffectcookingefficiency.
located at the center-back of the smoothtop. This red • Do not place plasticson awarm or hot cooking area.
lightwill turnonto indicatethat the smoothtop is hot and They will melt and adhere to the smoothtop. The
willremain on until the top has cooled, smoothtop may chip or pit in attempting to remove
Retained Heat meltedplasticfrom the top.
The smoothtop cooking area retains heat for a period of • Topreventscratching or damageto the srnoothtop,do
time after the element has been turned off. Turn the not leave sugar, salt, sand, soil, shortening or other
element off a few minutes before food is completely fats on the cooking area. Be sure area is free from
cooked and use the retained heat to complete the these before turning on cooking area.
cookingoperation.After 30 minutes,the cooktop maybe • Besurethe bottomofthe cookware issmoothandfree
too cool to keepfoods warm. However, the TOP MAY of nicks,scratches or roughareasasthey may scratch
STILL BE TOO WARM TO TOUCH. When the HOT the smoothtop.
SURFACE light turns off, the top will be cool enough to
touch. ° Do not allow a pan to boil dry, This could cause
permanent damage to the smoothtop.
(continuedon next page)

Care Information Cleaning Chart
To help keep cooktop clean, be sure CAUTION: Before cleaning, be certain a11elements are turned off and the
cooking area and cookware bottom are cooktop is cool. Use only cleaning agents recommended in the cleaning chart.
clean and dry before each use. Other materials may damage the finish of the smoothtop.
To prevent possible damage to the
cooktop, always rinse the bottom of ..... ,with a soft cloth or a non
cookware to completely remove any ,nylonor plastic I
cleaning agent residue. This is rinse
especially important when using a
copper or aluminum cleaner. In the
presence of heat, the cleaning residue
may stain, discolor or etch the
Carefully blot up spillovers around the
outside of the cooking area as they Gently scour Withcreme to remove as
occur with dry paper towels. BE s I:x_ssib_e_Reapp!ypaste,
CAREFUL NOT TO BURN HANDS Witha dampei0thand let stand
When surface is cool, clean as directed
in the chart. DO NOT USE the
following cleaning agents.
• Abrasives (metal scouring pads, Problem Solving Chart
cleansing powders, scouring
cleaners or pads) will scratch the PROBLEM CAUSE TO PREVENT
• Chemicals (oven cleaners, chlorine
bleaches, rust removers or
ammonia) may damage the finish of
the smoothtop.
• Glass cleaners containing ammonia
may harm the smoothtop. Cb_kwarev,Athrough acrosscook"t0p.
• Soiled cloth or sponge will leave an bosoms.
invisible film on the cooktop which : :
may scratch or cause discoloration Metal-marking Sliding or scraping metal Do not slide metal object across
the next time the cooktop is used. utensils or oven racks cooktop. Clean immediately with
across cooktop. Cooktop Cleaning Creme.
IMPORTANT: Watch sugary solutions _emove boiloversbefore ieusi_gme
carefully to avoid boilovers.
If a sugar solution (such as jam, jelly, _spebia[lybo_msi are_ a_d
candy) is allowed to boilover, it may pit d_i
the smoothtop, Turn element to LOW
and clean sugary boilovers Areas of Mineral deposits from Use cookware with bottoms that are
immediately, discoloration water andfoods, clean and dry. Use correct heat
Use a wooden spoon or a sheen
wooden-handled metal spatula to Pitting or Sugary boilovers from Use correct heat setting and large
scrape boilover to a cooler area of the flakiag. Sug&rsyrups,Candy, enough utensil. WatChcooking
cooktop or use several layers of dry jarns,je|lies, dessert OperatiOnto preventboi_oversor
paper towels to wipe up spillover. If a sauces; etc. Spattering.
paper towel is used, be careful to avoid
steam burns. Turn element off. When
cool, use a single-edge razor blade to CAUTION: Do not use top if the smoothtop is cracked or broken or if metal
scrape off soil. Clean with Cooktop melts onto cooktop. Call an authorized servicer. Do not attempt to repair the
Cleaning Creme, rinse and dry. cooktop yourself.
with a metallic setting to prevent boilovers.

Cooktop Indicator Lights
Freestandingrangeswitha coil-type cooktop willfeature Rangesare equippedwithtwo indicatorlightswhich glow
an "upswept" oooktop. The cooktop on a Canadian when a surface element is on. The indicator light will
freestanding range does NOT lift up. remainon until the element is turned off. After a cooking
Toraisethe "upswept" cooktop:When cool,graspthe
frontedgeof the cooktopand gentlyliftupuntilthetwo
supportrodsat thefrontof the cooktopsnap intoplace. Drip Bowls
operation, be suretheelement and indicatorlightare off.
in place.
• Absence of these bowls during cooking may subject
wiring or component parts underneath the cooktopto
__ • Be sure drip bowls, located under each element, are
Tolowerthetop: Holdthefrontedgeofthe cooktopand Yourrangewillbe equippedwith eitherchromeplated
carefullypushback on each supportrodto releasethe steeldripbowlsor porcelaincoatedsteeldripbowls,
notchedsupport.Then gentlylowerthe top into place.
The support rods willslide intothe rangeframe. Chrome drip bowls willturn blue or gold over time if
• To preventrisk ofelectric shock orfire, do not line drip
bowlswithaluminum foil.
overheated. This type ofdiscoloration ispermanent and
Surface Elements will not affect the cookingperformance.
• Surfaceelementsare self-cleaning. Toprotectthe porcelaincoatedsteelfinish, avoidusing
• Do not immerse elements in water, setting oncefood begins cooking. Do not use oversized
• When an element is turned on, itwill cycle onand off cookware. Pan should not extend more than 2 inches
to maintain the heat setting, from the element.
• To preventdamagetothe range, NEVERoperatethe Clean bowls after each use with soap and water.
surface element without a pan in place and NEVER Remove stubborn stains with baking soda paste and
allow a panto boil dry. plastic scouring pad or a mild cleanser. To prevent
andC°°l'T°andcarefullyrem°Ve:awayraisefromelementpulIWhentheOut _,___ agents. Rinse,dry and replace.
highsettings for long periods oftime. Reduceto a lower
scratching the finish, do not use abrasive cleaning
To replace: Insertthe terminals on the element into the
receptacle. Gently lift up on outer edge of element
(opposite terminal-side of element) while inserting
terminals into receptacle. Gently press down on outer
edge of element until element sits level on drip bowl.
Besure drip bowl and chrome trim ring,if equipped, are
properlyinstalled. The notch on the trim ring should be
centered over the screw securing the receptacle to the
maintop, if trimring is not installed properlyand rests on
this screw, the trim ring and drip bowl will "rock".

OVEN USE - For Conventional Cooking
Oven Characteristics
Everyovenhasitsowncharacteristics.Youmayfindthat Itis importantthat air can circulate freely within the oven
the cooking times and temperatures you were and around the food. To help ensure this, place food in
accustomedtowithyour previous range may need to be the center of the oven rack. Allow two inches between
alteredslightlywithyour new range,it isnormalto notice the edge ofthe utensil(s)and the oven walls. If cooking
some differences between this range and your previous on two racks, stagger the food to ensure proper air flow.
Afan willautomatically turnonwheneverthe ovendoor is
lockedfor a self-clean or Speed operation. The fan will
automatically turn off when the door is unlocked. Ifthe
fan is still operating at the end of a Speed operation,
pressthe STOP/CLEARpad then unlock the oven door.
Oven Racks
Foroptimum bakingresultsofcakes,cookiesorbiscuits,
The two oven racks are designed with a lock-stop useone rack. Positionracksofoodisinthecenterofthe
positionto keep racksfrom coming completely out ofthe oven. Use either rackposition 3 or 2.
oven. Do not attemptto change rack positions whenthe
oven is hot. If cooking on two racks,use rack positions 4 and 2 for
cakes and rack positions 4 and 1 when using cookie
The rack positions listed below are for conventional sheets. Neverplacetwo cookie sheets on one rack.
cooking. For Speed Oven cooking rack positions, see
page 20 or refer to the separate Speed Oven Cooking If roasting a largeturkey,placethe turkey on rack 1 and
Guide. theside dishes on rack 5.
Rack 5 (top of oven) used for broiling thin non-fatty
foods such asfish and toasting bread. Use of Aluminum Foil
Donotcoverentirerack withaluminum foilor placefoil
Rack 4 usedfortwo-rack bakingor mostbroiling, directly under cookware. To catch spillovers, place a
Rack 3 used for most one-rack baking of cookiesand pieceoffoila littlelargerthanthe pan onthe rackbelow
biscuits on a cookie sheet, the pan. Do not placealuminumfoil acrossthe bottomof
Rack 2 used for baking cakes, bundt cakes or breads the oven.
roasting meats, _ _m-_
foods. Preheating is necessary for conventional baking. Allow
or cooking larger ! --_-'- ---L-_---..-_! Preheating
Rack 1 used for 2 i : about 10to 15minutesfor the oven to preheat. A single
bakingangel food , necessary to preheat for roasting.
roasting turkey, _._ I i beep will indicate that the oven is preheated. It is not
cake, pie shells, _-._. Selecting a temperature higher than desired will NOT
frozen pies, preheat the oven any faster. Preheating at a higher
tw°-rack baking' i _ j'!
souffles or bread, temperature may have a negative effect on baking
To remove: Be sure rack is cool. Pull rack out to the
lock-stop position, lilt the front end up and continue
pulling rack out of the oven.
Toreplace: Placerack onrack supports,tilt up andpush
toward rear of oven. Pull the rack out to the lock-stop
positionto besure rack iscorrectly replaced.Then return
itto its normal position. (conUnuedonnextpage)

Oven Operation Automatic Oven Cooking Feature
The Automatic Oven Cookingfeature is used to turn the
oven on and offat a preset time of day.This feature can
be used for a conventional cook or a self-clean
operation. See page 25 for instructions on delaying a
self-clean operation.
The Automatic Oven Cooking feature can not be used
Toset ovenfor baking or roasting: withthe Speed Oven feature.
1, Pressthe OVENTEMP pad.
J__ Highly perishable foods such as dairy products, pork,
• 000 and BAKE indicator words will appear in the than onefood,select foods that cook forthesame length
display, of time and at the same oven temperature.
• The display will returnto the current time of day if
the oven temperature is not entered within 30
seconds. Basic Instructions
2. Toenterthe oventemperature,turnthe SETknobuntil Example: Food is to cook for 2 hoursand 30 minutes
the desired temperature is displayed. (2:30) at an oven temperature of350°F,You wishthe
• 350° will appear in the displaywhenthe SET knob foodto be cooked by 6 o'clock (6:00).
is turned one click in either direction. The 1. Press COOK TIME pad.
temperaturecan be set from 170 to 550°.
• Theovenwillturnonwithinafewseconds. TheON 2. TurnSET knobuntil 2:30 (2hours and 30minutes)
indicator word and 75° or the actual oven is displayed,
temperature,whichever is higher,will appear inthe
display. 3. Press STOP TIME pad.
The AutomaticOven Cookingfeature will not operate
unlessthe clockisfunctioningand is set at the correct
poultry, stuffing, seafoods, or baked goods are not
recommended for delay start cooking, If cooking more
• The temperature in the display will increase in 5° 4, Turn SET knob until 6:00 (6 o'clock) isdisplayed.
increments until the oven reaches the preset
temperature,A singlebeepwillsJgnalthat the oven 5, Press OVEN TEMP pad,
is preheated. Allow 10to 15 minutesfor the oven
to preheat. 6. Turn SET knob until350° is displayed.
3. Place food in the oven. Check food at the minimum
cookingtime. Cook longer if needed. 7. Press CLOCK pae and time of day reappears in
4, At the end of cooking, remove food and press the
STOP/CLEAR pad to cancel the operation. The The oven will automatically turn on at 3:30: will cook
currenttimeofdaywill reappear inthedisplay, the food for 2 1/2 hours at 350°F. and will
To recall the presettemperature during preheat, press STOP/CLEARpad to cancel the beeps.
the OVEN TEMP pad. NOTE:If you wish cooking to beginimmediately,omit
To change the preset temperature, turn the SET knob steps 3 and 4.
until the desired temperature is displayed.
The oven will automatically turn off if it is left on for 12
hours. (continuedon next page)
the display.
automatically turn off at 6:00. Press the

To set oven for immediate start: To set oven for delayed start:
1. PresstheCOOKTIME pad. 1, PresstheCOOK TIME pad,
_ _ _ [_ _ • 0 HR:O0willappear inthedisplay and SET COOK
_'_"'_' 2. Turn the SET knob to enter the cooking time.
• 0 HR:00 will appear in the display and SET COOK
TIME will flash inthe display. * The display will show cooking time in
2. Turnthe SET knob to enter the cooking time. 10 minutes (0:10) up to 11 hours and 55 minutes
• The display will show cooking time in
HOURS:MINUTES. Cooking time can be set from 3. Press the STOP TIME pad.
10 minutes (0:10) up to 11 hours and 55 minutes
• If you delay in entering the cooking time, the _ _--_, ___
program will automatically cancel andthe time of
daywill reappear in the display. • SET STOPTIME will flash in the display.
• Ifyousetthecookingtimebutdelayinenteringthe 4. Turn the SET knob to enter the stop time.
oventemperature, beeps willsound andthedisplay
will flash SET BAKE and 000. * If you delay in entering the stop time, beeps will
3. Press theOVEN TEMP pad. sound and the display will flash SET BAKE and
4. Enter oven temperature with the SET knob.
• If you press the OVEN TEMP pad but delay in
entering the temperature, the program will cancel 6. Enter oven temperature with the SET knob.
and the displaywill return to the time of day. 7. Press the CLOCK pad to return the current time of
5. Press the CLOCK pad and the time of day will day tothedisplay. DELAYBAKEandthe preset oven
reappear in the display. TIMED BAKE ON indicator temperature will remaininthe displaytoshowthatthe
words will remain in the displayto show that the oven oven hasbeensetfora delaystart cookingoperation.
has beenset for Automatic Oven Cooking.
6. After a few seconds, the oven will turn on. Press the and TIMED BAKE ON will appear to indicatethat the
COOK TIME pad if you wish to see the remaining food iscooking.
cooking time.
7. At the end of the preset cooking time, the oven will time."End"willappearinthedisplayand4beepswill
automat'callyturnoff,"End w'll appear inthe display signaltheend ofcooking.A beepwill soundevery 10
and4 beepswillsignalthe endof cooking. A beepwill seconds toremindyou to removefoodfrom the oven.
soundevery 10secondstoprompt youto removefood
from the oven. 10.Pressthe STOP/CLEARpadtocancelthe beepsand
8. PresstheSTOP/CLEAR padto cancel the beeps and reappear inthe display.
remove food from the oven.The time of day will
reappearin the display.
TIME will flash in the display.
HOURS:MINUTES. Cooking time can be set from
5. Press the OVEN TEMP pad.
8. The oven will automaticallyturn on at the presettime
9. Theoven willautomatically turn off at the preset stop
remove food from the oven. The time of day will
Additional Information
If you delay more than 30 seconds betweentouching a pad
and turning the SET knob,the display will either returnto the
previous setting or the time of day will reappear and the
program will cancel.
To recall the preset stop time or cook time, just press the
corresponding pad.
Toreset orcancel the program, presstheSTOP/CLEAR pad.
At the end of the cooking operation, continuous beeps will
sound untilthe STOP/CLEAR pad ispressed.

Conventional Baking Tips
• Use a reliable recipe and accurately measure fresh • For optimum baking results, bake cookies and
ingredients. Carefully follow directions for oven biscuitson aflat cookiesheet. If the pan has sides,
temperature and cooking time. Preheat oven if suchas ajelly roll pan, browning may not be even.
If using oven-proof glassware, or dark pans
• Usethecorrect rackposition, Bakingresultsmaybe such as Baker's Secret reduce the oven
affected if the wrong rack is used. temperature by 25°F except when baking pies or
Top browning may be darker if food is located
towardthe top of the oven.
Bottom browning may be darker if food is located optimum baking results. Improper placement of pans in
toward the bottom ofthe oven. the oven will block air flow and may result in uneven
When using two racks fer baking, allow enough
space between the racksfor proper air circulation. _ Donot crowd a rack with pans. Never place more
Browningand cooking results will be affected if air than one cookie sheet, one 13x9x2-inch cake pan
flow isblocked, ortwo 9-inch round cake panson one rack.
• Cookware material plays an important part in baking is not directly over another pan.
results.Always use the type and size of pan called for in _ Allow two inches between the pan and the oven
the recipe. Cooking times or cooking results may be wans.
affected if the wrong size is used,
bread.Usethe samebakingtime as called for in the
• Allow hot air to flow freely through the oven for
browning. For optimum browning and even cooking
Staggerpanswhen bakingon two racksso one pan
Shiny metalpan reflects heat awayfrom the food, • Check the cooking progress at the minimum time
produces lighter browning and a softer crust. Use recommended in the recipe. If necessary, continue
shiny pans for baking cakes or cookies, checking at intervals until the food is done. If the oven
Dark metal pan or a pan with an anodized (dull)
bottom absorbsheat, produces darkerbrowning
and a crispercrust. Usethistypeof panforpies,pie • If you add additional ingredients oralter the recipe,
crustsor bread, expectcookingtimesto increaseordecreaseslightly.
doorisopenedtoo frequently, heatwill escapethe oven;
this canaffect baking results and wastes energy.

Conventional Baking Chart
You mayfindtheseguidelineshelpfulwhen comparingthe bakingtimes,temperaturesandovenrack positionsof
_--I li TIME**
Chocolate,two layers 9" 2 or 3 350° 30-35
Yellow,two layers 9" 2 or 3 350° 25-35
White, two layers 9" 2 or 3 350° 25-30
Bundt tube 2 350° 35-45
Cupcakes 2or 3 350° 15-25
Sheet Cake 9 x 13" 2 or 3 350° 30-40
Angel Food tube 1 375° 30-40
PoundCake loaf 2 or 3 325° 55-60
Two Crust
Fruit, fresh 9" 1 or 2 400°-425 ° 45-60
Fruit, frozen 9" 1 400°-425 ° 45-70
Custard, fresh 9" 1or 2 350° 60-80
Pie Shell 9" 1 or 2 400° 8-12
Chocolate Chip 2 or 3 350°-375 ° 8-12
Peanut Butter 2 or 3 350°-375 ° 8-12
Sugar 2 or3 350°-375 ° 8--12
Brownies 9 x 13" 2 or 3 350° 25-40
Loaf loaf 2 375° 20-40
Rolls 2 or 3 375°-400 ° 15-20
Loaf,nut or fruit loaf 2 or 3 325° -350 ° 45-60
Gingerbread 9 x 9" 2 or 3 350° 30-40
Cornbread 8 x 8" 2 or 3 400° -450 ° 15-30
Cornbread Muffins 2 or 3 375° -400° 10-25
Biscuits 2 or 3 400° -450° 8-20
Muffins 2or 3 375° -400° 15-25
* The bottom rack position is position #1.
** Times are only approximate and may vary depending on the recipe used.
° Fahrenheit 200 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450
° Celsius 100 120 140 150 160 180 190 200 220 230

Common Baking Problems And Why They Happen
Cakesare uneven. Pans too close or touching Cakes don't brown on top. incorrect rack position.
Cake high in middle. Temperature set too high. Excessive shrinkage. Too little leavening.
Cake fails. Too much shortening or sugar.
Cakes, cookies, biscuits Incorrect rack position. Temperatureset too high.
don't brown evenly. Oven door not closed properly.
each other or oven walls. Temperatureset too low.
Batter uneven in pans. Overmixing.
Temperatureset too low or Toomuch}iquid.
baking time too short. Pansizetoo large or too Itttle
Oven not level, batter in pan.
Undermixing. Oven door opened too often.
Too much liquid.
Baking time too long. Overmixing.
Overmixing. Pantoo large.
Too much flour. Temperature set too high.
Panstouching each other or Bakingtime too long.
ovenwails. Panstoo close to each other
incorrect rack position, or oven waits.
Too much or too little liquid. Uneven texture. Toomuch liquid.
Temperatureset too low. Undermixing.
Old or too little baking powder. Temperatureset too low.
Pantoo small. Baking time too short.
Oven door opened frequently.
Added incorrect type of oil to
cake mix. Cakeshave tunnels. Not enough shortening.
Added additional ingredients Toomuch baking powder.
to cake mix or recipe. Overmixingor attoo high a
Door gasket not sealing
properly. Cakes crack on top. Batter overmixed.
Incorrect use ofaluminumfoil Temperature set too high.
Oven not preheated. Too much leavening.
Pans darkened, dentedor Incorrectrack position.
Foroptimumresults,bakeon onerack, Ifbakingcakeson I Cake not done in middle. Temperature set too high.
twor&oks,p|acepanstowardbackofovenonUp_errackt Pan too small
andtoward front ofoven on _wer rack. t Bakingtime too short.
Cakes, cookies, biscuits too Oven not preheated. } If additional ingredients were added to mix or recipe,
brown on bottom. Panstouching each other or expectcooking time to increase.
Follow cookware manufacturer's instructions for oven {
temperature. Glassware and dark cookware such as I Pies have soaked crust. Temperaturetoo low at start
Ecko's Baker's Secret require lowering the oven t of baking.
temperature by 250F. Filling too juicy.
Incorrect rack position. Pie crust edges too brown, Temperatureset too high.
Incorrect use of aluminum foil. Panstouching each other or
Placed 2 cookie sheets on one oven wa]ls.
rack. Edges of crust too thin.
Used glass, dark, stained,
warped or du{tf{nishmeta_
pans. (Use a shiny cookie Pies don't brown on bottom. Used shiny metal pans.
sheet.) Temperatureset too low.
, , Usedshiny metal pans.
Incorrect rack position.

Roasting is the method for cooking large, tender cuts of even cooking. As the fat on top of the roast melts, the
meat uncovered, without adding moisture, meat is basted naturally, eliminating the need for
additional basting.
Roasting Tips:
Most meats are roasted at 325°F. It is not necessary to The cooking time is determined by the weight of the meat
preheat the oven. Place the roasting pan on either of the and the desired doneness. For more accurate results,
two lowest rack positions, center of the thickest part of the meat. Itshould not touch
Use tender cuts of meat weighing three pounds or more. fat or bone. DO NOT USE A MEAT THERMOMETER IN
Some good choices are: Beef rib, ribeye, topround, high THE OVEN WHEN USING THE SPEED OVEN
quality tip and rump roast, pork loin roast, leg of lamb, FEATURE.
veal shoulder roast and cured or smoked hams.
Season meat, if desired, either before or after roasting, registers approximately 5°F below the doneness
Rub into the surface of the roast if added before cooking, wanted. As the meat stands, the temperature will rise.
Place the meat fat-side-up on a rack in a shallow NOTE: For more information on cooking meat and
roasting pan. Placing the meat on a rack holds it out of poultry, contact the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline
the drippings, thus allowing better heat circulation for 1-800-535-4555.
use a meat thermometer, insert it so the tip is in the
Remove the roast from the oven when the thermometer
Roasting Chart (Thawed meats only)
.... OVEN
Rib Roast 4 to 8 325°F 140° (rare) 25-30
160° (medium) 30-35
Rib Eye Roast 4 to 6 325°F 140° (rare) 25-30
160° (medium) 30-35
Loin TenderloinRoast 2to 3 400°F 140° (rare) 20-25
TopSirloin Roast 3 to 6 325°F 140° (rare) 25-30
160° (medium) 30-35
Shoulder Blade Roast, Boneless 4 to 6 325°F 160° 35-45
Shoulder Blade Roast 4to 6 325°F 160° 30-40
LoinBlade or SirloinRoast 3 to 4 325°F 160° 35-45
Ham,Half (fullycooked) 5 to 7 325°F 140° 25-35
Ham,Half (cook-before-eating) 5to 7 275°F 160° 35-45
Shoulder Roast, Boneless 3-1/2 to 5 325°F 160°(medium) 35-40
170° (well) 40-45
Leg,Whole 5to 7 325°F 160° (medium) 30-35
170° (well) 35-40
Rib Roast 3 to5 325°F 170° (well) 40-45
Shoulder,Boneless 4 to 6 325°F 170° (well) 40-45
Turkey,unstuffed 12to 16 325°F 180°- 185° 18-20
Turkey, Breast 3 to 8 325°F 180° 30-40
Chicken,Fryer 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 375°F 185° 20-24
Turkey,Breast 4 to 6 375°F t85° 20-25
* Times are approximateand may vary depending on the shape of the roast.
16 to 20 325°F 180°-185° 16-18
20to 24 325°F 180°-185° 14-16

Broiling is a method of cooking tender meats by direct To set oven to bro
heat. The cooking time is determined by the distance ii Pressthe BRoiL pad
between the meat and the broil element, the desired 000 and BRO L indicator words will appear in the
degree of doneness and the thickness of the meat. display.
2: Turh SET knob c ockwiSe to se ect HI _or normal
Broiling Tips: broiling or counter clockwise tO select Lo for low
Broiling requires the use ofthe broiler pan and insert. The temperature broilingi
broiler insert must be in place to allow fat and liquid to
drain to the pan below to prevent spatters, smoke and preheat broil element 3 to 5 minutes;
flare-ups. Improper use may cause grease fires. 4, Broil With the oven door opened t0 _he broil stop
Do not cover the broiler insert with aluminum foil as this p0sition(opened about 6-inches), Turn meat Once
prevents fat from draining into pan below. For easier about halfway through cookingl Check for
clean up, the broiler pan can be lined with foil and spray aloneness by cutting asiitin the meat near the center
the insert with a non-stick vegetable spray, for desired Colorl
Remove excess fat and slash remaining fat to help keep to cancei the broil operation,Theeurrenttime Ofday
meat from curling. This also reduces smoking and Wili reappear in the dispay
Place oven rack in the correct rack position when oven is BROIL when broiling longer cooking foods such as
cool. For darker browning, place meat closer to the broil poultry. The lower temperature allows food to cook to the
element. Place meat further down if you wish meat to be well done stage without excessive browning. Cooking
well done or if excessive smoking and flaring occurs, time may increase if Lo BROIL is selected.
3i o_imUm results remove broiier pan and
5_Atthe end of cooking press the STOP/CLEAR pad
Use HI BROIL for most broil operations. Select Lo
See Care and Cleaning Chart on page 26 for instructions Broil times may need to be increased if range is installed
on cleaning the broiler pan and insert, on a 208-volt circuit.
Broiling Chart
BACON #4 Well Done 6 to 10
Whole, split #3 or #4 WellDone 45 to 60
Pieces #3 or #4 Well Done 30 to 45
3/4 to 1-inch thick #4 Medium 12to 15
Well Done 15to 18
1-inch thick #4 Medium 12 to 15
Well Done 16to 20
1 t/2-inch thick #3 Medium 15to 19
Well Done 25 to30
3/4-inch thick Well Done
1-inch thick #4 WellDone 20 to 25
* The bottom rack position is position #1.
** Timesare approximate and mayvary depending on the meat.

Pleaserefertothe separateSpeed OvenCookingGuide "HOLD"
for completecooking instructionsusingthe Speed Oven
feature.The information below explains how to operate At the end of a SPEED COOK 1, SPEED COOK 2 or
the Speed Oven feature. If you have any questions, call DEFROST/HEAT for 59 minutes or less, "HOLD"
us at 1-800-688-1120. automatically appears in the display and the oven wilt
turn off. "HOLD" is a special option that allows you to set
General Information additional cooking time iffood is not completely cooked.
The Speed Oven feature uses a combination of
conventional radiant heat from the bake and broil Opentheovendoorandcheckthedonenessofthefood.
elements plus microwave energy to quicklycook food. Ifthe food is not completely cooked, just close and lock
This newway of cooking is called Speed Cooking.The the door. Then add up to 10 minutes of additional
SpeedOven feature can also be used to defrost roasts cooking.
and poultry weighing over 4qbs.
Belowis a description of the three Speed settings: you cancel "HOLD" and find that additional cooking is
SPEED COOK "1setting uses a slightly higher amount needed, select the original Speed setting (SPEED
of microwave energy along with conventional radiant COOK 1, SPEED COOK 2 or DEFROST/HEAT) and
heatto cook suchfoods as: Meats, poultry,seafood and enter 5 minutes additional cooking. Check food at least
fish, main dishes and casseroles, vegetables, oven once during the cooking.
meals, and frozen convenience foods packaged in
aluminum foil containers. Important points to remember about "HOLD":
SPEED COOK 2 settinguses a slightlyloweramountof appearsinthe displayat the end of a Speed Cook 1
microwaveenergyalongwithconventionalradiantheat orSpeedCook2 operationorDEFROST/HEATforup
to gently cook delicate foods such as: Egg or to59 minutes.
cheese-based dishes and bakedgoods.
DEFROST/HEAT isa specialsettingwhichis designed havea "HOLD"period.
for two types of operations:Defrost-and-heat, and
defrostonly. • You can set additionalcookingtime in the "HOLD"
1. DEFROST-AND-HEAT operations use a set upto 10minutesata time.
combinationof BOTH radiant heat and microwave
energy. This operation is designed to defrost then pad.
heat frozen convenience foods packaged in heat
proof paper and plastic containers. • If you do not enter a "HOLD" time, "HOLD" will
2, THAW ONLY operations use ONLY microwave automatically cancel at the end of 10 minutes.
energy to defrost roasts and whole poultry weighing
over4-1bs.There isno radiantheatfor thisoperation IMPORTANT
- onlymicrowaveenergy.
Pressing the STOP/CLEAR pad will cancel "HOLD". If
• There is no HOLD pad. "HOLD" automatically
• DEFROST/HEAT for 60 minutes or more does not
periodasmanytimes as youwish. But you can only
• "HOLD" is canceled if you press the STOP/CLEAR
The Speed Cook feature automaticaly selects the
The lengthof time you setfor the DEFROST/HEAT oventemperature.Allyouselect isthecookingtime.
settingdetermines_vh¢h operationisselected. CO NOT SET OVEN TEMPERATURE,
• If you set DEFROST/HEAT for 59 minutes or • DO NOT PREHEATTHE OVEN.
less, the oven will operate in the if you press the OVEN TEMP pad after setting the
If you set DEFROST/HEAT for 60 minutes or operation will be Cancaled.
more, the overt will oper_e in the DEFROST
ONLYmode. rcontinuedon next page)
oven for a Speed Cook operation, the Speed

Frequently asked questions about the SPEED OVEN feature.
Whet is the difference between SPEEDCOOK 1 and SPEED to continuecookingconventionally.Examplesare:Angelfoodcake,
COOK2? sliceordropcookies,somedelicateorfamilyfavoritecakerecipes,
SPEEDCOOK1hasa slightlyhigherlevelofmicrowaveenergyto homemadetwo-crustpies,popovers,orsouthern-stylecornbread.
andfrozenconveniencefoodsinaluminumfoilcontainers.SPEED DoI havetousespecialcookwarefor SpeedCooking?
COOK2 usesaslightlylowerlevelof microwaveenergytogently No.Youcanusethetypeofheatproofcookwareyouareaccustomed
cookdessertsanddelicatefoodssuchas cheeseoregg-based tousinginyourconventionaloven.Usemetalcookware,heatproof
dishes, glass, ceramic,earthenware,potteryand ovencookingbags.To
WhatistheDEFROST/HEATsetting? poultryor roasts.Selectingheatproofglassratherthanmetalpans
DEFROST/HEATisdesignedfortwotypesofoperations.Thelength for ovenmealswillhelpreducecookingtime.Donotuse plastic
oftimeyouselectforthissettingdeterminestheoperation, cookwaredesignedforthemicrowaveoven,asthistypeofcookware
• IfyousetDEFROST/HEATfor59 minutesorless,radiantheatand willnottolerateconventionalheat.
packagedinheatproofplasticorpapercontainers. Canaluminumfoil beusedduringSpeedCooking?
• IfyousetDEFROST/HEATfor60minutesormore,onlymicrowaveenergyYes, you can safely use aluminumfoil just as you wouldin
isactivatedtoDEFROSTONLYroastsorpoultryweighingover4-1bs. conventionalcookingto shieldfood(exampleturkey),orto prevent
Whyarefrozenconveniencefoodsinheatproofplasticorpaper overcookingoroverbrowning.Youcanalsousealuminumfoilstrips
containerscooked on DEFROST/HEATrather than SPEED tocoverwarmareaswhendefrostingroastsorwholepoultry.
COOK1? We do not recommendcompletelycoveringa metal pan with
Heatproofplasticor papercontainersareheatsensitive.If these aluminumfoilorwrappingfoodin foilasthispreventsmicrowave
containersare heated using SPEED COOK 1 rather than energyfromreachingthefood.Theresultwillbeincreasedcooking
DEFROST/HEAT,the containersmaydistortfromthe extraheat times.Ifyouprefertocookpotatoeswrappedinfoil,thencookthem
usedfortheSPEEDCOOK1setting, conventionally.
preventexcessivespattering,usea metalpanwhencookingwhole
Attheendof a Speedoperation,"HOLD" appearsinthedisplay Whenshouldfoodbe covered- and how?
- whatdoesthismean?
"HOLD"is a specialoperationspecificallydesignedto complete Ifyourrecipeorpackagedirectionscallforcoveringthefoodduring
cooking.When"HOLD"appearsinthedisplay,openthe doorand conventionalcooking,thencoverthefoodfor SpeedCooking.Use
checkthe food. If you findthat the food is notcookedto your metal,coverwitha glasslid.Donotcompletelycovera metalpan
satisfaction,"HOLD"allowsyoutoaddupto10minutesofadditional withfoil;thiswillincreasecookingtimes.If youdonothavea proper
cooking.Youcanreset"HOLD"asmanytimesasyouwishas long coverfora metalpan,thenwesuggestusingconventionalcooking
asyoudonotpressSTOP/CLEARandcanceltheoperation, ratherthanSpeedCooking.
Whathappensif I cancela Speedoperationandthenfind that
thefoodneedsmorecooking? Aretherespecialcookingtechniquesfor SpeedCooking?
Ifyoucancel"HOLD",justpresstheoriginalSpeedsettingandenter Ingeneral,thecookingtechniquesyouuseforconventionalcooking
2 to5minutes.Checkthefoodat leastonceduringcooking, willapplyforSpeedCookingwiththeseexceptions:
Whathappensif I selectthewrongSpeedsetting? • Donotsetanoventemperatureorpreheattheoven.
DependingontheSpeedsettingyouselected,youmayfindthat: • Addt°ppings'suchascheese'breadcrumbs'frenchfried°ni°nrings'etc"
• Foodiscookingtoofast ifyouselectedSPEEDCOOK1ratherthan
SPEEDCOOK2. WhathappensifI setanoventemperature?
• Foodiscookingtooslow- ifyouselectedSPEEDCOOK2 ratherthan Ifyouseta Speedoperationthenselectan oventemperature,the
• FoodiacookingratherthandefrostingifyouseloctedDEEROST/HEATSpeedsettingwill be canceledandthe oven will heat to the
for59minutesorless.(Remember-youmustsetDEFROST/HEATfor60 temperatureyouselected.Youwillbecookingconventionally- not
minutesormoretodefrost.) Speedcooking.
How do I determine Speed Cooking times? Are there Whatrackpositionsshouldl usefor SpeedCooking?
exceptions? UseRack#3(middleposition)forcookingchicken&Cornishhens;
SettheSpeedtimeforhalfthemaximumconventionalcookingtime fish & seafood;casseroles& main dishes;vegetables;frozen
and checkcookingprogressat halfthe minimumconventional conveniencefoods;desserts,andovenmeals.
a microwaveoven may take less than half the maximum UseRack#2forroastingmeats;frozenconveniencefoodssuchas
conventionalcooking time. That's why we suggest you check frenchfries,tater tots or fish sticks; somemain dishesor egg &
cookingprogressathalftheminimumcookingtime. poultry.
Mostfoodscan becookedusingthe SpeedOvenfeature.Are
thereanyexceptions? UseRack#1 (bottomposition)forroastingturkeyorbakingfrozen
Youwillfind thatmanyfoodscookto satisfactionusingthe Speed pies.
Ovenfeature.However,therearesomefoodsthatyou mayprefer UseRack#4and#1 whencookingan ovenmealontworacks.
a glasslid oraluminumfoilto coverglassware.If thecookwareis
cheese dishes; desserts;oven meals; and defrosting roastsor

• SPEED COOK 1" Basic Instructions
Uses BOTH radiant heat and microwaveenergy to 5. PressSPEED COOK 1 or 2 pad.
cook meats, poultry, seafood, casseroles, main
dishes, vegetables, oven meals and frozen 6. Close and Jockoven door.
conveniencefoods in aluminumfoil containers.
Uses radiant heat and a gentle level of microwave
energy to cook delicate foods such as egg or
cheese-based dishes and baked goods.
To setoven for Speed Cook 1 or Speed Cook 2:
1. Place food inthe oven and close the oven door. 1. At the end of cooking, "HOLD" will appear in the
2. Pressthe SPEED COOK 1or SPEED COOK 2 pad.
• "door_ will appear in the display and continuous
beeps will sound. • Unlock and open the oven door. The fan will turn
3. Movethe door lockleverto the rightuntilit rests inthe food.
lock position. The door must be locked during a
Speedoperation. A. If food is done, pressthe STOP/CLEAR padand
• If the door is properly locked, 0 HR:00will appear
inthe display,SET SPEED COOKTIME will flash B. If food is NOT done, close and lock the oven
inthedisplay,and a fan will be heard, door."HOLD"will reappearinthe displayand the
• Ifthe door is not lockedwithin30seconds,thetime minutes of additionalcooking.
of day will reappear in the display,the beeps will
stop, and the programwill cancel. • It is not necessary to press the SPEED COOK
4. Turn the SET knob until the desired cooking time cooking time appears inthe display.
appears in the display.You do NOT set the oven
temperature. The bake temperature will not be • You can set additional cooking time in the
displayed. Do not preheatthe oven. "HOLD" periodas manytimesas you wish, but
7 Turn SET knob to desired cookng time.
display and 4 beeps will sound.
offand "door"will appearin the display.Check the
remove thefood from the oven.
fan will turn on. Turn the SET knob for up to 10
pad, just turn the SET knob until the desired
• Set ihe Speed Cook time foi hail the m_imum you can only set "HOLD"for up to 10 minutes
ConVentionalcookingtime At half,theminimum
conventional Cooking time, ,open thedoor and= • If the STOP/CLEARpad ispressedbymistake,
checkthe cooking progress, = "HOLD" will be canceled. Select the original
• The cooking time can be set from 1 minute additional cooking. Check the food at least
(0HR:01) up to 11 hours and 50 minutes once during cooking.
• Once the cooking time is set, the oven will single beep will sound every 30 seconds to
automatically turn on and ON will appear in the prompt you to add time. At the end of 10
display, minutes, the program will automatically be
• If you delay in entering the cooking time, the cancelthe beeps. The fan will turn off when the
program will cancel and the time of day will door is unlocked.
reappearin the display. The fan will still be heard.
Unlockthe doorand begin again. (continuedon nextpage)
at atime.
Speed setting and set 2 to 5 minutes of
• If you delay in entering the "HOLD" time, a
canceled. Press the STOP/CLEAR pad to