Useonly pansthathaveflatbottoms If suchstorageisprovided,it should Somefloorsarenotlevel.For proper
and handlesthat are easilygrasped be limited to itemswhich are used baking, your range must be level.
and stay cool.Avoid usingunstable, infrequently and which are safely Leveling legs are located on each
warped, easily tipped or loose stored in an area subjectedto heat cornerof thebaseoftherange.Level
handledpans.Donotusepansif their from an appliance.Temperaturesin by turning the legs.
handles twist and cannot be storageareasabovethe unit maybe
tightened.Pansthataretoo heavyto unsafe for some items, such as
movewhenfilled with foodmayalso volatile liquids, cleanersor aerosol
be hazardous, sprays.
Always place a pan of food on a 1
surfaceburnerbeforeturning it on, VENTILATING HOOD
and turn it off beforeremovingthe To reduce the hazard of storage
pan. Besureyou knowwhichknob above a range,installa ventilating
controls eachsurfaceburner, hood that projectsat least5 inches
beyond the bottom edge of the (,,
Alwaysturn panhandlesto the side cabinets. Clean hood frequently to
or backof appliance,not outintothe preventgreasefrom accumulatingon
room wherethey are easily hit or hoodor its filter.Shouldaboiloveror
reached by small children. To spillover result in an open flame, STORAGE DRAWER
minimizeburns,ignitionofflammable immediatelyturnoff thehood'sfanto (if equipped)
materials and spillage due to unin- avoid spreading the flame. After
tentionalcontactwith the utensil,do thoroughly extinguishingflame, the Thestoragedrawerat the bottomof
not extend handles over adjacent fan may be turned on to remove the rangeis safe andconvenientfor
surfaceburners, unpleasantodoror smoke, storing metaland glass cookware.
Be sure utensil is largeenoughto DONOTstore plastic, paperware,or
properly contain food and avoid IMPORTANTSAFETYNOTICE food in this drawer.
boilovers. Pan size is particularly ANDWARNING
importantin deepfat frying. Besure The California Safe Drinking Water Removedrawertocleanunderrange.
pan will accommodatethevolumeof and Toxic EnforcementAct of 1986
foodthat isto beaddedaswellasthe (Proposition 65) requires the
bubble action of fat. Never leavea Governorof California to publisha
deepfat frying operationunattended, list of substancesknownto theState
Use extreme caution when moving of Californiato causecanceror re-
the greasekettleor disposingof hot productive harm, and requires
fat. businesses to warn customers of
potential exposures to such
Alwaysadjust surfaceburnersflame substances.
so that it doesnot extendbeyondthe
bottom of utensil.This instructionis Users of this applianceare hereby
basedon safety considerations, warnedthat the burningof gas can
result in low-levelexposureto some
of the listed substances,including
STORAGE ABOVE RANGE benzene,formaldehydeandsoot,due
To eliminatethe hazardof reaching primarily to the incompletecombus-
over hot surface burners, cabinet tion ofnaturalgasorliquidpetroleum
storage should not be provided (LP)fuels. Properlyadjustedburners
directlyabovea unit. will minimizeincompletecombustion.
Exposureto thesesubstancescan
also be minimized by properly
ventingthe burnersto the outdoors.