Magic Chef 3842VRV, C3862VYV, C3862XYB, 3842XRA, 3842WRV Owner's Manual

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Electric Range With Rotary Clock & Timer
Ovenracks................................... 11
Automaticovencookingfeature................. 5 Commonbakingproblemschart ............... 13
Roastingandchart ........................... 14
SURFACECOOKING ........................... 6 Broilingandchart ............................ 15
Controlknobs ................................ 6
Cookingtips.................................. 6 SELF-CLEAN OVEN,if equipped............. 16-17
Cookware.................................... 6
Heat settingguide............................. 6 CAREAND CLEANINGCHART .............. 18-19
SMOOTHTOPCOOKTOP,ifequipped........... 7-8 MAINTENANCE ............................ 20-21
Cooktoplight,ifequipped..................... 20
Cooktop .................................... 20
Ovenlight ................................... 10 Oven door .................................. 21
Ovenvent ........... ........................ 10 Storagedrawer,if equipped ................... 21
Ovencharacteristics.......................... 10 Levelinglegs ................................ 21
Ovencontrols ............................... 10
Ovenindicatorlight ........................... 10 SERVICEINFORMATION.................... 22-23
Howto set ovento bakeor roast ............... 10 Beforeyou callfor servicechart ................ 22
Preheating .................................. 10 How to obtain service ......................... 23
The modelandserialnumbersarefoundontheratingplatelocated
INSTALLER Please leave this ontherangefrontframe.Openthestoragedrawerorovendoorto
manualwiththis appliance, seethe ratingplate.Usethesenumberswhenrequestingservice. Besureappliancehasbeen properly ModelNumber:
installed. Serial Number:
CONSUMERTOsaveyoutime, Date ofPurchase:
energyand money,read and keep Please keepyoursales receiptand/oryourcancelledcheck as
thismanualforfuturereference, proofofpurchaseshouldwarrantyservicebe needed.Storethese
Read all instructions before using this appliance.
Congratulationsonyourchoiceofthis electricrange.Asyou Instructionson the followingpages are based on safety useyour newrange,weknowyouwillappreciatethe many considerationsand mustbestrictlyfollowedto eliminatethe
features that provide excellent performance, ease of potentialrisksof fire, electricshock, or personalinjury. cleaning,convenienceanddependability.
New features have dramaticallychangedtoday's cooking ,_ WAR N I N Gappliances and the way we cook. It is therefore very important to understand how your new electric range
operatesBEFOREyouuse itforthe firsttime. i
InthisOwner'sGuide,you willfinda wealthof information CAUSEINJURIESTO PERSONS. regardingall aspects of your appliance. By carefully (
followingthe instructions,youwill beabletofullyenjoyand 11 i
properlymaintainyour new range. NOTE:Your appliance INSTALLANTI-TIP DEVICES maynotbeequippedwithsomeofthefeaturesreferredtoin PACKEDWITH RANGE,
Shouldyou have any questionsabout usingyour new INSTRUCTIONS. electricappliance,pleasewritetousatthisaddress:
CustomerAssistance c/oMaytagCustomerService
P.O.Box2370 WARNING:Toreducetheriskoftippingof theappliance Cleveland,TN 37320-2370 fromabnormalusageorby excessiveloadingoftheoven
door,theappliancemustbesecuredbya properlyinstalled
Be sure to includethe model and serial numbers of your anti-tip device. appliance.Foryour convenience,wehaveprovidedspace
onthefront coverto recordthis information. Ifthe range ismovedfromthe wall for cleaning,besurethe
anti-tip device is engaged when the range is replaced.
Inourcontinuingeffortto improvethe qualityand customer Remove storagedrawer,if equipped, and look underneath satisfaction of our cooking products, we may find it rangeto verify that one of the rear levelinglegs is properly
necessarytomakechangesto our lineofapplianceswithout engagedinthe bracketslot.Theanti-tip devicesecuresthe revisingthe Owner's Guide. rear levelingleg to the floor when properlyengaged.
Be sure applianceis properlyinstalledandgrounded by a
Turn offapplianceand ventilating hoodto avoid spreading the flame. Extinguish flame then turn on hood to remove
Locateand mark circuit breaker or fuse. Never replace a blownfuse or reset a circuit breaker until you know what smokeand odor. causedthe problem.Always replacea blownfuse with one Use dry chemicalor foam-type extinguisheror bakingsoda
of the correctamperage,do notuse a substitute, to smotherfire or flame. Neverusewateron a greasefire.
If fire isin the oven or broiler pan, smotherbyclosing oven
To ensure proper operation and avoid possible injury or door.
damageto unit do not attemptto adjust,repair,service, or If fire is ina pan onthe surface element, cover pan. Never replaceany part of your appliance unless it is specifically attemptto pick up or move aflaming pan.
recommendedin this book. All other servicing should be referredtoaqualifiedinstallerorservicer.Alwaysdisconnect
powertounitbefore anyservicing bytrippingcircuit breaker
to the OFF positionor removingthe fuse.
Do not leave children alone or unsupervised near the appliancewhen itisinuseorisstillhot.Childrenshouldnever
beallowedto sit orstand on any partof the appliance.
Childrenmustbe taughtthat the applianceand utensilsin
or on it can be hot. Let hotutensils u
Besureallpackingmaterialsareremovedfromtheappliance coolin a safe place,out of reach of beforeoperatingit. small children. Children should be
taughtthatan applianceisnotatoy. _,_
Do not storeor use gasolineor otherflammable materials, Childrenshould not be allowed to , _
vaporsandliquidsin theoven,nearsurfaceunitsor in the play withcontrolsor other parts of vicinityofthisoranyotherappliance.Thefumescancreate theunit.
afire hazardorexplosion. CAUTION"Do not store items of
interesttochildrenincabinetsabove _l_ll/==_(-
If appliance is installedneara window,proper precautions anapplianceoronthe backguardof
should be taken to prevent curtains from blowing over a range. Children climbing on the surfaceelements, applianceor on the appliancedoor _
to reach items could be seriously
Donotleaveanyitemson thecooktop.The hot airfromthe injured.
ventmayigniteflammableitemsandmay increasepressure
in closedcontainerswhichmaycausethemto burst.
Many aerosol-type spray cans are EXPLOSIVE when Topreventinjury or damage to the appliance,do not use
exposedto heat and maybe highly flammable.Avoidtheir appliance as a space _,_._F_/
useorstoragenearanappliance, heaterto heatorwarm a _._ _._ J_=_,=T,_-J' " !:
room. Also, do not use __.'_%_/
Many plastics are vulnerable to heat. Keep plastics away the cooktoporoven as a
frompartsoftheappliancethat maybecomewarmorhot.Do storage area for food or
notleaveplasticitemson the cooktopas theymay melt or cooking utensils.
soften if lefttoo closeto the vent or surfaceelement. The oven vent is located
atthe rearof thecooktop To eliminate the hazard of reaching over hot surface or at the right rear ele- elements, cabinet storage should not be provided directly ment.Keepovenventduct unobstructed.Blockageof the abovea unit.Ifsuchstorageis provided,itshould belimited vent prevents proper oven air circulationand will affect to items which are used infrequentlyand which are safely ovenperformance.Avoidtouchingventarea while ovenis
stored in an area subjected to heat from an appliance, onand for several minutesafter oven isturned off. Some Temperatures may be unsafe for some itemS, such as partsof the ventand surroundingareasmay become hot
volatile liquids,cleanersor aerosolsprays, enoughto cause burns.
Donottouchsurfaceorovenelements,areasnearelements cooking on a higher heat setting then reduce to a lower
or interior surface of oven. Heating elements may be hot setting to continue cooking. For smoothtops: To prevent even though they are dark in color. Areas near surface boilovers,reducetothedesiredheat settingjust asthefood
elementsand interiorsurfacesof an oven may becomehot beginsto cook or waterbeginsto boil. enoughto causeburns. Duringand after use, do nottouch, or letclothingor otherflammablematerialscontactheating Never leave a surface cooking operation unattended elements,areasnearelements, or interiorsurfacesof oven especially when using a r_r 1 _ untilthey have hadsufficienttimeto cool. high heatsettingor when
deepfat frying.Boilovers
Othersurfacesof the appliancemaybecomehot enoughto cause smoking and cause burns - among these surfaces are the cooktop, greasy spillovers may
surfacesfacingthecooktop,ovenventopeningandsurfaces ignite. Clean up greasy neartheventopening,oven door,and ovenwindow, spills as soon as
possible.Donotuse high
Do notallowaluminumfoil, meat probesor anyothermetal heat for extended object,otherthana utensilonasurfaceelement,to contact cookingoperations.
heatingelements. Do nottoucha hot oven light bulbwith a dampcloth as the Always let quantitiesof hotfat used for deep fat frying cool
bulb could break.If bulb breaks, disconnect power to the beforeattemptingto moveor handle. applianceto avoid electricalshockthen removebulb. Never heat an unopened containeras pressure build-up
may cause containerto burst resultingin serious personal
CAUTION:Donotusean _ _ j injuryordamageto theappliance.
applianceasa stepstool _
to cabinets above. Usedry,sturdypotholders.Moistordamppotholdersonhot
Misuse of appliance surfacesmaycauseburnsfromsteam.Donotletpotholders doors or drawers, such touchhotheatingelements.Donotuseatowelorotherbulky as stepping, leaning or cloth. sitting on the door or
drawer, may result in J i Do not let cooking grease or other flammable materials
possible tipping of the accumulate in or nearthe appliance,vent hood orventfan. appliance, breakage of Clean hoodfrequentlyto preventgreasefromaccumulating
door,and seriousinjuries, onhoodorfilter.Whenflamingfoodsunderthe hoodturnthe
fan offasthe fan may spreadthe flame.
Use cautionwhen wearing garmentsmadeof flammable
material to avoid clothing ._ _j,_J_]
Alwaysturnoffsurfaceelementortheovenwhencookingis fires. Loose fitting or long
completed, hanging-sleeved apparel
should not be worn while
Itisnormalforsomepartsofthecooktop,especiallyareas cooking.Clothingmayignite surroundingthesurfaceelements,to becomewarm or hot or catchutensilhandles. duringsurfacecookingoperations.Therefore,donottouch
the cooktopuntil it has had sufficienttime to cool. If Alwaysplaceovenracksinthedesiredpositionswhileoven
necessary,use dry potholdersto protecthands, is cool. Slideoven rack out to add or remove food; avoid
reachingintothe oven. Ifa rackmust be movedwhile oven
Do notcookon a brokenceramic glasscooktop.Ifcooktop is hot, use a drypotholder and avoid touchinghot element should break, cleaning solutions and spillovers may in oven.
penetratethe brokencooktop and createa risk of electric shock.Contactaqualifiedtechnicianimmediately. Usecare whenopeningthe oven door.Let hotair or steam
escapebefore removingorreplacingfood.
Makesure drip bowlsare in place.Absence ofthese bowls during cooking may subject wiring or components
underneathto damage. PREPAREDFOODWARNING:Followfood manufacturer's
Alwaysplacea panonasurfaceelementbeforeturningiton. distorts,warps,or is otherwisedamagedduringcooking,
Be sure you knowwhich knob controlswhich surface immediatelydiscardthe food and its container.The food
element.Makesurethecorrectelementisturnedon.Begin couldbecontaminated.
Use properpansize.Thisapplianceis equippedwith oneor Turnoffallcontrolsandwaitforappliancepartstocoolbefore more surface elements of different sizes. Select utensils touchingorcleaningthem.Cleanappliancewithcaution.Use
having flat bottoms large enough to cover the surface careto avoidsteamburns if awet spongeor clothisusedto element.Theuseofundersizedutensilswillexposeaportion wipe spills on a hot surface. Some cleaners can produce
of the heating element to direct contact and may result in noxiousfumes ifappliedto a hot surface.
_gnitionof clothing.Properrelationshipof utensilto element
will alsoimproveefficiency. Do not soak or immerse removable heating elements in
water.Immersingelementin waterwould damageelement Use pans with flat bottoms and handles that are easily andinsulatingmaterialinsideelement. graspedandstaycool.Avoidusingunstable,warped,easily
tipped or loose handledpans.Pansthatare heavyto move Donotusealuminumfoil orfoil linersto linedripbowls,cover
whenfilled withfood may also be hazardous, anoven rackor linethe ovenbottom.Improperuseofthese
liners mayresult in a riskof electricshock, or fire and may Besureutensilislargeenoughto properlycontainfood and causeoventooverheat.Usefoilonlyasrecommendedinthis avoidboilovers.Pansizeis particularlyimportantin deepfat booklet.
frying.Besurepanwillaccommodatethevolumeoffoodthat isto be addedas wellas the bubbleactionof fat.
To minimize burns, ignition of flammable materials and spillagedueto unintentionalcontactwiththeutensil,do not
extend handles over Clean only parts listed in this booklet. Do not clean door
adjacent surface '_ ,_/_ _ gasket.The door gasketis essentialfor a good seal. Care
elements. Always turn should betaken nottorub,damage,ormovethegasket. Do
panhandlestowardthe _ notuseovencleanersorovenlinerprotectivecoatingsofany
side or back of the kind in or aroundany part ofthe self-clean oven. appliance,not out into
the room where they Before self-cleaning the oven, remove broiler pan, oven
are easily hit or racks,and other utensils, and wipe offexcessivespillovers reached by small to prevent excessivesmokeorflare ups. CAUTION:Do not
leavefood or cookingutensils, etc. in the oven during the
children, self-clean cycle.
Neverleta panboildry asthiscoulddamagetheutensiland
theappliance. Itisnormalforthe cooktopofthe rangeto becomehotduring
a self-clean cycle. Therefore, avoid touching or lifting the Follow the manufacturer's directions when using oven cooktopduring a clean cycle. cookingbags.
Only certain types of glass, glass/ceramic, ceramic, earthenwareor glazed utensils are suitable for cooktopor oven usagewithout breakingdue to the sudden change in
The California Safe DrinkingWater and ToxicEnforcement temperature. Act of 1986 (Proposition 65) requires the Governor of
Thisappliancehas beentestedfor safe performanceusing Californiato publisha list of substancesknownto the State conventional cookware. Do not use any devices or of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm, and
accessoriesthat are not specificallyrecommended in this requires businesses to warn customers of potential manual.Donotuseeyelidcoversforthe surfaceunits,stove exposuresto such substances.Usersofthis applianceare top grills, or add-on oven convection systems.The use of hereby warned that when the oven is engaged in the
devicesoraccessoriesthat arenotexpresslyrecommended self-clean cycle, there may besome low level exposureto
in this manual can createserioussafety hazards,result in some ofthe listed substances,includingcarbon monoxide. performance problems, and reduce the life of the Exposuretothesesubstancescanbeminimizedbyproperly
componentsof theappliance, ventingtheovento theoutdoorsduringtheself-clean cycle.
_, _:,,,_l1 wt° 12 12
9 3 -
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Pushin and turnthe MINUTETIMER knobto set the clock The Automatic Oven Cooking feature is used to turn the
to the correcttimeof day.Besurethatthe MINUTETIMER oven onand off atapresettimeof day.This featurecanbe
handis onOFFafter settingthe clock, usedto:
Turnthe ovenon immediately(immediatestart).
Delaythestart ofcooking(delay start).
Turnthe MINUTETIMER knob in either direction untilthe IMPORTANT timer hand is set to the desired time. When the buzzer Highly perishable foods such as dairy products,
sounds,manuallyturn the timerhand to OFF. pork, poultry, seafood, or stuffing are not
NOTE:Do notpush in theknobwhensettingthetimer, recommendedfor DelayStartcooking.
° If cooking more than one food, selectfoods that
cookfor the same length oftime and at the same oven temperature.
The feature can be used with either oven cooking or the self-cleaning evenfeature. Seepage 17for instructionson delayingthe startof a clean cycle.
Theclock mustbe functioningandsetatthe correcttimeof day for the Automatic Oven Cooking feature to operate properly.
1.Placethe food in the oven.
2. To delay the start of cooking: Push in and turn the STARTknobto thetimeofdayyouwishcookingto begin.
(NOTE:Ifyouwishtobegincookingimmediately,do NOT
setthe STARTknob.)
3. Push in andturn the STOPknob to the timeof day you wishtheoven toturn off.
4. Turn the Thermostat knob to the desired temperature setting.TurntheSelector knobtoTiME BAKE.
The oven will automaticallyturn on and off at the preset
times.Attheendofcooking,turnthe Selectorknobto OFFto
turnthe ovenoff.
Yourcooktopisequippedwithcontrolknobsthatprovidean Use HIGHjust untilwater comes to a boil or pressure is
infinitechoiceofsettingsfrom LOWto HIGH.Theknobcan reachedin the pressurecanner.Then,reduceto the lowest beset onorbetweenanyof the numberedsettings, heatsetting that maintainsthe boil or pressure.Prolonged
use of HIGH or the use of incorrect canning utensils will
Tooperatepushinandturntheknobineitherdirectiontothe produce excessive heat. Excessive heat can cause
desiredsetting.Anindicatorlightwill glowwhen a surface permanentdamageto the porcelaincooktop,coilelement elementisturnedon.The indicatorlightwillremainonuntil andthedripbowl.See page9 foradditionalinformation. theelementisturnedoff.Aftera cookingoperation,be sure theelementandindicatorlightareoff.
Cookingperformanceis greatly affectedby the type of cookwareused.Propercookwarewillreducecookingtimes,
Topreventdamagetotherangeorutensil,neveroperate bestresultsusea heavygaugemetalpanwitha smoothflat surfaceunitwithoutapaninplace,neverallowapantoboil bottomanda tightfittinglid.
dryand neveroperatean elementon HiGH forextended periodsoftime. C0okwarewithuneven,warped,orgroovedbottomsdonot
Foodwillnotcookanyfasteratahighersettingthanneeded conductivityandresultin slower,lessevenheating.
to maintaina gentle boil. Water boils at the same temperaturewhetherboilinggentlyorvigorously.If a high Differenttypesofcookwarematerialsrequiredifferentheat settingisused,excessivespatteringwilloccurandfoodmay settingsfor thesamecookingoperation.Thechartbelowis
stickor burnonto thebottomofthe pan. basedonheavygaugealuminumcookware.Lowertheheat
settingif usinga thinner gaugemetalor other materials.
If a higherheat settingis usedto bringliquidto a boilor to Oversized cookwareand cookware that restsacross two begincooking,alwaysreduceto a lowersettingonceliquid elementsare notrecommendedas they maytrap enough
comesto a boilor food beginscooking.Never leavefood heatto causedamageto thecooktop or elements.This is
unattendedduringa cookingoperation, especiallyimportantwhencanning. Fitthesizeofthecookwaretothesizeofthe element.This Donotusewoksequippedwithroundmetalrings.The ring,
conservesenergy, whichisdesignedtosupportthewokabovetheelement,will
trapheatand maydamagetheelementandthe cooktop.
Referto cookwaremanufacturer'srecommendationsfor suggestedheatsettings.Somemanufacturersdo notrecommend theuseof HIGH,orthe use of HIGHforextended cookingoperations.
HIGH Tobringliquidtoa boil,blanch,preheat skillet,orreachpressureina pressurecooker.
Always reduceto a lower heat settingwhen liquidsjust beginto boil or foods beginto cook.
Medium-High Tobrownor sear meat; heatoil for deepfatfrying; scald; to sauteor fry.
7-9 Maintainfast boilfor largeamountsof liquids.
, ,, ,,
Medium Tomaintainmoderateto slowboilfor large amountsof liquids.
4-6 Tocontinuecookinguncoveredfoodsand formostfrying operations.
Medium-Low Tocontinuecookingcoveredfoodsandto maintainpressurein mostpressurecookers.
1-3 Stew,braiseor steamoperations.
Tomaintainboilfor smallamountsof liquid,poach,steamor simmer.
, ,, , ,,, ,,, ,, ,, , , , , ,,, , , ,,, , , , , ,I
LOW Tokeepfoods warm beforeserving.Melt chocolate.
Ion Canadian models only: The surface unitswill not When cooking delicate foods which easily scorch or
operateduringa cleancycle.This is normal, overcook, start with a lower heat setting then gradually
increase the setting until you find the optimum setting.
Boiloversare more likelyto occurif you start out on HIGH
The four cooking areas on ._1__ _ then reducetothe lowersetting.Ifyoudo begincookingon
your range are identifiedby HIGH,reducetoa lowersettingbeforeliquidscometoafull permanent patterns in the _J_//t_ boil.
cooktop.Therearetwo large _/i//____
(8-inch) and two small Iffoodiscookingtoofastor ifa boiloveroccurs,removelidor
(6-inch)areas.The patterns _///_ _1_ removecookwarefromcookingareaand reducetoa loweronyourcooktopmaynotlook setting.Allowenoughtimeforthecookingareato adjustto like the cooktop in this the newsetting. illustrationbutyour cooktop will operateas described in
this manual.
Beforeusingthecooktopforthefirsttime,cleanitthoroughly Aluminumfoil will damagethesmoothtopif itmeltsontothe as directed on the cleaning chart on page 24. This will glass. Do not use aluminum foil or foil-type disposable protectthe smoothtopand will guarantee a clean cooktop containers such as popcorn poppers under any
whenthe elementsare turned on. circumstances. They may leave metal marks or may
permanentlymeltontothesmoothtop.Donot usecooktopif
Duringthe first few hoursof use, you may notice thatthe metal or aluminum foil melts onto the smoothtop. Call an
cooktopemitsaslightburningodoranda lightsmoke.Both authorized servicer. Do not attempt to repair cooktop of theseconditionsarenormal, yourself.
Whenacookingareais turnedon,thecoilelementunderthe Aluminumcookwarewillcausemetalmarksonthe glass if cooktop will heat up and glow red. To maintain the heat you slide them across the smoothop. Remove any metal settingtheelementwill cycleon andoff. Itisnormaltoseea marksimmediatelyusingCooktopCleaningCreme.
red glow throughthe smoothtopwhenthe element cycles Glass ceramic, earthenware, porcelain over metal,
on. heat-proof glass or glazed ¢ookware may scratchthe
Yourrangeisequippedwitha HOT SURFACElightlocated atthe center-back ofthe smoothtop.This redlight will turn Donotusethetop asaworksurfaceorasacuttingboard.
onto indicatethatthe smoothtopis hot and will remainon Donotcookfood directlyon the cooktop. untilthe top has cooled.
Do not use a trivet or metal stand (such as a wok ring) between the utensil andthe cooktop. These items can markor etch the surface and affectcookingefficiency.
Thesmoothtopcookingarea retainsheatforaperiodoftime Donot placeplasticsonawarmor hotcookingarea.They aftertheelementhasbeenturnedoff.Turntheelementoffa will melt and adhere to the smoothtop.The smoothtop
few minutesbeforefood iscompletelycookedand usethe maychiporpitinattemptingtoremovemeltedplasticfrom
retainedheat to completethe cooking operation.After 30 thetop. minutes,the cooktopmaybetoo cool to keepfoodswarm. Topreventscratchingordamagetothe smoothtop,donot
However,the TOPMAYSTILLBETOOWARMTOTOUCH. leavesugar,salt,sand,soil,shorteningorotherfatsonthe WhentheHOTSURFACElightturnsoff,the topwill becool cooking area. Be sure area is free from these before enoughto touch, turning oncookingarea.
° Be surethe bottomof thecookwareissmoothandfree of
nicks,scratchesor rOughareas asthey may scratchthe smoothtop.
Donotallowapantoboildry.This couldcausepermanent damageto the smoothtop.
+ 16 hidden pages