Energy-saving tips ....................... 2 Help ushelp you...
Safety instructions ....................... 3
Before using your dishwasher,
Operatinginstructions.................. 4,5 read this book carefully.
Automatic Temp Boost ................... 6
How to test water ........................ 6 maintainyour new dishwasher properly.
Using a rinse agent ....................... 6 Keep it handy foranswers to your-
How to choose and use the right detergent ..... 6 questions.
How to prepare dishes for washing .......... 7 help...
HOWto load your dishwasher ............. 8, 9 Write (include your phone number):
What you can wash safely ................. 10 Service Center
The Problem Solver ................... 11-13 240 Edwards Street
Care and cleaning ....................... 14 Cleveland, TN 37311
It is designed to help you operate and
If you don't understand something or need more
Master Care, Inc.
How to change color panel ................ 15
If you need service ...................... 15 serial numbers.
Warranty ...................... Back Cover You'll fred them on a label just inside the
11,-,_ Q M_
Write down the model and
dishwasher door.
These numbers are also on the Consumer
Energy-saving tips Product Ownership Registration Card that came
with your dishwasher. Before sending in this
card, please write these numbers here:
• Operate the dishwasher only when it's full.
Let the dishes accumulate in the dishwasher.
When you put in only a partial load, use the Mode/Number
Rinse & Hold cycle torinse off heavy soils.
• If you don't need your dishes right away,use SerialNumber
your energy saving Cool Dry feature that turns Use these numbers in any correspondence or
the drying heater off automatically. Dishes dry service calls concerning your dishwasher.
naturally over a longer period such as overnight. If you received a damaged dishwasher,
• Always select the cycle that uses the least immediately contact the dealer (or builder) that
amount of water that will remove the soil sold you the dishwasher.
from the load. See pages 4 and 5.
Save time and money.
Before you call for service...
Check the Problem Solver (pages 11through 13).
It lists causes of minor operating problems that
you can conr, ct yourself.

Read all instructions before using this appliance.
WARNING--When using this • Loadfight plastic items so dishwasher, removethe door of
appliance, always exercise basic they will not become dislodged thewashing comparUnent.
safety precautions, including the and drop to the bottom of the • Keep all washing detergents
following: dishwasher--they might come and wetting agents out of the
• Use this appliance only for its and be damaged, leach of children, preferablyin
intended purpose as described a locked cabinet. Observe all
in this book. To minimize the possibility of warnings on container labels to
• This dishwasher must be injury, avoidpersonal injury.
properly installed and located • When loading itemsto be • HYDROGEN GAS is
in accordance with the washed: produced by the chemical action
In_dlation Instructions before A. Locate sharp items so that within yourwaterheater. It can
it is used. If you did not receive they are notlikely to damage accumulate in the waterheater
an Installation Instructions sheet the door seal, and and/orwater pipes if hot water
with your dishwasher you can has notbeen used for a period of
obtain one bycontacting the B. Load sharpknives with the twoweeks or longer.HYDROGEN
service location nearest you. handles up to reduce the risk of GAS IS EXPLOSIVE. Toprevent
--This appliance must be cut-type injuries, the possibility of damage or
connected to a grounded metal, • Do not touch the heating injury, if you have not used hot
permanent wiring system; or an element during or immediately water for two weeks or more, or
equipment-grounding conductor after use. move into a residence in which
must be runwith the circuit the hot water system may not
conductors and connected tothe dishwasher unless all enclosure turn on all hot water faucetsand
equipment-grounding terminal panels are properly in place, allow them to run for several
or lead of the appliance.
--Connect to a propedy rated, • Do not tamper with controls, minutes before using any
protected and sized power supply • Do not abuse, sit on, or stand connected to the hot water
circuitto avoidelectrical overload, on the door or dish rack of the system. This will allow any
• Use only powder or liquid dishwasher, hydrogen gas to escape. Also,
detergents or wetting agents • Close supervision is necessary since the gas is flammable, do
recommended for use in a if this appliance is used by or not smoke or use an open flame
dishwasher, near children. Do not allow or appliance during this process.
into contact with the heating unit
• Do not operate your have been used for some time,
electrical appliance which is
• Do not wash plastic items children to play inside, on or
unless marked "dishwasher with this appliance or any SAVE THF.SE
safe" or the equivalent. For discarded appliance. Dispose
plastic items not so marked, of discarded appliances and INSTRUCTIONS
check the manufacturer's shipping or packing material
recommendations, properly. Before discarding a

How tooperate your dishwasher
VaporVent Door Latch CYcleIndicatorDial
STEP 1. Load your dishwasher STEP 4. Select the Cycle and start • For SHORT WASH cycle:
with dishes, silverware, pots, pans, dishwasher. (See Cycle selection
bowls, etc. according to hints on next page.) a. Be sure door is unlatched.
instructions on pages 8and 9. If your dishwasher drains into a SHORT WASH
STEP 2..Add detergent to the food waste disposer, operate the "_--_N
detergent dispenser. Make sure the disposer until it is empty before srAsr
Cycle Indicator Dial is atOFF starting the dishwasher. OFF
position before adding detergent. • For NORMAL WASH cycle: R,.SE_MOL0
See pages 6 and 7.
Use rinse aid agentto help prevent a. Latch the door.
spotting. See page 6. s.o_wAs, b. Slowly turn Cycle Indicator Dial
STEP 3. Select drying option. It '-_ to SHORT WASH position.
ked) (Turnto$
WARMER cycle, COOL" DRY for o_F
RINSE & HOLD cycle. It can be R,_SE_,O_O • For RINSE & HOLDcycle:
must be HOT DRY for PLATE srAmw_ c. Latch door to startthe cycle.
on HOT DRY or COOL DRY, at P_rE a. Be sure door is unlatched.
your option (see below), for any of Do not use detergent.
the wash cycles, b. Slowly turn Cycle Indicator Dial b. Select COOL DRY drying
to START position to start the option.
HOT COOL cycle. There is a time delay
DRY DRY between start-up and water fill '_n_
action right away. sr^_r
_ so you will not hear any wash
HOT DRY. Turns the drying heater necessary to start the dishwasher.
on for fast drying, c. Slowly turn Cycle Indicator
COOL DRY. Turns the drying Dial to RINSE & HOLD
heater off to save energy. Dishes position.
will dry naturally over a longer d. Latch door to start the cycle.
period such as overnight.
If you need your dishes sooner,
open the dishwasher door after the
cycle is complete to reduce the
natural drying time.
Use of this option reduces the
electrical energy used by this
model approximately 8% for
the NORMAL WASH cycle.
To obtain the benefits of a complete
cycle, be careful that you do not .,.SE_.O.D
turn the dial any further than PL_

• For PLATE WARMER cycle: Cycle selection hints
a. Load clean plates and dishes to It is important to follow the loading RINSE & HOLD--FOr rinsing
be warmed, instructions on pages 8 and 9. partial loads which will be washed
b. Select HOT DRY option. NORMAL WASH--FOr most later. Select COOL DRY no-heat
c. I._tve the door Ilnlfdghed. loads of everyday dishes, glasses drying option. Do not use detergent.
and cookware with medium soils. PLATE WARMER--For warming
s_o__--_ SHORT WASH--For dishes that clean dishes and serving plates, for
are lightly soiled with soils that the serving of hot food.
,,,_, MOLD everyday dishes thathave extra
r_ havenot dried on. Also for
Pu_re i preparationbefore loading.
d. Slowly turn Cycle Indicator Dial
clockwise to PLATE WARMER
e. Latch the door to startthe cycle.
What happens in each cycle
• You'll hear occasional clicking • During the drying period:
sounds: --The motor stops.
--Soft food disposer shredding --Water vapor comes through the
action, vent by the door latch during
--Drain valve opening to pump drying and when water is being
water out. pumped out.
--Timer control as cycle
--Detergent cup opening.
Wash Gallons Minutes
Cycles (approx.) (approx.) CycleSequence
NORMALWASH 12.2 57 jease [IRJn_[]P._e[]_ []RinseI[Pan_eiip.i_eI
SHORTWASH 8.8 47 _----_ _ _--_ _'] _
WaterUse CycleTune
I II II l_[----'-7_Wash/ . •
I I] I] I_ [_ [] [[ [
.HOLO 3.7 10
DryingOptions: ..

Water Heating How tochoose and use
To get dishes clean and dry you showers, give your water heater detergent.
need hot water. Tohelp you get time to recover before operating the First, use only powder or liquid
water of the proper temperature, dishwasher, detergents specifically made for
your dishwasher automatically To improve washability if the water use in dishwashers. Other types
heats the water in the wash cycle, is less than 120°F and you cannot will cause oversudsing.
For good washing and drying, the adjust your water heater: Select a
entering water must be atleast longer cycle and fill beth detergent content. Phosphate helps prevent
120°E To prevent dish damage, cups atleast half-full with detergent.
inlet water should notexceed 150°F. hard-water materials from forming
How to test water temperature: How to use a rinse agent, water is hard (7 grains or more),
Check the water temperature your detergent has to work harder.
inside your dishwasher with a A rinse agent makes water flow Detergents with a higher phosphate
candy or meat thermometer, offdishes quickerthan usual. This level will probably work better. If
Let the dishwasher run through drying faster, too.
one fill and pump out cycle, then or less), you'll have to use extra
let the dishwasher flUwith water For best dishwashing performance, detergent with hard water.
the second time. use of a rinse agent such as JET-DRY
When you hear the water stop you how hard your water is. So
filling, unlatch the door and slowly Rinse agents come in either liquid can your county extension agent.
open it. or solid form. Your dishwasher's Or your area's water softener
Measure the temperature of the dispenser uses the liquid form. company. Just call and ask them
water in the bottom of the tub this How to fill the rinse agent how many "grains of hardness"
way: dispenser. Unscrew the cap. Add there are in your water.
Remove the silverware basket and detergent from working. "etching." An outside layer of glass
place a candy or meat thermometer If you can't find any rinse agent, is etched away! Of course, this takes
in the water towards the middle of write: some time. But why take a chance
the tub. If the temperature is less BENCKISER CONSUMER when it's easy to find out the
than 120°F, you will not get good
washing results. Higher water PRODUCTS, INC. hardness of your water.
temperature is needed to dissolve ("JET DRY") Keep your detergent fresh and
grease and activate powder 411W. Putnam Ave. dry. Under the sink isn't a good
detergents. Greenwich, CT 06830 place to store detergent. Too much
Helpful hints: If outside /A / _ into the dispenser until you're
lessens water sporing and makes the phosphate content is low (8.7%
brand is recommended. Your water department can tell
the liquid rinse agent until itjust How much detergent should you
reaches the bottom of the lip inside use? That depends. Is your water
the dispenser opening. Replace the "hard" or "soft"? With hard water,
cap. The dispenser automatically you need extra detergent to get
releases the rinse agent into the dishes clean. With soft water, you
fina/rinse water, need less detergent.
If you accidentally spill: Wipe Too much detergent with soft water
upthe rinse agent with adamp not only wastes money, it can be
cloth. Don't leave the spill in the harmful. It can cause a permanent
dishwasher. It can keep your cloudiness of glassware, called
Second, check the phosphate
spots or film on your dishes. Ifyour
moisture. Don't put IXr,vderdetergent
if your water travels a long distance .o. _/ won't be fresh OR dry.)
temperatures are unusually low, or /J/// ready to wash dishes, either. (It
from water heater to dishwasher,
you may need to set your water If your powder detergent gets old
heater's thermostat up. If you have or lumpy, throw it away. It won't
not used hot water for some time, wash well. Old detergent often
the water in the pipes will be cold. __ won't dissolve.
Turnon the hot water faucet at the If you use a liquid dishwasher
sink and allow it to rununtil the Your dishwasher's rinse agent detergent, these precautions are not
water is hot. Then startthe container holds 4½ ounces. This necessary because liquid detergents
dishwasher. If you've recently done should last about 3 months. Fill don't "lump" as they age or come
laundry or run hot water for as needed. Do not overfdl, in contact with water.