A. Do not attempt to operate this oven with C. Do not operate the oven if it is damaged.
the door open since open-door operation It is particularly important that the oven door
can result in harmful exposure to microwave close properly and that there is no damage to
energy. It is important not to defeat or the (1) Door (bent), (2) hinges and latches
tamper with the safety interlocks. (broken or loosened), (3) door seals and
B. Do not place any object between sealing surfaces.
oven front face and the door or allow D. The oven should not be adjusted or repaired
soil or cleaner residue to accumulate on by anyone except properly qualified service
sealing surfaces, personnel.
Whenusingelectricalappliances,basicsafety servicefacilityforexamination,repairorreplacement.
precautionsshouldbefollowed,includingthefollowing: Donot attemptto serviceorrepairthis appliance.
WARNING--To reducethe riskof burns,electrical 10. Do notcoveror blockanyopeningson the
shock,fire, injuryto personsor exposureto excessive appliance.Do notstore itemson topof microwave
microwaveenergy: ovenifthere arelouversontop of oven.
1. READALLTHE INSTRUCTIONSBEFOREUSING 11. Do notstorethisapplianceoutdoors.Donot
THEAPPLIANCE. usethisproductnearwater-for example,near
2. Readandfollow the specific"Precautionsto avoid a kitchensink,ina wet basement,or neara
possibleexposureto excessivemicrowaveenergy" swimmingpool,and thelike.
foundabove. 12. Donot immersecord or pluginwater.
3. Thisappliancemustbe groundedandproperly 13. Keepcordaway fromheatedsurfaces.
polarized.Connectonlyto a properlygroundedand 14. Donot letcord hangoveredgeof table or counter.
polarizedoutlet.See'GroundingIns'mJctJons"onpage3. 15.When cleaningsurfacesof doorandoventhat
4. Installor locatethisapplianceonly in accordance cometogetheronclosingthe door,use onlymild,
withtheinstallationinstructionsdescribedinthis nonabrasivesoapsordetergentsappliedwitha
manual, spongeor soft cloth.
5. Someproductssuchas wholeeggsandsealed
containers,suchasclosedglassjars, mayexplode 16. Toreducethe riskof firein the ovencavity:
andshouldnot be heatedinthis oven. a. Do notovercookfood,especiallystarchy
6. Usethis applianceonlyforitsintendeduseas itemssuchaspotatoesandfattyitemssuch
describedin the manual.Donotusecorrosive as bacon.Carefullyattendapplianceifpaper,
chemicalsorvaporsinthis appliance.This typeof plastic,or othercombustiblematerialsare
ovenis specificallydesignedto heat,cook,dry,or placedinsidetheovento facilitatecooking.
defrostfood. It is notdesignedfor industrial, b. Removewire twist-tiesfrom paperor plastic
laboratory,or commercialuse.Itis intendedfor bag beforeplacingbagin oven.
homeuseonly.Do not usefordryingclothes,linens, c. If materialsinsidetheoven shouldignite,keep
newspaper,orsimilarnon-foodtype items, ovendoor closed,turnovenoff,anddisconnect
7. Makesurethat allpersonsusingthis appliance, the powercord, or shut offpoweratthe fuseor
especiallychildren,arecloselysupervisedand circuitbreakerpanel.
properlyinstructedon howto usethisappliance, d. Do notusethe cavityfor storagepurposes.
8. Donotoperatethisapplianceifithas adamaged Do notleavepaper products,cooking utensils,
cordor plug,if it isnotworkingproperly,or if it has orfoodinthe cavitywhennotin use.
beendamagedordropped. _ e. Donotput metalinsidethe oven,exceptas
9. This applianceshouldbeservicedonlyby qualified specificallydescribedin the manualor
servicepersonnel.Contactthe nearestauthorized cookbookifsuppliedwiththis oven.
(continuedon page2)