Thefollowinginstructionsare basedonsafety Turnoff applianceandventilatinghoodto
considerationsand must be strictly followedto eliminate theflame.Extinguishflame thenturn onh_
thepotential risksoffire,electricshock, or personalinjury, smokeand odor.
• Haveyour applianceinstalledand properlygrounded by a Usedry chemicalorfoam-type extinguish{
qualifiedinstalleraccordingto the installationinstructions, sodato smotherfire or flame. Neveruse
Havethe installershowyouthe locationofthe gasshut off greasefire.
valve andhowto shutit off in anemergency.
Iffire is inthe ovenor broilerpan, smother
Always disconnectpowerto appliance beforeservicing, ovendoor.
Iffire is in a panon the surfaceburner,cm
Toensureproper operationand avoid possibleinjuryor
damageto unitdo notattempt to adjust, repair,service,or attemptto pickupor movea flamingpan.
replaceany partof yourappliance unlessit isspecifically
recommendedinthis book.All other servicingshouldbe
referredto aqualifiedinstallerorservicer.
NEVERleavechildren alone or unsuPervi_
appliancewhen it is !n use or is still hot. NI
'_ childrentositor standonany partof the a
Besure all packingmaterialsare removedfromthe Childrenmust betaughtthat the _-_
appliancebeforeoperatingit. applianceand utensils init can be I \t
hot. Lethot utensilscool in asafe I \
Keeparea aroundapplianceclear and free from place, out of reachof small children. |
combustiblematerials,gasoline,and other flammable Childrenshouldbetaught that an I_
vaporsand materials, applianceis nota toy.Children L__t
shouldnot be allowedto play with
Ifapplianceis installedneara window,proper precautions controlsor otherpartsofthe unit.
shouldbe takento preventcurtains fromblowingover
burners. CAUTION:NEVER storeitems of |
interestto childrenin cabinetsabovel /
NEVERleaveany itemson the cooktop.The hot airfrom an applianceor on the backguardof | /
the vent may igniteflammableitemsand mayincrease a range. Childrenclimbing on the _'
pressurein closedcontainerswhich maycausethemto applianceor on the appliancedoor
burst, to reachitemscould beseriouslyinjured.
Manyplasticsare vulnerableto heat. Keepplasticsaway
frompartsof theappliancethat maybecomewarm or hot.
Do not leave plasticitems onthe cooktopasthey may
meltor soften if lefttoo closeto the vent or a lighted NEVERuse applianceas ,. II___j
surfaceburner, a spaceheaterto heator
warma room toprevent _r;
Manyaerosol-typespraycansare EXPLOSIVEwhen potentialhazardto the _!_.
exposedto heatand maybe highlyflammable.Avoidtheir userand damageto the
useor storagenear an appliance, appliance. Also, do not
usethe cooktopor oven
Toeliminatethe hazardof reachingover hotsurface as a storagearea for food
burners, cabinetstorageshould notbe provideddirectly orcooking utensils.
abovea unit. Ifsuchstorage isprovided, it should be
limitedto itemswhichareused infrequentlyandwhich are Donotobstructthe flow ofcombustionan(
safelystored in anarea subjectedto heat from an by blockingthe oven ventor air intakes.R_
appliance.Temperaturesmay be unsafefor someitems, flowto the burner preventsproperperform
suchas volatileliquids,cleaners or aerosolsprays, increasescarbonmonoxideemissionto ur