Magic Chef DF255670 Owner's Manual

Gas Range
Self-Cleaning Oven
IMPORTANTSAFETYINSTRUCTIONS ......... 1-4 Automaticovencooking ............
CLOCK,TIMER,OVEN CONTROL . 5-6 Broilingandchart ...................
SURFACECOOKING ........................ 7-10 SELF-CLEANOVEN .................
Aboutthe surfaceflame ........................ 8 Cooktop ..........................
Sealedsurfaceburners,selectmodels........... 9 Ovendoor ........................
Cookware................................... 10 Doorlook lever ....................
Canning .................................. 10 Ovenbottom ............ _........
Ovenracks .................
OVENUSE ................................. 11-18 Storagedrawer ...................
Pilotless gnitionSystem ........ : ....... 11 Levelinglegs .....
Ovenburner................................ 11 .......
Howtoset ovento bakeor roast............... 12 Electricalconnection ...............
Commonbakingproblems . . . 14 Howtoobta nservice .............
Roastingandchart ........................... 15 Troubleshootingchart ...............
Read all instructions before using this appliance.
Thank You for purchasingourcooking
appliance.Tohelpyouobtainthe maximumin cooking WARNING: If the information
satisfaction,weofferthesesuggestions: manual is not followed exactly,
explosion may result causing
[]_=Readthismanualbeforeusingtheappliance, damage, personalinjury or deatl
- Do not store or use gasoline
ReviewtheTroubleshootingCharton flammable vapors and liquid pages30and31 ifservicebecomesnecessary, vicinity of this or any other apl:
[E7 Includethemodelandserialnumbersofyour - WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL G
Proofof purchasesuchas salesreceipt Donot try to light anyappUa will be neededforwarrantyservice. Do not touch any electrical,'
lET'Youcancontactusat: not use any phone in your b
National CustomerRelationsManager Immediately call your gas 619 ChicagoAvenue from a neighbor,s phone. F Chicago,Illinois60671 gas supplier's instructions.
If you cannot reach your ga
In our continuing effortto improvethequalityand performanceof our cookingappliances,it maybe call the fire department.
necessarytomakechangestothe appliancewithout
revisingthismanual. - Installation and service
performedbya qualifiedinstall agencyor the gassupplier.
' WARNING:Toreducethe risk oftipping
WARNING appliancefrom abnormalusage or byexce
i of theovendoor,the appliancemustbese,
I CAUSE TO PERSONS. If therangeismovedfromthewall,besur_
deviceisengagedwhentherange isrepla(
INSTALLANTI-TIP DEVICES underneathrangetoverifythatoneof the
PACKEDWITHRANGE. legsisproperlyengagedinthe bracketslo
FOLLOWALL iNSTALLATION Theanti-tipdevicesecuresthe rearlevelin
INSTRUCTIONS. floorwhenproperlyengaged.Also, be sun
Thefollowinginstructionsare basedonsafety Turnoff applianceandventilatinghoodto considerationsand must be strictly followedto eliminate theflame.Extinguishflame thenturn onh_
thepotential risksoffire,electricshock, or personalinjury, smokeand odor.
Haveyour applianceinstalledand properlygrounded by a Usedry chemicalorfoam-type extinguish{ qualifiedinstalleraccordingto the installationinstructions, sodato smotherfire or flame. Neveruse
Havethe installershowyouthe locationofthe gasshut off greasefire.
valve andhowto shutit off in anemergency.
Iffire is inthe ovenor broilerpan, smother
Always disconnectpowerto appliance beforeservicing, ovendoor.
Iffire is in a panon the surfaceburner,cm
Toensureproper operationand avoid possibleinjuryor damageto unitdo notattempt to adjust, repair,service,or attemptto pickupor movea flamingpan.
replaceany partof yourappliance unlessit isspecifically recommendedinthis book.All other servicingshouldbe
referredto aqualifiedinstallerorservicer.
NEVERleavechildren alone or unsuPervi_ appliancewhen it is !n use or is still hot. NI
'_ childrentositor standonany partof the a
Besure all packingmaterialsare removedfromthe Childrenmust betaughtthat the _-_ appliancebeforeoperatingit. applianceand utensils init can be I \t
hot. Lethot utensilscool in asafe I \
Keeparea aroundapplianceclear and free from place, out of reachof small children. | combustiblematerials,gasoline,and other flammable Childrenshouldbetaught that an I_ vaporsand materials, applianceis nota toy.Children L__t
shouldnot be allowedto play with
Ifapplianceis installedneara window,proper precautions controlsor otherpartsofthe unit.
shouldbe takento preventcurtains fromblowingover burners. CAUTION:NEVER storeitems of |
interestto childrenin cabinetsabovel /
NEVERleaveany itemson the cooktop.The hot airfrom an applianceor on the backguardof | /
the vent may igniteflammableitemsand mayincrease a range. Childrenclimbing on the _'
pressurein closedcontainerswhich maycausethemto applianceor on the appliancedoor burst, to reachitemscould beseriouslyinjured.
Manyplasticsare vulnerableto heat. Keepplasticsaway
frompartsof theappliancethat maybecomewarm or hot.
Do not leave plasticitems onthe cooktopasthey may
meltor soften if lefttoo closeto the vent or a lighted NEVERuse applianceas ,. II___j
surfaceburner, a spaceheaterto heator
warma room toprevent _r;
Manyaerosol-typespraycansare EXPLOSIVEwhen potentialhazardto the _!_. exposedto heatand maybe highlyflammable.Avoidtheir userand damageto the useor storagenear an appliance, appliance. Also, do not
usethe cooktopor oven Toeliminatethe hazardof reachingover hotsurface as a storagearea for food burners, cabinetstorageshould notbe provideddirectly orcooking utensils.
abovea unit. Ifsuchstorage isprovided, it should be limitedto itemswhichareused infrequentlyandwhich are Donotobstructthe flow ofcombustionan(
safelystored in anarea subjectedto heat from an by blockingthe oven ventor air intakes.R_ appliance.Temperaturesmay be unsafefor someitems, flowto the burner preventsproperperform suchas volatileliquids,cleaners or aerosolsprays, increasescarbonmonoxideemissionto ur
Avoidtouchingovenventarea whileovenison andfor. NEVERheat an unopenedcontaineronthe
severalminutesafterovenis turnedoff.Somepartsof the burnerorin theoven.Pressurebuild-upma ventandsurroundingareabecomehotenoughtocause containertoburstresultinginseriousperso burns.Afterovenisturnedoff,donottouchthe ovenvent damagetotheappliance. orsurroundingareasuntilthey havehadsufficienttimeto
cool. Usedry,sturdypotholders.Damppothold¢
WARNING:NEVERuse _c_\ _ =._.._=., burnsfromsteam.Dishtowelsorothersub=
appliancedooror drawer,if _ neverbe usedaspotholdersbecausethey
equipped,asa stepstoolor acrosshotsurfaceburnersandigniteorgel seatasthismayresultin applianceparts. possibletippingofthe appliance,damagetothe Alwaysletquantitiesof hotfat usedfordeel:
appliance,andserious coolbeforeattemptingtomoveor handle.
Donotletcookinggreaseorotherflammabl accumulatein'orneartheappliance,hoodo
Donottoucha hotovenlightbulbwitha dampclothas Cleanhoodfrequentlytopreventgreasefro1
the bulbcouldbreak. Shouldthe bulbbreak,disconnect accumulatingonhoodorfilter.Whenflaminc.
powerto the appliancebeforeremovingbulbto avoid the hoodturnthe fan off asthe fan may spr_ electricalshock.
NEVERwear garments .'__
madeof flammablematerial
or loosefitting or long Always placea pan on a surface burnerbefore turning it hanging-sleevedapparel on. Besureyou know whichknob controlswhichsurface whilecooking.Clothingmay burner.Makesure the correctburner is turned on and that igniteor catch utensil
theburner has ignited.Whencookingis completed,turn handles. burneroff before removingpan to preventexposureto
Always place ovenracksin the desiredpositi
Alwaysadjustsurface burnerflame so that it doesnot oven is cool. Slide oven rackoutto add or re extendbeyondthe bottomedge ofthe pan.An excessive usingdry sturdypot holders.Always avoidre
flameis hazardous,wastesenergyand may damagethe theoven to addor removefood. Ifa rack mu_ appliance,panor cabinetsabove the appliance, whilehot, usea drypotholder.Alwaysturntl
NEVERleavea surface ___ the endofcooking.
especiallywhenusinga high Usecarewhenopeningtheovendoor.Leth_ heatsettingorwhendeepfat steamescapebeforeremovingor replacingT,
frying.Boiloverscause smokingandgreasyspillovers PREPAREDFOODWARNING:Followfood
mayignite.Cleanupgreasy manufacturer'sinstructions.Ifa plasticfrozen
spillsassoonas possible.Do , containerand/oritscoverdistorts,warps,ori= not usehigh heatforextended damagedduring cooking,immediatelydiscarc
cookingoperations, and its container.The food couldbe contami_
Use panswithflatbottomsand handlesthatare easily Turn offallcontrolsand waitfor appliance
graspedand staycool.Avoid usingunstable,warped, beforetouching orcleaningthem. Do nottq
easilytippedor loosehandledpans. Alsoavoid using gratesor surroundingareasuntilthey have pansespeciallysmallpans,with heavy handlesasthey time to cool. couldbe unstableandeasilytip. Pansthat are heavyto movewhen filledwithfood may also be hazardous. Cleanappliancewith caution.Use careto
burnsif a wet spongeor cloth is usedto wi
Besure utensilislargeenoughto properlycontainfood hot surface.Somecleanerscan producen
andavoidboilovers.Pan sizeis particularlyimportantin appliedto a hotsurface.
deepfatfrying.Besurepanwillaccommodatethe volume
offoodthat istobe addedas wellas the bubbleactionof
Tominimizeburns,ignitionofflammablematerialsand gasket.Thedoorgasketisessentialfor a spillageduetounintentionalcontactwiththeutensil,do shouldbetakennottorub,damage,or m(
notextend handles F t , Donotuse oven cleanersofany kind inou
overadjacent surface _-_ __ _ partofthe self-cleanoven.
burners.Alwaysturn _._
pan handlestoward Beforeself-cleaningthe oven, removebro theside or backof the _.,_ _--_. racks,and otherutensils,andwipe offexc
appliance,not out into _ spilloversto prevent excessivesmokeor f
theroomwhere they CAUTION: Do notleavefood orcooking L areeasily hit or the ovenduringthe self-cleancycle. reachedby small
children. It is normalfor the cooktopofthe range
during a self-cleancycle.Therefore, toucl
Never leta panboil dryasthis coulddamagethe utensil cooktopduringa cleancycle shouldbe a_ andthe appliance.
Followthe manufacturer'sdirectionswhen usingoven cookingbags.
The CaliforniaSafe DrinkingWater and
OnlyCertaintypesof glass,glass/ceramic,ceramic,or Act of 1986(Proposition65) requiresthe, glazedutensilsare suitablefor cooktopor ovenusage Californiato publisha listofsubstancesk withoutbreakingduetothesuddenchangein StateofCaliforniato causecancerorrepa
temperature, andrequiresbusinessestowarncustome
Usingconventionalcookware.Donotuseanydevicesor Usersofthisapplianceareherebywarne accessoriesthatare notspecificallyrecommendedinthis burningofgascan resultinlow-levelexp
manual.Donotuseeyelidcoversfor the surfaceunits, thelistedsubstances,includingbenzene, stovetop grills, or add-onovenconvectionsystems.The and soot,due primarilyto the incomplete
useofdevices oraccessoriesthat are not expressly naturalgas or liquidpetroleum(LP)fuels recommendedin this manualcan createserioussafety adjustedburnerswill minimizeincomplet_
hazards,resultinperformanceproblems,and reducethe Exposureto these substancescanalsoI: lifeofthecomponentsoftheappliance, properlyventingtheburnersto theoutdo,
1 l 1
timeofdaywill =r _,Pr:heat Cook
reappearinthe display, L_LOck Time
CANCELpads.A beepwillsoundwhenthesepads 2. Pressor pressand hold [ Clock/ t
arepressed. or paduntilcorrect
Nobeepwillsoundwhenthe or padispressed, timeofdayappearsin
AllfunctionpadsexcepttheCANCEL _ display.
when theBAKEorBROILpadis Displaywillflashwhenpowerissuppliedt(
pressed,the indicatorlightwill _ PressCLOCK padto recalltime ofdaywh,
turn onto letyou knowthat the _ functionisdisplayed.
oven is setfor this operation.
Clocktime cannot be changedif oven iss_ Indicatorlights on SELF-CLEAN,TIMER, bakeor delayedclean operation. Cancel ti" CLOCK,COOKTIME and STOPTIME padswill beforesettingtheclock.
flash whenthe padis pressed.These indicator lights will stopflashing butwill remainlit once thefunction Iftimer is in use,press CLOCKpadonce t
starts, timeof dayor twice to reset the timeof da
' If anindicatorlight ona function padis lit andyou set
a secondoperation:
- Eitherthe controlwill not acceptthe operationor
- The indicatorlightonthe first padwill "dim"slightly Ifyou preferthatthe time of day is not disl:
andthe indicatorlightonthe pad youjust pressed 1. Pressand holdboth willbe"fullon."Thisletsyouknowthatyouhave CLOCKandCANCEL
setthe controlfortwooperations, padsfor 3 seconds, ar
Whenclockdisplayis disabled,pressCLOCKpadto recalltime seconds.Displaywillthenblank.
Ifa powerfailureoccurswhentheclockh; disabled,thedisplayremainsblankandw
1.PressTIMER pad. _ The Control Lock-Outfeature preventstheo4
2. Pressor pressand hold r'_ L__ beingturned on.
or paduntilcorrect
time appearsindisplay, then Toactivate:
1. Pressandholdboth
Thetimerfeaturedoesnotoperatethe oven, seconds. Thetimercanbesetfrom1 minute[0:01]upto9 hours 2. "OFF"willappearindisplay
and50 minutes[9:50]. whenthisfeatureisactivated.Onlythecl Thetimerwillstartautomatically.TheTIMERindicatoron timerfunctionswilloperatewhenControl
theTIMER padwill lightwheneverthe timeris inuse.One featureis activated. longbeepand"End"willbe brieflydisplayedtosignalthe Repeatstep1todeactivate,
endofthetimeroperation, Tocanceltimer:PressandholdIIMER padfor 3
seconds.Time ofdaywill reappearinthedisplay.
Youhavea choiceofthree"endof cooking'
beepsforthe AutomaticOvenTimerfeature
The 12 HourEnergySaverfeatureautomaticallyturnsoff Option 1: Fourbeepsthenonebeepeve theovenif itwasaccidentlyleftonfor 12 hours.To forthe next5 minutesor untilCANCEL
deactivatethisfeaturesotheovenwillNOT turnoff pressed,(Defaultoption,) automaticallyat the endof 12hours: Option2: Fourbeeps,Thereareno oth
1. PressandholdCLOCKpad l Cl°¢kI n_'_ Option3".Fourbeepsthenonebeepev
for 3 seconds. _ thenext 12 hoursor untilCANCELpad
2. Press or paduntil8:88 the Nowto selectthe desiredoption:
Currenttimeofdaywill 1. Pressandholdboth reappearinthe displayafter COOKTiME and CLOCK
4 seconds, padsfor 3 seconds. _.Time
Repeatsteps1and2 to reactivatethe12 HourEnergy A singlebeepwillsound. Saverfeature.12:00willappearindisplaytoindicatethe o,Displaywillshowcurrent
EnergySaverfeatureis restored, option.
2. Press or padto selectthe optionnumber
youwish.Thecurrenttime ofdaywillreappearin the displayafter4 seconds,
Yourrangeis equippedwith pilotlessignition.Be sureall Topreventdamage tothe cooktop or pan, nev surfacecontrolsare setin the OFFpositionprior to surfaceburner withouta pan in place, never supplyinggas totheappliance, to boildryand neveroperatea surface bume=
for extendedperiods of time.
IMPORTANT:Whenthe applianceis firstinstalled,the To lightsurface burner: surfaceburnersmaybe difficulttolightduetoairin the 1. Placea panontheburnergrate.
gasline.Thismay alsooccuriftheappliancehasbeen
disconnectedfromthe maingassupplyorif ithasnot
anda "roaring"soundmaybeheardifa pa
placedonthe gratebeforelightingthe burr
Toremovetheair inthegas line,holda lightedmatch 2. Pushinandturnknobtothe LITE position. nexttotheburnerheadandturntheknobon.When
theburnerlights,eitheradjustthe knobtothe desired flamesizeor turn the burneroff.
Pilotlessignitionusesa sparkfromthe ignitorto lightthe
burner.Therearetwo ignitors for conventionalsurface
burners.Eachsealedburner has its own ignitor.Oncethe burnerlights,turnthe knobto the desired setting.The clickingsoundwillnot stop untiltheknob isturnedfrom the LITEposition.
il be hearda_d_heburne
w eo bune! i,ed wi
3. Aftertheburnerlights,turntheknobtoth{ flamesize.The ignitorswillcontinuetosp
Ignitor knobisturnedfromthe LITEposition.
CAUTION:If theflameshouldgooutdurir operation,turntheburneroff.ifgas has ac
NOTE:The surfaceburnerwillnotlightifthe ignitor is and a stronggas odorisdetected,wait5 n
damaged,broken,soiled orwet. Also,the burnerwill not the gasodortodisappearbeforerelighting light ifthesmallportbeneaththe ignitor is blocked.See
page23 for cleaninginstructions.
To lightsurface burnerduring a powerfai
1, Besureallcontrolsare inthe OFF positi(
2. Holdalightedmatchtothedesiredsurfa(
3. Pushin andturn knobto the LITEpositioJ
willthen light.
4. Adjusttheflame tothe desiredflame size
I CAUTION:When lightingthe surfaceburr
allofthe controlsareintheOFF position. matchfirstandholditinpositionbeforetu
knobtothe LITE position.
Usea HIGHflamesettingto quicklybringliquidsto a boil A properlyadjustedburnerwith clean por orto begina cookingoperation.Thenreduceto a lower a few seconds. settingto continuecooking.Never leave food
unattendedwhen usinga HIGH flamesetting. On naturalgas,the flamewill be bluewitl
A yellowflame indicatesan impropermix
Thiswastesfuel, so havea servicemana
if ayellow flameoccurs. On LPgas, someyellow tipping isaccept
normaland adjustmentis notnecessary.
An intermediateflamesize is usedto continuea cooking Youmay heara "popping"soundonsomq
whenthe surface burneris turnedoff. Thi
operation.Foodwill not cook any faster whena higher flame settingis usedthan neededto maintain a gentle operatingsoundoftheburner.
boil.Remember,waterboilsatthesametemperature whetherboilinggentlyorvigorously.
UseLO to simmerorkeep foodsat servingtemperatures. Adjusttheflamesize so it
does not extendbeyond theedge ofthecooking
O _ utensil.This isfor personal _
safety andto prevent possibledamagetothe appliance,pan,or cabinets abovethe appliance.This also improvescooking efficiency.
Somecookingmaytake placeonthe LO setting ifthe
cookingutensil iscovered.Iffooddoes boil on the LO NOTE:Ifa knobis turnedvery quicklyfro
setting,it is possibleto reducethe heatby rotatingthe LOsetting,the flame maygo out, particul
knobtoward the OFF position, iscold. Ifthis occurs,turn the knobto the
Waitseveralseconds,then lightthe burn,
Besure to adjustthe knob sothere isan adequatesupply
of gasto maintaina stableflame onthe burner.Check to
besure burnerislit andthe flame is stable.
Undernocircumstancesarethe surfaceburner Theporcelainonthe burnerisdurablebut o_ assembliestobe taken apartfor cleaning.The surface with use may graduallyloseitsshine.
burnerassemblycan beremovedto cleanthe burnerbox
area. Thesealed surface burnersare securedtott- Thetwo surface burnerassembliesaresecured inplace andare NOTdesignedto beremovedbythe
duringtransportationwith screws.Oncethe range is
installed,thesescrews may beremovedto allow quick Selectmodelsfeatureone or two specialSUI
and easy removalofthe burnerassemblies. SPEEDsealedburners located at the right-fr,
left-rear.Usetheseburnersto quickly bring
__ andwhenusing largerpans. Seeinformation
Plate,located on the lowerrangefront frame broilerdooror lowerpanel,to determineif yol
featuresthese burners.
Clean burnercap after eachuseespeciallyif
__ occurs.A soiled burnermay resultin imprope
an unevenflame.Whencleaningthe sealed.,
t_ ____'r'___'_->__ burner,usecare to preventdamage to the igr
cleaningcloth shouldcatch the ignitor,it coulc damagedor broken.
Toremove:Allowthe burnerassemblytocool.Liftup _ __ Lip
Cooktop.Graspthe burnerassemblyand rotateit slightly [ "_ j Ports
towardtheleft to releasethetwo tabson theassembly. _--__/'__'_ e
Then lift the assemblyand pulltoward the backof the (__ Ignitor
cooktopuntilthe air shutterends on the assemblyrelease
fromthe valves. ---Portdirectlyb lowi Toreplace: Insertthe airshutterends onthe burner
assemblyover the valvesand lowerthe assemblyinto
place.Besureto securethe twotabs on the burner
assemblyinto thetwo slotson the burnersupportbracket Thesurface burnerwill not lightif the ignitor is which is mountedto the burnerbox bottom. (NOTE:If the broken,soiledor wet. Theburnerwill also not tabsare notproperly insertedintothe slots, the assembly ports,especiallythe small port locateddirectly
mayrockand theburners may not lightproperly.) ignitor,are blocked.
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