WARNING: Ifthe information in this manual is not
followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result
causing property damage, personalinjuryor death.
- Do notstore or usegasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any
other appliance.
• Do not try to light any appliance.
• Do not touch any electrical switch; do not
use any phone in your building.
• Immediately call your gas supplier from a
neighbor's phone. Follow the gas supplier's
• Ifyoucannotreachyour gas supplier, callthe
fire department.
- Installation and service must be performed by a
qualified installer, service agency or the gas
Nocookingappliance shouldbeusedas Havethe installershowyouthe location Misuse of appliance doors, such as
aspace heater.Thisinstructionisbased ofthe,gasshutoff valve and howto shut stepping, leaningor sitting on thedoor,
on safety considerations to prevent pc- it off in an emergency, may result in possible tipping of the ap-
tential hazard to the consumer aswell pliance orbreakageof doorandserious
as damageto the appliance, injuries.
Your appliance is vented through the
trim above the control panel. Never
_, _,_1 _ / block oven vent or air intakes. Do not
_ • • obstruct the flow of combustion and
w,_.E,,,- the burner :)revents proper perform-
__ ventilation air. Restriction of air flow to
__ Avoid touching oven vent area while
If appliance is installed near a window, enough to cause burns.
proper precautionsshould be taken to
prevent curtains from blowing over IN CASE OF FIRE:
burnerscreating a FIRE HAZARD.
Keep area around appliance clear and foodorcookingutensils,Thisinstruction 2. Smother fire or flame with baking
free from combustible materials, gaso- is based on safety considerations to soda, dry chemical, or a foam-type
line, and other flammable vapors and prevent potential hazard to userandto extinguisher. Do not use water on
materials, the appliance, grease fires.
oven ison andfor several minutes after
oven is turned off. Some parts of the __
vent and surroundingarea become hot
Do not use oven as a storage area for 1.Turn off appliance controls.

Do notleave childrenaloneorunsuper- Turn offall controlsand wait for appli- Use cautionwhen wearing garments
visednear the appliancewhen it is in anoe parts to coolbefore touchingor made of flammable material to avoid
useor isstill hot.Childrenshould never cleaningthem. clothingfires. Loosefittingorlong hang-
beallowed to sit or stand on any part of ing-sleeved apparel should notbeworn
theappliance. Children must be taught Touching a hot oven light bulb with a while cooking. Clothing may ignite or
that the applianceand utensils in itcan damp cloth could cause the bulb to catch utensil handles.
be hot. Children should be taught that break. Should the bulb break, discon-
an appliance is not a toy. They should nect powerto the range beforetrying to Never heat an unopened container in
not be allowed to play with controls or remove the bulb to avoid electrical the oven. Pressurebuild-up maycause
other parts of the unit. Let hot utensils shock, container to burst resulting in serious
coolinasafe place,out of reachofsmall Clean appliance with caution. If a wet personal injuryor damageto the range.
sponge orcloth isused to wipe spillson Slide oven rack out to add or remove
steam burns. Some cleaners can pro- food, using dry, sturdy pot holders. AI-
duce noxious fumes if applied to a hot ways avoid reaching into oven to place
surface, or remove food.
Use dry, sturdy pot holders. Damp pot
holders may cause burns from steam.
Dish towels or other substitutes should
never be used as pot holders because
a hot cooking area, becareful to avoid
CAUTION: Do notstore items of inter-
est to children incabinets above an ap- Use care when opening oven door. Let
pliance. Childrenclimbing on the appli- hot air or steam escape before remov-
ance to reach itemscould be seriously ingor replacingfood. Alwaysplaceoven
injured. Do not use an appliance as a racksinthedesired positionswhileoven
step stoolto cabinets above, hot, be careful to avoid contact of pot
theycantrail across hot burnersand ig-
nite or get caught on appliance parts.
is cool. Ifa rack must be moved while
holders with oven burnerflame.

Toeliminatethe hazardof reachingover Many aerosol-type spray cans are EX- NOTICE AND WARNING
hotburners,cabinetstorage should not PLOSIVE when exposed to heat and The California Safe Drinking Water and
beprovided directlyabove a unit. Ifsuch may be highly flammable. Avoid their Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Propo-
storage is provided,itshould be limited use or storage near anappliance, sition 65) requiresthe Governor of Cali-
toitemswhichareusedinfrequentlyand fornia to publish a list of substances
which are safely stored inan area sub- knownto theState ofCaliforniatocause
jected to heatfrom an appliance. Tem- SELF CLEAN OVEN
peratures in storage areas above the Do notcleandoorgasket.The doorgas- quires businessestowarn customers of
unitmaybeunsafeforsomeitems, such ket is essential for a good seal. Care potential exposures to such sub-
as volatile liquids, cleaners or aerosol shouldbe taken not to rub, damage, or stances.
sprays, move the gasket. Do not use oven
cleaners of any kind in or around any
ALUMINUM FOIL partof the selfclean oven. Clean only Users of this appliance are hereby
Use aluminumfoilONLY as instructed cleaningthe oven, removebroilerpan, sultinlow-fevelexposuretosomeofthe
in this book. Improperuse of aluminum ovenracks,andother utensils,andwipe listed substances, including benzene,
foil may causedamage to the oven, af- off excessive spillovers, formaldehyde and soot, clueprimarilyto
fect cooking results,and can also result the incomplete combustion of natural
in shock and/orfire hazards, gasor liquidpetroleum (LP)fuels.Prop-
partslistedin this booklet. Beforeself warned that the burningof gas can re-
PLASTICS these substances can also be mini-
Many plastics are vulnerable to heat. mized byproperlyventingtheburners to
Keepplastics away fromparts oftheap- the outdoors.
pliance that maybecome warm or hot.
cancer or reproductive harm, and re-
edy adjusted burners will minimize in-
complete combustion. Exposure to
food manufacturer's instructions. If a
plastic frozen food container and/or its
filmcover distorts,warps orisotherwise
damaged during cooking, immediately
discard the food and itscontainer. The
food could be contaminated.

(NOTE:Allindicatorwordsare displayedto showtheirlocation.Whenoven ortimer isnot in
use, indicatorwordsare notdisplayed. Indicatorsare only displayedwhen oven issetfor a
cook,delayed cook, clean or timer operation.)
1. Press CLOCK. 1. Close door. 1. Press BROIL.
2. TurnSET knob until displayshows 2. Movedoor lock leverto locked po- 2. Turn SET knob clockwiseto select
correct time of day. sition. Hi broil or counterclockwise to se-
3. Press STOP/CLEAR. 3. Press CLEAN pad. ("door" will lect LO broil.
flash in display and beeps will
When power is first supplied to oven sound if door is notlocked.) See page 12 for additional informa-
or it there has been apower failure, 4. Oven will automaticallyclean for 3 tion.
thedisplaywill flash. Followabovein- hours. Select 2 or 4 hours by turn-
structions to set clock, ing the SET knob,
See page5for additional information.
1. PressTIMER. To begin cooking immediately: 1. Press BAKETEMP.
2. TurnSET knobto desiredtime. 1. Press BAKE TEMP. Enter oven 2. Turn SET knobuntildesired oven
temperature with SET knob. temperature appears in the dis-
TIMER starts automatically. 3 beeps 2. PressCOOK TIME. Enterdesired play.
signalthe end ofthe timing operation cooking time by turning the SET
andthetime-ot-day reappears inthe knob. Seepages9to 10 for additional infer-
display, mation on baking and roasting.
To delay the start of cooking:
Tocancel: PressTIMERand holdfor 1.Press BAKE TEMP. Enter oven
3 seconds. Timeof day will reappear temperature with SET knob.
after a slight delay. 2. Press COOK TIME.Entercooking
time with SET knob.
3. PressSTOP TIME. Entertime you
The oven will automatically turn on
and off at the preset times.
Press STOP/CLEAR to cancel end-
of-cooking beeps. Seepage 6forad-

BEFORE DURING pear with use. If the oven is heavily
soiled,or if the broilerpan is leftin the
SELF-CLEANING SELF-CLEANING oven, smokeand odormay occur.
Turn off ovenlight beforeclean cycle, tures, and contracting.This is normalandwill
The lifeofthebulb may be shortenedif Astheovenreachescleaningtempera- notdamageyourappliance.
leftonduringthe cleancycle, tures,theLOCK indicatorwillturnonto
Clean oven frame, door frame and showthat an internallock mechanism AFTER
aroundthe ovenventwitha non-abra- has engaged. At this point, the oven SELF-CLEANING
sivecleaningagent such as NonAmi. doorcan not be unlockedandopened.
These areasare notexposedtoclean- Somesoilmay leavea lightgray, pow-
ing temperatures and should be Topreventdamagetothedoorandlock dery ash whichcan be removedwitha
cleanedto preventsoilfrom bakingon lever,donotforce the locklevertothe damp cloth. If soilremains,it indicates
duringthe cleancycle, left when the LOCK indicatoris dis- that the clean cycle was not long
Wipe up excess grease or spillovers A fan sound can be heard duringthe the nextcleancycle.
fromtheovenbottomtopreventexces- cleancycle. If the oven racksdo notslidesmoothly
sivesmokingduringthe creancycle, after a cleancycle,wiperacks andem-
Do notuse ovencleanersorovenliner thecleancycle,theinternallockwilldis- amountof vegetableoilto restoreease
protectivecoatingsof any kind on the engageandthe LOCKindicatorwillturn of movement.
selfcleanovenfinishoraroundanypart off. At this point,the locklever can be
oftheoven. moved to the left (unlockedposition) Fine, hair-like linesmay appear in the
Topreventdamage,do notcleanorrub realconditionresultingfromheatingand
the gasket aroundthe ovendoor. The The firstfew timesthe ovenis cleaned, coolingof the porcelain finish. These
gasketisdesignedtosealinheatduring somesmokeandodormay bedetected, lines do notaffect the performanceof
theclean cycle. Thisis normaland willreduceordisap- the oven.
pad is pressed,the ovenautomatically As the oven heatsand cools,you may
begins to heat to cleaning tempera- hear sounds of metalparts expanding
played, enough.The soilwillberemovedduring
Aboutone hourafter thecompletionof bossed rack supports with a small
andthedooropened, oveninteriororovendoor.Thisisa nor-