Instructions for your Gas Wall Oven and Microwave Oven
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ................... 1-5 Howtoset oven........................... 11
Wall oven .............................. 1-3 Commonbakingproblemschart .............. 11
Microwaveoven ......................... 4-5 Howto broil .............................. 12
Precautionsto avoidpossibleexposureto Broilingchart ............................. 12
microwaveenergy ....................... 4
ELECTRONIC CONTROLLER .................. 6 Electrical connection ....................... 13
FEATURES ............................... 7-8 Removeoven for cleaning ................... 13
Self-clean oven ........................... 7 Oven light ............................... 13
Automatic oven cooking ..................... 8
USINGYOUR OVEN ...................... 9-12
Pilotlessignition ........................... 9 TROUBLESHOOTING CHART FOR WALL OVEN . 15
Ovenvent ................................ 9 Explanationoffault codes ................... 15
Fan ..................................... 9
Ovendoor ................................ 9 MICROWAVE OVEN INSTRUCTIONS ........ 16-33
Oven bottom .............................. 9 Table of contents .......................... 16
Ovencharacteristics ....................... 10 SERVICE (wall oven & microwaveoven) ......... 33
Oven racks .............................. 10
Hints ................................... 10 WARRANTY (wall oven & microwave oven) ....... 34
Preheating ............................... 10
MAINTENANCE ............................ 13
Oven burner .............................. 13
CARE AND CLEANING CHART ............... 14

WARNING: if the information in this manual is not
followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result
causing property damage, personal injury or death.
- Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any
other appliance.
• Do not try to light any appliance.
• Do not touch any electrical switch; do not
use any phone in your building.
• Immediately call your gas supplier from a
neighbor's phone. Follow the gas supplier's
• If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the
fire department.
- Installation and service must be performed by a
qualified installer, service agency or the gas
Nocookingapplianceshould beusedas Havethe installershowyouthe location Misuse of appliance doors, such as
a spaceheater.This instructionis based ofthe gasshut off valveand how to shut stepping, leaning or sitting on the door,
on safety considerations to prevent po- it off in an emergency, may result in possible tipping of the ap-
tential hazard to the consumer as well plianceor breakage ofdoor andserious
as damage to the appliance, injuries.
Your appliance is vented through the
block oven vent or air intakes. Do not
_ -- obstruct the flow of combustion and
- _,_,m, the burner prevents proper perform-
__ ventilation air. Restriction of air flow to
+" oven is onand for several minutes after
_,,!L _.,_ _ j trim above the control panel. Never _._
__ Avoid touching oven vent area while
If appliance is installed near a window, enough to cause burns.
proper precautions should be taken to
prevent curtains from blowing over IN CASE OF FIRE:
burnerscreating a FIRE HAZARD. Do not use oven as a storage area for 1.Turn off appliance controls.
Keep area around appliance clear and foodorcooking utensils.This instruction 2. Smother fire or flame with baking
free from combustible materials, gaso- is based on safety considerations to soda, dry chemical, or a foam-type
line, and other flammable vapors and prevent potential hazard to user and to extinguisher. Do not use water on
materials, theappliance, grease fires.
_,,_ ance.
oven is turned off. Some parts of the
vent and surroundingarea become hot

Do not leave children alone orunsuper- Turn off all controls and wait for appli- Use caution when wearing garments
vised near the appliance when it is in ance parts to cool before touching or made of flammable material to avoid
useor isstill hot. Children should never cleaning them. clothingfires. Loosefitting or longhang-
beallowed to sit or stand on any part of ing-sleeved apparel shouldnot beworn
the appliance. Children must be taught Touching a hot oven light bulb with a while cooking. Clothing may ignite or
that the appliance and utensilsin it can damp cloth could cause the bulb to catch utensil handles.
be hot. Children should be taught that break. Should the bulb break, discon-
an appliance is not a toy. They should nect power tothe range before tryingto Never heat an unopened container in
not be allowed to play with controls or remove the bulb to avoid electrical the oven. Pressurebuild-up maycause
other parts of the unit. Let hot utensils shock, container to burst resulting in serious
cool ina safeplace,out of reachof small Clean appliance with caution. If a wet personal injury or damage to the range.
.__" J steam burns. Some cleaners can pro- food, using dry, sturdy pot holders. AI-
CAUTION" Do not store items of inter-
estto children in cabinets above an ap- Use care when opening oven door. Let
pliance. Children climbing on the appli- hot air or steam escape before remov-
ance to reach items could be seriously ingor replacingfood. Always placeoven
injured. Do not use an appliance as a racksinthe desired positionswhile oven
stepstool to cabinets above, is cool. If a rack must be moved while
sponge or cloth isused towipe spills on
a hot cooking area, be careful to avoid Slide oven rack out to add or remove
surface, or remove food.
duce noxious fumes if applied to a hot ways avoid reaching into oven to place
Use dry, sturdy pot holders. Damp pot
holders may cause burns from steam.
Dish towels or other substitutes should
never be used as pot holders because
theycan trail across hot burners and ig-
nite or get caught on appliance parts.
hot, be careful to avoid contact of pot
holders with ovenburner flame.

Toeliminatethehazardof reachingover Many aerosol-type spray cans are EX- NOTICE AND WARNING
hotburners, cabinet storage should not PLOSIVE when exposed to heat and The California Safe Drinking Water and
beprovideddirectly abovea unit. Ifsuch may be highly flammable. Avoid their Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Propo-
storage is provided, it shoutdbe limited use or storage near an appliance, sition65) requiresthe Governor ofCali-
toitemswhichareusedinfrequentlyand fornia to publish a list of substances
which are safely stored in an area sub- knownto theStateof California tocause
jected to heat from an appliance. Tem- SELF-CLEAN OVEN cancer or reproductive harm, and re-
peratures in storage areas above the Donotclean door gasket.Thedoor gas- quiresbusinesses to warncustomers of
unitmaybeunsafeforsomeitems, such ket is essential for a good seal. Care potential exposures to such sub-
as volatile liquids, cleaners or aerosol should be taken not to rub, damage, or stances.
sprays, move the gasket. Do not use oven
cleaners of any kind in or around any Users of this appliance are hereby
part of the self-clean oven. Ctean only
ALUMINUM FOIL parts listed inthis booklet. Before self- warned that the burning of gas can re-
Use aluminum foil ONLY as instructed cleaning the oven, remove broiler pan, listed substances, including benzene,
in this book. Improper use of aluminum ovenracks, andother utensils,andwipe formaldehyde and soot,due primarily to
foil may cause damage to the oven, af- off excessive spillovers, the incomplete combustion of natural
fectcooking results, and can also result gas orliquid petroleum (LP)fuels. Prop-
in shock and/or fire hazards, erly adjusted burners will minimize in-
PLASTICS these substances can also be mini-
Many plastics are vulnerable to heat. the outdoors.
Keepplasticsawayfrom parts ofthe ap-
pliance that may become warm or hot.
sult inlow-level exposuretosome ofthe
complete combustion. Exposure to
mizedbyproperly venting theburnersto
food manufacturer's instructions. If a
plastic frozen food container and/or its
film coverdistorts,warps or isotherwise
damaged during cooking, immediately
discard the food and its container. The
food could be contaminated.

When usingthe MICROWAVE OVEN basic safety precau- 9. This appliance should be serviced only by qualified
lions should be followed, including thefollowing: service personnel. Contact the nearestauthorizedserv-
ice facility for examination, repair or replacement. Do
WARNING - To reduce the risk of burns, electrical notattempt to service or repair this appliance.
shock,fire,injurytopersonsorexposuretoexcessive micro-
wave energy: 10. Do not cover or block any openings on the microwave
THE APPLIANCE. 11. Do not store this appliance outdoors. Do not use this
2. Readandfollowthe specific"precautionstoavoid possi- productnear water- forexample, near akitchen sink,in
bleexposureto excessive microwave energy" foundon awet basement, or near a swimming pool, and the like.
insidefront cover. 12. When cleaning surfaces of door and oven that cometo-
3. This appliance must be grounded and properly polar- gether on closing the door, use only mild, nonabrasive
ized.Connectonlytoaproperly grounded and polarized soapsor detergents applied witha sponge orsoft cloth.
outlet. See Grounding Instructions on page 17.
4. Install or locate this appliance only in accordance with
the installation instructions described in this manual, a. Donotovercookfood,especially starchyitems such
5. Some productssuchaswhole eggsand sealedcontain- attend appliance ifpaper, plastic,or other combusti-
ers, such asclosed glassjars, may explodeand should ble materials are placedinside the oven tofacilitate
not be heated inthis oven. cooking.
13. To reduce the risk of fire in the oven cavity:
as potatoesandfattyitems such asbacon. Carefully
6. Usethisappliance onlyforits intendeduseasdescribed b. Remove wire twist-ties from paper or plastic bags
inthe manual.Do notusecorrosivechemicals orvapors before placing bag inoven.
in this appliance. This type of oven is specifically de-
signed to heat, cook, dry, or defrost food. It is not de-
signedfor industrial,laboratory, orcommercial use. Itis door closed, turn oven off, and disconnect the
intended for home use only. Do net use for drying power cord, or shut off power atthe fuse or circuit
clothes, linens, newspaper, or similar non-food type breaker panel.
7. Make sure that all persons using this appliance, espe-
cially children, are closely supervised and properly in- leave paper products, cooking utensils, or food in
structed on howto usethis appliance, the cavity when not in use.
8. Donotoperatethis applianceif ithas adamagedcord or e. Do not putmetal inside the oven, exceptas specifi-
plug, ifit is not working properly, or if it has beendam- cally described inthe manual or cookbook if sup-
aged or dropped, plied with this oven.
c. Ifmaterials insidethe oven should ignite, keepoven
d. Do not use the cavity for storage purposes. Do not

14. Use only cooking utensirs and accessories, made for 19. Brisklystir liquidsbeforeheatingand reheatingto incor-
use in the microwave and specificallydescribed in this porate aLr.This prevents abrupt boilovers that some-
manual or cookbook, if included with oven. Use alumF times occur after air-depleted liquids are heated,espe-
hum foil only as directed in this booklet. See page 19. cially in tall, narrow containers.
15. Do not use outdoors. 20. Microwave oven manufacturers do not recommend
16. Do not poppopcorn in anythingother than a microwave deepfatfrying orfrying in a microwaveoven. Hot oilcan
ovenpopper unless it isa speciallytreated bag labeled: damageoven parts and utensils and even result in skin
"Microwavepopcornintendedforuse inthe microwave", burns.
17. Neverusebrown paper bags, glass orplastic bowls, or 21. Plastic wrap: Useonly those types designed for mrcro-
other unsuitable containers to pop popcorn, To avoid wave oven use and avoidformingan air-tight seal. Fold
scorching and burning, remove popcorn after popping back a small corner or cut a small slit to allow steamto
hasslowed to two orthree secondsbetweenpops. Pro- escape.
longedpoppingcan cause smokingfromoverheatedoil,
breakage of dishes, damage to oven and eventually a
fire. 22. Stay near the microwave oven while it is in use and
check cooking progress frequently. Leavingthe micro-
18. Do not removethe outercase orthe plastic stirrer cover wave oven unattended may result Lnovercooked food
insidethe oven cavity, and possibly a fire in your oven.

I • I I I
I T,ME.II c'ocK[COOKT'"ElJs_OP_'"E[ B'_ 1 B.o,_I
I c'_'" I .,G.._-]
(NOTE:Allindicatorwordsare displayedto showtheirlocation. Whenovenortimeris notin use,
indicator words are not displayed. Indicators are only displayed when oven is set for a cook,
delayed cook, clean or timer operation.)
1. PressCLOCK. 1. Close door. 1. Press BROIL.
2. Turn SETknob untildisplayshows 2. Move doorlock leverto locked pc- 2. Turn SET knobclockwise to select
correct time of day. sition. HI broil or counter clockwise tose-
3. PressSTOP/CLEAR. 3. Press CLEAN pad. ("door" will lect LO broil.
flash in display and beeps will
When power is first supplied to oven sound if door is not locked.) See page 12 for additional informa-
or if there has been a power failure, 4. Oven wiltautomaticallyclean for 3 tion.
thedisplay willflash. Followabove in- hours. Select 2 or 4 hours by turn-
structions to set clock, ing the SET knob.
See page 7for additional information.
1. Press TIMER. To begin cooking immediately: 1. Press BAKE TEMP.
2. TurnSET knob todesired time. 1. Press BAKE TEMP. Enter oven 2. Turn SET knob until desired oven
temperature with SET knob. temperature appears in the dis-
TIMER starts automatically. 3 beeps 2. Press COOK TIME. Enter desired play.
signalthe end of the timing operation cooking time by turning the SET
andthetime-of-day reappearsinthe knob. Seepages 10 to 11 for additional in-
display, formation on baking and roasting.
TocancehPressTIMERandholdfor t. Press BAKE TEMP. Enter oven
3 seconds.Time ofday will reappear temperature with SET knob.
aftera slight delay. 2, Press COOKTIME. Entercooking
To delay the start of cooking:
time withSET knob,
3. Press STOP TIME. Entertime you
wishfoodtostop cooking with SET
The oven will automatically turn on
and off at the preset times.
Press STOP/CLEAR to cancel end-
of-cooking beeps.Seepage 8for ad-
ditional information.

BEFORE DURING pear with use. If the oven is heavily
soiled, or if the broiler pan is left in the
SELF-CLEANING SELF-CLEANING oven, smoke and odor may occur.
Turn off oven light before clean cycle, tures, and contracting. This is normal and will
The life of the bulb may be shortened if As the oven reaches cleaningtempera-
lefton during the clean cycle, tures, the LOCK indicator will turn on to
Clean oven frame, door frame and show that an internal lock mechanism AFTER
around the oven vent with a non-abra- has engaged. At this point, the oven
sive cleaning agent such as Bon Ami. door can not be unlocked and opened. SELF-CLEANING
These areas are not exposed to clean- Some soil may leave a light gray, pow-
ing temperatures and should be To preventdamageto the door and lock defy ash which can be removed with a
cleaned to prevent soil from baking on lever, do not force the lock lever to the damp cloth. If soil remains, it indicates
during the clean cycle, left when the LOCK indicator is dis- that the clean cycle was not long
Wipe up excess grease or spillovers A fan sound can be heard during the the next clean cycle,
fromsivesmokingtheovenduringbOttomthetOpreventcleancycle.exces-theCleancleanCyClecycle.anduntilthe ovencoolsafter If the oven racks do not slide smoothly
Donot use oven cleaners or oven liner About one hour after the completion of bossed rack supports with a small
protective coatings of any kind on the the clean cycle,the internal Iockwill dis- amount of vegetable oil to restore ease
self cleanovenfinish or around anypart engageand the LOCK indicatorwill turn of movement.
of the oven. off. At this point, the lock lever can be
To prevent damage, do not clean or rub and the door opened, oveninterior or oven door. This isa nor-
the gasket around the oven door. The rnalcondition resultingfrom heatingand
gasket isdesignedtoseal inheatduring The firstfew timesthe oven is cleaned, cooling of the porcelain finish. These
the clean cycle, somesmokeand odormaybedetected, lines do not affect the performance of
Whenthedoor islocked andthe CLEAN
pad is pressed, the oven automatically As the oven heats and cools, you may
begins to heat to cleaning tempera- hear sounds of metal parts expanding
not damage your appliance.
played, enough.The soil will beremoved during
after e clean cycle, wipe racksand era-
moved to the left (unlocked position) Fine, hair-like lines may appear in the
This is normal and will reduce or disap- the oven.

Automaticcooking featureisusedtoturntheovenonand
offatthe presettime-of_day. Thisfeaturecan be usedto
delay the startofa cookingoperation.
clockisfunctioningandisset atthe correcttime-of-day.
lights inthe display. IMPORTANT: Highly perishablefoods
such as dairy products, pork, poultry,
2. Enter oven temperature with the seafoods or stuffing are not recom-
SET knob. mended fordelayed cooking, if cook-
ing more than one food, select foods
3. Press COOK TIME pad. "SET that cook for the same length of time
COOKTIME" flashes in thedisplay, and atthe same oven temperature.
4. Enter cooking time (how long you
wish food to cook) with the SET
"TIMED BAKE ON" lights in the dis-
play. The oven automatically turns To reset or cancel the program: Press
on and the display begins to count the STOP/CLEAR pad.
down. After setting the Automatic Cooking
feature, press the CLOCK padand the
5. At the end of the preset cooking time-of-day will reappear in the dis-
time, the oven automatically turns play. "TIMED BAKE ON" or "DELAY
off. BAKE" and the oven temperature will
remain inthe displayasareminderthat
6. Press STOPCLEAR pad to cancel theoven is set foracooking operation.
end-of-cooking beeps.
At end of cooking, continuous beeps
will sound. PressSTOP/CLEARpad to
cancel beeps.
TO BAKE BY TIME with delayed START:
1. Followsteps 1,2, 3 and 4 above.
2. PressSTOP TIME pad. "SET STOP
TIME" flashes in the display.
3. Enter the time youwish the oven to
turnoffbyturningthe SET knob.De-
pending on your model, either "DE-
BAKE"will light in the display. Time
of day reappears in the display.
The oven will automatically turn on
in time to have the food cooked by
the preselected STOP TIME. The
ovenwill automaticaltyturnoff atthe
preset stop time.
4. Press STOP/CLEAR pad to cancel
end-of--cooking beeps.

GIo bar-type ignition When opening oven door, allow steam Protect oven bottom against excessive
With this type of ignit}onsystem, the andhotairtoescapebeforereachingin spiiloversespeciallyacid orsugary spi]-
ovenwill not operateduring apowerfail- oven to check, add or remove food. lovers. Use the correct size cooking
ure or if oven is disconnected from the utensil to avoid boilovers.
wall outlet. No attempt should be made
to operate oven during a power failure. To remove door; Open door to the
"stop"position (openedabout4 inches) To remove: When cool, remove the
and graspdoorwith both hands at each oven racks. Slide the two catches, Io-
side. Do notuse door handleto liftdoor. cated at each rear corner of the oven
OVEN CANNOT BE Lift up evenly until door clearsthe hinge bottom, toward the front of the oven.
Your oven is vented through the trim z 2
above the control panel. Do not block
thisopening.Itisimportantthattheflow '11(_,/ ,\_'H_T-
!'iOVEN VENT "t_
theoven burnerbe unrestricted.Do not
of hotair from the oven and fresh air to \___,_. t'3 _,...
touch the vent opening or nearby sur-
faces during oven operation as they
may behot. Lift the rear edge of the oven bottom
slightly, then slide it back until the front
FAN edgeofthe ovenbottom clears theoven
This oven isequipped with a fan which oven.
automatically turns on whenever the
oven isset for cooking or cleaning. The
fan will automatically turn off when the To replace: Fit front edge of oven bob
unit has cooled, tom intofront frame. Lower rear of oven
To replace door: Grasp door at each bottom and slide the catches back to
The microwave oven above the gas side, align slots in the door with the lock oven bottom into place.
oven is also equipped with a fan. The hinge arms and slide door down onto
fan turns on whenever the microwave the hinge arms until completely seated
oven isturned on.Thisfan will alsoauto- on hinges.
maticallyturn onwhen the loweroven is
setfor acook orcleanoperation andwill
automatically turn off when the oven is
cool. Microwave energy will not turn on
unlessthe microwave oven is set for a
cooking or defrosting operation.
front frame. Remove oven bottom from

l_ql--_lll It is not necessary to preheat even for
roasting. It is not necessary to preheat
for broiling unless darker browning is
desired or if cooking thin (3/4-inch)
steaks. Allowbroil element to preheat 3
to 5 minutes.
OVEN RACKS Use racks 2 or 4 when baking layer Selecting temperature higher than de-
Thetwo oven racks are designedwith a cakes. Use racks2 and 5 when baking sired will NOT preheat the oven any
"lock-stop" position to keep racks from cookies or biscuits on cookie sheets, faster. Preheating at a higher tempera-
accidentally coming completely out of ture may havea negative effect on bak-
theoven. HINTS ing results.
To remove: Be sure rack is cool. Pull To preheat: Set ovenfor baking and al-
rack outto the "lock-stop" position.Tilt low the oven to heatuntil displayshows
up and continue pulling until rack re- the preset temperature. Depending on
leases, your model,either 75 or 100will appear
in the display until the oven reaches
To replace: Place rack on rack sup- 100°F. ifthe oven temperature is above
ports, tilt up and push toward rear of 100°, the display will show the actual
oven. Pull rack out to "lock-stop" posi- NEVER place pans directlyonthe oven oven temperature. The displaywill then
tiontobesure rackiscorrectlyreptaeed, bottom. Do not cover entire rack with show the oventemperature in 5° incre-
aluminumfoil. Do net place foJJdirectly merits untJ_theevenreaches the preset
onoven bottom or place foil directly un- temperature.
RACK POSITIONS: der utensil. To catch spillovers, cut a
RACK 1 (top of oven) used for 2 rack piece of foil a little larger than the pan Once the preset temperature is
cookingof oven meats, and place it on the rack below the rack reached, andthe oven temperaturehas
RACK 2 used for two-rack baking or
broilingthicker cuts of meat. ifthe oventemperature ischanged after
RACK3 usedfor mostone-rack baking one is not directlyover the other. Use oven hasreached the new temperature
and roasting some meats, rack positions 2 and4, or 2 and 5, de- setting.
RACK4 usedfor oneor tworackbaking ing on two racks.
and roasting large meats, cooking
larger foods and for baking angel food
cake or pie shells.
containing the utensil stabilized, a single beep will sound.
Ifcookingon tworacks,staggerpansso preheating, a beep will signal that the
pending on baking results, when cook-
RACK 5 usedfor roasting turkeyor bak-
ing angel food cake or pie shells.