Magic Chef 7458XRA User Manual

tion in this manual is not
TheCaliforniaSafe DrinkingWater and ToxicEnforcementAct of 1986 followed exactly, a fire or
(Proposition65) requiresthe Governor explosionmayresult caus-
ofCaliforniato publisha listof sub- inn propertydamage, per- stancesknowntotheStateof Califor- sonal injuryor death.
niato causecancer or reproductive ._ harm,and requiresbusinessesto
warncustomersofpotentialexposures - Donot store or use gaso- to suchsubstances, line or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the
Usersofthisappliancearehereby vicinity of this or any oth- warnedthattheburningofgascanre- er appliance.
suitin low-levelexposureto someof
the listedsubstances,includingben- - WHAT TO DO IF YOU _k,
zene,formaldehydeand soot,due pri- SMELL GAS: ---- WARNINQ
marilytothe incompletecombustionof naturalgas orliquidpetroleum(LP) Do not try to light any ALL RANGES
fue(s.Proper(yadjustedburnerswill appliance. CAN TIP
posuretothesesubstancescanalso Do not touch any elec- = INJURY TO PERSONS
beminimizedbyproperlyventingthe burnerstothe outdoors, trical switch; do not COULD RESULT
use any phone in your building. INSTALL ANTI-TIP
Immediately call your WITH RANGE
Forfuturereferencewesuggestyou retainthismanualafter recordingthe gas supplier from a
modelnumberandserialnumberof neighbor's phone. SEE INSTALLATION
thisgasapplianceinthe spacespro- Follow the gas suppli- INSTRUCTIONS vided.This informationcanbefound er's instructions.
ontheratingplatelocatedonthe sidesofthe lowerrangefrontframe. If yOU cannot reach To reduce the risk of tipping of the
Pullout lowerdrawerto see rating your gas supplier, call appliance from unusual usageor by plate, the fire department, excessive loading of the oven door,
the appliance must be secured by a
- Installation and service properly installed anti-tip device.To
must be performed by a
a flashlightandlookunderneathrange
MODELNUMBER qualified installer, ser- to seethatoneoftherearlevelinglegs
vice agency or the gas isengagedinthebracketslot.
These numbersidentifyyour range.
Pleaseusethemin anycorrespon-
denceor servicecallsconcerningyour
Pleaseretainthe proof of purchase documentsforwarrantyservice. _+
1.PressCLOCK. 1,Close door. 1.PressBROIL.
2,Turn SET knob until display shows 2. Movedoorlock leverto lockedposJ- 2. TurnSETknobclockwiseto selectHI
correcttime ofday. lion, broilor counterclockwisetoselectLO
3, PressSTOP/CLEAR. 3. PressCLEANpad.("door"willflashin broil. Whenpowerisfirstsuppliedto ovenor if displayandbeepswillsoundif dooris
notlocked.) See page 14foradditional information.
there has been a powerfailure, the dis- 4. Oven will automatically clean for 3 playwillflash. Followaboveinstructions hours.Select2 or 4 hours by turning
toset clock, theSET knob. BAKE TEMP
1. PressBAKETEMP. --*
TIMER Seepages21 and22for addit{onalinfor- 2. Turn SET knob until desired oven
1,PressTIMER. mation, temperatureappearsinthe display.
2,Turn SET knobto desiredtime.
COOK TIME/STOP TIME Seepages8to 11foradditionalinforma-
TIMERstartsautomatically.3 beepssJg- To begincookingimmediately: tion onbakingandroasting.
naltheend ofthe timingoperationand 1. PressBAKETEMP.Enteroventern- the time-of-day reappearsin the dis- peraturewithSETknob. iK
play. 2. Press COOK TIME. Enter desired Tocancel:PressTIMERandholdfor3 cooking time by turning the SET _s
seconds.Timeofdaywillreappearafter knob. wess_e a s_ightdelay.
Todelaythe startof cooking: !_ _'fa_
1. PressBAKETEMP.Enteroventern- _e peraturewithSETknob. _L_
2. Press COOK TIME. Enter cooking timewith SET knob.
3. Press STOP TIME. Enter time you
wishfood to stop cooking with SET knob. t_iiS _ )k!
The oven willautomaticallyturnon and
offatthe presettimes. PressSTOP/CLEARto cancel end-of-
cookingbeeps.Seepagest 2and 13for additionalinformation.
_ur range willfeature pilotless igni- 1. Placeutensil onburnergrate. Whenthe rangeis first installed,the
"_ion; a spark from the ignitor lightsthe pilotsmaybe difficultto lightdueto air
burner.Theignitorislocatedatthe back 2. Push in and turn knob to the LITE inthegasline.Tobleedoffairfromthe sideof eachsurface burner, position.After the burnerlights, turn line, hold a lighted match next to the
theknobto thedesiredflame size. burner and turn knob on. When the
_ burner lights, turn the knob off and
proceedas directed.
Be sureall surface controls are set inthe OFFpositionpriorto supplying
Ignitor gasto the appliance.
CAUTION: If flame should go out during a cooking operation, turn the
NOTE: The knob on your appliance burner off. If gas has accumulated may not look like the knob in this il- and a strong gas odor is detected, lustration, but it will operate as de- wait 5 minutesfor the gas to dissi- scribedin this booklet, patebefore relightingburner.
Youmayheara "popping"soundon LP gas when the surface burner is
turnedoff.This is a normaloperating soundofthe burner.
If a knob isturnedvery quicklyfrom
HIto LOsetting,theflamemaygoout, particularlyif the burner iscold.
SEALED BURNERS* (ifequipped) A properlyadjustedburnerwithclean _,,_ _ -'__ _----_.-.-,_
Somemodelsfeatureoneortwospecial ports willlightwithina few seconds. \\__l_,_.gL__ HISPEED sealedburners. On naturalgas, the flamewill be blue
with adeeperbluecore;there shouldbe
Referto the rating plate to determineif notraceofyellowin theflame. ,f"_/- _,_ _J I
your appliancefeatures the HISPEED burners.Seeinsidefrontcoverfor Ioca- A yellow flame indicates an improper
tionof ratingplate, mixtureof air/gas. This wastes fuel,so
have a servicemanadjustthemixture if Ifthisoccurs,turnthe knobtothe OFF
LOCATION OF BURNERS: a yellowflame occurs, position.Wait several seconds, then
HIGI-SPEEDBURNER lightthe burneragain.
On LPgas, someyellowtipping is ac- ceptable.This isnormalandadjustment
is not necessary.
*U.S. Patent Pending 5
FACTORSTHATDETERMINE SELECTINGFLAMESIZE CANNING FLAMESIZE Use a HIGH flamesettingtoquickly Acceptablewater-bathorpressurecar
UTENSIL SIZE: Adjust the flame size bringliquidsto a boilorto beginacook- nersshouldnotbeoversizedandshould"-_
soitdoesnotextendbeyondtheedgeof ing operation. Then reduce to a lower haveaflat bottom.Thefollowingare not thecookingutensil.This isfor personal settingtocontinuecooking.Neverleave recommended:Oversizedcannersora safety andto preventpossibledamage food unattended when using a HIGH verylargecannerthat restson two sur- to the appliance, utensil or cabinets flame setting, face burner grates.
abovethe appliance. When canning, use the HIGH setting
_ _ justuntilthewatercomestoabo,lor
pressureisreachedinthe pressurecan- ner,then reducetothe lowestflameset-
j ._j_ _ tingthat maintainsthe boilor pressure.
An intermediateflamesize is used to
continueacookingoperation.Foodwill not cook any faster when a higher
flamesetting Is usedthan that need-
. Utensilswhichextend more than two ed to maintaina gentle boil.Remem-
inches beyond the grate or touch the ber,waterboilsatthe sametemperature
whether boilinggentlyor vigorously.
cook-topmaycauseheatto buildup, re- sulting in damage to the burner grate, UseLOWto simmeror keepfoods at
burneror cooktop, servingtemperatures.
Utensils,suchaswokswith a support
ring,whichrestrictaircirculationaround __
theburnerwillcauseheattobuildupand "-_ may result in damage to the burner
grate,burner or cooktop.
UTENSIL MATERIALS: Optimum cookingperformancecan be achieved
whenheavygauge,flat,smoothbottom, _ _ _ _ metal utensils with straight sides and W se g.,l _1_ tightfittinglids are used. f_ _ _ D_
Aluminumor aluminum-cladstain- _t__ _ _th less steel pansheatmoreevenlysoa
slightlylargerflamecan beused.
Stainlesssteel,porcelainand heat- ...fC-_T_--c_.. =._
proofceramic orglass heatunevenly; cast aluminum and iron heatslowly; and,Teflon-coated utensilsaresensi-
tiveto heat. These materialsrequire a lowerflametoproducemoreevencook-
ing results.Adjust flame so it extends halfwayto the edge of the utensil bot-
tom. COVERED UTENSILS: Foods cook
faster when the utensil is covered be- Besureto adjust the knobsothere is cause moreheat is retained.Lowerthe an adequate supply of gasto main- flame sizewhen coveringutensils, tain a stable flame on the burner.
Checkto besure burnerisliteand the
flameis stable.
The oven ventis located at the baseof :D_:)_!_ _CK
_e the backguardor backsplash.Whenthe :_ _ _ oven is in use,this area may feel warm _,O1 _ orhotto the touch.Topreventproblems (li F_srK donot:Blocktheventopening,touchthe O1r_:a _!o_
noJ areanear the openingor place utensils _1_
nearthe vent opening.
OVEN BURNER Slideinrangesandchateaurangesare Thesize andappearanceof a properly equippedwithafanwhichautomatically
IGNITIONSYSTEM adjustedovenburnerflameshouldbeas turnsonwheneverthe ovenis set for
cook(ngor cleaning.The fan will auto-
Yourappliancefeaturespilotlessigni- shown: maticallyturn off when the unit has tion.Agigbarwillfighttheovenburner, cooled.
Besure oven controlis set in the OFF _ _ /
positionpriortosupplyinggasto the ap- _/ _ _ / UPPER OVEN
pliance. (Chateau RangeOnly)
:Ot'l Coneincenterissmaller The upperovenwilleitherbe a conven-
tionalovenor a microwaveoven.
_1 _ Coneapprox.1/2-inch / _1_
i J M{IS
"_ The oventemperatureis maintainedby
cyclingthe burner on and off. Afterthe Conventional Oven: This oven fea- oven temperature has been set, there tures the continuous cleaning oven. will be abouta 45 second delay before (See page 23.) The size of this oven
theburnerignites.Thisisnormaland no makesitconvenientforcookingsmaller
gasescapesduringthis delay, quantitiesoffood. However,it doeshave
some limitations. Do not use a large cookiesheet,panorotherutensilswhich willblockair flowin the oven. For opti-
mum results, usethe lower ovenfor criticalcookingordelicatebaking.
Microwave Oven: Refer to the sepa-
rateuseandcarebookletforinformation onthe microwaveoven.
1.Whencool,placetheracksinthede- UPPER OVEN PREHEATING
sired rack positions. (ChateauRange)
Preheatingis necessaryfor baking,AI-
2. PressBAKETEMPpad."BAKE"indi- 1. Whencool, placetheovenrackinthe Iowoventoheatfor10to15minutesbe- catorlightsinthe display, desiredrack position, fore adding food. it is not necessaryto
preheatovenfor roasting.
TurnSETknobuntildesiredtempera- ocF ture isdisplayed.The lowesttemper- /_----------_ _50 Itis not necessaryto preheatfor broiling
aturethat can be set is 170°F /f _ _" oo unless darker browning is desiredor if "BAKE ON"indJcatorandovenim- WARM_/(/ I|11 "_": cooking thin (3/4-inch) steaks. Allow
- _\ I ]J J J---4so burnerto preheat2 to 3 minutes.
mediatelyturnon. 200_kxX L._j.._..
,,_/"--- -- _-_ 40o Selectingatemperaturehigherthande-
25o '-7 _-'_ " sired will NOT preheat the oven any
300 350
_, o -- faster. Preheatingat a highertempera-
ture mayhave a negativeeffecton bak-
CLOC_ CLEAN _RO_L 2.Pushin andturnthethermostatknob ingresults.
_(_(_(_(_A tothe desiredsetting.
TZ,Cn CO=TZSTO_T_ _ _ 3. Allowtheovento preheatfor 10to 15 Topreheat: Setovenfor bakingandal-
minutes, lowthe ovento heatuntildisplayshows
3.Allowthe ovento preheatfor 10to 15 4, Place the food in the center of the in the display until the oven reaches minuteswhenbaking.A beepsignals oven, allowing a minimumof two in- 100°F.The displaywill then show the
that the oven is preheated, ches betweenthe utensil(s)andthe oventemperaturein5° incrementsuntil
ovenwails, the oven reaches the preset tempera-
4. Place the food in the center of the ture. oven,allowinga minimumof two in- 5. Check the food for donenessat the
ches betweenthe utensil(s) and the minimum time given in the recipe. "- ovenwalls, Cook longer if necessary. Opening Once the preset temperature is
theovendoorfrequentlycausesheat reached,andthe oventemperaturehas
5. Checkthe food for doneness at the losswhich mayaffectcookingresults stabilized,a singlebeepwillsound. minimum time given in the recipe, andincreasecookingtime.
Cook longer if necessary. Opening Lfthe oventemperatureischangedafter theovendoorfrequentlycausesheat 6. Turnthethermostatknobto OFFand preheating, a beep will signalthat the
losswhichmayaffectcookingresults removethe foodfrom the oven. oven has reachedthe newtemperature and increasecookingtime. setting.
6. Press STOP/CLEAR pad to cancel theoperation.
(continued next page) ....
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