Magic Chef 64HA 4TKXW, 64HK 4TKXW, 64HN 4TKXW, S64H 4TKXW Use And Care Manual

The features covered in this
COOKINGAPPLIANCE book,etareforsevera,model
Congratulations on your choice of and the way we cook. it is therefore ranges. You may find informa- this cooking appliance! As you use very important to understand how tion pertaining to features that your new appliance we know that you your new appliance operates before arenot on your particular range. will appreciate the many features that you use it. On the following pages, provide excellent performance, ease you will find a wealth of information In our continuing effort to of cleaning, convenience and de- regarding all aspects of your improve the quality of our pendability, appliance. By following the instruc- products, it may benecessaryto
tigris carefully, you will be able to make changes to the products
New features have dramatically fully enjoy and properly maintain without revising this booklet.
changed today's cooking appliances your new appliance. For example, the knob on your
range may not look like the illustration in this book.
SAFETYINSTRUCTIONS.......... 1-4 Oven Racks .................. 8
Preheating.................... 8
LEVELINGLEGS.................. 4 How to Bake ................. 9
STORAGEDRAWER................ 4 How to Roast ............... 10
ELECTRONICCONTROLLER......... 5 How to Broil ................ 11
Cooktop...................... 6 SELFCLEANOVEN............... 13
Burner Grates ................ 6 MAINTENANCE.................. 14
Surface Burners .............. 6 Oven Bottom
Selecting Flame Size .......... 7 Oven Door
USINGYOUROVEN............ 8-11 Light Replacement
Oven Characteristics .......... 8 CLEANINGCHART................ 16
OvenVent .................... 8
SERVICE....................... 17
If you have a question, or need
service, have this information ready:
1.Complete model and serial num- bersfrom the rating plate whichis MODELNUMBER
located under the lift-up cooktop on the right side.
2. Purchase or installation date from SERIALNUMBER your sales slip.
Copy this information in these PURCHASE/INSTALLATIONDATE spaces. Keep this book, your
warranty, and the salesslip together in a handy place. SERVICECOMPANY& PHONENUMBER
Thefollowing instructionsare based
onsafetyconsiderationsandmustbe strictly followed to eliminatethe
potentialrisksof fire, electricshock or personalinjury.
DONOTSTOREORUSE IF YOUSMELLGAS: 1.Turnrangecontrolsandventi- GASOLINEOR OTHER I.TURNALLRANGECON- lating hood,if equipped,off
FLAMMABLEVAPORSAND TROLSOFF. 2. Smotherfire or flame,usedry LIQUIDSINTHEVICINITY 2.EXTINGUISHANYOPEN chemical,orafoam-typeextin-
APPLIANCE. 3.0PEN WINDOWS. If the fire is in the oven,
smotherit byclosingtheoven
TRICAL SWITCHES. (DO If the fire is in a pan on a
NOT TURN ANY ELEC- Bakingsodaisalsoeffective,if
OR OFF. SPARKS MAY Do not use water on grease
Installation of the appliancemust 5. IMMEDIATELY CALL
conformwith local codesor, if no YOUR GAS SUPPLIER. GASTYPE
Fuel Gas Code. Installationand Allmodelsareadjustableforusewith
adjustmentoftheappliancemustbe NATURALor LP (bottled)gas. An
performed ONLY by a qualified Have the installer show you the applianceadjustedfor one type of
installerorservicemaninaccordance locationofthegasshutoff valveand gasCANNOTbeusedwiththeother withtheInstallationInstructions.See howto shutit off in an emergency, typeuntiladjustmentsaremadebya
accompanyingInstallationInstruc- qualifiedserviceman. tions. Becertainall packingmaterialsare
removed from the range before operating,to preventfire or smoke GAS ODOR
Be sure floor coveringunderyour rangecanwithstandprolongedheat. damageshouldthe packingmaterial If gasodoris detected,cutoffthegas
ignite, supplyto the appliance.Then,call This is a heavyapplianceandcan yourinstallerorlocalgascompanyto settleintosoftfloorcoverings,such Observeall instructionsforminimum havetheleakchecked.NEVERUSEA
clearances to any combustible MATCHOROTHERFLAMETOLOCATE
surfaces. These should be in A GASLEAK.
thistypeof floor,usecare.
accordancewith informationon the A range shouldNOT be installed rating plate and with nationalfire
directlyoverkitchencarpetingunless laws. SERVICING an insulatingpad or 1/4-inchthick Electrical supply must be dis-
pieceof plywoodis placedbetween connectedbeforeservicingappliance.
the rangeandcarpet.
Donot repairor replaceanypart of
If rangeis installedneara window, your range unlessspecificallyre- properprecautionsshouldbetakento commendedinthismanual.All other
preventcurtainsfrom blowingover servicingshouldbe referredto a burnerscreatinga FIREHAZARD. qualifiedtechnician.
Neveruseyour rangetowarmorheat Ifflameshouldgooutduringcooking, Usecarewhenopeningovendoor.Let
the room. turn burner off. IF GAS HAS hot air or steam escape before
COLLECTEDAND A STRONGGAS removingor replacingfood.Always
Nocookingapplianceshouldeverbe ODORISDETECTED,WAIT5MINUTES place oven racks in the desired usedas aspaceheater.Thisinstruc- FOR GAS ODOR TO DISAPPEAR positionswhileoveniscool.If a rack tion is basedon safety considera- BEFORERELIGHTINGBURNER. mustbemovedwhilehot,becareful tionsto preventpotentialhazardto to avoidcontactof potholderswith theconsumeras well as damageto Never leave a surface cooking ovenburnerflame. theappliance, operation unattended especially
whenusinga highheatsetting.Boil- Slideovenrackouttoaddorremove
Keepareaaroundapplianceclearand overs cause smokingand greasy food,usingdry, sturdypotholders.
free from combustiblematerials, spilloversmayignite. Alwaysavoid reachingintoovento
gasoline,andotherflammablevapors placeor removefood.
andmaterials. Be sure you know which knob
controls which surface burner. Use aluminum foil ONLY as
In the eventof a prolongedpower Alwaysmakesurethecorrectburner instructed.Improperuseofaluminum failure, the surfaceburnercan be isturnedonandthattheburnerhas foil maycausedamagetotherange,
manuallylightedwith a match.The ignited.Whencookingis completed affectcookingresultsadverselyand
oven cannotbe operatedduringa turn burneroff. canalsoresultinshockand/orFIRE powerfailure. HAZARDS.
Do not use cooktopor oven as a storage area for food or cooking Donot coverbroilerinsertwithfoil.
CHILD SAFETY utensils.Thisinstructionisbasedon To minimizechanceof greasefires
1. Donotleavechildrenaloneor safety considerationsto prevent use a broilerpanthat allowsgrease unsupervisednear the appli- potentialhazardto userand to the to drip belowtheinsert,away from
ancewhenit isinuseorisstill appliance, the broilerflame. hot.
2. Children should never be madeofflammablematerialto avoid GREASE
allowedto sit orstandon any clothing fires. Loosefitting or long- Use extreme caution when moving partof the appliance, hanging-sleevedapparelshouldnot thegreasekettleor disposingof hot
bewornwhilecooking.Clothingmay grease.
3. ChildrenMUSTbetaughtthat igniteor catchutensilhandles. theapplianceandutensilsinor Hot grease is flammable. Avoid onit canbe hot. Usedry,sturdypotholders.Damppot lettinggreasedepositscollectaround
holdersmaycauseburnsfromsteam, appliance,rangehood,orventfan.Do
4.Childrenshouldbetaughtthat Dish towels or other substitutes notleavecontainerof greasearound anapplianceisnotatoy.They shouldneverbeusedas potholders a cooking appliance.Always let shouldnotheallowedto play becausethey can trail acrosshot quantitiesofhotfatusedfordeepfat withcontrolsor otherpartsof surface burnersand ignite or get fryingcoolbeforeattemptingto move the unit. caughton rangeparts, or handle.In theeventof a grease
fire, DONOTattemptto movepan.
5.Lethotutensilscoolin a safe Neverheatanunopenedcontaineron Coverpan with a lid to extinguish place,out of reachof small the surfaceburneror in the oven. flameandturnsurfaceburneroff.Oo children. Pressure build-up may cause notdouseflamewithwater.Useadry
containerto burstresultinginseriuus chemical or foam-type fire
6.CAUTION:Donotstoreitemsof personalinjury or damageto the extinguisher,if available,orsprinkle interesttochildrenincabinets range, heavilywithbakingsoda.
abovean appliance.Children climbingon the applianceto Spills or boiloverswhich contain
reachitemscouldbeseriously greaseshouldbecleanedupassoon injured.An applianceshould as possible.If they are allowedto
notbeusedasa stepstoolto accumulate,theycouldcreatea FIRE cabinetsabove. HAZARD.
Neverblockovenvent orair intakes. (if equipped) ALUMINUM. Conductsheat quickly
Do notobstructtheflow of combus- Do not cleandoorgasket.Thedoor and evenly.The heavierthe gauge tionandventilationair.Restrictionof gasketis essentialfor a goodseal. (thickness) the more durable.
airflowtotheburnerpreventsproper Care should be taken not to rub, Aluminummaydiscolorfromalkaline performance, damage,or movethegasket.Donot foodsand pit from acidfoods.
useovencleanersof anykindinor Avoidtouchingovenventareawhile aroundany part of the self clean COPPER Verygoodheatconductor, ovenis on and for severalminutes oven.Cleanonlypartslistedin this butdiscolorseasily.Usedprimarily
afterovenisturnedoff.Somepartsof booklet. Before self cleaning the for bottom coatingsand gourmet the vent and surroundingarea oven,removebroilerpan,ovenracks, cookware.
becomehotenoughto causeburns, and other utensils,and wipe off
excessivespillovers. STAINLESSSTEEL- Aloneit is a poor
CLEANING conductor,developshot spots and
producesuneven cooking results.
Turn off all controlsand wait for PLASTICS However,it isdurable,easytoclean,
rangepartstocoolbeforetouchingor Manyplasticsare vulnerabletoheat. andsomewhatstainresistant.Coat- cleaningthem. Do not touch the Keepplasticsawayfrompartsofthe ing stainlesssteelwith a copperor
burnergrates or surroundingareas appliancethat may becomewarmor aluminumbottomresultsin aneasy- untiltheyhavehadsufficienttimeto hot. to-clean, durable, even cooking
cool. utensil.
Touchingahotovenlightbulwitha AEROSOLSPRAYS CASTIRON-Slowtoconductheat,but
dampclothcouldcausethebulb to Many aerosol-typespray cans are retainstheheatwell.Heavyto handle break. Should the bulb break, dis- EXPLOSIVEwhenexposedtoheatand and mustbe kept well seasonedto
connectpowerto the range before maybehighlyflammable.Avoidtheir preventstickingand rusting.
.trying to removethe bulb to avoid useor storageneara hot appliance.
electricalshock. GLASS/GLASS-CERAMICTransfers
heatslowly andunevenly,butholds
Cleanrange with caution.Jfa wet heat well. sponoeor clothis usedtowipespills ona hotcookingarea,becarefulto Only certain types of glass,
avoid steam burns.Somecleaners glass/ceramic, ceramic, earthen-
canproducenoxiousfumesif applied ware, or other glazedutensilsare to a hot surface, suitableforrangetopservicewithout
breakingduetothesuddenchangein temperature. Check and follow manufacturer'srecommendeduseor
limitationsfor such utensils.
Applianceswhichrequireelectricalpowerare equipped
with a three-pronggroundingplug which must be pluggeddirectlyintoaproperlygroundedthree-hole120
volt electricaloutlet. Ifan ungrounded,two-holeorothertypeelectricaloutlet
providedfor protectionagainstshockhazards.DONOT CUTORREMOVETHETHIRDGROUNDINGPRONGFROM Always disconnectpower to
THEPOWERCORDPLUG. appliancebeforeservicing.
Useonly pansthathaveflatbottoms If suchstorageisprovided,it should Somefloorsarenotlevel.For proper and handlesthat are easilygrasped be limited to itemswhich are used baking, your range must be level.
and stay cool.Avoid usingunstable, infrequently and which are safely Leveling legs are located on each warped, easily tipped or loose stored in an area subjectedto heat cornerof thebaseoftherange.Level handledpans.Donotusepansif their from an appliance.Temperaturesin by turning the legs.
handles twist and cannot be storageareasabovethe unit maybe tightened.Pansthataretoo heavyto unsafe for some items, such as
movewhenfilled with foodmayalso volatile liquids, cleanersor aerosol be hazardous, sprays.
Always place a pan of food on a 1
surfaceburnerbeforeturning it on, VENTILATING HOOD
and turn it off beforeremovingthe To reduce the hazard of storage pan. Besureyou knowwhichknob above a range,installa ventilating
controls eachsurfaceburner, hood that projectsat least5 inches
beyond the bottom edge of the (,,
Alwaysturn panhandlesto the side cabinets. Clean hood frequently to or backof appliance,not outintothe preventgreasefrom accumulatingon
room wherethey are easily hit or hoodor its filter.Shouldaboiloveror reached by small children. To spillover result in an open flame, STORAGE DRAWER minimizeburns,ignitionofflammable immediatelyturnoff thehood'sfanto (if equipped)
materials and spillage due to unin- avoid spreading the flame. After tentionalcontactwith the utensil,do thoroughly extinguishingflame, the Thestoragedrawerat the bottomof not extend handles over adjacent fan may be turned on to remove the rangeis safe andconvenientfor surfaceburners, unpleasantodoror smoke, storing metaland glass cookware.
Be sure utensil is largeenoughto DONOTstore plastic, paperware,or properly contain food and avoid IMPORTANTSAFETYNOTICE food in this drawer.
boilovers. Pan size is particularly ANDWARNING importantin deepfat frying. Besure The California Safe Drinking Water Removedrawertocleanunderrange.
pan will accommodatethevolumeof and Toxic EnforcementAct of 1986 foodthat isto beaddedaswellasthe (Proposition 65) requires the
bubble action of fat. Never leavea Governorof California to publisha deepfat frying operationunattended, list of substancesknownto theState
Use extreme caution when moving of Californiato causecanceror re- the greasekettleor disposingof hot productive harm, and requires
fat. businesses to warn customers of
potential exposures to such
Alwaysadjust surfaceburnersflame substances. so that it doesnot extendbeyondthe bottom of utensil.This instructionis Users of this applianceare hereby
basedon safety considerations, warnedthat the burningof gas can
result in low-levelexposureto some
of the listed substances,including
STORAGE ABOVE RANGE benzene,formaldehydeandsoot,due
To eliminatethe hazardof reaching primarily to the incompletecombus-
over hot surface burners, cabinet tion ofnaturalgasorliquidpetroleum
storage should not be provided (LP)fuels. Properlyadjustedburners
directlyabovea unit. will minimizeincompletecombustion.
Exposureto thesesubstancescan also be minimized by properly
ventingthe burnersto the outdoors.
Thefollowingis aquickreferenceforoperatingtheelectroniccontroller.Abeepsoundseachtimea FUNCTIONpadis pressed.At theendof an operation,threeconsecutivebeepswill sound.
Whenin doubt,pressthe STOP/CLEARbuttonandstartover.TheSTOP/CLEARbuttonclears everythingexceptthetime-of-dayclockand theTIMER.
Theelectroniccontrollerisequippedwitha self-diagnosticfeaturefor serviceuseONLY.if a fault code(Fplusa number-Ff) appearsinthedisplayalongwithacontinuousbeepingsound,pressthe
STOP/CLEARbutton.Seepage16 if thefault codereappearsin the display.
cLEA.Q CLE..OVE"/__//.R/o/.i/---'/;----"8S', O
NOTE:Thefunctionpadsonsomemodelsare roundratherthanrectangular-shaped.Althoughthe
do notlooklikethisillustration,theyfunctionas describedinthis booklet.
STOP/CLEARBUTTON SETKNOB Presstocancelalloperationsexcept Turnin eitherdirectionto entertime
the time-of-dayclockandtimer, ortemperature.Knobisalsousedto
selectHIor LObroil.
PressTIMERpad."Timer"lightsin Usedto automaticallyturntheoven Usedto settheovenfor a LOor HI thedisplay, offattheendofcooking.Seepage12 broiloperation.Seepage11.
for instructions.
TurnSETknobto thedesiredtime.
Timerstartsautomatically. STOPTIME Usedto settheovenfora bakingor
Usedto delaythe startofa cookor roastingoperation.Seepages8to10.
Tocancel,turnSETknobtoOO:OO,or clean operation.See page 12 for
pressand holdtheTIMERpad. instructions.
CLOCK(Time-of-Day) CLEAN day reappearsinthe display.
PressCLOCKpad."Time"lightsin Usedtosettheovenforacleancycle. thedisplay. Seepage 13for instructions.
TurnSETknobto thecorrecttime- "door" will flash in the display if the of-day, doorlatchisNOTinthelockposition.
To lock in time-of-day, press STOP/CLEARbuttonuntil "Timer"
light disappearsin the display.
Whenpower is first suppliedto the range,or if thereis a powerfailure,
the display will blink. Followabove instructionsto set clock.
+ 12 hidden pages