tion in this manual is not
The CaliforniaSafe DrinkingWater followed exactly, a fire or
andToxicEnforcementActof 1986
(Proposition65) requirestheGovernor -explosion
of Californiatopublisha listofsub- mg propertydamage,per-
stances knownto the Stateof Califor- sonal injury or death.
niato cause cancer or reproductive
harm,and requiresbusinessesto
warncustomersofpotentialexposures - Donot store or use gaso-
to such substances, line or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the
Usersofthisapplianceare hereby vicinity of thisor anyoth-
warned that the burningof gascanre- er appliance.
suitin low-levelexposuretosomeof
the listedsubstances,includingben- - WHAT TO DO IF YOU A
zane, formaldehydeandsoot,duepri- SMELL GAS: _ WAII_IM|NQ
marilyto the incompletecombustionof
naturalgas orliquidpetroleum(LP) • DO not try to light any • ALL RANGES
fuels. Properlyadjustedburnerswill appliance. CAN TIP
posureto these substancescanalso • DO not touch any elec- • INJURY TO PERSONS
beminimizedbyproperlyventingthe trical switch; do not COULD RESULT
burnerstothe outdoors.
use any phone in your
building. • INSTALL ANTI-TIP
result Gags
• Immediately call your WITH RANGE
Forfuturereferencewesuggest you gas supplier from a
retain this manual after recording the
model numberandserialnumberof neighbor's phone. • SEE INSTALLATION
this gas appliance in the spaces pro- Follow the gas suppli- INSTRUCTIONS
vided.Thisinformationcan befound er's instructions.
on the rating plate locatedon the
sidesofthe lowerrangefrontframe. • If you cannot reach To reduce the risk of tipping of the
Pulloutlowerdrawertosee rating your gas supplier, call appliance from unusual usage or by
plate, the fire department, excessive loading of the oven door,
- Installation and service properly Installed anti-tip device. To
must be performed by a aflashlight and look underneath range
MODEL NUMBER qualified installer, ser- to see thatone of the rear levelinglegs
vice agency or the gas isengagedinthe bracketslot.
the appliance must be secured by a
These numbersidentifyyourrange.
Pleaseuse themin anycorrespon-
denceor servicecallsconcerningyour
Pleaseretainthe proofof purchase
documentsfor warrantyservice.

_,: _ _,:!_,i_i:!_:_!!_:-!_,:___!! :_!_'_!;'_ _i__'_ o_i_'_'_"_i_i_
i_i'ii_ I _i_i_i'ii_i'ii_i_i!i_ii_i!ii_i_i!i_i_i'ii_i!i_i_i!i!____i_i,i_il.__S_'ii___i_/ _i' _!i:i_!i
Gas Rangewith ElectronicController
IMPORTANTSAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ......... 1-3 Automaticovencooking ................... 16-17
CLOCK & OVEN CONTROL ..................... 4 Broilingandchart ............................ 18
Ignitionsystem ............................... 5 (ChateauRange) ............................ 19
Conventionalsurfaceburners................... 5 SELF-CLEAN OVEN ........................ 20-21
Sealedsurfaceburners . :...................... 6 CAREAND CLEANING CHART .............. 22-23
Lightingsurfaceburners ...................... 6
Selectingflame size ........................... 7 MAINTENANCE ............................ 24-26
About thesurface flame ........................ 7 Cooktoplight ................................ 24
Adjustingtheflame ............................ 7 Oven light................................... 24
Cookware.................................... 8 Back panellight(ChateauRange) 24
Canning ..................................... 8 Upperovenlight(ChateauRange) ............. 24
USINGYOUR OVEN ......................... 9-18 Cooktop .................................... 25
Ovenlight..................................... 9 Ovendoor .................................. 25
Ovenvent .................................... 9 Door locklever .............................. 26
Fan ......................................... 9
Ignitionsystem ............................... 9 Storagedrawer . 26
Oven burner.................................. 9 .............................
Ovencharacteristics........................... 9 Levelinglegs ................................ 26
Ovenracks, 10 SERVICE .................................. 27-30
Howto set ovenfor baking .................... 11 How to remove rangefQrcleaning and servicing . 27
Preheating .................................. 11 EleCtricalconnection ......................... 27
Use of aluminum foil .......................... 11 Explanation of fault codes ..................... 28
Upper oven (ChateauRange) ................. 12 Proportionalvalve adjustment ................. 28
General baking tips .......................... 13 Adjusting oven temperature ................... 28
Common baking problems .................... 14 Before you callfor service ..................... 29
Roasting and chart ........................... 15 How toobtainservice ......................... 30
Burnergrates................................ 25
Oven bottom ................................ 26
INSTALLER Please leave this The model and serial numbers are found on the rating plate
manual with this appliance, locatedon the sides of the lower range front frame.
Be sure appliance is properly Model Number:
installedby the installer. Serial Number:
CONSUMER To save you time, Dateof Purchase:
energy and money, read and keep Please keepyour sales receipt and/or your cancelled check as
th s manual for future reference, proof of purchase should warranty service be needed. Store
these documents with this booklet.

Congratulationsonyour choiceofthis gas range.Asyou use appliance withoutrevisingthis manual. As an example, the
your new range, we know you will apprecia_tethe many knob on your appliance may not look like the illustration in
features that provide excellent performance, ease of this manual.
cleaning, convenienceand dependability.
Should you have any questions about using your new gas
New features have dramatically changed today's cooking appliance, pleasewrite to us at this address:
appliances and the way we cook. It is therefore very
importantto understand howyour new gas range operates CustomerAssistance
BEFOREyou use itfor the first time. c/o Maytag Customer Service
In this Owner's Guide, you will find a wealth of information P.O.Box2370
regarding all aspects of your appliance. By following the Cleveland,TN 37320-2370
instructions carefully, you will be able to fully enjoy and
properly maintain your new range. Be sure to include the model and serial numbers of your
In ourcontinuing effort to improve the qualityof our cooking on the front cover to record this information. Please retain
products,"it may be necessary to make changes to the the proof of purchase documents for warranty service.
appliance. For your convenience, we have provided space

Read all instructions before using this appliance.
The following instructions are based on safety Have your applianceinstalledand properlygroundedbYa
considerationsandmustbe strictlyfollowedto eliminatethe qualifiedinstalleraccordingto the installationinstructions,
potentialrisksoffire, electricshock,orpersonalinjury, Havethe installershowyouthe locationofthe gasshutoff
valveand how to shut it off in an emergency.
WARNING: If the information in this
A}ways disconnect power to appliance before Servicing.
manual is not followed exactly, a fire or
explosion may result causing property damage to unit do not attempt to adjust, repair,service, or
To ensure proper operation and avoid possible injury or
replaceany partof your applianceunlessit is specifically
damage, personal injury or death, recommendedin this book.All other servicing should be
referredto a qualifiedinstalleror servicer.
- Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in the
vicinity of this or any other appliance. Besureallpackingmaterialsareremovedfromtheappliance
beforeoperating it.
- WHATTO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS: Keeparea aroundapplianceclear andfree from combustible
materials, gasoline, and other flammable vapors and
• Do not try to light any appliance, materials.
• Do not touch any electrical switch; do If appliance isinstalled near a window,proper precautions
should be taken to prevent curtains from blowing over
not use any phone in your building, burners.
• Immediately call your gas supplier Do notleave anyitemson the cooktop.The hotairfromthe
from a neighbor's phone. Follow the vent mayigniteflammableitemsandmayincreasepressure
gas supplier's instructions, in closed containerswhichmay cause themtoburst.
• If you cannot reach your gas supplier, Many aerosol-type spray cans are EXPLOSIVE when
call the fire department, exposedto heat and may be highly flammable. Avoid their
use or storage near an appliance.
- Installation and service must be Many plastics are vulnerable to heat. Keep plastics away
frompartsoftheappliancethatmay becomewarmorhot.Do
performed by a qualified installer,service not leave plasticitemson the cooktopas_theymay melt or
agency or the gas supplier, softenif left too close to the ventora lighted surface burner.
Toeliminatethe hazard ofreachingover hotsurfaceburners,
cabinetstorage should not be provided directly above a unit.
Ifsuch storage is provided,itshouldbelimitedto itemswhich
subjectedto heatfrom an appliance. Temperatures may be
unsafe for some items, such as volatile liquids, cleaners or
WARNING areused infrequentlyand which are safely storedin an area
EVICES the flame. Extinguish flame then turn on hood to remove
smokeand odor.
Use drychemicalor foam-type extinguisheror bakingsoda
INSTALLATION, to smotherfire orflame. Neverusewateron a greasefire.
If fireis inthe ovenor broilerpan,smotherby closingoven
If fire is in a pan on the surface burner, cover pan, Never
attemptto pick upor move a flaming pan.

WARNING: To reduce the risk of tipping of the appliance
from abnormal usageor by excessiveloadingof the oven
Do not leave children alone or unsupervised near the door,theappliancemustbe secured bya properlyinstalled
appliancewhenitisinuseorisstillhot.Childrenshouldnever anti-tipdevice.If the rangeis movedfromthe wall,be sure
be allowedto sitorstandonany part ofthe appliance, the anti-tip deviceis engagedwhen the range isreplaced.
Lookunderneathrange toverifythatoneofthe rear leveling
Childrenmustbetaughtthattheapplianceand utensilsin legs is properlyengaged in the bracketslot. The anti-tip
itcan be hot.Let hot utensilscool devicesecurestherearlevelinglegtothefloorwhenproperly
in a safe place, out of reach of engaged.Also,be surethe rangeis properlyre-installed.
taughtthat an applianceis not a Donot toucha hot ovenlightbulbwitha dampclothas the
toy.Childrenshouldnotbeallowed bulbcouldbreak.Shouldthebulb break,disconnectpower
to playwithcontrolsorotherparts to the appliancebefore removing bulb to avoid electrical
ofthe unit. shock.
CAUTION; Do not storeitemsof
interestto children in cabinets
above an appliance or on the Always place a pan on a surface burner beforeturning it on.
backguard of a range. Children Besureyouknowwhichknobcontrolswhichsurfaceburner.
climbingon theappliance oron the Makesurethe correct burner isturned on andthat the burner
appliance door to reach items " has ignited. When cooking is completed, turn burner off
couldbe seriously injured, before removing pan to prevent exposure to burner flame.
Always adjustsurface burnerflame sothat itdoesnot extend
beyond the bottom edge of the pan. An excessive flame is
Toprevent potential hazard tothe user and damageto the hazardous, wastes energy and may damage the appliance,
appliance, do not use pan or cabinets above the appliance.
appliance as a space Never leave a surface cooking operation unattended
heater to heat or warm a especially when using a
room. Also, do not use high heat setting orwhen _/_ I _"'_
the cooktopor oven as a deep fat frying. Boilovers
storage area for food or cause smoking and
cooking utensils, greasy spillovers may
Do not obstruct the flow ignite. Clean up greasy
of combustion and spills as soon as
ventilationairby blocking possible. Donot usehigh
the oven vent or air intakes. Restriction of air flow to the heat for extended
burnerprevents proper performanceand increasescarbon cooking operations.
monoxide emissionto unsafe levels.
Never heat an unopenedcontainer onthe surface burner or
Avoid touching oven vent area while oven is on and for inthe oven. Pressure build-up maycause container to burst
several minutes after oven is turned off. Some parts of the resulting in serious personal injury or damage to the
vent and surrounding area become hot enough to cause appliance.
burns.After oven isturned off, do nottouch the oven vent or Use dry, sturdy pot holders. Damp pot holders may cause
surroundingareas untilthey have had sufficienttime to coot. burns from steam. Dish towels or other substitutes should
never be used as pot holders because they can trail across
CAUTION: Do not _. ,_.o,_=_ j hot surface burners and ignite or get caught on appliance
stepstool to cabinets
above. Misuse of Always let quantities of hot fat used for deep fat frying cool
appliance doors or before attempting to move or handle.
drawers, such as
stepping, leaning or Do not let cooking grease or other flammable materials
sitting on the door or accumulate inor near theappliance, hoodorvent fan. Clean
drawer, may result in hood frequently to prevent grease frgm accumulating on
useanapplianceasa _ parts.
possible tipping of hoodorfilter.Whenflamingfoodsunderthehoodturnthefan
theappliance, breakage of door, and serious injuries, off as the fan may spread the flame.

Use caution when wearinggarments made of flammable This appliance has been testedfor safe performance using
material to avoid clothing -_. __,._,j,_ conventional cookware. Do not use any devices or
hanging-sleeved apparel manual. Do not Useeyelidcoversfor the surface units,stove
should not be worn while top grills, or add-on oven convection systems. The use of
cooking.Clothing may ignite devicesoraccessoriesthat are not expressly recommended
fires. Loose fitting or long _ accessories that are not specifically recommended in this
orcatch utensil handles, in this manual can create serious safety hazards, result in
performance problems, and reduce the life of the
Always place oven racks in the desired positionswhile oven components of the appliance.
iscool. Slideoven rack cutto addor remove food, using dry
sturdy pot holders. Always avoid reaching into the oven to
add or removefood. if a rack must be movedwhile hot, use
a dry pot holder. Always turn the oven off at the end of Turnoffallcontrolsandwaitforappliancepartstocoolbefore
cooking, touchingor cleaning them. Do not touch the burnergrates or
Use care when opening the oven doer.Let hot air or steam
escape beforeremoving or replacingfood. Cleanappliancewithcaution. Usecare toavoid steamburns
PREPAREDFOOD WARNING: Followfood manufacturer's Some cleaners can producenoxiousfumes ifapplied to a hot
instructions.Ifaplastic frozen foodcontainer and/orits cover surface.
distorts, warps, or is otherwise damaged during cooking,
immediately discard the food and its container. The food
could be contaminated.
Use pans with flat bottoms and handles that are easily notuseovencleaners ofany kind inor around anypart of the
graspedand stay cool.Avoid using unstable,warped, easily self-clean oven.
tipped or loose handled pans. Pansthat are heavy to move
whenfilled with food may also be hazardous. Before self-cleaning the oven, remove broiler pan, oven
Besure utensil is largeenoughto properlycontain food and to prevent excessivesmoke or flare ups. CAUTION: Do not
avoidbelievers. Pan size isparticularlyimportant in deepfat leave food or cooking utensils, etc. in the oven during the
frying.Besurepanwill accommodatethe volumeoffoodthat self-clean cycle.
is to beadded as well as the bubble action of fat.
To minimize burns, ignition of flammable materials and a self-clean cycle.Therefore, touching or liffingthe cooktop
spillagedueto unintentionalcontact with the utensil,do not during a clean cycle should be avoided.
extend handles over
surrounding areas until theyhave had sufficienttime to cool.
ifawet spongeor cloth isusedto wipespills on ahot surface.
Clean only parts listed in this booklet. Do not clean door
gasket. The door gasket is essential for a good seal. Care'
should betaken notto rub,damage, or movethe gasket. Do
racks, and other utensils, and wipe off excessivespillovers
Itis normalforthe cooktopofthe rangeto become hotduring
burners. Always turn
pan handlestowardthe
side or back of the
appliance, not out into The California Safe DrinkingWater and ToxicEnforcement
the room where they Ac_ of 1986 (Proposition65) requires the Governor of
are easily hit or California to publisha list of substances knownto the State
reached by small of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm, and
adjacent surface _ _
children, requires businesses to warn customers of potential
Never leta pan boildry asthis could damage the utensil and
the appliance. Users of this appliance are hereby warned that the burning
Follow the manufacturer's directions when using oven substances, includingbenzene, formaldehyde andsoot, due
cooking bags, primarilyto theincompletecombustionofnaturalgas orliquid
Only certain types of glass, glass/ceramic, ceramic, or incomplete combustion. Exposure to these substances can
glazed utensils are suitable for cooktop or oven usage also be minimized by properly venting the burners to the
without breakingdue to the sudden change in temperature, outdoors.
exposuresto suchsubstances.
of gas can resultJnlow-level exposureto some ofthe listed
petroleum (LP)fuels. Properlyadjusted burnerswill minimize

All indicatorwords are displayed to show theirlocation.The touch pads on your range may
not looklike this illustration but they will operate as described in this manual.
II range will be labeled either
II;1o-I1-1 35 n This function pad on yo_Jr
SET BAKE C_AN COOK STOP TIMER[O_ This pad will operate as
Press this pad to cancel all programming except the clock 1. Press OVEN TEMP pad.
and timer. 2. Press the • or • pad to set oven temperature.
Press or press and hold these pads to enter the desired time
or temperature or to select Hi or Lo broil. 1. Press BROIL pad.
1. Press TIMER pad.
2. Set desired time using the • and • pads.
described below.
See pages 11to 15 for additional information.
2. Press • or • pad to select Hi broil or Lo broil.
See page 18 for additional information.
Press or press and hold either pad to change the time by 1 1. Close and lock oven door.
minute, 5 minutes or 10 minutes. 2. Press CLEAN pad.
TIMER can be set from 1 minute (0 HR:01) up to 9 hours and 3. Oven will automatically clean for 3 hours. Press the • or
50 minutes (9 HR:50). • pad to select 2 to 4 hours.
The timing operation will start automatically. Colon flashing "door" will appear in display until the door is properly locked.
in the display indicates a timing operation. One long See pages 20 and 21 for additional information.
continuous beep signals the end of the timing operation. The
time of day wilt automatically reappear in the display. The
TIMER does not control the oven.
To cancel: Press and hold TIMER pad. Time of day will the • or • pad.
reappear after a slight delay. 2. To delay the start of cooking: Press STOP TIME or OVEN
1. Press CLOCK pad. 3. Press OVEN TEMP pad. Enter oven temperature with the
2. Set the correct time of day using the • and • pads. • or • pad.
Tochange the time by one minute, press either pad once. To
change the time in increments of 10 minutes, press and times. Beeps will signal the end of cooking. Press CANCEL
hold either pad. pad to cancel end-of-cooking beeps. See pages 16 and 17
When power isfirst supplied to the oven or if there has been
a power failure, the display will flash.
Press CLOCK pad to recall time of day when another A beep sounds each time a pad is pressed. The oven will
function is displayed, automatically turn off if it is left on for 12 hours.If afault code
Clock time cannot be changed when oven is set for a cook, (example: F 2) is displayed and beeps sound, press
timed bake, or self-clean operation. Cancel operation to set CANCEL pad. If fault code continues, see page 28.
the clock.
1. Press COOK TIME pad. Enter desired cooking time with
STOP pad. Enter time you wish the oven to turn off with
the • or • pad.
The oven will automatically turn on and off at the preset
for additional information.

IMPORTANT: When the applianceis first instaned, the
surfaceburnersandpilotS,if equipped,maybedifficultto
lightdueto air inthe gas line.This mayalsooccurif the The two surface burnerassemblies are secured in place
appliancehas been disconnectedfrom the main gas duringtransportation with springclips. Once the rangeis
supplyorifithasnotbeenusedforseveraldaysorweeks, installed, these clips may be removedto allowquick and
To removethe airinthe gasline,holda lightedmatchnext
tothe burnerhead andturntheknobon.When the burner . _',.,_.
as directed below to light the pilot. For pilotless ignition
models,eitheradjustthe knobto the desired flamesize or
turn the burner off.
easy removal of the burner assemblies.
Your range is equipped with pilotless ignition. Be sure all
surfacecontrolsaresetinthe OFFpositionpriorto supplying
lights,turnthe knoboff. Forpilotignition models,proceed __._\_ ;
gasto the appliance.
Pilotless Ignition Toremove:Allow bumerstocool Liftupthecooktop.Grasp
Pilotless ignition uses a spark from the ignitor to light the burnerassembly then liftup andtoward backofthe cooktop
burner. There are two ignitors for conventional surface until the air shutter ends on the burner assembly release
burners. Each sealed burner has its own ignitor. Once the from the valves.
burner lights, turn the knob to the desired setting. The
clickingsound will not stop until the knob isturned from the To replace: Insert the air shutter ends on the burner
LITEposition, cooktop.Turn on each burner to be sure burner assembly
assembly over the valves and lower into place. Replace
_ i as been cOrrectlyreplaced" ,
NOTE: The surface burner will not light if the ignitor is
ifthe smallport beneaththe ignitoris blocked.See page 23
for cleaning instructions.
Inthe event ofa powerfailure, the surfaceburner canbe
manually lighted. Be sure all controls are in the OFF
position.Hold a lighted match to the desired surface burner
head then push in ad turn the knob to the LITE position.
When theburner lights,adjustthe flame to the desiredflame
Underno circumstances is the surface burner assembly
to be taken apart for cleaning.

The sealed surface burners are securedto the cooktopand CAUTION: To prevent damage to the cooktopor pan,
are NOT designedto be removedbythe consumer, neveroperatesurface burnerwithouta pan in place,
Since the burnersare sealed into the cooktop,boilovers neverallowapantoboildryandneveroperateasurface
won'tseep underneathto the burnerboxarea. Thus,there burneron HIGH for extendedperiodsoftime.
are nohiddenspillsinthe burnerbox areato clean. TO light
1. Place a pan onthe burnergrate.
Super High Speed Burners
Some modelsfeature two special SUPER HIGH SPEED
sealedburners.Usethe SUPER HIGH SPEED burnersto
quicklybringwater toa boil andfor large- pot cooking. See ,,,_ _ _I LZT_-_,..
informationon ratingplate to determineif yourappliance
The two HighSpeed burnersare locatedat the right-front
and left-rear burners.
2. Push in andturnknobtothe LITE position.
surface burner:
3. After the burner lights,turn the knob to the desired flame
HIGHSPEED size. The ignitors will continue to spark until the knob is
turned from the LITE position.
CAUTION: Ifthe flame should go out during a cooking
operation,turn the burner off. If gas has accumulated
anda strong gas odoris detected,wait 5 minutesfor the
gasodor to disappear before relighting burner.
To lightsurface burnerduring a powerfailure:
1. Be sureall controlsareinthe OFF position,
2. Holda lightedmatchtothe desired surface burnerhead.
3. Pushinandturn knobtothe LITEposition.The burnerwill
then light.
4. Adjust the flame to the desired flame size.
CAUTION:Whenlighting the surface burner,besureall
ofthe controls are inthe OFF position. Strikethe match
first and hold it in position beforeturning the knobto the

Usea HIGHflamesettingto quicklybringliquidsto a boilor A properlyadjustedburnerwithclean portswilllightwithina
tobeginacookingoperation.Then reducetoalowersetting fewseconds.
to continuecooking.Never leave food unattended when
using a HIGH flame setting. On natural gas, the flame will be blue with a deeper blue
core;there shouldbe no traceof yellowin theflame.
wastes fuel, so have a serviceman adjust the mixture if a
yellow flame occurs.
_-\_ Ayellowflame indicatesan impropermixtureofair/gas.This
An intermediate flame size is used to continue a cooking You mayhear a"popping" soundonsometypes of gaswhen
operation.Food will not cook any faster when a higher the surfaceburneris turnedoff.Thisis a normaloperating
flame setting is used than needed to maintain a gentle soundof theburner.
boil. Remember, water boils at the same temperature
OnLPgas, someyellow tipping isacceptable.This isnormal
and adjustment is not necessary.
UseLOto simmeror keepfoodsat serv(ngtemperatures.
_ the edge of the cooking
Some cooking may take place on the LO setting if the
setting,itis possible to reducethe heatby rotatingthe knob
towardthe OFF position, setting,theflamemay go out,particularlyifthe burneris_
utensil is covered. If food does boil on the LO
Adjusttheflamesize so it
does not extend beyond
utensil. This is for
personal safety and to
prevent possible damage
to the appliance, pan, or
cabinets above the
appliance. This also im-
provescooking efficiency.
If a knob is turned very quickly from the HI to the LO)
cold. Ifthisoccurs,turnthe knobtotheOFF position.Wait[
several seconds, then light the burner again. J
Besureto adjusttheknobsothere isan adequate supplyof
gasto maintain a stable flame on the burner. Check to be
sure burner islit and the flame is stable.