Instructions for your Electric Range with "T" Clock
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ................... 1-3 Commonbakingproblemchart ................ 8
ELECTRONIC CONTROLLER .................. 4
USINGYOUR COOKTOP ................... 5-6
Surfaceelements .......................... 5 SELF CLEANING OVEN ..................... 11
Dripbowls ................................ 5
Controlknobs ............................. 5 MAINTENANCE ............................ 12
Signallights............................... 5 Lightreplacement ......................... 12
Cookingtips .............................. 5 Storagedrawer ........................... 12
Utensils .................................. 5 Oven door ............................... 12
Heatsettings .............................. 6 Leveling legs ............................. 12
USING YOUR OVEN ....................... 7-9 CARE AND CLEANING CHART ............... 13
Oven characteristics ........................ 7
Fan ..................................... 7 SERVICE .................................. 14
Oven racks ............................... 7 Troubleshooting ........................... 14
Preheating ................................ 7
How to bake or roast ........................ 8 WARRANTY ............................... 15
Howto broil ............................... 9
AUTOMATIC OVEN COOKING ................ 10
Fuses(Canada only) ....................... 14

Instructions for your Electric Range with "C" Clock
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ................... 1-3 Howto bake or roast ........................ 8
FEATURES ................................. 4 Howto broil ............................... g
Clockand timer ............................ 4
Automaticovencooking ..................... 4 CONTINUOUS CLEANING OVEN .............. 10
Eye leveloven ............................. 4
USING YOUR COOKTOP ................... 5-6
Surface elements .......................... 5 MAINTENANCE ............................ 12
Dripbowls ................................ 5 Oven light ............................... 12
Controlknobs ............................. 5 Storagedrawer ........................... 12
Signal lights............................... 5 Ovendoor ............................... 12
Cookingtips .............................. 5 Levelinglegs ............................. 12
Utensils .................................. 5
Heat settings.............................. 6
Commonbaking problemchart ................ 8
SELF CLEANING OVEN ..................... 11
CARE AND CLEANING CHART ............... 13
USING YOUR OVEN ....................... 7-9 SERVICE .................................. 14
Ovencharacteristics ........................ 7 Troubleshooting........................... 14
Oven indicatorlight ......................... 7 Fuses(Canada only) ....................... 14
Ovenracks ............................... 7 WARRANTY ............................... 15
Preheating................................ 7

Informationin the Safety Instruction section covers all STORAGE IN, ON OR NEAR APPLIANCE - Do not
electriccooking appliances. You may find some infor- storeor use gasolineor other flammable materials, va-
marion that does not pertain to your particular appli- porsandliquidsintheoven, nearsurfaceunitsorinthe
ance. Please review this section before using your vicinity of this or any other appliance. The fumes can
cooking appliance, create a fire hazard or explosion. Do not use cooktop
or ovenas astorage areafor foodorcookingutensils.
The following instructionsare basedon safety consid-
erations and must be strictly followed to eliminate the
potentialrisks offire, electric shock, or personalinjury. DO NOT USE WATER // ( (f r-""""'_
PROPERINSTALLATION- Besureyour appliance is use dry chemical or
properly installed and grounded by a qualified techni- foam-type extinguisher, _'_-r_
clan. if available or sprinkle
NEVER USE YOUR potholders on hot surfaces may result in burns from
APPLIANCE FOR steam. Do not let potholder touch hot heating ele-
WARMING OR HEAT- merits. Do not use a towel or other bulky cloths.
Smother fire or flame or
heavily with baking soda.
USE PROPER PAN SIZE - This appliance is
equipped with one or moresurface elements of differ-
STORAGEABOVERANGE-To eliminatethe hazard ent sizes. Select utensils having flat bottoms large
ofreachingover hotsurface elements,cabinet storage enough to cover the surface element. The use of un-
should not be provided directly above a unit. If pro- dersized utensils will expose a portion of the heating
vided, storage should be limited to infrequently used elementto direct contact and may result in ignition of
itemsthat can besafely stored in an area subjected to clothing. Proper relationship of utensil to element will
heat. Temperatures may be unsafe for some items also improve efficiency.
such as volatile liquids,cleaners, or aerosol sprays. If
cabinet storage is provided, installation of a range ,,_ ,/
hood that projects at least 5-inches beyond the bot- NEVER LEAVE SURFACE
tom of the cabinet will reduce the hazardsassociated UNITS UNATTENDED AT ] _ I J!l\
with such storage. HIGH HEAT SETTINGS - [ _ _ jJ.J
Boilover causes smoking F_'_-_,_
APPAREL - may ignite. /
Loose-fitting or
hanging garments
worn while using sence of these bowls during cooking may subject wir-
_WEAR PROPER and greasy spillovers that l _ I_
the appliance, ing or components underneath to damage.
I .Z!
USERSERVICING - Donot repairorreplaceany part PROTECTIVE LINERS - Do not use aluminum foil to
of the appliance unless specifically recommended in linesurface unit drip bowlsoroven bottoms,except as
the Use and Care Book. All other servicing should be suggestedin the Use andCare Book. Improper instal-
referred to a qualified technician. Always disconnect lation of these liners may result in a risk of electric
unitor cut-off powerto unitbefore any servicing, shock, or fire.

of glass, glass/ceramic, ceramic, earthenware, or CLEAN VENTILATING HOODS FREQUENTLY -
otherglazed utensilsaresuitablefor range-top serv- Grease should notbe allowedto accumulateon hood
icewithoutbreakingduetothesuddenchangeintern- or filter.When flamingfoods underthe hood,turnthe
perature, fan off. The fan, ifoperating,mayspreadthe flame.
UTENSIL HANDLES TheCaliforniaSafeDrinkingWaterandToxicEnforce-
TURNED INWARD norof California to publish a list of substances known
AND NOT EXTEND to the State of California to cause cancer or reproduc-
OVER ADJACENT tive harm, and requiresbusinesses to warncustomers
SURFACE UNITS - of potential exposures to such substances.
To reduce the risk of
burns, ignition of flam- Users of this appliance are hereby warned that when
_ _ SHOULD BE mentAct of1986 (Proposition65) reqairesthe GOVer-
tentienal contact with the utensil, the handle of a uten- substances, including carbon monoxide. Exposure to
sil should be positionedso that it is turned inward, and these substances can be minimized by properly vent-
does not extend over adjacent surface elements, ingthe applianceto the outdoors duringthe self-clean
MENTS - Heating elements should never be im- DEEP FAT FRYERS:
mersedin water. Immersingelement in water would Useextremecautionwhenmovingthegreasekettleor
damage insulatingmaterialinsideelement, disposingofhot grease.
mable materials, and the appliance is engaged in the self-clean cyclethere
spillage due to unin- may besome low-level exposure to some ofthe listed
USE CARE WHEN OPENING DOOR - Let hotair or RIOR SURFACES OF OVEN - Elementsmay be hot
steamescape before removingor replacingfood. eventhoughthey are darkincolor. Areasnearsurface
elements and interior surfaces of oven may become
DO NOT HEATUNOPENED FOOD CONTAINERS - hot enough to cause burns. During and after use, do
Build-up ofpressure may causecontainerto burstand not touch or let clothing or other flammable materials
result in injury, terior surfaces of oven until they have had sufficient
KEEP OVEN VENT DUCTS (located under rear ele- faces facing the cooktop, ovenvent opening and sur-
ment; rear corner of cooktop;between oven door and faces nearthis opening, oven door, andovenwindow.
control panel of wall oven or on backguard) UNOB- Also, do not allow aluminum foil, meat probes or any
STRUCTED. Blockage of vent prevents proper oven other metal object, other than a utensil on a surface
aircirculation and will affect oven performance. Avoid element, to contact heating elements.
touching oven vent area while oven is on and for sev-
eral minutesafteroven isturned off.Some parts of the ANTI-TIP BRACKET:
vent and surrounding area become hot enough to WARNING: To reduce the risk of tipping of the appli-
cause burns, ance from unusual usage or by excessive loading of
PLACEMENTOFOVEN RACKS-Always placeoven properly installed anti-tip device. To check if device is
racks in desired location while oven is cool. If rack installed properly: Use a flashlight and look under-
mustbe moved while hot, use care to avoid contact of neath range to seethat one of the rear levelinglegs is
potholder with oven element, for cleaning, be sure anti-tip device is engaged when
contact heating elements, areas near elements or in-
timeto cool. Among theseareas are the cooktop, sur-
the oven door, the appliance must be secured by a
engaged inthebracketslot.When removingappliance
rangeisreplaced.The anti-tip devicesecures the rear
leveling leg to the floor, when properly engaged.

After appliance is installed, be certain all packing ma- ATTENTION: NE LAISSER AUCUN ALIMENT, US-
terials are removed from the appliance before operat- TENSILE DE CUISINE, ETC., DANS LE FOUR
ing the unit. If appliance is installed near a window, DURANT LE CYCLE D'AUTONETTOYAGE.
take steps to prevent curtains from blowing over sur-
face elements creating a fire hazard. On some models, a fan should be heard during the self
clean cycle. Ifnot, cancel clean cycle and call a serv-
Care should be given to location of appliance. Be sure iceman before self cleaning again. (Refer to CON-
floor covering under appliance, walls adjacent toappli- TENTS on front cover for location of self clean instruc-
ance, cabinetry adjacent toappliance, and other mate- tions and fan information.)
rials adjacent to appliance can withstand prolonged
heat. This is a heavy appliance and can settle intosoft SMOOTHTOP COOKTOP:
floor coverings such as cushioned vinyl. Use care Do not cook on broken cooktop. If cooktop should
when moving range on this type of floor covering, break, cleaning solutions and spillovers may pene-
trate the broken cooktop and create a risk of electric
shock. Contact a qualified technician immediately.
Do not place excessive used to wipe spills on a hot cooking area, be careful to
weight on an open oven avoid steam burn. Some cleaners can produce nox-
_' _ door or stand on an open ious fumes if applied to a hot surface.
oven door as, in some
cases, it could cause the DO NOT LEAVE CHILDREN ALONE - Children
range to tip over, break- should not be left alone or unattended in area where
age of the door or serious appliance is in use. They should never be allowed to sit
injury, or stand on any part of the appliance. CAUTION: Do
_ _,_ OVEN DOOR Clean cOoktep with cautiOn" If a wet sponge or clOth is
CIRCUIT BREAKER OR FUSE - Locate and mark an appliance or on the backguard of a range.
breaker or fuse. Never replace a blown fuse or reset a
not store items of interest to children in cabinets above
Always replace a blown fuse with one of the correct ance to reach items could be seri- "/
amperage, do not use a substitute, ously injured. Children must be
taught that the appliance and
CONTROL KNOBS - Turn off control at the comple- utensils in or on it can be hot. Chil-
tion of a cooking operation, dren should be taught that an ap-
pliance is not a toy. They should
not be allowed to play with con-
SELF CLEANING OVEN: trois or other parts of the unit.
breaker until you know what has caused the problem. Children climbing on the appli- __ (
Do not clean door gasket. The door gasket is essential
for a good seal. Care should be taken not to rub, dam-
age, or move the gasket. Do not use oven cleaners or
oven liner protective coating of any kind in or around
any part of the self clean oven. Clean only parts listed
in this booklet. Before self cleaning the oven, remove
broiler pan, oven racks, and other utensils.

CLOCK AND TIMER seafoods, or stuffing are not recom- The oven will automatically turn on and
mendedfor delayedcooking. Ifcooking off at the preset times. Remove food,
12 more than one food, select foods that turn the thermostat knob to OFF ifknob
11 o 1 cook for the same length of time and at hasOFF setting. Turn selector knob to
10_//_'_,_ the same oven temperature. OFF.
9 =_'1 =
_1_ The automatic cooking feature will not NOTE: On eye level models, only the
8 //////. 30 &\_,',:4 and is set at the correcttime-of--day.
7 6 5
TO SET CLOCK: Push in andturn Via- ,._\\',_J_ll//,=,/ -,.-,='\\"_11_////// The upper oven will either be oonven-
time-of-day. Be sure Minute Minder
uteMinderknobto theleftto the correct _",;9_/,_ 3_.__'_9_ tionaloven or a microwave oven.
hand is on OFF aftersettingclock. ,. _ .. _. _ <.,
TOSET MINUTE MINDER: Turn knob ciaily ifconsiderableamounts of hotfats
to either direction to the desired time. or liquids are involved. Removing such
When the bell rings, manually turn the foods from the oven is difficult and can
Minder to OFF. 1. Placefood in the oven. be hazardous.
,_ operate unless the clock is functioning loweroven can be programmed.
START STOP (ifequipped)
-'< _ -"-. Do notuseupperovenforcooking items
"_//I II_,,s, "//I hI\x, that are heavyor bulkyto handle,espe-
2. Push in and turn START knob to the
AUTOMATIC OVEN time-of-day youwish cooking to be- Conventional Oven: The size of this
gin. If you wish to begin cooking im- oven makes it convenient for cooking
COOKING mediately, do NOT set the START smaller quantities of food. However, it
Automatic cooking feature is used to knob. does have some limitations, Do not use
turn the oven on and off at a preset a large cookie sheet, pan orother uten-
time-of_lay. This feature can be used 3. Push in and turn STOP knob to the sils which will block airflow in the oven.
to delaythe start of a cooking operation time-of_lay you wish the oven to Usethe larger oven for critical cooking
ora self clean cycle, if equipped. {See turn off. or delicate baking.
page 10 for self clean instructions.)
IMPORTANT: Highly perishable foods equipped,turn selectorknob to TIME rate Use and Care Booklet for informa-
such as dairy products, pork, poultry, BAKE. tion on the microwave oven.
4. Turn oven thermostat knobto the de-
sired setting. On models so Microwave Oven: Refer to the sepa-