Informationin the Safety Instructionsection covers all STORAGE IN, ON OR NEAR APPLIANCE - Do not
electriccooking appliances. You may find some infor- store or usegasoline or otherflammable materials,va-
mation that does not pertain to your particular appli- porsandliquidsintheoven, nearsurfaceunitsorinthe
ance. Please review this section before using your vicinity of this or any other appliance. The fumes can
cooking appliance, create a fire hazard or explosion. Do not use cooktop
oroven as a storageareafor food or cooking utensils.
Thefollowinginstructionsare basedonsafety consid-
erationsand must be strictly followed to eliminate the
potentialrisksof fire,electricshock,orpersonal injury. DO NOT USE WATER //(l(_
PROPERINSTALLATION- Besureyourapplianceis use dry chemical or
properly installed and grounded by a qualified techni- foam-type extinguisher, _:.112z_"_
clan. if available or sprinkle
NEVER USE YOUR potholders on hot surfaces may result in burns from
APPLIANCE FOR steam. Do not let potholder touch hot heating ele-
WARMING OR HEAT- ments. Do not use a towel or other bulky cloths.
Smother fire or flame or
heavilywith bakingsoda.
USE PROPER PAN SIZE - This appliance is
equipped with one or moresurface elements of differ-
STORAGEABOVERANGE-Toeliminatethehazard ent sizes. Select utensils having flat bottoms large
ofreachingoverhotsurfaceelements,cabinetstorage enough to cover the surface element. The use of un-
should not be provided directly above a unit. If pro- dersized utensils will expose a portion of the heating
vided, storage should be limited to infrequently used element to direct contactand may result in ignition of
itemsthat canbe safely stored in an areasubjectedto clothing. Proper relationship of utensil to element will
heat. Temperatures may be unsafe for some items also improve efficiency.
such as volatile liquids, cleaners,or aerosol sprays. If
cabinet storage is provided, instatlation of a range
hood that projects at least 5-inches beyond the bot- NEVERLEAVESURFACE _ I A_'/_
tom of the cabinet will reducethe hazardsassociated UNITS UNATTENDED AT
with such storage. HIGH HEAT SETTINGS -
Boilover causes smoking
APPAREL - may ignite.
Loose-fitting or
_WEAR PROPER and greasy spillovers that
__]l_ should never be MAKE SURE DRIP BOWLS ARE IN PLACE - Ab-
hanging garments
worn while using sence of these bowls during cooking may subject wit-
the appliance, ing or components underneath to damage.
USERSERVICING- Donot repairorreplaceanypart PROTECTIVE LINERS- Do not use aluminum foil to
of the appliance unless specifically recommended in linesurface unitdrip bowls or oven bottoms, exceptas
the Use and Care Book.All other servicingshould be suggested in the UseandCare Book. Improperinstal-
referred to a qualified technician. Arwaysdisconnect lation of these tiners may result in a risk of electric
unitor cut-off power to unit before any servicing, shock, orfire.

of glass, glass/ceramic, ceramic, earthenware, or CLEAN VENTILATING HOODS FREQUENTLY -
otherglazedutensilsare suitablefor range-topserv- Grease shouldnotbeallowedto accumulateonhood
icewithoutbreakingduetothesuddenchangeintern- orfilter.When flamingfoodsunderthe hood,turnthe
perature, fanoff. The fan, if operating,mayspreadthe flame.
UTENSIL HANDLES The CaliforniaSafeDrinkingWaterandToxicEnforce-
TURNED INWARD norof California to publish a list ofsubstances known
AND NOT EXTEND to the Stateof Californiato cause canceror reproduc-
OVER ADJACENT tive harm,and requiresbusinessesto warncustomers
SURFACE UNITS - of potential exposures to such substances.
To reduce the risk of
burns, ignition of flam- Usersof this appliance are herebywarned that when
_ _ SHOULD BE ment Actof 1986 (Proposition 65) reqairesthe GOver-
tentional contact withthe utensil, the handle of a uten- substances, including carbon monoxide. Exposure to
sil should bepositioned sothat itis turnedinward, and these substances can be minimized by properlyvent-
does not extend over adjacent surface elements, ingtheapplianceto theoutdoors duringthe self-clean
MENTS - Heating elements should never be im- DEEP FAT FRYERS:
mersed in water. Immersing element in water would Useextreme cautionwhen movingthe grease kettleor
damage insulating material inside element, disposing of hot grease.
mable materials, and the appliance isengaged in the self-clean cycle there
spillage due to unin- may besome low-level exposureto someofthe listed
USE CARE WHEN OPENING DOOR - Let hot air or RIOR SURFACES OF OVEN - Elements may be hot
steam escape before removing or replacingfood. eventhoughtheyare dark incolor. Areas nearsurface
elements and interior surfa_cesof oven may become
DO NOTHEAT UNOPENED FOOD CONTAINERS - hot enough to cause burns. During and after use, do
Build-up ofpressure may causecontainerto burstand nottouch or let clothing or other flammable materials
result in injury, terior surfaces of oven until they have had sufficient
KEEP OVEN VENT DUCTS (located under rear ele- facesfacing the cooktop, oven vent opening and sur-
ment; rear corner of cooktop; betweenoven door and faces nearthis opening,oven door, andovenwindow.
control panel of wall oven or on backguard) UNOB- Also, do not allow aluminum foil, meat probes or any
STRUCTED. Blockage of vent prevents proper oven other metal object, other than a utensil on a surface
air circulation and will affect oven performance. Avoid element, to contact heating elements.
touching ovenvent area while oven ison and for sev-
eral minutes afterovenis turned off. Somepartsofthe ANTI-TIP BRACKET:
vent and surrounding area become hot enough to WARNING: To reduce the risk of tipping of the appli-
cause burns, ance from unusual usage or by excessive loadingof
PLACEMENTOFOVEN RACKS-- Always placeoven properly installedanti-tip device. Tocheck if device is
racks in desired location while oven is cool. If rack installed properly: Use a flashlight and look under-
mustbe movedwhile hot, use care to avoid contact of neath range to see that one of the rear leveling legs is
potholder with oven erement, engagedinthe bracketslot. Whenremovingappliance
contact heating elements, areas nearelements or in-
timeto cool. Among theseareas arethe cocktop, sur-
the oven door, the appliance must be secured by a
for cleaning, be sure anti-tip device isengaged when
range is replaced.The anti-tip device securesthe rear
leveling leg to the floor, when properlyengaged.

Afterapplianceis installed,be certain all packing ma- ATTENTION: NE LAISSER AUCUN ALIMENT, US-
terials are removedfromthe appliance beforeoperat- TENSILE DE CUISINE, ETC., DANS LE FOUR
ing the unit. If appliance is installed near a window, DURANT LE CYCLE D'AUTONETTOYAGE.
take steps to prevent curtains from blowing over sur-
face elements creating a fire hazard. On some models, a fan should be heard during the
self-clean cycle. If not, cancel clean cycle and call a
Careshouldbegiven to locationof appliance. Besure serviceman before self-cleaning again. (Refer to
floorcovering underappliance,walls adjacentto appli- CONTENTS on front cover for location of self-clean
ance,cabinetryadjacentto appliance,andother mate- instructionsand fan information.)
rials adjacent to appliance can withstand prolonged
heat. Thisisa heavy applianceandcansettle intosoft SMOOTHTOP COOKTOP:
floor coverings such as cushioned vinyl. Use care Do not cook on broken cooktop. If cooktop should
when moving range on this type of floor covering, break, cleaning solutions and spillovers may pene-
trate the broken cooktop and create a risk of electric
shock. Contact a qualified technician immediately.
c._,.__,_,.^,_ c._,._ OVEN DOOR Cleancooktopwithcaution. Ifa wet spongeOrcarefulClOthis
Do not place excessive usedtowipe spillson a hotcooking area, be to
weight on an open oven avoid steam burn. Some cleaners can produce nox-
_q_ door or standon an open ious fumes if applied to a hot surface.
,, oven door as, in some
cases, it could cause the DO NOT LEAVE CHILDREN ALONE - Children
range to tip over, break- should not be left alone or unattended in area where
age of the door or serious applianceisin use.They shouldnever be allowedtosit
_'_ injury, or stand on any part of the appliance. CAUTION: Do
CIRCUIT BREAKER OR FUSE - Locate and mark an appliance or on the backguard of a range.
breakero.rfuse. Never replace a blown fuseor reset a
breaker untilyou knowwhat has causedthe problem. Children climbing on the appli- '_/'f_F_ /
amperage, do not use a substitute, ously injured. Children must be /
CONTROL KNOBS - Turn off control at the comple- utensilsinor on itcanbe hot.Chil-
tion of a cooking operation, dren should betaught that anap-
Always replace a blown fuse with one of the correct ance to reachitemscould beseri- '-__=_.__ _
SELF-CLEANING OVEN: trois or other parts of the unit.
Donotcleandoor gasket.Thedoor gasket isessential
for agood seal. Care should be takennot to rub,dam-
age, or movethe gasket. Donot useoven cleaners or
oven liner protectivecoating of any kind in or around
anypart ofthe self-clean oven.Clean only partslisted
inthis booklet. Beforeself-cleaning the oven, remove
broiler pan, oven racks, and other utensils.
notstore itemsof interesttochildren in cabinets above
taught that the appliance and
pliance is not a toy. They should
not be allowed to play with con-

TIMER (minutetimer) CLOCK (time-of_:_ay) BAKETEMP
1. Press TIMER pad. 1. PressCLOCKpad. 1. Press BAKETEMP pad.
2. TurnSET knobto desiredtime. 2. Turn SET knobuntildisplay shows 2. Turn SET knob untildesiredoven
3. TIMER startsautomatically, correcttime-of_:lay, temperatureappearsinthedisplay.
3 beepssignaltheendof thetiming 3. Press STOP/CLEAR padto cancel
operationand the time-of_:lay re- When power is firstsuppliedto range thebakingoperation.
appearsinthedisplay, oriftherehasbeenapowerfailure,the
4. To cancel: Press TIMER pad and displaywillflash. Followaboveinstruc- See pages10to11 foradditionalinfor-
holdfor3secondsorturnSET knob tions toset clock, mationon bakingand roasting.
until :00 appears in the display.
Time-of_ay will reappearafter a
Pressto cancel alloperations Turn knob ineitherdirection toen-
exceptclockand timer, ter time or temperature.Knob is
STOP] •, ,, 888°1
CLE,R ' '1' "' ,r, CLE,NI
also usedtoselect HIor LO broil.
(Note:All indicatorwordsaredisplayedtoshowtheirlocationinthedisplay.Whenovenortimerisnotinuse,indicatorwordsarenot
displayed,indicatorsareonlydisplayedwhenovenissetfor acook,delayedcook,cleanortimeroperation.)
1. Close door. To begin cooking immediately: 1. Press BROIL pad.
2. Move door handle to locked posi- 1. Press BAKE TEMP pad and enter 2. Turn SET knobclockwiseto set HI
tion. oventemperaturewithSET knob. BROIL or counterclockwiseto set
3. Press CLEAN pad.("door" willflash 2. Press COOK TIME pad and enter LOBROIL.
in display and beeps will sound if desired cookingtime by turning the 3. Press STOP/CLEAR pad to cancel
door is not locked.) SET knob. broiloperation.
4. Oven will automatically clean for 3 See page 12foradditional information.
hours,orselect 2or 4 hoursbyturn- To delay the start of cooking:
ing the SET knob. 1. Press BAKE TEMP pad and enter
See page 5 for additional information, oven temperature with SET knob.
2. Press COOK TIME pad and enter
cookingtime with SET knob.
3. Press STOP TIME pad and enter
time you wish food to stop cooking
with SET knob.
Ovenautomatically turns on and off at
the preset times.
Press STOP/CLEAR pad to cancel
end-of-cooking beeps.
See page 6 for additional information.

Theself--cleanovenusestemperatures 3. WhentheCLEANpadispressed,the TO CANCEL CLEAN CYCLE:
above normalcookingtemperaturesto oven will automaticallyclean for 3 1. PushSTOP/CLEAR pad.
automaticallyclean theentire oven. hours.
TO OPERATE: -I ,, o I-I1-1 Ifthe LOCK indicator isdisplayed, al-
to the right(locked position). ° I_11_1 CLEAN lOWoven to cool (up to one hour).
l. Closedoor and movedoor locklever S--/LE,,_C
A shorter (2 hour) or longer (4 hour) Door and lock levermay be damaged if
clean cycle can be selected by turn- the lock leveris forced tothe left before
ingthe SET knob. the LOCK indicator turns off.
2. Press CLEAN pad.
If door is not locked as described,
"door"will flash in the display.
T_MER Once LOCK indicator turns off, the
BEFORE DURING to become hot during a clean cycle.
SELF-CLEANING SELF-CLEANING Thereforetouching the cooktopduringa
Whenthe door islockedandtheCLEAN self-clean cycle should be avoided.
pad is pressed, the oven automatically
begins to heat to cleaning tempera- As the oven heats and cools, you my
tures, hear sounds of metal parts expanding
Clean oven frame, door frame and and contracting. This is normal and will
around the oven vent with a non-abra- Asthe oven reaches cleaningtempera- not damage your appliance.
sive cleaning agent such as Bon Ami.
These areas are not exposed to clean- tures, the LOCK indicatorwill turn on to
ing temperatures and should be has engaged. At this point, the oven AFTER
cleaned to prevent soil from baking on door can notbe unlockedand opened. SELF-CLEANING
during the clean cycle. Some soil may leave a light gray, pow-
Wipe up excess grease or spillovers To preventdamage tothe doorand lock dery ash which can be removed with a
from the oven bottom to prevent exces- left when the LOCK indicator is dis- that the clean cycle was not long
sive smokingduring the clean cycle, played, enough.The soilwill be removedduring
OVEN LINER PROTECTIVE COAT- About one hour after the completion of the next clean cycle.
INGS OF ANY KIND ON THE SELF- the clean cycle,the internalIockwill dis- Ifthe oven racks do not slide smoothly
CLEAN OVEN FINISH OR AROUND engageand theLOCKindicator willturn after a cleancycle, wipe racks and era-
ANY PART OF THE OVEN. moved to the left (unlocked position) amount of vegetable oil to restore ease
show that an internal lock mechanism
lever, do not force the lock lever to the damp cloth. If soil remains, it indicates
off. At this point, the lock lever can be bossed rack supports with a small
2. IftheLOCKindicatoris notdisplayed,
the oven door can be unlocked.
door can be unlocked.
It is normalfor the cooktop of the range
To preventdamage, do not cleanor rub and the door opened, of movement.
the gasket around the oven door. The
gasket isdesignedto seal inheatduring somesmoke andodormaybe detected, oven interior orovendoor. This isa nor-
the clean cycle. This is normal and will reduceor disap- realconditionresultingfrom heatingand
The first few timesthe oven iscleaned, Fine, hair-like lines may appear in the
pear with use. If the oven is heavily cooling of the porcelain finish. These
soiled, or if the broiler pan is left in the lines do not affect the performance of
oven, smoke and odor may occur, the oven.