Congratulationsonyourchoice ofthisrange.Asyouuse instructionscarefully,youwillbe able tofully enjoy and
your new range, we know you will appreciate the many properly maintainyour new range.
features that provide excellent performance, ease of
cleaning,convenience and dependability. Should you have any questions about using your new
Newfeatures have dramatically changed today's cook-
ingappliances and theway we cook. It is therefore very MAYTAGCUSTOMER SERVICE
importantto understandhowyour newelectric rangeop- 240 Edwards Street, S.E.
erates BEFOREyou use itfor thefirst time. Cleveland,TN 37311
Inthis Owner's Guide, you willfind a wealth of informa- Besure to include the model and serial numbers ofyour
tionregarding all aspects of your range. By following range. For your convenience, we have provided space
the belowto record this information.
electric range, please writeto us at this address:
For future referencewe suggestyou retain this DEALERFROMWHOM PURCHASED:
manual after recordingthe informationin the
the ratingdata plate locatedon the range front
frame aroundthe storage drawer. Open the stor- ADDRESS:
age drawer to see the rating plate. For drop-in
models, therating data plateis located onthe left CITY:
side of theside panel.Open the oven door to see
the rating plate. PHONE:.
IMPORTANT:Retain the proof of purchase docu-
mentsfor warrantyservice.

C_ng afirehazed _"a_ "'
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Utensihandlesshouldbeturnedin- Donotcoverovenracks,theoven Smoothtopcooktop- Donotcookon
wardandnotextendoveradjacent bottomoranyotherpartoftheeven brokencool(top.Ifcooldopshould
surfaceunits- Toreducetheiiskof withaluminumfoil- Thiswillcause break,cleaningsolutionsandspillevers
burns,ignitionoffammabematerials overheatingoftheoven.Usealuminum maypenetratethebrokencooktopand
andspillageduetounintentionalcon- foilonlyasdirectedinthismanual, createariskofelectricshock.Contact
tactwiththeutensilthehandleofa aqualifiedtechnicianimmediately.
utensilshouldbepositionedsothatitis Cesnventiatnghoodsfrequently- Cleancooktopwithcaution.Ifawet
turnedinward,anddoesnotextend Greaseshouldnotbeallowedtoaccu- spongeorclothisusedtowipespillson
overadjacentsurfaceelements, mulateonhoodorfilter.Whenflaming ahotcookingarea,becarefultoavoid
foodsunderthehood,turnthefa_off. asteamburn.Somecleanerscanpro-
Donotsoakremovableheatingele- Thefan,ifoperating,mayspreadthe ducenoxiousfumesifappliedtoahot
ments-Heatingelementsshould flame, surface.
ingmaterialinsideelement, whenmovingthegreasekettleordis- weightonanopenovendoororstand
posingofhotgrease, onanopenovendooras,insome
Usecarewhenopeningdoor- Let cases,itcouldcausetherangetotip
hotairorsteamescapebeforeremov- Donottouchsurfaceelementsor over.breakageofthedoor,orserious
ingorreplacingfood. injury.
strutted- Theventislocatedatthe
Keepovenventductsunob- _J __
touchingovenventareawhileovenis top,ovenventopeningandsurfaces
onandforseveralminutesafteroven Anti-tip bracket warning:
hasbeenturnedoff.Somepartsofthe nearthisopening,ovendoor,andoven
ventandsurroundingareabecomehot window.Also,donotallowaluminum Toreducetheriskoftippingoftheap-
enoughtocauseburns, fo, meatprobesoranyothermetal _ssiveloadingoftheovendoor_the
oh- pliancefromunusualusageorbyex-
Placementofovenracks- Always eement,tocontactheatngelements, appliancemustbesecuredbyaprop-
placeovenracksindesiredlocation erynstalledanti-tipdevice.Tocheckif
whileoveniscool.If rackmustbe flashlightandlookunderneathrangeto
movedwhilehot,usecaretoavoid seethatoneoftherearlevelinglegsis
contactofpotholderwithovenelement, engagedinthebracketslot.Whenre-
(czmtinuednext page)

b_own1useorreseta oraccessories
knowwhathascausedtheproblem, thismanualDonot
subs"_ute. interesttochildrenincabinetsabove
anapplianceoronthebaCkguardofa vectonSystems.[heuseo1d_ or
Controlknobs- TurnoffCoutrolatthe range.
completonofacookingoperation, ommendedinthismanualcancreate
Self-oteaningoven- Donotclean mancaprou_msandreduoethelifeof
doorgasket.Thedoorgasketisassert- thecomponentsoftheapponce.
takennottorub,damage,ormovethe Preparedfoodwarning- Followfood
gasket.Donotuseovencleanersm m_ufacturer'sinstructi()ns.Ifaplastic
ovenlinerprotectvecoatingOfanyknd frozenfoodcontainerand/oritsfilm
inoraroundanypartofthesefi-cle_ coverdistorts,warpsorisotherwise
otherutensils.SIde-inanddrOp-in Chdranclmbngonthe_pplonce
models:Ustenforafan.Afannoise Childrenmuletbetaughtthat_e ap-
shouldbeheardduringacleaning plianseandutensilsinorontcanbe
cycle.Ifnot,cansecleancycleandcall hotChIdrenshouldbetaughtthatan Ware
aqualifiedtechnicianbeforesail-clean- applianceisnotatoy.Theyshould emorofCaliforniatcpublishalistO!sub-
ngagain. _eallowedtoplaywithcontrolsorother stancesknowntoth_StateofCaiifoma
not ,o,,uIPreposition65)requirestheGov-
setous_aty hazardsresultinperfor-
CAUflON:DONOTLEAVEFOODOR partsoftheunit. to causecancerorreproductiveharm,
COOKINGUTENSILS,ETC.,INOVEN IN CASE OF FIRE: tomersofpotentiaexposurestosuch
DURINGTHESELF-GLEANING 1 _urnoftappfanceandventilating substances,
ATTENTION:NELAISSERAUCUN 2 Usedr/chemicalorfoam-typeex- Usersotthisappliancearehereby
ALIMENT.USTENSILEDECUISINE, tinguisheror bakingsodatO warnedthat_en theapplianceisan-
ETC,DANSLEFOURDURANTLE smotherfireorflame.Neveruse gagedintheself-cleancycletheremay
CYCLEOAUTONE'I-FOYAGE wateronagreasefire. thebesomelistedsubstances,ow-levelexposureincludingtosome_benof
3. Iffireisinoven,smotherbyclosing monoxide,Exposuretothesesub-
ovendoor stancescanbeminimizedbyproperly
4, Iffireisinapanonthesurfaceunit, veutingtheappliancetotheoutdoors
coverpan. duringtheself-cleancycle.
-- PAGE 3

• I 7.1° I-I I-I n n n 1
c.oo.l[c....)[ 1[ 1( )
(Note:Allindicatorwordsare displayedto showtheirlocation.Functionpadson
somemodelsareround.Roundpadswilloperateas describedinthismanual.)
Pressthispadto cancelallprogram- 1. PressCLEAN. Turnthisknobinether directiontoen-
ruingexceptthe ClockandTimer. 2, Closeand lockoven door. tertime or temperature.Thisknobis
TIMER hours.Select2 or 4 hours byturn-
t. PressTIMER. ingSET knob. OVEN TEMP
2. TurnSET knobtodesiredtime. "door"willappear indisplayuntilthe 1. PressOVEN TEMP.
TIMER can be set from 1 minute doorisproperlylocked.Seepages 16 2. TurnSET knobuntildesiredoven
(0HR:01)upto 9 hoursand 50 rain- and 17 for additionalinformation, temperatureappears in the dis-
utes(9 HR:50). play.
The timingoperationwill start auto- To begin cooking immediately= formationonbakingandroasting.
matically.Colonswillflashinthe dis- 1. Press COOK TIME. Enterdesired
play to indicatea timing operation.
Onelongcontinuousbeepsignalsthe cookingtime by turning the SET BROIL
endof thetimingoperationand"End" 2. Press OVEN TEMP. Enter oven 1. PressBROIL.
briefly appears in the display.The 2. Turn SET knobclockwisetoselect
time of day will automaticallyreap- temperaturewithSET knob. HI broilorcounterclockwiseto Be-
3. Oven willautomaticallycleanfor3 alsousedtoselectHI orLobroil.
COOK TIME/STOP TIME See pages 9 to 13 for additionalin-
pearinthedisplay.TheTIMER does To delay the start of cooking: lectLobroil.
not controlthe oven.
Tocancel:PressTIMER andholdfor timewithSET knob. tion.
3 seconds."i3meofdaywillreappear 2. PressSTOP TIME. Enterthe time
after aslight delay, you wish the ovento turn off with
CLOCK 3. Press OVEN TEMP. Enter oven
1. Press CLOCK. temperature with SETknob.
2. Turn SETknob until displayshows The oven will automatically turn on
correct time of day. and off at the preset times. 3 beeps
When power is first supplied to oven will signal the end of cooking. "End"
or if there has been a power failure, will appearinthe displayandcontinu-
the display will flash. Follow above CUBbeeps will prompt you to remove
instructions to set clock. Clock time thefoodfrom the oven.
cannotbechanged whenoven is set
for a cook or self-clean operation, of-cooking beeps.
Cancel operationto set clock.
Press CLOCK to recall time of day Seepages10andllforadditionalin-
when anotherfunction is displayed, formation.
1. PressCOOKTIME. Entercooking See page 14 for additionalinforma-
SET knob.
Press STOP/CLEAR to cancel end-

Cool(top Indicator Lights
Freestandingrangeswithacoil-type cooktopwillfeature Rangesareequippedwithtwoindicatorlightswhichglow
an "upswept"cooktop, when a surfaceelement ison. Theindicatorlightwillre-
(NOTE:The cooktoponaslide-in ordrop-in rangedoes operation,besuretheelementandindicatorlightare off.
NOT lift up.The cooktopon a Canadianfreestanding
rangedoesNOT lift up.)
Toraisethe "upswept" cooktop: Whencool,graspthe Drip Bowls
front edgeof the cooktopandgently lift up untilthetwo • Be sure dripbowls,locatedundereach element,are
supportrodsat thefront ofthe cooktopsnapintoplace, in place.
To lower the top: Holdthefrontedgeofthecooktopand Chrome drip bowls will turn blue or gold over time or if
carefully push back on each supportrod to release the overheated. This type of discoloration is permanentand
notched support. Then gently lower the top into place, will not affect cooking performance.
The support rods will slide into the rangeframe. To protect the chrome or porcelain finish, avoid using
Surface Elements setting once food beginscooking.Donot use oversized
• Surface elements are self-cleaning, from the element.
mainon until the element isturnedoff.After a cooking
wiring orcomponent partsunderneath the cooktop to
• Toprevent riskof electricshockorfire,do not line drip
bowls with aluminum foil.
Your range will be equipped with either chrome plated
• Absence of these bowlsduring cooking may subject
steel dripbowls or porcelaincoated steeldrip bowls.
high settingsfor longperiods oftime. Reduceto a lower
cookware. Pan should not extend more than 2 inches
• Do not immerse elements inwater. Clean bowls after each use with soap and water. Re-
. When an element isturned on, itwill cycle onand off movestubbornstainswith bakingsodapaste andplastic
to maintain the heat setting, scouring pad.Porcelaindripbowls can becleanedwith a
mild cleanser. To prevent scratching the porcelain or
• To preventdamageto the range, NEVERoperateBur- chrome finish, do not use abrasive cleaning agents.
face elementwithout a paninplaceand NEVERallow Rinse, dry and replace.
a pan to boildry.
NOTE:Theovenvent islocatedattheright rearelement.
cool, raiseelement center toallowproperovenventing.Never blockthevent
and carefully puff opening by placingasolid drip bowl in thislocation or by
out and away from coveringthe hole inthecenterofthedripbowlwith alumi-
the receptacle, numfoil. Blockingthe vent will restrictproperoven vent-
Toremove:Whenl _ I Besurethedripbowlferthiselementhasaholeinthe
Toreplace: Insertthe terminals on the element intothe
receptacle.Gentlylift uponouteredgeofelement (oppo-
site terminal-side of element) while inserting terminals
intoreceptacle.Gentlypress downon outeredgeof ele-
ment until element sits level ondrip bowl.
Besure drip bowland chrome trim ring, if equipped, are
properlyinstalled. Notchontrimring should be centered
overthe screw securingthe receptacleto the maintop. If
trim ring isnot installedproperly andrestson thisscrew,
the trim ringand drip bowl wilt"rock".
ing which will affect baking results.

Cooking Areas Cooking Tips
On Canadian modelsonly:The surfaceunits willnotop- When cooking delicate foods which easily scorch or
erate duringa clean cycle.This isnormal, overcook, start with a lower heat setting then gradually
increase the setting until you find the optimum setting.
The four cooking areas on Boiloversare morelikelytooccurifyoustartoutonHIGH
your rangeare identifiedby then reduce to thelowersetting. If you do begin cooking
permanent patterns in the _/__ _ onHIGH, reduceto alowersettingbeforeliquidscometo
large(8-inch) andtwosmall
cooktop. There are two _/1/_: a full boil.
(6-inch) areas. The pat- --_/l_ (ffood iscooking toofast or if a boilover occurs,remove
not look like the cooktop in a lowersetting. Allow enoughtimeforthe cooking areato
terns on your cooktop may _ _1_ _ lid orremovecookwarefrom cooking areaand reduceto
this illustration but your adjust to the new setting.
cooktop will operate asde-
scribedinthis manual.
Before usingthe cooktopfor the first time, clean itthor- Aluminum foil will damage the smoothtop if it melts
oughlyasdirected onthecleaningcharton page7. This ontothe glass.Do not use aluminumfoilorfoil-type dis-
will protect the smoothtop and will guarantee a clean posablecontainerssuch as popcorn poppers underany
cooktopwhen the elements are turned on. circumstances.They may leave metalmarksor mayper-
manentlymelt ontothe smoethtop.Do notuse cooktop ff
Duringthefirst few hoursof use,you may noticethat the aluminumfoil melts onto the smoothtop. Call an autho-
cook'topemits a slight burning odor and a light smoke, rizedservicer.Donotattemptto repaircooktopyourself.
Bothof these conditionsare normal and are caused by
the insulation material of the heating elements. Aluminum ¢ookware will cause metal marks on the
glass if you slide them across the smoethop. Remove
Whena cookingareaisturnedon,thecoilelementunder any metal marks immediately using Cooktep Cleaning
the cooktopwill heat up and glow red. To maintain the Creme.
heatsettingthe element willcycle onandoff.It isnormal
to see a red glow through the smoothtop when the ele- Glass ceramic, earthenware, porcelain over metal,
mentcycleson. heat-proof glassor glazedeookwaremayscratchthe
smoothtopcooktopifyou slidethemacrossthe top.
Indicator Lights
Rangesareequippedwithtwoindicatorlightswhichglow To Protect Smoothtop
when asurface element ison.The indicatorlight will re-
main on untilthe element is turned off. After a cooking • Do not use the top as awork surface or as a cutting
operation, be surethe elementandindicatorlightare off. board, Do not cook food directly onthe cooktop.
• Do not use a trivet or metalstand(suchas awok ring)
Hot Surface Light betweenthe utensil andthe cooktop.These itemscan
Your rangeis equipped with a HOT SURFACE light Io- markoretchthesurfaceand affectcookingefficiency.
earedat thecenter-back ofthe smoothtop.This red light • Do not place plasticson a warm or hot cooking area.
will turn on to indicate thatthe smoethtopis hot andwill They will melt and adhere to the smoothtop. The
remain on untilthe top has cooled, smoothtop may chip or pit in attempting to remove
melted plasticfrom the top.
Retained Heat • Topreventscratching or damagetothesmoothtop,do
Thesmoethtop cookingarea retainsheat fora periodof not leave sugar, salt, sand, soil, shortening or other
timeafterthe elementhas beenturned off.Turn the ele- fats on the cooking area. Be sure area is free from
mentoffa few minutesbefore food is completely cooked these before turningon cooking area.
anduse theretainedheattocompletethecookingopera-
tion. After 30 minutes, the cooktop may be too coolto • Donotslide metal orglass itemsacrossthe smooth-
keep foods warm. However, the TOP MAY STILL BE top. They may scratchtop orleave metal marks.
TOO WARM TO TOUCH. When the HOT SURFACE • Donotallowapantoboildry.Thisceuldcauseperma-
lightturns off, the top will be coolenough to touch, nent damageto the smoothtop.