Magic Chef 3442XRA, 3442XRW Owner's Manual

tion in this manual is not
The California Safe Drinking Water followed exactly, a fire or
and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986
(Proposition 65) requires the Governor explosion may result caus-
of California to publish a list of sub- ing property damage, per- ! stances known to the State of Califor- sonal injuryor death. I
nia to cause cancer or reproductive harm, and requires businesses to
warn customers of potential exposures - Do not store or use gaso- to such substances, line or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the
Users of this appliance are hereby vicinity of this or any oth-
warned that the burning of gas can re- or appliance. suit in low-level exposure to some of
the listed substances, including ben- - WHAT TO DO IF YOU ,_
zene, formaldehyde and soot, due pri- SMELL GAS: -- WARNING
marily to the incomplete combustion of natural gas or liquid petroleum (LP) DO not try to light any ALL RANGES
fuels. Properly adjusted burners will appliance. CAN TIP
minimize incomplete combustion. Ex-
posure to these substances can also DO not touch any elec- INJURY TO PERSONS
be minimized by properly venting the trical switch; do not COULD RESULT
burners to the outdoors.
use any phone in your building. ° INSTALL ANTI-TIP
For future reference we suggest you retain this manual after recordingthe gas supplier from a
model number and serial number of neighbor's phone. ° SEE INSTALLATION
this gas appliance in the spaces pro- FOllow the gas suppli- INSTRUCTIONS vided. This information can be found er's instructions.
on the rating plate located on the
sides of the lower range front frame. If you cannot reach To reduce the risk of tipping of the
Pull out lower drawer to see rating your gas supplier, call appliance from unusual usage or by plate, the fire department, excessive loading of the oven door,
MODEL NUMBER qualified installer, ser- to see that one of the rear leveling legs
Immediately call your WITH RANGE
the appliance must be secured by a
- Installation and service properly installed anti-Up device. To
check if device isinstalled properly: Use
must be performed by a a flashlight and look underneath range
vice agency or the gas is engaged in the bracket slot. supplier.
These numbers identify your range. Please use them in any correspon-
dence or service calls concerning your appliance.
Please retain the proof of purchase
documents for warranty service.
Readall instructions before using this appliance.
information in the Safety Instruction Don't attempt to repair or replace ° Misuse of appliance doors, such
section covers all gas cooking ap- any part of your appliance unless it as stepping, leaning or sitting on pliances.You may find someinforma- is specifically recommended inthis the door,may result in possible tip-
tionthat doesnot pertain toyourpar- book. Allotherservicingshouldbere- ping of the appliance, breakage of ticular appliance. Please review this ferredto a qualifiedservicer, door. and serious injuries.
section before usingyour cookingap- CAUTION: Do not usean applianceas pliance, sp-
a stepstool_tocabinetsabove.
- To reduce the hazard of storage above a range, Install aventilating
hood thatprojectsatleast 5 inches
Have your appliance and
fled installer,in accordancewiththe
InstallationInstructions.Anyadjust- mentorserviceshouldbeperformed
Immediately tom
and gency.
No cooking i _ormance. To eliminate the hazard of reach- used as a space heaterto heat or Ing over hot surface burners, cabi-
basedor net storage should not be provided vent dlractly above a unit.
Ifsuchstorageis prove, it should be limitedto _emswhich.areusedin-
/ u ot,yaodwhichars
)or oven as a inan area subjected to heat from an
. . MEA.TF_, DO ] appliance.
, J -rl_l_ i atorag e
suchasvolatileliquids,cleaners or
pliance, aerosolsprays.
Temperaturesin storageareas above
_, Tum off an controls and waitfor - AJwaystumeurfacebumerto - Do not iet cooking grease or oth-
range parts to cool before touching OFF before removing cookware, er flammable materials accumulate or ¢iesnlng them. Do nottouchthe in or near the range, range hood or
er _le
vent fan.
- Always let quanUties of hot fat
cool before
attempting to move or handle,
Donot use mr on grease fires.
cookiesheetorflat tray.Or,extinguish
grease should be,cleanedup as soon as possible.'ffthey are allowed
toaccumulate,they couldcreatea
oven or
_, Follow food manufacturer's instructions, If a plasticfrozenfood
.container_and/oritscoverdistorts. warps,or isotherwisedamagedduring
cooking,immediatelydiscardthe food
and itscontainer.The foodcouldbe
UTENSIL SAFETY: portantindeepfatfrying Be surepan SELF-CLEAN OVEN:
Use pans with flat bottoms and thatisto be addedas wall asthe " handlesthat are easily grasped and bubbleactionoffat Neverleavea doorgasketis essentialfora good
stay cool Avoidusingunstable deepfat fryingoperationunattended seal Careshouldbe takennottorub
warped easilytippedorloosehandled damage,or movethegasket
pans.Donotusepansiftheirhandles Never let a pan boil dry as this Do not use oven cleaners of any
twistand cannotbe tightened.Pans coulddamagethe utensilandthe ap- that are heavyto movewhenfilledwith pliance, kind in or around any part of the
food mayalsobe hazardous, self-cisan oven.
Always.placea pan of food on a heaL Keepplasticsawayfrom partsof surface burner beforeturning It on, theappliancethat maybecomewarm booldet_
_, Always turn pan handles tothe cooktop as they may meltorsoftenif other utensils, and wipe off _xcus. side or back ofappliance, notout lefttoo closetotheventor a lighted sire spnlovera.
intotheroomwherethey are eas yhit surfaceburner. = It Is normal for the cooktop of or reachedbysmallchildren, the range to become hot duringa
_' "_1_ "er'sdirecUonSuseonly glass cookwara that :Is cycle°r,iftingthe cooktopdudngaciaanshouldbe avoided
_1 recommendedforuseinthe oven. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS
To minimize bums, Ignitionof flare- usa eyelidcoversf
willaccommodatethevolumeof food Do notclean door gasket The
Manypiastics are vulnerable to = Clean only parts ltstad in this
or hot. Before self-,cleaning theoven,
_, .Donot leave plastic'items on'the remove broiler pan, oven racks, and
self-clean cycle. Therefore,touching
,_ This appliancehas been testedfer safe performanceusingconventional
recommendedinthis manual Do not
unintentional contact with the uten. vectionsystems The useof devicesor
sil, do notextendhandlesoveradja- accessoriesthatare notexpresslyrec-
centsurfaceburners ommeodedin this manualcancreate
serioussafetyhazards,result in per-
, Be sure utensil is large enough formanceproblems,and reducethe
to properly contain food and avoid lifeof thecomponentsof theap- boilovera. Pansize is particularlyira- plance
Do not leave children alone or Children should be taught that an Children climbing on the appliance unsupervisednear the appliance appliance is not a toy. to reach items could be seriously
when it is in use or is still hoL Injured.
Children should never be allowed Children should not be allowedto
to sit or stand on any part of the ap- play with controls or other parts of __ _
pliance, the unit. Childrenmust be taught that the CAUTION:Do not store items of in-
appliance and utensils in it can be terestto children In cabinets above hot. Lethot utensilscoolin a safe an appliance or on the beckguard
place,outof reachofsmallchildren, of a range.
11 o-F 1
TO SET CLOCK: Pushinand turn Min- ute•mer knobtothecorrecttimeofday.
BesureMinute_mer handisonOFF af-
ter settingclock.
TO SET MINUTETIMER: Turn knobin either direction to the desired time,
Whenthebuzzer sounds,manuallyturn
theTimerto OFF.
Yourrangefeaturespilotless ignition.A 1. Place utensi_on burner grate. When the range is first installed,the/
spark fromthe ignitorwill lightthe burn- pilotsmay bedifficultto light dueto airI er. 2. Push )n and turn knob to the LITE inthegasline.TobleedoffairfromtheJ
position. After the burner lights, turn line, hold a lighted match next to the/
ABOUTTHE SURFACE the knobto the desired flame size. burner and turn knob on. When the
BURNER FLAME burnerlights,turn the knob off and
A properlyadjustedburnerwithclean proceedas directed.
inthe OFF positionpriorto supplying
On naturalgas, the flame will be blue gastotheappliance. with a deeper bluecore;thereshouldbe c_
notraceof yellowinthe flame. CAUTION: If flame should go out
during a cookingoperation,turn the
A yellowflame indicatesan improper burneroff. If gas has accumulated
mixtureof air/gas.This wastesfuel,so
have a servicemanadjustthemixtureif and s strong gas odor is detected,
p0rtswilllightwithinafew secends. __. Be sure all surfacecontrolsareset
a yellowflame occurs.
NOTE: The knob on your appliance pate before relightin9 burner.
On LPgas, someyellowtippingis ac- may not look likethe knob in this il- Youmay heara "popping"soundon ceptable.Thisisnormalandadjustment lustration,but it will operate as de- LP gas when the surface burner ' isnotnecessary, scribedinthisbooklet, turnedoff.Thisisa normaloperating'
wait 5 minutesfor the gas to dissi-
soundofthe burner.
If a knobisturnedvery quicklyfrom HItoLOsetting,theflamemaygoout,
To operate surface burner during a _.;_ _;__ _
1. Hold a lightedmatchto the desired surfaceburnerhead.
2. Push in and turn knobto the LITE position.The burnerwillthenlight.
3. Adjust knob to obtain the desired Ifthisoccurs,turntheknobtotheOFF
flamesize. position.Wait several seconds,then
lightthe burneragain.
(continued next page)
FLAME SIZE Use a HIGH flame setting to quickly Acceptablewater-bathorpressurecan-
UTENSIL SIZE: Adjustthe flame size bringliquidsto a boilorto begina cook- nersshouldnotbeoversizedandshould
soitdoesnotextendbeyondtheedgeof ing operation.Then reduce to a lower havea flat bottom.Thefollowingarenot the cookingutensil.Thisisfor personal settingtocontinuecooking.Neverlaave recommended:Oversizedcannersor a safetyand to preventpossibledamage food unattended when using a HIGH verylargecannerthat restsontwosur-
to the appliance, utensil or cabinets flame setting, face burnergrates. abovethe appliance. When canning, use the HIGH setting
,_ _, I pressureisreachedinthepressurecan-
*" ner,thenreducetothelowestflameset-
._._._j _;____ just untilthe water comes to a boilor
_ tingthat maintainsthe boilor pressure.
Utensilswhichextendmore thantwo not cook any faster when a higher
inchesbeyond the grate or touch the flame setting Is used than that need-
cooktopmay causeheatto buildup,re- ed to maintain a gentle boll. Remem- suitingin damage to the burnergrate, ber,waterboilsatthe sametemperature
burneror cooktop, whetherboilinggentlyorvigorously. = Utensils,suchas wokswitha support Usea lowflamesizetosimmerorkeep
ring,whichrestrictaircirculationaround foodsat servingtemperatures.
may result in damage to the burner grate,burnerorcooktop. __. UTENSIL MATERIALS: Optimum
cookingperformancecan be achieved whenheavygauge,fiat,smoothbottom,
metal utensilswith straightsides and tightfittinglidsare used.
Aluminum or aluminum-clad stain- less steel pans heatmoreevenlysoa
slightlylargerflame canbe used.
Stainless steel, porcelain and heat- proof ceramic or glass heatunevenly;
cast aluminum and iron heat slowly; and, Teflon-coated utensilsare sensi-
tiveto heat.These materialsrequirea
lowerflametoproducemoreevencook- ing results.Adjustflame so it extends
halfway to the edge of the utensilbot- tom.
An intermediateflame size is usedto continuea cookingoperation.Foodwill
faster when the utensilis covered be-
causemoreheat is retained.Lowerthe
flamesizewhen coveringutensils.
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