Yourrange will feature either pilot igni- 1. Place utensil on burnergrate. * When the range isfirst installed,the
tion(a standing pilotlightsthe burner) or pilotsmay be difficultto lightdue toair
pilotless ignition (a spark from the igni- 2. Push in and turn knob to the LITE inthegasline.Tobleedoffairfromthe
tor lights the burner), position. After the burner lights, turn line, hold a lighted match next to the
the knob to the desired flame size. burner and turn knob on. When the
PILOT IGNITION burner lights, turn the knob off and
To light pilot: Raise cooktop and hold - proceedas directed.
a lighted match near the pilot ports. I • Be sure all surface controls are set
There are two pilot ports. _ in the OFF position prior to supplying
I_ 1 _ gas to the appliance.
• CAUTION: If flame should go out
during a cooking operation, turn the
burner off. If gas has accurnulated
and a stronggas odor is detected,
NOTE: The knobon your appliance wait 5 minutes for the gasto dissi-
may not look like the knob in this il- pate before relighting burner.
lustration, but it will operate as de- • You may heara"popping" sound on
scribed in this booklet. LP gas when the surface burner is
turned off. This is a normal operating
PILOTLESS IGNITION sound of the burner.
Tooperatesurfaceburnerduringa pow- • Ifa knobisturnedveryquicklyfrom
erfailure: HI toLOsetting,theflamemaygoout,
1. Hold a lighted matchto the desired particularlyifthe burneriscold.
surface burnerhead.
2. Push in and turn knob to the LITE ._ _[_ J-
position.The burner willthen light.
3. Adjust knob to obtain the desired ABOUT THE SURFACE
flame size. BURNER FLAME
• A properlyadjustedburnerwithclean
portswilllightwithina few seconds.
• On naturalgas,the flamewillbe blue
witha deeperbluecore;thereshouldbe
notraceofyellowinthe flame.
Ifthisoccurs,turntheknobtothe OFF
A yellowflame indicatesan improper position.Wait several seconds,then
mixtureof air/gas.This wastes fuel, so lightthe burneragain.
havea servicemanadjustthe mixture if
a yellowflameoccurs.
• On LPgas, someyellowtippingis ac-
isnot necessary. (continuednext page)