CHILD SAFETY Touchinga hot oven lightbulb with a _ _ /
damp cloth could cause the bulb to
Donotleavechildrenaloneorunsuper- break. Shouldthe bulb break,discon-
vised nearthe appliancewhen it is in nectpowertothe rangebeforetryingto
useorisstillhot.Childrenshouldnever remove the bulb to avoid electrical
beallowedtositor standonany partof shock.
the appliance. Children must be taught v--_,.._,,j,,,__ _... z
that the appliance and utensils init can Clean range with caution. If a wet _t".._ J/[.._j, _
be hot. Children should be taught that spongeor cloth is usedto wipe spills on
an appliance is not a toy. They should a hot cooking area, be careful to avoid
not be allowed to play with controls or steam burns. Some cleaners can pro-
other parts of the unit. Let hot utensils duce noxious fumes if applied to a hot
cool inasafeplace,outof reachofsmall surface.
children. Besure you know which knob controls
GREASE which surface burner. Always make
surethe correct burner isturned on and
Use extreme caution when moving the thatthe burner has ignited. Whencook-
grease kettleor disposingof hotgrease, ing is completed, turn burner off.
Hot grease is flammable. Avoid letting Use caution when wearing garments
grease deposits collect around appli- made of flammable material to avoid
ance, range hood, or vent fan. Do not clothingfires. Loosefitting orlong hang-
leave container of grease around a ing-sleevedapparelshouldnotbeworn
cookingappliance.AIwaysletquantities while cooking. Clothing may ignite or
ofhotfatusedfordeepfatfryingcoolbe- catch utensil handles.
foreattemptingtomoveor handle.Inthe
event of agrease fire, DONOT attempt
CAUTION: Do notstore items of inter- to movepan. Cover pan witha lid to ex- I_ _J]
estto children incabinets above an ap- tinguish flame and turn surface burner
plianceor on the backguard of a range, off. Do notdouse flame with water. Use
Children climbing on the appliance to a dry chemical or foam-type fire extin-
reach items could be seriously injured, guisher, if available, or sprinkle heavily
Do notuse an appliance as a step stool withbaking soda.
tocabinets above.
ANTI-TIP DEVICE / Never heat an unopened container on
the surfaceburneror in theoven. Pres-
Toreducethe riskoftippingoftheappli- sure build-up may cause containerto
ancefrom unusualusage or byexces- burstresultinginseriouspersonalinjury
siveloadingofthe ovendoor,the appli- or damageto the range.
ance mustbesecured bya properlyin-
stalled anti-tipdevice.To check if de- Slide oven rack out to add or remove
vice is installedproperly:Use a flash- food, usingdry, sturdy potholders. AI-
lightandlook underneathrangetosee waysavoidreachingintooventoplace
thatone of the rear levelinglegsis en- Spillsorboiloverswhichcontaingrease or removefood.
gagedinthebracketslot.When remov- shouldbe cleanedupas soonas possi-
ingapplianceforcleaning,besureanti- ble. If they are allowedto accumulate, Use dry, sturdypotholders.Damp pot
tipdeviceisengagedwhenrange isre- they couldcreatea FIRE HAZARD.
placed.Theanti-tipdevicesecuresthe holders maycause burnsfrom steam.
Dish towelsor othersubstitutesshould
rearlevelinglegtothefloor,whenprop- COOKING SAFETY never be usedas pot holdersbecause
Alwaysadjustsurface burnersflameso theycantrailacrosshotsurfaceburners
thatisdoes notextendbeyondthe bob and igniteor getcaughtonrangeparts.
CLEANING tom of utensil.This instructionis based
Turn off all controlsand wait for range onsafety considerations. Use carewhen openingoven door.Let
partstocoolbeforetouchingor cleaning hot air or steam escape beforeremov-
them.Do nottouchtheburnergratesor Never leave a surface cookingopera- ingorreplacingfood.Alwaysplaceoven
surroundingareas untilthey have had tionunattendedespeciallywhenusinga racksinthedesiredpositionswhileoven
sufficienttimeto cool. high heat setting. Boilovers cause is cool. if a rackmustbe movedwhile
smokingand greasyspilloversmay ig- hot, be carefulto avoid contactof pot
nite. holderswithovenburnerflame.