Magic Chef 11JN 10K 51FA Use And Care Manual

Instructionsfor your gas range
This BookletCovers
1. Range with No Clock.
2. Range with Time-Of-OayClock.
3. Range with a Clock and Timer.
Oven racks ................... 9
FEATURES..................... 5-6 How to bake ................ 10
Clock ........................ 5 How to roast ................ 11
Minute timer ................. 5
How to broil ................ 12
Eye level oven ................ 5
Continuous clean oven ........ 6 MAINTENANCE............... 13-14
Light replacement ............ 13
SURFACECOOKING............. 7-8 Leveling legs ................ 13
Cooktop ...................... 7 Oven door ................... 13
Burner grate .................. 7 Broiler drawer ............... 13
Surface burners .............. 7 Oven bottom ................ 13
Lighting surface burner ....... 7 Lighting pilots ............... 14
Selecting flame size........... 8 Pilotless ignition ............. 14
Griddle and fifth burner ....... 8 Spark ignition ............... 14
GIo bar ignition .............. 14
USINGYOUROVEN............ 9-12 Surface burner
Oven characteristics .......... 9 valve adjustment ........... 14
Oven vent.................... 9 CLEANINGCHART................ 15
Oven control ................. 9
Oven burner .................. 9 SERVICE............. .......... 16
INSTALLER To save you time, energy and
Please leave this manual with money, read and keep this 8112P053-60
this range, manual for future reference. (2/90)
COOKING APPLIANCE over the years, design changes have The features covered in this
beenmadeto rangesto improveheat booklet are for several model
Congratulations on your choice of distributionin theoven andto reduce ranges. You may find informa- this cooking appliance!As you use heat loss. Please expect some tion pertaining to features that
your newapplianceweknowthat you differences with this new range, are not onyourparticularrange. will appreciatethemanyfeaturesthat In our continuing effort to
provide excellent performance,ease The oven temperature control has improve the quality of our of cleaning, convenience and de- been checked for proper operation, products,it may benecessaryto
make changes to the product
pendability. Youmay noticethat yournewovenis without revising this booklet.
hotter(foodscookfaster/browningis For example, the knobon your
New features have dramatically darker) or cooler(foodscookslower/
range may not look like the
changedtoday's cookingappliances browning is lighter) than your ' illustration in this book. and the way we cook. It is therefore previousoven. (It is not unusualfor
very important to understand how the oven temperature of older your new appliance operates before appliances to be out of adjustment).
you use it. On the following pages, you will find a wealthof information You may find it necessaryto increase
regarding all aspects of your or decreasethe cookingtime or oven
appliance. By following the instruc-
temperatureof yourfavorite recipe.If
tions carefully, you will be able to using a packaged mix, follow the fully enjoy and properly maintain directions on the label. Please
your new appliance, rememberthateachovenhasitsown
If you have a question, or need service, have this information ready:
1.Complete model and serial num- bers from the rating plate which is located under the lift-up cooktop MODELNUMBER
on the right side. On ranges
equipped with sealed surface burners,the rating plate is located
on theoven frontframe.Openoven doorto locate rating plate.
2. Purchaseor installation date from your sales slip. PURCHASE/INSTALLATIONDATE
Copy this information in these
spaces. Keep this book, your warranty, and the sales sliptogether
DONOTSTOREORUSE IF YOUSMELLGAS: Improperinstallation,ad- GASOLINEOR OTHER 1.0PENWINDOWS. justment,alteration,ser- FLAMMABLEVAPORS 2.DONOTTOUCHELEC- vice or maintenancecan
TRICALSWITCHES. causeinjury or property
VICINITYOFTHISOR OPENFLAME. additionalinformationcon-
ANYOTHERAPPLIANCE. 4.IMMEDIATELY CALL suit a qualifiedinstaller,
YOURGASSUPPLIER. serviceagency,manufac-
INSTALLATION turer (dealer)or the gas
This is a heavy appliance and can IN CASE OF FIRE: supplier.
settle into soft floor coverings,such 1. Turn off range controlsand venti-
as cushioned-vinyl. Whenmoving on lating hood, if equipped. GENERAL this type of floor, use care. 2. Smotherfire or flame with baking No cookingappliance should beused
soda,dry chemical, or a foam-type as a space heater. This instructionis
A range should NOT be installed extinguisher.Donot usewater on based on safety considerations to directlyover kitchencarpetingunless grease fires, prevent potential hazard to the
an insulating pad or 1/4-inch thick If the fire is in theoven, smotherit consumeras well as damageto the piece of plywood is placed between by closing the oven door. appliance.
the range and carpet. Be sure floor If the fire is in a pan on a surface covering under range can withstand burner,cover the pan.
If range is installed near a window, _i_" '
properprecautionsshouldbetakento prevent curtains from blowing over burners creating a FIRE HAZARD.
_.._,_L._ _ Keeparea around appliance clearand
--- GASTYPE free from combustible materials,
__ All models, except sealed burner gasoline, andother flammable vapors
models, are adjustable for use with and materials. NATURAL or LP (bottled) gas. (A separate conversion kit is required In the event of a prolonged power
Have the installer show you the for ranges equipped with sealed failure, the surface burner can be location of the gas shut off valve and burners). An appliance adjusted for manually lighted with a match. The how to shut it off in an emergency, one type of gas CANNOTbeusedwith oven cannot be operated during a
the other type until adjustments are power failure.
Be certain all packing materials are made by a qualified serviceman. removed from the range before Never block oven vent or air intakes.
operating, to prevent fire or smoke Do not obstruct the flow of corn-
damage should the packing material SERVICING bustion and ventilation air. Restric-
ignite. Electrical supply must be dis- tion of air flow to the burner prevents
connected beforeservicing appliance, proper performance. Avoid touching
Observe all instructions for minimum Do not repair or replace any part of oven vent area while oven is on and clearances to any combustible your range unless specifically re- for several minutes after oven is
surfaces. These should be in commended in this manual. All other turned off. Someparts of theventand accordance with information on the servicing should be referred to a surrounding area becomehot enough
rating plate, qualified technician, to cause burns.
Misuse of appliance doors or To reduce the hazard of storage Use extremecaution when moving
drawers,suchasstepping,leaningor above a range,installa ventilating thegreasekettleor disposingof hot
sittingon the dooror drawer,may hoodthat projectsat least5 inches grease.
resultinpossibletippingoftherange, beyond the bottom edge of the breakageof doorandbroilerdrawer, cabinets.Clean hoodfrequentlyto Hot grease is flammable.Avoid
andseriousinjuries, preventgreasefromaccumulatingon lettinggreasedepositscollectaround
hoodoritsfilter.Shoulda boiloveror appliance,rangehood,orventfan.Do
,_ _.__,__ spilloverresult in an openflame, not leavecontainerof greasearound
immediatelyturnoffthehood'sfanto a cooking appliance. Always let avoid spreading the flame. After
_ _ thoroughly extinguishingflame, the / y __,_
"_--__-- _' fan may be turned on to remove _-"__:__L--_[-_
unpleasantodor or smoke.
IMPORTANTSAFETYNOTICE ANDWARNIN(j quantitiesofhotfatusedfordeepfat
STORAGE ABOVE RANGE The CaliforniaSafe DrinkingWater fryingcoolbeforeattemptingtomove To eliminatethehazardof reaching and ToxicEnforcementAct of 1986 or handle.Inthe eventof a grease
over hot surface burners,cabinet (Proposition 65) requires the fire, DONOTattemptto movepan. storage should not be provided Governorof Californiato publisha Coverpan with a lid to extinguish
directlyabovea unit. listof substancesknownto theState flameandturnsurfaceburneroff.Do
of California to cause cancer or notdouseflamewithwater.Useadry
If suchstorageis provided,it should reproductive harm, and requires chemical or foam-typefire extin- be limitedto itemswhichare used businessesto warn customersof guisher, if available, or sprinkle
infrequentlyand which are safely potential exposuresto such sub- heavilywith bakingsoda. storedin an areasubjectedto heat stances.
from an appliance.Temperaturesin Spills or boiloverswhich contain
storageareasabovetheunitmaybe Usersof this applianceare hereby greaseshouldbecleanedupassoon unsafe for some items, such as warnedthatthe burningof gascan as possible.If they are allowedto
volatileliquids,cleanersor aerosol resultin low-levelexposureto some accumulate,theycouldcreatea FIRE
sprays, of the listedsubstances,including HAZARD.
benzene,formaldehydeandsoot,due primarily to the incompletecorn-
CLEANING bustion of natural gas or liquid ALUMINUM FOIL Turn off all controlsand wait for petroleum (LP) fuels. Properly Use aluminumfoil ONLY as in- rangepartsto coolbeforetouchingor adjusted burners will minimize structed,improperuseof aluminum
cleaningthem. Do not touch the incompletecombustion.Exposureto foil maycausedamagetothe range, burnergratesor surroundingareas these substances can also be affect cookingresultsand canalso untiltheyhavehadsufficienttimeto minimizedby properlyventingthe resultin shockand/orfire hazards.
cool. burnersto the outdoors. Seepages9 and12. Touchinga hotovenlightbulbwitha Do not coverbroilerinsertwith foil.
dampcloth couldcausethe bulbto To minimizechanceof greasefires
break.Shouldthe bulbbreak,dis- usea broilerpanthatallowsgrease
connectpowerto the rangebefore to drip belowtheinsert,awayfrom tryingto removethe bulbto avoid the broilerflame.
electricalshock. Cleanrangewith caution.If a wet
spongeor clothisusedtowipespills
ona hotcookingarea,becarefulto avoid steamburns.Somecleaners
canproducenoxiousfumesif applied to a hotsurface.
Never leave a surface cooking Usedry,sturdypotholders.Damppot Be sure utensilis largeenoughto
operation unattended especially holdersmaycauseburnsfromsteam, properly contain food and avoid whenusinga highheatsetting.Boil- Dish towels or other substitutes boilovers.Pan size is particularly
overs cause smokingand greasy shouldneverbeusedas potholders importantindeepfat frying.Besure
spilloversmay ignite, becausethey can trail acrosshot panwill accommodatethevolumeof
surface burnersand ignite or get foodthatisto beaddedaswellasthe
]_ caughtonrangeparts. _-r__._
hot air or steam escape before _r_j_-F_ _,_ .
- removingor replacingfood.Always place oven racks in the desired
positionswhile ovenis cool.If arack
Be sure you know which knob mustbe movedwhile hot, becareful controls which surface burner, to avoid contactof pot holderswith bubbleacti()n of fat. Neverleave a
Alwaysmakesurethe correctburner ovenburner flame, deepfat frying operationunattended. is turnedon andthat the burnerhas Useextreme caution when moving
ignited. Whencooking is completed, the greasekettleor disposingof hot
turn burneroff. UTENSIL SAFETY fat.
useonlypansthat haveflat bottoms
Do not use cooktopor ovenas a andhandlesthat are easilygrasped Alwaysadjustsurfaceburnersflame storage area for food or cooking andstay cool.Avoidusingunstable, sothatit doesnotextendbeyondthe
utensils.Thisinstructionis basedon warped, easily tipped or loose bottomof utensil.Thisinstructionis safety considerationsto prevent handledpans.Donotusepansiftheir basedonsafetyconsiderations.
potentialhazardto userand to the handles twist and cannot be appliance, tightened.Pansthataretooheavyto Neverleta panboildryasthiscould
movewhenfilledwithfoodmayalso damagethe utensilandtheappliance.
Usecautionwhenwearinggarments be hazardous. madeofflammablematerialto avoid AEROSOL SPRAYS
clothingfires. Loosefittingor long- Alwaysplace a pan of food on a
hanging-sleevedapparelshouldnot surfaceburnerbeforeturningit on, Many aerosol-typespray cansare bewornwhilecooking.Clothingmay and turn it off beforeremovingthe EXPLOSIVEwhenexposedtoheatand
igniteor catchutensilhandles, pan. maybehighlyflammable.Avoidtheir
useor storageneara hotappliance.
Alwaysturn panhandlesto the side
or backof appliance,not out intothe room where they are easily hit or PLASTICS reached by small children. To Manyplasticsarevulnerableto heat.
minimizeburns,ignitionofflammable Keepplasticsawayfrompartsofthe materialsandSpillagedueto unin- appliancethat maybecomewarmor
Neverheatanunopenedcontaineron tentionalcontactwiththeutensil,do hot. the surfaceburneror in the oven. not extend handlesover adjacent
Pressurebuild-up may cause con- surfaceburners. tainerto burst resultingin serious
personalinjury or damageto the -_ _ range. _-_;_ L,_',___ ×_'J.J_2_
Slideovenrack outto addor remove _
food, usingdry, sturdypot holders. ,r__._
Always avoid reachinginto ovento placeor removefood.
ALUMINUM- Conductsheat quickly CHILD SAFETY CONNECTION and evenly. The heavier the gauge 1.Do not leavechildrenaloneor
(thickness) the more durable, unsupervisednear the appli- Applianceswhich requireelectrical Aluminummaydiscolorfromalkaline ancewhenit isinuseorisstill power are equippedwith a three- foodsandpit from acidfoods, hot. pronggroundingplugwhichmustbe
plugged directly into a properly
COPPER- Verygoodheatconductor, 2.Children should never be groundedthree-hole120voltelectri-
cal outlet.
but discolorseasily.Usedprimarily allowedto sitorstandonany for bottom coatingsand gourmet partof theappliance.
STAINLESSSTEEL- Aloneit is a poor the I_/'_'_--_J_._/applianceandutensilsinor __ _)_
conductor,developshot spotsand on it canbe hot. producesuneven cooking results. I .' '
However,it is durable,easytoclean, _'==j_;-_,=._ andsomewhatstainresistant.Coat-
ing stainlesssteelwitha copperor _:>_ v,_,.._ _ , aluminumbottomresultsin aneasy- _-_/J/,,r_ ; '
to-clean, durable, even cooking _ A/ways disconnect power to
utensil, app/iancebeforeservicing. CASTIRON- Slowtoconductheat,but If an ungrounded,two-holeor other
retainstheheatwell.Heavytohandle 4.Childrenshouldbetaughtthat typeelectricaloutletis encountered. and mustbe keptwell seasonedto an applianceisnotatoy.They IT ISTHEPERSONALRESPONSIBILITY
preventstickingandrusting, shouldnotbeallowedto play OFTHEAPPLIANCEOWNERTOHAVE
withcontrolsorotherpartsof RECEPTACLEREPLACEDWITH A
GLASS/GLASSCERAMIC Transfers the unit. PROPERLYGROUNDEDTHREEHOLE heatslowlyandunevenly,butholds ELECTRICALOUTLET.The three-
heatwell.Onlycertaintypesof glass, 5.Lethot utensilscoolin a safe pronggroundingplugis providedfor glass/ceramic, ceramic, earthen- place, out of reach of small protectionagainstshockhazards.DO ware, or otherglazed utensilsare children. NOTCUT OR REMOVETHE THIRD suitableforrangetopservicewithout GROUNDINGPRONG FROM THE
breakingduetothesuddenchangein 6.CAUTION:Donotstoreitemsof POWERCORDPLUG. temperature. Check and follow interestto childrenincabinets
manufacturer'srecommendeduseor abovean appliance.Children limitationsfor suchutensils, climbingon the applianceto
reachitemscouldbeseriously injured.An applianceshould notbeusedasa stepstoolto
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