Misuse of appliance doors or To reduce the hazard of storage Use extremecaution when moving
drawers,suchasstepping,leaningor above a range,installa ventilating thegreasekettleor disposingof hot
sittingon the dooror drawer,may hoodthat projectsat least5 inches grease.
resultinpossibletippingoftherange, beyond the bottom edge of the
breakageof doorandbroilerdrawer, cabinets.Clean hoodfrequentlyto Hot grease is flammable.Avoid
andseriousinjuries, preventgreasefromaccumulatingon lettinggreasedepositscollectaround
hoodoritsfilter.Shoulda boiloveror appliance,rangehood,orventfan.Do
,_ _.__,__ spilloverresult in an openflame, not leavecontainerof greasearound
immediatelyturnoffthehood'sfanto a cooking appliance. Always let
avoid spreading the flame. After
_ _ thoroughly extinguishingflame, the / y __,_
"_--__-- _' fan may be turned on to remove _-"__:__L--_[-_
unpleasantodor or smoke.
ANDWARNIN(j quantitiesofhotfatusedfordeepfat
STORAGE ABOVE RANGE The CaliforniaSafe DrinkingWater fryingcoolbeforeattemptingtomove
To eliminatethehazardof reaching and ToxicEnforcementAct of 1986 or handle.Inthe eventof a grease
over hot surface burners,cabinet (Proposition 65) requires the fire, DONOTattemptto movepan.
storage should not be provided Governorof Californiato publisha Coverpan with a lid to extinguish
directlyabovea unit. listof substancesknownto theState flameandturnsurfaceburneroff.Do
of California to cause cancer or notdouseflamewithwater.Useadry
If suchstorageis provided,it should reproductive harm, and requires chemical or foam-typefire extin-
be limitedto itemswhichare used businessesto warn customersof guisher, if available, or sprinkle
infrequentlyand which are safely potential exposuresto such sub- heavilywith bakingsoda.
storedin an areasubjectedto heat stances.
from an appliance.Temperaturesin Spills or boiloverswhich contain
storageareasabovetheunitmaybe Usersof this applianceare hereby greaseshouldbecleanedupassoon
unsafe for some items, such as warnedthatthe burningof gascan as possible.If they are allowedto
volatileliquids,cleanersor aerosol resultin low-levelexposureto some accumulate,theycouldcreatea FIRE
sprays, of the listedsubstances,including HAZARD.
primarily to the incompletecorn-
CLEANING bustion of natural gas or liquid ALUMINUM FOIL
Turn off all controlsand wait for petroleum (LP) fuels. Properly Use aluminumfoil ONLY as in-
rangepartsto coolbeforetouchingor adjusted burners will minimize structed,improperuseof aluminum
cleaningthem. Do not touch the incompletecombustion.Exposureto foil maycausedamagetothe range,
burnergratesor surroundingareas these substances can also be affect cookingresultsand canalso
untiltheyhavehadsufficienttimeto minimizedby properlyventingthe resultin shockand/orfire hazards.
cool. burnersto the outdoors. Seepages9 and12.
Touchinga hotovenlightbulbwitha Do not coverbroilerinsertwith foil.
dampcloth couldcausethe bulbto To minimizechanceof greasefires
break.Shouldthe bulbbreak,dis- usea broilerpanthatallowsgrease
connectpowerto the rangebefore to drip belowtheinsert,awayfrom
tryingto removethe bulbto avoid the broilerflame.
Cleanrangewith caution.If a wet
spongeor clothisusedtowipespills
ona hotcookingarea,becarefulto
avoid steamburns.Somecleaners
canproducenoxiousfumesif applied
to a hotsurface.