MadgeTech HiTemp140X2 Series, HiTemp140X2-FP Series, HiTemp140X2-TD Series User Manual

HiTemp140X2 Series
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HiTemp140X2 Series
High Temperature Dual Probe Data Logger Series
Product User Guide
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HiTemp140X2 Data Loggers
Product Overview .......................................... 2
Additional Features ........................................ 3
Installation Guide .......................................... 4
Device Operation .......................................... 4
Device Maintenance ....................................... 5
RMA Instructions ............................................. 5
General Specifications .................................... 6
HiTemp140X2-FP Series
Product Overview ........................................... 7
Specifications ................................................. 8
HiTemp140X2-TD Series
Product Overview ........................................... 9
Specifications ............................................... 10
Troubleshooting Tips ............ Back Cover
Table of Contents
HiTemp140X2 Series
Product Overview
The HiTemp140X2 series of dual probe high temperature data loggers are comprised of a stainless steel data logger body and feature either two remote temperature probes one ambient and one remote temperature probe combination. This data logger series oers extreme flexibility for high temperature monitoring applications.
The dual probes of the HiTemp140X2 series allow for simultaneous temperature monitoring and are ideal for applications such as oven mapping, surface temperature monitoring, autoclave validation, food processing, sterilization processes and much more.
The HiTemp140X2-TD data logger models feature a 2 inch rigid, fast response, transitional diameter probe to measure ambient temperature, combined with a second stainless steel bendable or flexible RTD probe option.
The HiTemp140X2-FP data logger models feature a 6 inch, 12 inch, 36 inch or 72 inch, lightweight flexible RTD probe, combined with a second stainless steel bendable probe or a second flexible RTD probe.
The HiTemp140X2 data logger series is compatible with the latest version of the MadgeTech Software. This allows for simple starting, stopping and downloading of collected data. Once the readings have been downloaded to the software, it can be viewed in graphic, tabular, and summary form for easy analysis, as well as the potential to be exported into Excel for further calculations.
Rigid Transitional
Diameter Probe (TD)
Stainless Steel Bendable
RTD Probe (PT)
Flexible RTD Probe (FP)
Additional Features
The HiTemp140X2 series is rated IP68 and is fully submersible. They can be placed in environments up to 230 ft (70 m) of water.
Bend Radius
- The bendable probe can be bent to a 1/4 inch bend radius. The probe should not be bent within 1 inch of either weld joint.
- The flexible probe should not be bent within 1 inch where the probe meets the logger or less than 1 inch from the probe tip.
O-ring maintenance is a key factor when properly caring for the HiTemp140X2 data log­gers. The O-rings ensure a tight seal and prevent liquid from entering the inside of the device. Please refer to the application note “O-Rings 101: Protecting Your Data”, found on the MadgeTech website, for information on how to prevent O-ring failure.
Trigger Settings
The device can be programmed to only record based o user configured trigger settings.
1. In the Connected devices panel, select the intended device to change the settings.
2. On the Device tab, in the Information group, click Properties. Users can also right-click on the device and select Properties in the context menu.
3. Click Trigger and configure the Trigger settings. Trigger formats are available in Window and Two Point (bi-level) mode. Window mode allows for one range of temperature monitoring and two point mode allows for two ranges.
Note: This product is rated for use up to 140 °C. Please heed the battery warning. The product will explode if exposed to temperatures above 140 °C.
Temperature Channels
All HiTemp140X2 data loggers feature 2 temperature channels. The channel number for each probe is identified on the top of the logger as shown below. The MadgeTech Software will list the temperature channels in sequence, listing channel 1 first and channel 2 second, under the data logger device ID as shown to the right.
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