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Owner’s Manual & Safety Instructions
Save This Manual Keep this manual for the safety warnings and precautions, assembly,
operating, inspection, maintenance and cleaning procedures. Write the product’s serial number in the back
of the manual near the assembly diagram (or month and year of purchase if product has no number). Keep
this manual and the receipt in a safe and dry place for future reference. 17e
When unpacking, make sure that the product is intact
and undamaged. If any parts are missing or broken,
please call 1-888-866-5797 as soon as possible.
Copyright© 2017 by Harbor Freight Tools®. All rights reserved.
No portion of this manual or any artwork contained herein may be reproduced in
any shape or form without the express written consent of Harbor Freight Tools.
Diagrams within this manual may not be drawn proportionally. Due to continuing
improvements, actual product may differ slightly from the product described herein.
To ol s re q u ir e d f o r a s s e mb l y a n d s e r vi c e m a y n o t b e in c l ud e d .
Read this material before using this product.
Failure to do so can result in serious injury.

Page 2 For technical questions, please call 1-888-866-5797. Item 63729
Hammer Weight 5 lb.
Internal or external 3-jaw puller
Internal or external 2-jaw puller
Puller hook
Rear axle puller
Dent puller
Threaded Puller/Wrench Adapter
Important Safety Information
1. Wear ANSI-approved safety
goggles and heavy-duty work
gloves during assembly and use.
2. Inspect before every use; do not
use if parts are damaged.
3. Do not use for aircraft purposes;
use as intended only.
4. Do not modify Slide Hammer to perform
a task other than what it was designed
for. Do not use anything other than
the included hammer with this tool.
5. Read vehicle owner’s manual and
instruction manual for Jack (not
included) for proper jacking positions
(where applicable) before use.
6. Assemble only according to instructions.
Improper assembly can create hazards.
7. This product is not a toy. Do not allow
children to play with or near this item.
8. Maintain product labels and
nameplates. These carry
important safety information. If
unreadable or missing, contact
Harbor Freight Tools for a replacement.
9. Harbor Freight Tools is not responsible
for vehicle damage (including cosmetic
damage) due to improper use or lack of
experience for using this type of tool.

Page 3For technical questions, please call 1-888-866-5797.Item 63729
beginning of this document including all text under subheadings therein
before set up or use of this product.
1. Slide the plain end of the
Slide Hammer (12) onto Spindle (11).
2. Thread Lock Nut (3) onto threaded end
of Spindle (11), hollow side first.
It serves as a Hammer Stop
for the forward motion of the
Slide Hammer (12).
3. Insert Cross Bar (9) into eyelet
at the end of the Spindle.
Lock Nut
Slide Hammer (12)
Cross Bar (9)
Figure A
Pulling Operation (Hub/Axle/Drum)
1. Raise the vehicle according
to its service instructions.
Safely support the vehicle on lift
or jack stands (not included).
2. Remove the wheel and tire and any
nuts, bolts or accessories (such as
brake calipers) that may get in the
way of removing the Hub/Axle/Drum.
3. Bolt the Rear Axle Puller (2) onto the
Hub/Axle/Drum using the original lug
nuts. If your vehicle has a four-bolt Hub,
match the Rear Axle Puller to two axle
bolts. If it has a five-bolt Hub, match to
three axle bolts. Tighten the lug nuts.
4. Thread the Spindle into the Rear Axle
Puller hub until its non-threaded end
exits the hub. Turn the Lock Nut (3)
forward until it seats against the
Rear Axle Puller hub and hand tighten.
Rear Axle Puller (2)
Slide Hammer
Figure B
5. Push the Slide Hammer towards the
work piece, and then forcefully pull
it back towards the cross bar end.
Repeat and adjust force as needed.