MacroSystem Smart Edit 4.1d User Manual

Smart Edit 4.1d
Casablanca Release Notes
for Casablanca Avio DVD, Prestige, Kron+ and Solitaire
New Features of Smart Edit 41.d
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- Required for use of Photo Studio 2
- Allows use of Seagate 300 GB hard drives.
Changes since Smart Edit 4.0a
- Kron and Avio users have the choice between working in DV projects at 12-bit 32 Khz audio, or at 16-bit 44.1 Khz audio. Previous 4.0 versions only supported 12-bit 32 Khz audio in those machines. Newer Casablanca machines will still default to 16-bit 48 Khz audio.
- Motion Menu backgrounds in Arabesk2 will now render properly.
- Avio now includes the star graphics.
- Fixes for 64MB machines so now Photo Import, PC Link, and Sample-to-Scene work properly.
New in 4.0 (from SmartEdit 3)
Ability to load Operating System from CD
Just go to Install Product, insert the CD, and activate SmartEdit 4.1a (ntsc) in the list. Then, let the system reboot, and install the new OS on your machine. (Please see instructions for Kron plus or Solitaire units with multiple hard drives)
A single software installer works for Avio, Kron, Prestige, and Solitaire
No longer will you need to have a separate installer for the dierent types of units. Now one installer will work on any Casablanca II unit.
Smart Rendering for all units
Any unit running version 4 will now be able to render eects in the background while you work. This will save you time, and you will hardly ever have to look at the rendering status bar again!
Faster eect Rendering
Most eects will render faster on version 4 due to the use of a new rendering codec from Main Concept in conjunction with our hardware.
Ethernet Connectivity to an existing network
If you have a local network, or a ethernet crossover cable, you will be able to transfer DV-AVI les from the Casablanca to a PC, or from a PC to the Casablanca through your web browser with incredible speed.
Firewire video transfer to computers
Use a normal rewire cable to send video to or from a computer video application. No special software is needed... we are compatible with Windows Movie Maker, and iMovie which are free applications with WindowsXP or Mac OSX!
New Titler
Version 4 implements a completely new titler that allows you to work on your title at full resolution, add graphics, and more options.
Individually customizable audio tracks
Each audio track can be set to locked or unlocked. Also, you have the choice of linear (dipped) or logarithmic (smooth) audio fades on each project.
Audio eect previews
You can get an audio preview of eects in the Audio Edit screen.
Improved Color selection interface
You have the option of choosing from one of six user-dened color to give one-click access to the colors you use often, or sample a color from the scene you are working with.
Add custom images to the image pool
Take still images from your clips and add them to the image pool for use as title box backgrounds, textures, transition masks, or patterns.
What is on your SmartMedia Card/CD
Installing Smart Edit 4.1d
The SmartCard or CD labeled Smart Edit contains your System Soft­ware, which should already be loaded into your Casablanca. If your Casablanca System is equipped with a DVD burner, you can use it only after installing the DVD Arabesk software that is included on
the Smart Edit SmartCard. The DVD software is not automatically loaded with a new install: it must always be installed separately.
To access the add-on software, go into your machine’s System Settings screen and click on the “Install Product” button and then insert the Smart Edit card into the reader. Select Arabesk in the list, and then click “Activate”.
Installing this software also allows you to install add-on software from the enclosed CD (see below), and also allows you to import audio from CD faster than real time.
Important Information Regarding the Software Included On Your Casablanca Add-On Software CD
The CD-Rom enclosed in this packaging contains all of MacroSystem US’currently released software applications. If your Casablanca is not equipped with a DVD writer, there will be an additional SmartCard labelled “All Software”.
To use the Software CD, you must rst install the DVD Arabesk software (see above), and you must be using Smart Edit 2.5 or 3.6a or higher.
If this is your rst time setting up your Casablanca editing system, you must install an OS before it can be used.
With the system turned o, insert the Smart Edit 4.0a card all the way into the Smartmedia card slot on the front of the machine. The notch of the card should be forward, and the gold side should face down.
Push the power button, and you will see an icon in the top left of the screen that says, “System”, and has some Z’s. After a few sec­onds, a pop-up menu will ask you to select your language from a list.
After selecting the language, another window will pop up asking if you would like to start an Installation. If you are currently running any version older than 4.0, an installation will erase all data on your hard drive. Click on “Yes” to begin the software installation.
Once completed, a message will ask you to remove the Smartmedia card. Upon removing the card from the slot, the system will auto­matically reboot to the menu screen.
After loading the OS, you will need to go to System Settings, and click on “Install Product” to load DVD Arabesk (it is on the same card as Smart Edit 4.0a, but must be loaded separately), any add-on software such as the Multi-User Edition, Fonts, or Eects.
Note for Avio Pro users: Avio SmartEdit 4.0c also installs Avio Pro v3 and you should NOT also try to activate Pro v1.0.
To access the software, go into your machine’s System Settings screen and click on the “Install Product” button (“Blue Box” and “Bonus Eects” are pre-installed on your machine, but the other software packages require that you to insert the CD-ROM or SmartMedia card). The CD may take a moment to load.
You now have two options - you can activate any additional software you have purchased or you can sample unpurchased
Activating Purchased Software
• You can activate additional software applications by entering a code for each package (the codes that have been provided to you are only for the software you have purchased). Highlight the desired software package in the list.
• Click on “Activate” and enter the 12-digit code that either MSUS or your local dealer has provided, and then click on “OK.”
• For instructions and additional information about the Installed Products, highlight the software application that you want learn
more about and then click on the “Info” button.
Viewing Unpurchased Software in “Demo” Mode
With the exceptions of Avio Pro Pack, Bonus Eects, Photo Transfer and PresentationOptions, all additional software packages can be sampled in a preview “Demo” mode.
• Highlight the desired software package in the list. Click on the “Activate” button. When asked for an activation code, click “Demo”. You can then use samples of these eects in your projects in order to see what they look like (the word “Demo” will appear over all eects).
• When you decide to purchase any of the other software packages on the card, you will be issued the appropriate codes in order to activate them and remove the “Demo”
If you do, you will lose some SmartEdit 4 functionality that can only be regain by a full re-install of Smart Edit 4.0a.
Known Issues with Smart Edit 4.1d
• The DV Audio input cannot be heard in Audio Record screen
When recording Audio only via DV, you cannot hear audio from the DV input until after it is digitized. You are able to see the levels, but you cannot actually hear the audio until you play it back.
• Using 16:9
“Anamorphic” 16:9 video is specically recorded so that the normal width of NTSC video is wider, thereby providing an aspect ratio of 16:9 rather than the normal 4:3.
This is dierent than high-denition video, because it does not contain more lines of resolution, it merely stretches the normal resolution horizontally. Shooting this type of video is an option on many current digital camcorders.
Undistorted viewing of this type of video requires a video monitor with a 16:9 mode, or a wide-screen television. The Casablanca 16:9 mode does not create a letterboxed eect within the Casablanca. It will only output the anamorphic 16:9 video (which will look distorted on a non-16:9 monitor).
The 4.0 software now supports the undistorted editing of 16:9 video. This feature can be activated for a project in the Project Settings screen.
When working with 16:9, using a VGA monitor in addition to a video monitor with 16:9 is highly recommended so that the video and the editing interface can both be viewed without distortion.
Switching your Casablanca project to 16:9 mode in Project Settings changes the way the system renders fonts and certain shapes (such as circles), so that they will have the correct proportions when the video is displayed with the 16:9 aspect ratio.