Power Key-Option
for Casablanca Avio, Prestige und Kron
User's Manual

Safety notice
To avoid making unnecessary mistakes during operation, we recommend that you carefully follow the
instructions provided in this manual.
We would also like to point out that the Power Key Option has been designed with the hobby enthusiast
in mind.
We have taken a great deal of care while programming and checking this product.
Nevertheless, since it is not possible to guarantee completely error-free software applications in all
environments and at any time, we unfortunately cannot rule out the possibility that some errors may
have crept in. If, contrary to all expectations, this is indeed the case, we shall remedy any errors in the
program and supply the affected customers with the new software free of charge.
We cannot, however, accept any liability for loss of data/time or any consequential damages that may
occur as a result, particularly since we have no inuence over correct software installation and opera-
tion by the customer. MacroSystem Digital Video AG and its dealers therefore cannot be held liable for
any defects or unintentional damage in connection with the installation or use of the Power Key Option.
MacroSystem Digital Video AG and its dealers do not guarantee fault-free use of the product or com-
plete awlessness of the product.
Any implied guarantee is void, including guarantee of suitability of the software or operating instruc -
tions for a particular purpose.
Neither MacroSystem Digital Video AG nor its dealers are responsible for any damages resulting either
directly or indirectly through the use of the software or the operating instructions, e.g. for prot loss,
costs, hardware or software problems or other problems.

1. General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.1 General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 Keyboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2. What is the Power Key Option? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1 What is the Power Key Option? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Information on the essentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Differences when activating the Multi-User Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3. New functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4. Function keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5. Navigation in the program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6. Additional options for special elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
7. Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
8. Movie slideshow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
9. Tables – Casablanca software 1.8 or higher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
10. Tables – SMART EDIT 2.0 or higher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

1. General information
1.1 General information
Thank you for having purchased the Power Key
Option from your Casablanca products dealer.
We would like to thank you for placing your trust
in us and hope that this product will fulll your
The Power Key Option allows you to use your
Casablanca even more intensely than before.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have
any further questions or wish to provide us with
suggestions for improvement.
To contact us, please refer to the addresses and
telephone numbers printed in the Casablanca
We kindly ask you to provide the serial number of
your device or your customer number whenever
you contact us.
1.2 Keyboards
If you already have a keyboard, please make sure
it has a USB connection and that it is a standard
Windows keyboard, since you will need the
Windows menu control buttons for carrying out
operations. („Windows“ is a registered trademark
of Microsoft Corp.)
Note: We do not provide any guarantee for the
correct functioning of a connected third party
This manual refers primarily to the Power Key
Option that’s sold as a complete package from
MacroSystem and is comprised of both sof tware
and hardware (the keyboard itself). This means
that the various keys are described as they appear
on the keyboard sold by MacroSystem. We will
therefore make references to the four marker keys
(M1 to M4) that are assigned to keys F5 to F8.
We will cover this kind of product-specic infor-
mation (such as the M1 through M4 keys referring
to the function keys 5 through 8) at the beginning
of these operating instructions and then presume
this knowledge as we progress throughout the
remainder of the manual. Don’t worry - you’ll get
used to the different keys and their functions very
1.3 Installation
The Power Key Option includes software that can
be used with the keyboards sold by MacroSys -
tem as well as with other commercially available
If you have your own keyboard, please take note
of the information in Chapter 1.2 entitled „Key-
You must now install the software (located on
the SmartMedia card that you received from your
dealer)on your Casablanca system.
To do so, you will need at least version 1.8 of the
Casablanca system software or version 2.0 of
the SMART EDIT software. (You can check your
system software version by using the Information
item on the lower-left side of the „System Set-
tings“ screen.)
With your Casablanca powered on, go into the
„System Settings“ screen, select the „Install
Product“ button and insert the SmartMedia in-
stallation card into the Casablanca’s drive. When
you insert it, make sure the gold-colored contacts
are facing downwards and the beveled corner is
pointing towards the left and front (i.e. towards
the Casablanca).
Push the card in until only around half a centi-
meter protrudes from the unit and you feel some
You will now see the „Power Key Option“ soft-
ware listed in the window. Select it in the list and
click on „License“ or „Activate“. A numerical
keypad appears. You can use it to enter the licen-
se code that you purchased from your dealer. A
message will then inform you that the installation
process has completed. You can now remove the
SmartMedia card.
Note: You cannot use this software in demo

You can now easily connect the keyboard via the
USB port and begin using it. To do so, connect the
USB plug on the end of the cable that is attached
to the keyboard to one of the two USB ports on
your Casablanca. It does not matter which USB
port you use since both function identically. If
necessary, please refer to the Casablanca manual
to nd out which ports are the USB ports.
Note: You can, of course, still use the keyboard
even if both USB ports on your Casablanca are
already connected to USB-compatible products
(such as Twister PC-Link). You will, however, need
a „hub“ unit (available from retailers). The hub
works as a distributor and is connected to your
Casablanca so that you can connect additional
USB cables.
Since this is a USB connection, connecting the
devices in this way does not impair the quality of
the connection. Furthermore, you can disconnect
and reconnect USB connections while the system
is running without having to restart your Casab-

2. What is the
Power Key Option?
2.1 What is the Power Key Option?
Using a connected keyboard simplies your work
in all the Casablanca’s screens, particularly when
it comes to entering longer texts really (e.g. within
the Titling screen, when naming scenes and audio
samples, when assigning titles in the archive,
Furthermore, using the Power Key Option means
you will rarely have to use the trackball. Nearly
all the functions could only be operated by using
the trackball can now also be controlled with the
keyboard. You can now precisely move the on-
screen pointer (on the Kron) or the on-screen
hand (on the Avio) using the navigation arrows,
and can conrm and select their positions (this is
very useful when selecting scenes). Both the left
and right trackball buttons are now replaced by
functions on the keyboard, which means you can
select buttons in any open window or cancel func-
tions. The keyboard’s ease of use speeds up your
routine work thus saving you valuable time.
You can also use the key commands on the Power
Key Option to switch to other screens, select any
on- screen button with a keyboard shortcut, con-
trol your DV device for importing video footage,
The Power Key Option provides many new and
powerful functions, which you will become more
familiar with in this manual.
At rst, working with the Power Key Option might
seem a bit of a challenge, especially for the novice
user or hobbiest, since it does provide plenty of
functions which you rst have to learn how to
use. Each control element is assigned a key or a
key combination. But once you’ve spent a little
time using the program, you will soon start lear-
ning how to use more and more of the functions.
And if ever you forget one of the functions, you
can always look up which keys activate which
functions. To do so, either press this function key
to display all the key codes for all the keys that
are relevant to the currently selected Casablan-
ca screen. (Once you let go of this key, you will
return to normal mode.) You can also look it up in
the overview provided by the table. It contains a
list of all the functions and their new key codes for
each screen.
After using the keyboard regularly, you will soon
notice that this method of controlling the system
is considerably more timesaving and makes a
whole range of new options available to you.
Note: So far there have been a few key combi -
nations available for controlling the Casablanca
Avio and Kron. However, their implementation
has neither been assured nor documented. As
of system software version 1.8 (which supports
the Power Key Option), some of these key codes
no longer work or the functions can be operated
using other key combinations. We hope you will
understand should a situation arise in which you
nd you have to adapt to a different way of opera-
ting certain functions.
You can see which letters and key codes control
which functions by referring to the table in the
2.2 Information on the essentials
The Power Key Option uses various „qualier“
keys. These are keys that have to be used in com-
bination with other keys. You will no doubt alrea-
dy be familiar with the Shift qualier key (arrow
pointing upwards) on standard PC keyboards that
is used for typing capital letters.
So if you are instructed to press two keys (e.g. to
input a capital „A“), you rst have to press and
hold the key that is mentioned rst (in this case
the Shift key) and then the specied key (i.e. „A“).
Then let go of the keys.
Sometimes two qualier keys have to be pressed
simultaneously. If this is the case, rst press and
hold both qualier keys (the order in which you
do this is irrelevant), and only then press the third

If you’re not familiar with this input method (it’s
standard on PCs), you might need some time to
get used to it. But you’ll soon discover that opera -
ting the system with the keyboard is much more
convenient and it opens up a whole new range of
Please refer to the table in the appendix for a list
of qualiers.
Repeating keystrokes
The keyboard’s repeat function for repeating keys-
trokes is supported. However, if the repeat com-
mands are entered more quickly than the function
can carry them out, they will simply „go under.“
This is not the case if you rapidly press and re-
lease the key many times in succession. None of
the commands will be ignored in this case, even if
the function seems slow in carrying them out.
Localization of key codes
The key codes are not localized, which means that
the selected key code is independent of the con-
gured language. However, the position of certain
keys may change, for instance, the „Z“ key is in a
different position on a German keyboard than on
an English one.
As you can see from the table, many key codes
are in some way related to the English descripti-
ons of the on-screen buttons.
generally correspond with the „OK“ and „Cancel“
buttons on the Casablanca user interface.
Functions that cannot be accessed from the on-
screen interface are generally accessed by using
the Ctrl key.
Help functions
The key codes for the available buttons can optio -
nally be displayed on-screen to simplify operation
for beginners. Pressing the
key will display the codes on screen for as long as
the key is pressed. Once you let go of this key, you
will return to normal mode.
Many add-on software applications that you can
install are also supported. You can therefore dis -
play the key codes in other programs by pressing
this key. The
key also provides on-screen help, however, the
key actually refers to the „i“ (information) button
as seen in various menus and screens (such as in
the Special menu and Effects screens). You can
use this button and key to open a gray window
containing information on additional effects.
Storyboard functions are generally accessed using
this key:
All the codes for switching between screens can
be used in any of the screens.
Identical or similar functions in various screens
are controlled by using the same key codes.
The Enter key and the Esc function in windows
2.3 Differences when activating
the Multi-User Edition
If you have installed and activated the „Multi- User
Edition“ software, you must bear certain changes
in mind.
Activating the Multi-User Edition does changes
the project menu. Since you are no longer presen -
ted with a selection of the usual projects (instead,
you see an administrator project and a selection
of up to 30 user projects), the key codes will na-
turally be different too. Though you can display

them in the usual way by pressing
Since the teacher’s menu contains additional but-
tons, there are of course additional controls that
you can also display by pressing this key.
The option of assigning your own functions to
marker keys is affected by activating the Multi-
User Edition.
The various key assignments for all the effects
lists is usually the same for all projects. However,
if the Multi-User Edition is activated, they are
saved separately for each project.
This means that a marker key that was previously
assigned a certain effect, can no longer be selec-
ted after the Multi-User Edition is activated.


3. New functions
With the keyboard, you can operate any of the
functions that you are already familiar with. Ho-
wever, the Power Key Option does provide many
new functions (described in this chapter) and en-
hances some of the standard functions that you’re
already familiar with.
Copying scenes
You can copy and then insert a scene that’s pre-
sent in the scene bin.
To do so, highlight the required scene in the scene
bin using the arrows, and then press the key com-
bination of Ctrl c. (If you’ve had some experience
with computers, you’ll already be familiar with
this key combination). This will cause the selected
scene to be saved in a hidden clipboard (it will not
be listed in the Special menu’s clipboard).
You can then insert this scene back into the scene
bin using the key combination Ctrl v. The scene
will be inserted behind the scene that is currently
highlighted in blue. If you have not copied another
scene since then (i.e. by pressing the Ctrl and c
keys), you can repeat this procedure as often as
you like. And you can of course insert the scene
each time in a new position, if you wish. Leaving
the Edit screen does not change anything - the
scene remains stored in the clipboard and can
be inserted again if you return to the screen. The
clipboard memory will only be cleared if you
switch off the Casablanca.
If you want to remove a scene from the scene bin,
you can use the key combination of Ctrl x (the
same as on a PC).
This removes the currently active scene from
the scene bin. However, it can be inserted again
straight away behind the scene that is highlighted
in the scene bin by pressing the key combination
Ctrl v. You cannot use the undo button to insert
the scene again.
So the scene is not completely deleted but is like-
wise stored in the clipboard. It can be inserted as
many times as you like until the next time you store
a scene in the clipboard by pressing Ctrl x or Ctrl c.
Tip: You can easily change the order of the stored
scenes to suit your needs by using the Ctrl x and
Ctrl v key combinations.
Inserting a scene / highlighting the next
Even without the keyboard it was possible to
highlight a scene in the scene bin and insert it
in the storyboard. This is also possible with the
help of the keyboard. To do so, use the navigation
arrows to highlight the scene in the scene bin and
press the
key in combination with the Ins key. (You can se-
lect any of the neighboring scenes using the right
and left arrow keys, and you can access other
rows not currently visible on-screen by pressing
the up and down arrow keys.)
The keyboard also gives you the added option of
automatically highlighting the scene that is positi-
oned immediately after the one you just inserted.
This is particularly useful if you want to use the
repeat function (please refer to the „Repeat func-
tion“ section below). In order to insert a scene
and immediately highlight the one after, press the
key in combination with Ctrl and Ins. As you can
see, the selected scene appears in the storyboard
and the following scene is highlighted in blue.
Searching in the storyboard
The keyboard allows you to select a scene in the
scene bin and then search for that same scene
within the storyboard.

To do so, highlight a scene that’s marked by a
black dot (meaning one that has already been in-
serted in the storyboard), and press the two keys
and f. This causes the scene to be moved into the
storyboard’s frame regardless of which position
the storyboard was previously in.
If you inserted the scene into the storyboard
numerous times, the next occurrence of the scene
will be searched for. If you press the key combi-
nation again, the next one will be searched for,
etc. Once it reaches the end, it will start searching
from the beginning again.
Applying the length of one scene to the next
Another new feature that can be used in the Edit
screen is the search function. You already know
how to use the option which allows you to move a
scene into the storyboard’s frame and then search
for that scene in the scene bin. However, using the
keyboard, you can now search for a scene directly
using its name without rst having to position it
in the frame.
To do so, open the on -screen keyboard using the
key code Ctrl f (the same as on a PC) and enter the
name of the scene you require. Please make sure
that you spell the name correctly (though upper
and lower case letters are irrelevant in this case).
Furthermore, the scene that you are searching for
does not have to have been previously inserted in
the storyboard.
If the scene is found, it’s highlighted in blue within
the scene bin.
Searching in the storyboard by name
Not only is it possible to use the keyboard to trim
each scene, you can also use it to automatically
apply the trimmed length to the next scene.
Choose a scene with a length you would like to
use (e.g. 10 seconds) and highlight it in the Edit
screen’s scene bin.
Now press the key combination of Ctrl t. This
causes the subsequent scene to be trimmed to the
same length and then highlighted. The longer you
keep this key combination pressed the more sce -
nes are trimmed. The end of the scene is always
trimmed back - this means that the thumbnail
picture, which helps you to recognize the scene,
always remains the same.
If a scene is shorter than the selected one, it can -
not of course be lengthened but instead retains
its original length.
Caution: This shorter length will then be applied
to the subsequent scenes, since Ctrl t always ap-
plies the length of the current scene to the next.
Highlighting the next scene is also useful if you
want to use the repeat function (please refer to
the „Repeat function“ section below).
Searching in the scene bin by name
This search method can also be used for the sto-
ryboard. Open the on-screen keyboard by using
the key code
Ctrl f, and enter the name of the scene that you
want to search for. Again, please make sure that
you spell the name correctly (though, as before,
upper and lower case letters are irrelevant). If the
system nds the scene, the storyboard moves
so that the scene you are searching for appears
within the frame.
This search method does not require the searched
scene to still be present in the scene bin.
Stopping the storyboard
This function allows you to stop the storyboard in
all screens. If you press the h key during playback,
playback is halted. If you are currently in the Edit
screen (i.e. the storyboard moved forwards as
normal), this function sets the storyboard to the
current position.

If the storyboard is stopped using the normal me-
thod, it will return to the same position that it was
in before playback was started.
Inserting and removing effects
If you’re in the Transition screen, Image-Proces-
sing screen or the Titling screen, you can conve -
niently insert effects by simply highlighting the
effect and pressing the
Ctrl Ins key combination. The selected effect then
appears on the scene or between the two scenes.
Furthermore, the storyboard is automatically
moved one position to the right, so that another
effect can be inserted. If you want to remove an
effect, select the desired position in the story-
board and press the key combination
Ctrl Del. The effect that is located there is remo -
ved and the storyboard is moved one position to
the right so that you can remove the next effect, if
that is what you want to do. Again, you can read
more about these two functions in the „Repeat
function“ section below.
Removing audio samples
If you are in the „Audio Mix“ screen, you can
remove any audio sample you want from the se-
lected audio track by highlighting it and pressing
the key code Ctrl Del. The special feature incorpo -
rated in this function is that after you delete the
audio sample, the next sample on the same audio
track is automatically highlighted so that it too
can be deleted, if you so wish. You can read more
about this in the „Repeat function“ section below.
Copying the volume of an audio sample
This new function allows you to apply the volu-
me of any audio sample to the one after it. In the
„Audio Mix“ screen, set the volume of an audio
sample to the required level. Then press the key
combination of Ctrl e so that the next sample on
the same audio track becomes active and takes on
the volume level of the previous sample.
The „Repeat function“ can be used here as well
(see the section below).
The Power Key Option now gives you the opti-
on of muting an audio sample. Select an audio
sample on one of the audio tracks in the „Audio
Mix“ screen, and press the m key. The sample is
then muted and the volume control slides to the
left. This function spares you the inconvenience
of having to move the slider all the way to the left
This function is also available with an added
feature that allows you to mute the current audio
sample using the key combination Ctrl m and then
automatically switch to the next sample on the
same audio track to highlight it.
The Ctrl m function can be repeated (see the „Re -
peat function“ section).
Deleting characters
The Power Key Option also provides new features
in the Titling screen. If you entered one character
too many, you can delete it by pressing the Del
key. Please note that the character must be positi-
oned to the right of the cursor (= vertical line).
Deleting documents
You can delete text (meaning all texts, boxes and
pages) in the Titling screen by selecting the required
box and pressing the key combination of Alt n. A
window opens and asks you for conrmation. You
can then decide whether you really want to delete
the document or not by pressing Y (yes) or N (no).

Repeat function
This function allows you to repeat the same ac-
tion for several scenes in a row up to 999 times.
If you want to carry out the same action for a
large and unmanageable number of scenes (say,
for instance, all 143 scenes contained in the scene
bin), you can enter 999 as the repeat rate so that
all 143 scenes are taken into account.
Here is an example: If you want to insert ten
consecutive scenes from the scene bin into the
storyboard, you rst insert the rst scene using
the key combination
Ctrl Ins. The fact that you have also pressed the
Ctrl key means that the next scene in the scene
bin is automatically highlighted.
Now press the key combination of Ctrl r to open
the „Repeat Command“ option. In this window
you can highlight the control using the r key and
set the correct number (i.e. in this example the
number 9) using the navigation arrows. Next,
conrm your setting by pressing the Enter key. As
soon as you press the Enter key again (= OK), the
window is closed and the subsequent 9 scenes
are inserted in the storyboard.
If the number of scenes remaining in the scene
bin is less then the repeat rate, only the available
number of scenes are inserted.
Please note: If you insert the rst scene only using
and Ins keys, the next scene in the scene bin will
not be highlighted and you therefore cannot ac-
cess the „Repeat Command“ window.
This feature allows you to repeat all the functions
listed above that refer to this section.

4. Function keys
The Power Key Option has over 15 function keys.
If you have your own keyboard connected, ple -
ase take note of the differences between it and
the keyboard sold by MacroSystem. Please read
Chapter 1.2 entitled „Keyboards.“
The two function keys
provide help. You can assign your own functions
to the
keys. The
keys are used to control the record, stop, play and
pause functions for the storyboard and for the
Record and Finish screens.
The four marker keys that you can program
yourself relate to the functions in the storyboard
and can be used in all screens in which a story-
board is available.
Marker keys
The Power Key Option gives you the option of
assigning your own choice of functions to four
keys. The M1, M2, M3 and M4 keys („M“ stands
for marker) are used for this:
These keys are not assigned, which is why a circle
with a line through it appears on-screen if you
press one of the four keys. This symbol indicates
that a function cannot be carried out.
You can now assign functions to the keys as
required, e.g. effects that you use frequently,
particular positions in the storyboard, scenes
from the scene bin or patterns and masks in the
To do so, select the required effect from the list of
effects or the required scene and then press Ctrl
and the marker key that you want to assign. The
function you have chosen is now assigned to the
selected marker key.
Here is an example: Highlight a scene in the
scene bin, press the Ctrl key and, whilst keeping it
pressed, press the rst marker key, i.e.
You can then select another scene anywhere
in the scene bin and, by pressing this key once
more, you can access your marked scene again.
To store an effect, proceed as follows: For examp-
le, in the list of effects in the Transitions screen,
select the „Double Exposure“ function. Press the
Ctrl key and, whilst keeping it pressed, press the
key and then let go of the two keys. Now scroll
further through the list of effects and then press
the marker key again. As you can see, the key
has now been assigned the „Double Exposure“
You can of course assign several functions to a
key as long as these functions are not located in
the same screen. So, for instance, you can as -
sign a scene from the scene bin, a title effect, an
image-processing effect and a transition effect all
to one marker key - depending on which screen
you are in, you can then access the stored func -
tion by pressing the marker key.
You can, of course, reassign the marker keys
whenever you want. To do so, proceed as you did
when assigning a function for the rst time. The
newly assigned function will „overwrite“ the old
All four keys are stored in non-volatile memory,

which means that none of the key assignments
will be lost when you switch the device off.
Some functions can be stored globally for all
projects while others are project specic. If you
are using the „Multi- user Edition“ program, the
system will behave differently.
For further information on this, please read Chap-
ter 2.2 entitled „Differences when activating the
Multi-user Edition“.

5. Navigation in the program
Switching screens
Of course you already know how to switch from
one Casablanca screen to another. To do so, you
have so far clicked on the screen symbols in the
bottom right corner of each screen and have re-
turned by pressing the right trackball button.
You can now also switch to any screen using a
key combination. The particular advantage of
this is that you can also switch to screens who -
se screen symbols are not listed in the currently
open screen. This means you no longer have to
go via the main screen. For instance, you can
now jump from the Transitions screen directly to
the Project Settings screen, or you can go to the
Finish screen directly from the Edit screen.
To switch to a screen, press the navigation key
Keep this key pressed (please also refer to the
previous Chapter 2.3 entitled „Information on the
essentials“, „Qualier keys“) and now press the
key code corresponding to the required screen
(e.g. e = Edit screen. Please refer to the codes
listed in the table in the appendix). When you see
the screen changing, let go of the two keys again.
Various windows can be opened from various
screens. Most contain the „OK“ and „Cancel“ but-
tons. To operate the „OK“ button, you can press
the Enter key. To operate „Cancel“, press the Esc
A window containing the reply options „Yes“ and
„No“ can be controlled using the Enter (conrm)
and Esc (cancel) keys as well as the Y (yes) and N
(no) keys.