MacroSystem Photo Transfer User Manual

Photo Transfer 1.5
1. Introduction
This expansion is used to load photos of a digital photo camera from and write them to a photo memory card. The control elements and their functions are described in brief below.
2.1 Main Menu
After installation, the Photo Transfer program is found in the ÒEditÓ menu under ÒSpecialÓ and is alphabetically classified.
After choosing Photo Transfer, click on ÒOKÓ, so that a selection menu appears with the following four buttons:
ÒImport from photo memory cardÓ
ÒExport to photo memory cardÓ
ÒImport for other programsÓ
2.2 Import from photo memory card
Use this menu to import individual photos or all photos from the photo memory card to the Casablanca as a scene. The photos on the photo memory card are shown in thumbnail format in the menu, allowing you to see 18 pictures at the same time.
The following functions are available:
ãMemory cardÒ allows you to choose the memory card, from which you want to
import the pictures to your Casablanca. This function is only available, if you are working with SMART EDIT. It is also only active if you are running the Ò6 in 1 Card DriveÒ and if the Card Reader is connected. Without this peripheral, the option ãCasablanca SmartMediaÒ is set to default.
ÒLengthÓ: Here you can use a slider control to select the length of the scene that is
to be created from the photo.
ÒRotateÓ determines the rotation of the image during import. The photo can be
rotated 90¡ to the left or the right.
ÒPicture informationÓ opens a new window with information about the selected
ÒPreviewÓ opens a menu for viewing an enlargement of the selected photo.
ÒCancelÓ closes the menu without carrying out a function.
ÒAllÓ creates a new scene for each photo on the photo memory card.
Foto-Transfer 1.3
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© MacroSystem Digital Video AG
ÒOkÓ creates a new scene for the selected photo; the new scene will appear in the
scene pool after the currently active scene.
To avoid distortion, the pictures are loaded into the scene in accordance with their aspect ratio. The 16:9 picture format is also supported. If the format of the imported picture does not match the aspect ratio of the television set or TV monitor, then the unused screen area is masked in black.
2.3 Export to photo memory card
Use this menu to save the first frame of a scene to a photo memory card.
The following functions are available:
ãMemory cardÒ allows you to choose the memory card, to which you want to export
the first picture of the scene. This function is only available, if you are working with SMART EDIT. It is also only active if you are running the Ò6 in 1 Card DriveÒ and if the Card Reader is connected. Without this peripheral, the option ãCasablanca SmartMediaÒ is set to default.
ÒPicture formatÓ defines the picture format that is to be generated. There are two
options from which to choose: ÓFull frameÓ: the picture consists of two half-frames, one after the other. ÓHalf frameÓ: the picture consists of a half-frame that is doubled so that the picture height is equivalent to that of a full frame.
ÒPicture qualityÓ defines the quality with which the picture is to be saved, whereby
users can choose ÒLowÓ, ÒNormalÓ or ÒHighÓ. Note: the higher the quality, the more memory required to store the picture on the photo memory card!
ÒCancelÓ closes the menu without carrying out a function.
ÒOkÓ saves the picture to the photo memory card.
The aspect ratio will not be changed during export.
2.4 Import for other programs
This button allows you to import up to 10 pictures from a memory card. These pictures will be saved in an internal archive, which other programs can access later.
The following functions are available:
ãMemory cardÒ allows you to choose the memory card, from which you want to im-
port the first picture of the scene. This function is only available, if you are working with SMART EDIT. It is also only active if you are running the Ò6 in 1 Card DriveÒ and if the Card Reader is connected. Without this peripheral, the option ãCasa­blanca SmartMediaÒ is set to default.
ãImage informationÒ activates a window showing saved information of the activated
picture displayed in the upper window.
ãPreviewÒ opens a menu for viewing an enlargement of the selected photo.
ãCancelÒ closes the menu without carrying out a function.
ãOkÒ activates a window which allows you to rename files and save internally. If
you wish to save more than 10 files, you will be asked to delete one file. This window makes it possible to choose that file and thus make way for another.
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