To avoid making mistakes during operation, we recommend that you carefully follow the instructions
provided in this manual.
We would also like to point out that Particle Magic has been designed with the hobby enthusiast in
We have taken a great deal of care while programming and checking this software.
Nevertheless, since it is not possible to guarantee totally error-free software applications in all
environments and at any time, we unfortunately cannot rule out the possibility that some errors may
have crept in. If, contrary to all expectations, this is indeed the case, we shall remedy any errors in the
program and supply the affected customers with the new software free of charge. We cannot, however,
accept any liability for loss of data/time or any consequential damages that may occur as a result,
particularly since we have no influence over correct software installation and operation by the
customer. MacroSystem Digital Video AG and its dealers therefore cannot be held liable for any defects
or unintentional damage in connection with the installation or use of Particle Magic.
MacroSystem Digital Video AG and its dealers do not guarantee error-free use of the software or
complete flawlessness of the program.
Any implied guarantee is null and void, including guarantee of suitability of the software or operating
instructions for a particular purpose.
Neither MacroSystem Digital Video AG nor its dealers are responsible for any damages resulting either
directly or indirectly through the use of the software or the operating instructions, e.g. for profit loss,
costs, hardware or software problems or other issues.
1. General information .................................................................................... 1
Thank you for purchasing Particle Magic from
your dealer.
We would like to thank you for placing your trust
in us and hope that this product will fulfill your
Particle Magic allows you to use your Casablanca
even more extensively than ever before.
Particle Magic naturally supports the Power Key
Option. If you press the "F2" help function key on
the keyboard, all the possible key codes will be
Casablanca’ s drive. When you insert it, make sure
the gold-colored contacts are facing downwards
and the beveled corner is on the left pointing
towards the front (i.e. towards the Casablanca).
Push in the card until only around half a
centimeter remains protruding from the unit and
you feel some resistance.
You will now see the "Particle Magic" software
listed in the window. Select it in the list and click
on "License." A numerical keypad appears. You
can use it to enter the license code that you
purchased from your dealer. A notice will then
inform you that the installation process has
completed. You can now remove the SmartMedia
1.3 What is Particle Magic?
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have
any further questions or wish to provide us with
suggestions for improvement.
To contact us, please refer to the addresses and
telephone numbers printed in the Casablanca
We kindly ask you to provide the serial number of
your device or your customer number whenever
you contact us.
1.2 Installation
The software that you acquired from your dealer
on the SmartMedia card must now be installed on
your Casablanca.
To do so, you will need at least version 1.8 of the
Casablanca system software.
You can look up the system versions using the
information item in the "System Settings" screen
(bottom left).
Particle Magic is a collection of four effects,
namely, three transition effects and one imageprocessing effect.
All effects are based on the ability to move many
tiny particles around the screen. The ways in
which the particles move can be adjusted using
several options. The screen content itself also
plays a role in some of the effects. An archive that
is available to all projects contains pre-defined
sequences to help introduce you to the software.
You can use these high quality video techniques to
do such things as make the ground, letters or
hearts burst into flames, simulate fog or a snow
blizzard or make texts whirl out of the screen...
you can let your imagination run free!
Now leave your Casablanca switched on and, in
"System Settings," select the "Install Product"
button to open the corresponding window. Now
insert the SmartMedia installation card into the
2. Indi vidual components
2.1 Effects
PM Draw
This image-processing effect superimposes
animated particles on scenes.
You can load predefined sequences from the
archive or create your own customized versions.
A mask, similar to the one used in the "VideoSpiceRack" and "Liquid Images" programs, is
used to define the basic characteristics ("Source"
button). Pressing the "Particle" and "Movement"
buttons will take you to other menus containing a
whole range of different options with which you
can influence the appearance of the effect.
PM Transition
You can use this transition effect to create a crossfade from one scene to another.
Again, you can load predefined sequences from
the archive or create your own customized
A mask, similar to the one used in the "VideoSpiceRack" and "Liquid Images" programs, is
used to define the effect ("Effect" button). A
crossfade between the two scenes is carried out
along the gradient level that’s defined by the
mask, and the particles form in the transition
region. The appearance and behavior in this
region is defined by various settings in the
"Particle" and "Movement" sections.
PM Static
This transition effect does not create a crossfade.
Instead it uses a special effect to place the scene on
the right in front of the scene on the left.
We recommend that you use a predefined title as
the subject of the right-hand scene. However,
interesting effects can also be created using
footage that you have recorded. The subject
should, if possible, be placed against a black
background, since black is interpreted as transparent and that is where the left scene can be seen.
If moving subjects are used on the right-hand
side, an additional effect is generated. A simple
moving dot, for instance, can be made to look like
a burning fuse.
You can load predefined sequences from the
archive or create your own customized versions.
The two scenes and the effect should all have the
same length.
PM Fly Away
This transition effect is a mixture of "PM Transition" and "PM Static." In this case too, the right-
hand scene is placed as the subject in front of the
left scene. Though here you can also select a mask
to fade out the subject.
For the right-hand scene, use a predefined title on
a black background. Again, you have the option of
loading predefined sequences from the archive or
creating your own customized versions.
2.2 Archive
The archive contains numerous predefined
settings. You should start by loading and trying
out the supplied examples contained in the
The first two letters of the name refer to the type
of effect for which each particular entry has been
optimized. You can also use archive entries that
have been created using other effects, although the
results may not look quite as good.
The archive can also be used as a place to store
your own creations or adaptations of existing
entries so that you can use them later - even in
other projects.
2.3 Preview
The preview feature allows you to view a preview
of an effect before the effect is created. You can
access the preview feature from the effect screens
and from the settings windows in Particle Magic.
However, the preview feature does have some
limitations as follows:
- The preview feature can only be used if the
effect has not yet been created (i.e. if the effect
icon in the storyboard is still red).
- The small preview might look considerably
different from the final result, especially around
the edges of the picture. Effects that run outside
the visible screen area in the final video might be
visible in the small preview.
- In the case of some effects (depending on the
settings), the calculation times might under some
circumstances be so long that the preview does
not run smoothly or is not usable at all.
In the case of the Kron and Avio (with the ProPackage), you can also easily use the full-size
preview. Otherwise, you can also view the first few
frames after the calculation process has started
and then decide whether to cancel or continue
- The Full Size preview will only be updated after
you click "Ok" to close the effect settings
windows.. If you are using the Avio, you will need
the Pro Package to use the full-size preview.
saved in the archive and used again whenever you
want. Note: Please read through our practical
tutorials on this topic.
2.4 Menus
The menus contain a whole range of different
settings that you might find a little confusing at
first. However, if you turn your attention to one
setting after the other, you will soon start
understanding their various functions and can
then even create complex c o mbinations yourself.
We recommend that you start off by using
predefined settings from the archive. To learn how
to use individual options, you should set as many
of the other options as possible to 0 to avoid
confusion. With a little experience you can then
create complex effects yourself. These can then be
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