Filter Pack
This collection contains the following effects.
Image Processing:
Detail Smoothing, Color Filter, Color Blotches, Circle Blur,
Direction Blur 2, Radial Blur, Shining, Out of Focus 2, Blurry
Spots, Newspaper Image
Detail Smoothing
This filter smoothes/cleans areas of image noise whilst
preserving sharpness. The resulting scene acquires an artistic
Strength: Strength of the color contrast which should be
smoothed. 1= low contrast 15 = high contrast
Mode: Direction in which the effect should be faded
Fade Time: Duration of fade time.
Fade time of 000.00:00 will render the effect for the whole effect
Filter Pack © MacroSystem Digital Video AG
Color Filter
This filter adds color filters or glow effects to the scene. It is
particularly suitable for producing a "romantic", soft-focus look
by means of an out-of-focus glow effect. Select from a number
of default settings. This effect can be used to particular effect in
wedding and event videos.
Presets: Function of the chosen filter
Mode: Direction in which the effect should be faded
Fade Time: Duration of fade time.
Fade time of 000.00:00 will render the effect for the whole effect
Color Blotches
This filter lends the scene the style of an impressionist painting,
and is particularly effective for stills - best viewing on still
Strength: Set the dimension of the color dots
Scene: It will be the first frame only (with the length of the
effekt) or all frames rendered.
Filter Pack © MacroSystem Digital Video AG
Mode: Direction in which the effect should be faded
Fade Time: Duration of fade time.
Fade time of 000.00:00 will render the effect for the whole effect
Circle Blur
This filter computes a circular out-of-focus area around a freely
definable circular image area. It is particularly suitable for
enhancing the dynamic effect of an image or for drawing the
eye to a particular image area.
Position: Define the position and dimension of the not changed
Strength: Strength of circle blur. (the bigger the strength, the
blurrier the area)
Mode: Direction in which the effect should be faded
Fade Time: Duration of fade time.
Fade time of 000.00:00 will render the effect for the whole effect
Direction Blur 2
Filter Pack © MacroSystem Digital Video AG