MacroSystem ElasticDreams User Manual

User manual
for Casablanca Avio, Prestige and Kron
Safety notices
To avoid making mistakes during operation, we recommend that you carefully follow the instructions provided in this manual. We would also like to point out that ElasticDreams has been designed with the hobby enthusiast in mind. We have taken a great deal of care while programming and checking this software. Nevertheless, since it is not possible to guarantee totally error-free software applications in all environments and at any time, we unfortunately cannot rule out the possibility that some errors may have crept in. If, contrary to all expectations, this is indeed the case, we shall remedy any errors in the program and supply the affected customers with the new software free of charge. We cannot, however, accept any liability for loss of data/time or any consequential damages that may occur as a result, particularly since we have no inuence over correct software installation and operation by the customer. MacroSystem Digital Video AG and its dealers therefore cannot be held liable for any defects or unintentional damage in connection with the installation or use of ElasticDreams. MacroSystem Digital Video AG and its dealers do not guarantee error-free use of the software or complete awlessness of the program. Any implied guarantee is null and void, including guarantee of suitability of the software or operating instructions for a particular purpose. Neither MacroSystem Digital Video AG nor its dealers are responsible for any damages resulting either directly or indirectly through the use of the software or the operating instructions, e.g. for prot loss, costs, hardware or software problems or other issues.
1. General remarks ................................................................................................ 5
2. Installation ......................................................................................................... 5
3. What is ElasticDreams? .................................................................................... 5
4. Effects................................................................................................................. 5
4.1 ElasticDreams Warp.............................................................................. 5
4.2 ElasticDreams Draw.............................................................................. 6
4.3 ElasticDreams FX .................................................................................. 6
4.4 ElasticDreams Morph ........................................................................... 6
4.5 ElasticDreams Op.................................................................................. 6
5. Control elements ............................................................................................... 7
5.1 Editor window ....................................................................................... 7
5.2 Overview window................................................................................. 8
5.3 Mode window ....................................................................................... 8
5.4 Special window..................................................................................... 9
5.5 Project window ..................................................................................... 9
6. Practice examples ............................................................................................. 9
6.1 Alienation of a scene with the warp effect.......................................... 9
6.2 Connect two scenes with the morphing effect ................................... 12
6.3 Transition effects with ElasticDreams FX ........................................... 13
6.4 Puppet player effect with ElasticDreams Draw .................................. 14
6.5 Transition effects with ElasticDreams Op ........................................... 16
6.6 Deleting reference points ..................................................................... 17
6.7 Animation of a title with the help of the Scene function ................... 17
1. General remarks
Thank you for buying ElasticDreams!
We appreciate your trust and hope that this product will meet your expectations.
ElasticDreams enables you to obtain more from your Casablanca than ever before.
Please use the addresses and telephone numbers listed in the Casablanca manual if you have any questions or comments. Please have the serial number of your device or your customer number ready when contacting for help or comments.
2. Installation
name. Click on “OK” to close the window and then remove the SmartMedia card. ElasticDreams is now installed as demo version.
Notes on other products:
ElasticDreams supports the Power-Key Option. Separate instructions for keyboard control are not available - press the “F2” key to see the possible key abbreviations. ElasticDreams can also be used under VGA.
3. What is ElasticDreams?
ElasticDreams is a collection consisting of ve effects - four transition effects and one Image Processing Effect. All effects modify an image by using manual and/or algorithmic distortions (warp and morphing effects).
To install ElasticDreams you need the system software, version 1.9 or higher, or the SMART­EDIT software, version 2.1 or higher. The system version is displayed in the information eld of the menu “System settings” (below left).
Leave your Casablanca on and select the button “Install product” in “System settings” so that the appropriate window appears. Then insert the installation SmartMedia card into the Casablanca drive so that the gold contacts are below and the folded corner is pointing forward to the left (in the direction of the Casablanca). Push the card into the slot until only about half a centimeter remains outside and you feel resistance. The software “ElasticDreams” is now displayed in the window. Select the entry from the list and click on “activate”. An entry dialog is displayed for entering the key code you have obtained from your dealer. After that, a message is displayed indicating that the installation process is nished. You can then remove the SmartMedia card.
If you want to install the program as a demo, click “Cancel” in the entry dialog after you have selected the program and clicked “activate”. The word “Demo” now appears after the program
The program features simple but powerful tools to enable you to manually or automatically modify an image or transform it into another. ElasticDreams always creates uid movement.
Enlarge body parts, close an eye, lengthen nose and hair. Change somebody into another person, or transform an object elegantly into another! The result is an astounding gradual, uid transformation that can make the high point of a perfect video. Let animals or objects speak using your own lip movements as the template. Or simply use the available possibilities to create effective transitions between scenes.
4. Effects
4.1 ElasticDreams Warp (Image Processing effect)
(Imaging and effects on one scene)
Here you can alter a scene as much as you want. Let body parts grow fantastically, close an eye, lengthen nose and hair!
You can dene any number of intermediate steps, ElasticDreams always creates uid movement. Distortions are displayed in real time, corrections can be made at any time.
4.2 ElasticDreams Draw (Transition effect)
(Imaging and effects on the left scene, the scene on the right can be overlaid as half-transparent reference)
For example, let animals or objects speak! Record yourself (or another person) while you speak a text. Your lip movements can serve as template. For example, you can let your dog speak. Use ElasticDreams tools to open and close your dog’s mouth in time to your lip movements. The result: the animal speaks with your voice!
ElasticDreams to directly overlay prominent points (eyes, ears, etc.). The result is a gradual and uid transformation that is stunning and can make the high point of a perfect video.
4.5 ElasticDreams Op (Transition effect)
The special can be used here in a simple manner. In contrast to the other ElasticDreams effects, this one can be used in the storyboard as often as desired. The individual effect options are explained in the following:
4.3 ElasticDreams FX (Transition effect)
(Imaging and effects simultaneously on both scenes, the scenes can be overlaid as half­transparencies)
In this mode you can create your own effects. The varied possibilities (manual drawing, prepared effects, gradual fade) can be combined to attain new and exceptional effects. By setting special effects you specify how the effect is applied from the rst scene to the second. For example, if you select “Whirl” in the “Special” menu with an appropriate intensity, then the rst scene is faded into the second as a kind of whirl.
4.4 ElasticDreams Morph (Transition effect)
(Imaging and effects in the left scene, the scene on the right is calculated automatically. The scenes can be overlaid as half-transparencies)
(1) Effect
You can select any combination of effects from a list.
(2) Power
Here you specify how strong the selected effect is applied to the video. Negative values are applied in contrast to the positive range (clockwise). For every effect the most recently set value is stored. However, this control is valid only for the currently selected effect. Combining several effects within a reference point is possible.
(3) Fade Time
The effect is applied over the entire duration selected in the storyboard. A gradual fade can be inserted into the middle to hide the actual scene change in the middle of the time span.
(4) Archives
Some predened effect combinations can be found here. You can also store here your own creations for reuse at a later time.
Transform one person into another or uidly morph one object into another! You can overlay two scenes with variable transparency and use the powerful tools of
Important note on projects:
All ElasticDreams effects (except for “ElasticDreams Op”) can be used up to 10 times simultaneously in the storyboard for all Casablanca projects. Any number of effects may be inserted at rst, but as soon as an effect is initiated and nished through “Start Program”, one of the 10 places is occupied until the effect is removed from the storyboard. For protracted usage it is recommended to create a scene after nishing an effect (not
possible for CASABLANCA AVIO without Pro­Package) and to replace the ElasticDreams effect
with the created scene.
5. Control elements
5.1 Editor window
(1) Image
The current image is displayed in which you can “draw”. The selected “Mode” and the tool in the currently selected size are used. To draw you move the cursor into the image, hold the left trackball key down and roll the trackball. Any changes made can be undone by using the right instead of the left trackball. Move the cursor to the desired position, press and hold the right key and roll the trackball. Alternatively, you can set mode “Undo” and undo the changes with the left key.
(2) Lens symbols
Three lens symbols can be found in the upper left corner of the edit window. With the left symbol you see the image as it normally is on the television screen (reduced to the area of the edit window). Selecting the middle symbol causes the image to zoom so that only a portion of the image is visible. The symbol at the right magnies one level more. For both magnication levels you can select the desired image portion by clicking in the overview window.
(3) Undo
The undo button (curved arrow) in the upper right of the edit window can be used to undo all changes that have been made since the most recent selection of this reference point. A reference point is a specied point in the video material at which a modication has been
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