1 Step RoboPDF, ActiveEdit, ActiveTest, Authorware, Blue Sky Software, Blue Sky, Breeze, Breezo, Captivate, Central,
ColdFusion, Contribute, Database Explorer, Director, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, FlashCast, FlashHelp, Flash Lite,
FlashPaper, Flash Video Encoder, Flex, Flex Builder, Fontographer, FreeHand, Generator, HomeSite, JRun, MacRecorder, Adobe
Systems Incorporated, MXML, RoboEngine, RoboHelp, RoboInfo, RoboPDF, Roundtrip, Roundtrip HTML, Shockwave,
SoundEdit, Studio MX, UltraDev, and WebHelp are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated
and may be registered in the United States or in other jurisdictions including internationally. Other product names, logos,
designs, titles, words, or phrases mentioned within this publication may be trademarks, service marks, or trade names of Adobe
Systems Incorporated or other entities and may be registered in certain jurisdictions including internationally.
Third-Party Information
This guide contains links to third-party websites that are not under the control of Adobe Systems Incorporated, and Adobe
Systems Incorporated is not responsible for the content on any linked site. If you access a third-party website mentioned in this
guide, then you do so at your own risk. Adobe Systems Incorporated provides these links only as a convenience, and the inclusion
of the link does not imply that Adobe Systems Incorporated endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content on those thirdparty sites.
Speech compression and decompression technology licensed from Nellymoser, Inc. (www.nellymoser.com).
Sorenson™ Spark™ video compression and decompression technology licensed from
Sorenson Media, Inc.
The Flash Remoting Update lets you create rich Internet applications (RIAs) by using Adobe
Flex Builder 2, with the advanced data retrieval features of ColdFusion, such as the c
cfldap, and cfquery tags. In addition, you can use Flash Remoting Update to create
Macromedia Flash Forms and Flash applications that contain features such as server call backs
and customized user interface.
You can use Flash Remoting Update with all configurations of ColdFusion MX 7.0.2 (server,
multiserver, and J2EE) on all the platforms that ColdFusion MX 7.0.2 supports.
To use Flash Remoting Update, you must have the following installed:
■ Flex Builder 2
■ Flash Player 9
■ ColdFusion MX 7.0.2
Using Flash Remoting Update
To specify a CFC to connect to, you do one of the following:
■ Specify the CFC, including the path from the web root, in the MXML.
■ Create a named resource for each CFC that you connect to. This is similar to registering a
data source.
To specify the CFC in the MXML:
■ Specify the CFC, including the path from the web root, in the MXML; for example:
The destination “ColdFusion” is preconfigured in the services-config.xml file, which is
located in the ColdFusion webroot\WEB-INF\flex directory, with the wildcard
source. To use the source attribute in MXML, you can use any destination by specifying
source="*". If you specify a source other than “*”, that source definition overrides
the source specified in the MXML.
To create a named resource for each CFC that you connect to:
1. Edit the services-config.xml file by adding an entry for each CFC that you connect to, for
In this example, when a user presses a button, the Click event calls the CFC method
5. Specify a handler for the return result of the CFC method call for the <mx:RemoteObject>
tag, as the following example shows.
private function my_CFC_handler( event:ResultEvent )
// Show alert with the value that is returned from the CFC.
Using Flash Remoting Update7
Flash Remoting Update and authentication
The Flash client passes the username and password, which are set in the Flash client, to the
CFC. To authenticate users when using Flash Remoting Update, you can then use the
cflogin tag to authenticate the user.
Flash Remoting Update supports the same authentication mechanism as any HTTP request
from the browser, including getting and setting cookies. This mechanism allws you to take
advantage of the same authentication systems you use for any normal HTTP request. To take
advantage of this functionality in a Flash application, you need to set the HTTP authorization
headers by specifying the user’s username and password with the RemoteObject
setRemoteCredentials method. When ColdFusion receives the Flash Remoting /http
request, ColdFusion populates the cflogin.name and cflogin.password variables (inside the
cflogin tag) with these values. For more information, see the documentation for the
cflogin tag.
Example application
The following sample application lets you test authentication. It consists of a Flex application,
and a ColdFusion application that consists of an Application.cfm file and the ColdFusion
component that the Flex application calls.
The Flex application appears as follows:
The Flex application above lets you enter a username and password. It creates a remote object
to the CFC. Because the application creates a remote object that is managed by a CFC, you
can set a username and password for the authentication mechanism of the remote service.
When you click the Login button, the application calls the setRemoteCredentials method,
using the username and password entered in the text boxes. This sets the properties in the
mx:RemoteObject tag, which are passed in all future requests.
8Using Flash Remoting Update
When you click the Logout button, the application calls the setRemoteCredentials
method, which sets the username and password to null, and logs out the user on the client
side. In addition, the application calls the
logoutuser method, which handles server side
When you click the Get Secure Data button, the application calls the
MXML file, which, in turn, calls the
getData function in the CFC. The getData function in
getData method in the
the CFC returns a string for purposes of this simple test application, but could be modified to
return data such as the results of a query.
The Flex application also includes the
serverFault and serverResult methods, which
display an alert box to indicate whether the login was successful or not.
The CFC contains two functions: logoutuser and getData. The getData function
authenticates the user against the flexadmin role and returns a string.The logoutuser function
calls the <cflogout> tag to log the user out on the server.
To make communication between the Flex application and the CFC secure, you can
specify that the AMF channel in the ColdFusion destination definiton be secure in the
WEB-INF\flex\services-config.xml file.
Data translation
The following table lists the ColdFusion data types and the corresponding ActionScript data
ColdFusion data typeFlash data type
Array[] = Array
Struct{} = untyped Object
QueryArray of untyped Objects
CFCClass = typed Object (if a matching ActionScript class
exists, otherwise the CFC becomes a generic untyped
Object (map) in ActionScript)
CFC DateActionScript Date
CFC StringActionScript String
CFC NumericActionScript Numeric
ColdFusion XML ObjectActionScript XML Object
Using Flash Remoting Update11
12Using Flash Remoting Update
Using the Flex Messaging
Event Gateway
You can develop an application that uses the Flex Messaging gateway type to send messages to
and receive messages from an Adobe Flex application. To do so, you configure the Flex
Messaging gateway. This document provides information about how to write and test an
application that uses the event gateway.
You should be familiar with ColdFusion event gateway in ColdFusion MX Developer’s Guide.
This document also assumes that you are familiar with Adobe Flex Data Services.
Macromedia ColdFusion MX Standard Edition does not support event gateways.
ColdFusion includes the Flex Messaging event gateway, which uses the ColdFusion Event
Gateway Adapter to send messages to and receive messages from Adobe Flex Data Services.
This means that ColdFusion applications and Flex applications can publish to and consume
events from the same event queue.
To use the Flex Messaging event gateway to interact with a Flex application, the Flex
application must be running on Flex Data Services.
How ColdFusion and Flex interact
You can send messages from a ColdFusion application to a Flex application, through the Flex
Messaging event gateway. Conversely, you can send messages from a Flex application to a
ColdFusion application.
Either the ColdFusion application or the Flex application can initiate sending a message. The
following image shows the message handling process in which a message is sent from the Flex
application to the ColdFusion application, and then from the ColdFusion application to the
Flex application.
1. The Flex application generates a message.
2. The Flex Message Service passes the message to the ColdFusion Event Gateway Adapter.
3. The ColdFusion Event Gateway Adapter sends the message to the Flex Messaging event
gateway, by using Java Remote Method Invocation (Java RMI).
4. The Flex Messaging event gateway and the ActionScript translator convert ActionScript
3.0 data types to the appropriate ColdFusion values and add the message to the event
gateway queue.
5. The ColdFusion server invokes the onIncomingMessage method of the Flex Messaging
event gateway listener CFC.
6. The ColdFusion application generates a message, which it sends to the ColdFusion server.
7. The ColdFusion server sends the message to the Flex Messaging event gateway.
14Using the Flex Messaging Event Gateway
8. The Flex Messaging event gateway and the ActionScript translator convert ColdFusion
values to the appropriate ActionScript 3.0 data types, and then the gateway sends the
message to the ColdFusion Event Gateway Adapter.
9. The ColdFusion Event Gateway Adapter sends the message to the Flex Message Service.
10. The Flex Message Service passes the message to the Flex application.
The RMI registry, which facilitates communication between the ColdFusion Event
Gateway Adapter and the Flex Messaging event gateway uses port 1099, which is the
default port for Java RMI. You cannot change this port number. To ensure that the RMI
registry provides registry service for both Flex Data Services and ColdFusion, start Flex
first, and then start ColdFusion. If you stop Flex, you must restart Flex, and then restart
the gateway.
Application development and deployment process
The following is a typical process for developing and deploying a ColdFusion application that
communicates with a Flex application through the Flex Messaging event gateway:
1. Design your application.
2. Configure a Flex Messaging Event gateway instance.
3. Write your ColdFusion CFCs, CFM pages, and any other application elements.
4. Test your application by using Flex.
5. Make the application publicly available.
Configuring a Flex Messaging event
Although you can configure an instance of a Flex Messaging event gateway by creating a
configuration file, which you specify when you create the gateway instance, you can also
provide the configuration information in the message sent from the Flex application. You use
a configuration file to provide configuration information to the Flex Messaging event gateway
to do one of the following:
■ Have the Flex Messaging event gateway send messages to Flex Data Services on a different
■ Use the Flex Messaging event gateway with a specific Flex destination, and ignore any
destination specified in the message
■ Specify the IP addresses from which your ColdFusion application accepts messages
Configuring a Flex Messaging event gateway15
The Flex Messaging event gateway configuration file is a simple Java properties file that
contains the following properties:
destinationA hard-coded destination. If you specify this value, any destination
information in the message is ignored.
hostThe host name or IP address of the Flex Data Services server.
allowedIPsA comma- delimited list of IP addresses from which the Flex Messaging
event gateway accepts messages. If you do not specify a list of allowed IPs,
only processes on the local computer can send messages to the gateway.
The following is an example configuration file:
# Flex event gateway configuration
# This is the destination of the messages.
# Hostname or IP address of the Flex Enterprise Server.
# IP addresses from which the application will accept messages.
If you create a configuration file, save it in the {cf.rootdir}/gateway/config/ directory, with the
extension .cfg.
Enabling communication with Flex
To enable communication through the Flex Messaging event gateway, you copy and paste the
information from the sample configuration files.
To enable communization through the Flex Messaging event gateway:
1. Copy the following <adapter-definition> section from the sample messaging-config.xml
file to the web application flex-messaging-service.xml file, into the <adapter> section:
<adapter-definition id="cfgateway"
The sample messaging-config.xml file is located in the C:\fds2\resources\config\flex folder
when you install Flex in the default location. The web application messaging-config.xml
file is located in the C:\fds2\jrun4\servers\default\samples\WEB-INF\flex folder when
you install Flex in the default location.
16Using the Flex Messaging Event Gateway
2. Copy the following <destination> section from the sample messaging-config.xml file to the
<!-Star ('*') means gatewayid is found in the 'gatewayid'
message header.
To restrict this destination to a specific gateway, enter its ID
<!-If ColdFusion is running on a different host, enter that here.
Default is to look for ColdFusion on this computer.
<!-List the IP addresses of CF machines allowed to send messages to
this destination
If not set, the default is to allow only this computer to connect.
Do NOT use, it must be the actual IP address
<!-Credentials to pass along in the headers as CFUsername/CFPassword.
It is generally better to use setRemoteCredentials() API on client.
<!-These channels will work unless you want to pass value objects
(objects that get translated to and from CFCs) in your messages.
In that case, use the "cf-dataservice-rtmp" and "cf-polling-amf
3. Change the ID of the destination so the destination ID for each ColdFusion destination
on that machine is unique. (For example, because ColdFusion finds the destination by
locating its name in a machine wide registry, you should not specify the same destination
ID in both the flex and the samples web application.)
4. To use the ColdFusion-specific channels (to support value objects), copy the following
channels from the sample services-config.xml file to the web application servicesconfig.xml file:
<!-- This must be turned off for any CF channel -->
The sample services-config.xml file is located in the C:\fds2\resources\config folder when
you install Flex in the default location. The web application services-config.xml file is
located in the C:\fds2\jrun4\servers\default\samples\WEB-INF\flex folder when you
install Flex in the default location.
18Using the Flex Messaging Event Gateway
Sending outgoing messages
Your ColdFusion application sends a message to a Flex application by doing the following
1. The ColdFusion application sends an outgoing message, in a cfreturn tag in the listener
CFC’s listener method, or by calling the ColdFusion
2. A method provided by the Flex Messaging gateway gets called when you send an outgoing
In outgoing messages sent from CFML, the following structure members are translated to the
Flex message:
bodyBody of the message. This is required.
CorrelationIDCorrelation identifier of the message.
DestinationFlex destination of the message. This is required if it is not specified in the
configuration file.
HeadersIf the message contains any headers, the CFML structure that contains
the header names as keys and values.
LowercaseKeysIf the value is set to yes, the structure keys are converted to lowercase
during creation of ActionScript types.
TimeToLiveNumber of milliseconds during which this message is valid.
SendGatewayMessage function.
In addition, the Flex Messaging event gateway automatically provides values for the following
Flex message fields:
MessageIDA UUID that identifies the message
TimestampTime the message is sent
ClientIDID of the Flex Messaging event gateway instance
A single instance of the Flex Messaging event gateway can send messages to any
destination that is registered with the ColdFusion Event Gateway Adapter. However, if
the destination is configured in the Flex Messaging gateway configuration file, the
destination in the message is ignored.
Sending outgoing messages19
Sending outgoing message example
The following example from a CFM page creates a structure that contains the message. The
destination is the destination ID specified in the messaging-config.xml file for the instance
of the Flex Messaging event gateway to send the message to. The
message. The
sendGatewyMessage CFML function sends the message to the instance of the
body is the body of the
<cfset success = StructNew()>
<cfset success.msg = "Email was sent at " & Now()>
<cfset success.Destination = "gateway1">
<cfset ret = SendGatewayMessage("Flex2CF2", success)>
Handling incoming messages
When a Flex application sends a message to a ColdFusion application, the Flex Messaging
event gateway sends a CFEvent structure to the
configured CFC, with the following information mapped to the data of the event:
bodyBody of the message.
ClientIDID of the client that sent the message.
CorrelationIDCorrelation identifier of the message.
DestinationFlex destination of the message.
HeadersIf the message contains any headers, the CFML structure that contains the
header names as keys and values.
TimestampTimestamp of the message.
onIncomingMessage function of the
The incoming message data structure also includes the values of
messageID and timeToLive
from the Flex message.
Incoming message handling example
The following example puts data that is contained in the body of the message from the Flex
application into a structure. It then uses the contents of the structure to generate an e-mail
<cfcomponent displayname="SendEmail" hint="Handles incoming message from
The Flex Messaging event gateway supports session and client variables. In messages sent from
Flex to ColdFusion through the gateway, the clientID field of the incoming message is the key
to the session. Flex assigns the clientID to the instance of each Flex application.
Using session and client variables21
Flex and ColdFusion provide the following authentication features for communicating
through the Flex Messaging event gateway:
■ Restricting IP addresses that are allowed to send a message through the Flex Messaging
event gateway
■ Specifying remote credentials in Flex, and then authenticating those credentials in
Restricting IP addresses
To restrict the IP addresses from which your ColdFusion application accepts messages, you
must use a confiugration file, as specified in “Configuring a Flex Messaging event gateway”
on page 15. In addition to specifying the destination and host, you specify the comma-
delimited list of IP addresses from which your ColdFusion application accepts messages.
Also, you can specify the allowed IPs for when you send messages from Flex to ColdFusion.
You do so in the destination definition in the messaging-config.xml file on the server on
which your Flex application is running. The following example is a sample destination:
The local machine is not included in the list of allowed IPs by default.
Specifying remote credentials
The Flex application passes the username and password, which are set in the Flex application,
to the CFC. To authenticate users, you can then use the
tag in an Application.cfm or Application.cfc file that executes when a method in the CFC is
22Using the Flex Messaging Event Gateway
cflogin tag. You put the cflogin
The session ID is the client ID assigned to your Flex application. Reloading the Flex
application starts a new session with a new session ID.
To set credentials in a message in Flex, before sending the message through the gateway to the
CFC, you use the
var msg:Message = new AsyncMessage();
msg.body = input.text;
msg.headers.gatewayID = "Flex2CF";
The following table lists the ColdFusion data types and the corresponding Adobe Flash or
ActionScript data type:
ColdFusion data typeFlash data type
Array[] = Array
Struct{} = untyped Object
QueryArray of untyped Objects
CFCClass = typed Object (if a matching ActionScript class
exists, otherwise the CFC becomes a generic untyped
Object (map) in ActionScript)
CFC DateActionScript Date
CFC StringActionScript String
CFC NumericActionScript Numeric
ColdFusion XML ObjectActionScript XML Object
Data translation23
24Using the Flex Messaging Event Gateway
Use ColdFusion Event
Gateway Adapter
This tutorial shows you how to create a Flex application to send a message to a ColdFusion
application and a ColdFusion component to send a message to a Flex application. The sample
application does not take advantage of capabilities that are unique to Adobe Flex, instead, it
describes the communication with ColdFusion applications that the ColdFusion Event
Gateway Adapter enables.
To show the capabilities of the ColdFusion Event Gateway Adapter and the Flex Messaging
event gateway, the sample application lets you enter information in a form in a Flex
application. The Flex application sends the information through the ColdFusion Event
Gateway Adapter and Flex Messaging event gateway to the ColdFusion application. The
ColdFusion application then sends an e-mail message that contains the message to the
recipient specified in the Flex application. Finally, the ColdFusion component sends a
message to the Flex application, which displays the body of the message.
In this tutorial, you’ll complete the following tasks:
The ColdFusion Event Gateway Adapter lets you create applications in which Flex Data
Services and ColdFusion MX 7.0.2 communicate. Flex Data Services includes the
ColdFusion Event Gateway Adapter. ColdFusion MX 7.0.2 includes the Flex Messaging event
To complete this tutorial, you must have the following products installed:
■ Flex Data Services
■ ColdFusion MX 7.0.2
Start Flex and ColdFusion
To set up your development environment, you must start Flex Data Services and ColdFusion.
This tutorial assumes that both Flex Data Services 2 and ColdFusion are running on localhost
( on your local computer. Because of the way in which the Remote Method
Invocation (RMI) registry is created and maintained, Adobe recommends that you start Flex
Data Services, and then start ColdFusion.
The example ColdFusion application uses the cfmail tag. You must set up an e-mail
server in the ColdFusion MX Administrator before testing the application.
Enable the ColdFusion Event Gateway Adapter
The messaging-config.xml file contains information about adapters and destinations,
including network and server properties and channels. Generally, the file contains the
- service
- adapters
- adapter-definition
- destination
- properties
- network
- server
- channels
To become familiar with the messaging-config.xml file, view it in an XML editor so that
you can expand and collapse sections.
26Use ColdFusion Event Gateway Adapter
To ensure that Flex Data Services recognizes the ColdFusion Event Gateway Adapter, you edit
the messaging-config.xml file, which is located in the
C:\fds2\jrun4\servers\default\samples\WEB-INF\flex directory if you installed Flex Data
Services using the default settings.
To enable communication through the Flex Messaging event gateway:
1. Copy the <adapter-definition> section in which id=”cfgateway” from the sample
messaging-config.xml file to the <adapter> section of the web application messagingconfig.xml file.
The sample messaging-config.xml file is located in the C:\fds2\resources\config\flex
folder, and the web application messaging-config.xml file is located in the
C:\fds2\jrun4\servers\default\samples\WEB-INF\flex folder when you install Flex in the
default location.
2. Copy the <destination> section in which id=”ColdFusionGateway” from the sample
messaging-config.xml file to web application messaging-config.xml file.
3. Save the file.
Create an instance of the Flex Messaging event
To be able to communicate with the ColdFusion application through the Flex Event Gateway,
you must create an instance of the gateway.
1. Create a blank file handleemail.cfc in the C:\CFusionMX7\wwwroot\flexgatewayexamples
directory. (The flexgatewayexamples directory does not already exist.)
2. Start the ColdFusion MX Administrator.
3. Select Event Gateways > Gateway Instances.
4. Enter Flex2CF2 as the Gateway ID.
5. Select Flex Messaging - Flex as the Gateway Type.
6. Specify C:\CFusionMX7\wwwroot\flexgatewayexamples\handleemail.cfc as the CFC
7. Select Automatic as the Startup Mode.
8. Click Add Gateway Instance.
Set up your development environment27
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