Macromedia Photoshop - CS User Guide

AppleScript Reference Guide
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October 2003
Adobe® Photoshop® CS AppleScript Reference Guide
© Copyright 2000 – 2003 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
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The information in this document is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Systems Incorporated assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such license.
Suite Listing for Adobe Photoshop CS
Core Suite : Suite that applies to all applications
count: Return the number of elements of a particular class within an object
count reference -- the object whose elements are to be counted
each type class -- the class of the elements to be counted.
Result: integer -- the number of elements
delete: Remove an element from an object
delete reference -- the element to delete
duplicate: Duplicate one or more object(s)
duplicate reference -- the object(s) to duplicate
[to location reference] -- the new location for the object(s) [with properties record] -- new values for the properties of the duplicated element
Result: reference -- to the duplicated object(s)
exists: Verify if an object exists
exists reference -- the object in question
Result: boolean -- true if it exists, false if not
make: Make a new element
new type class -- the class of the new element. at location reference -- the location at which to insert the element [with data anything] -- the initial data for the element [with properties record] -- the initial values for the properties of the element
Result: reference -- to the new object(s)
move: Move object(s) to a new location
move reference -- the object(s) to move
to location reference -- the new location for the object(s)
Result: reference -- to the object(s) after they have been moved
close: close the document
close document -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
[saving ask/no/yes] -- specifies whether changes should be saved before closing ( default: ask )
open: open the specified document file(s)
open anything -- the file(s) to be opened
[as Acrobat TouchUp Image/Alias PIX/BMP/CompuServe GIF/Electric Image/EPS/EPS PICT preview/EPS TIFF
Preview/Filmstrip/JPEG/PCX/PDF/Photo CD/Photoshop DCS 1.0/Photoshop DCS 2.0/Photoshop EPS/Photoshop format/ Photoshop PDF/PICT file/PICT resource/Pixar/PNG/Portable Bitmap/raw/Scitex CT/SGI RGB/SoftImage/Targa/TIFF/ Wavefront RLA/Wireless Bitmap] -- open document as the specified type
[with options open options] -- options for the file type specified [showing dialogs always/error dialogs/never] -- should a dialog be displayed when a file is opened
print: print the specified object(s)
print anything -- the file(s) or document(s) to be printed
[postscript encoding ASCII/binary/JPEG] -- encoding type ( default: binary ) [source space document space/proof space] -- color space for source ( default: document space ) [print space Unicode text] -- color space for printer. Can be nothing (meaning same as source); 'Working RGB',
'Working CMYK', 'Working Gray', 'Lab Color' (meaning one of the working spaces or Lab color); or a string specifying a specific colorspace (default is same as source)
[intent absolute colorimetric/perceptual/relative colorimetric/saturation intent] -- if the print space is different
from the source space, this argument will be used as the color conversion intent ( default: relative colorimetric )
[blackpoint compensation boolean] -- if the print space is different from the source space, this argument indicates
if the color conversion should use black point compensation ( default: true )
quit: quit the application
save: save the specified document
save document -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
[in file specification] -- the file to save the document in [as Alias PIX/BMP/CompuServe GIF/Electric Image/JPEG/PCX/Photoshop DCS 1.0/Photoshop DCS 2.0/Photoshop
EPS/Photoshop format/Photoshop PDF/PICT file/PICT resource/Pixar/PNG/Portable Bitmap/raw/Scitex CT/SGI RGB/ SoftImage/Targa/TIFF/Wavefront RLA/Wireless Bitmap] -- the file type to save the document as
[copying boolean] -- save as copy leaving original open. Unsaved files cannot be saved as copy [appending lowercase extension/no extension/uppercase extension] -- append an extension to the document
[with options save options] -- options for the file type specified
Result: document -- save the specified document
Class application: The Adobe Photoshop application
document by name, by numeric index, as a range of elements, before/after another element, satisfying a test
font by name, by numeric index, as a range of elements, before/after another element, satisfying a test
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
background color color value
color settings anything -- name of selected color settings' set
current document document -- the frontmost document
display dialogs always/error dialogs/never -- controls whether or not Photoshop displays dialogs
foreground color color value
free memory real [r/o] -- the amount of unused memory available to Adobe Photoshop
frontmost boolean [r/o] -- is Photoshop the frontmost application?
name Unicode text [r/o] -- the application's name
scripting version Unicode text [r/o] -- the version of the Scripting interface
settings settings-object [r/o] -- preference settings
version Unicode text [r/o] -- the version of Adobe Photoshop application
Class document: A document
Plural form:
art layer by name, by numeric index, as a range of elements, before/after another element, satisfying a test
channel by name, by numeric index, as a range of elements, before/after another element, satisfying a test
history state by name, by numeric index, as a range of elements, before/after another element, satisfying a test
layer comp by name, by numeric index, as a range of elements, before/after another element, satisfying a test
layer by name, by numeric index, as a range of elements, before/after another element, satisfying a test
layer set by name, by numeric index, as a range of elements, before/after another element, satisfying a test
path item by name, by numeric index, as a range of elements, before/after another element, satisfying a test
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
background layer art layer [r/o] -- background layer for the document. Only valid for documents that have a
background layer
bits per channel eight/one/sixteen -- number of bits per channel
color profile kind custom/none/working -- type of color profile management for document
color profile name Unicode text -- name of color profile for document. Only valid for documents that have been
assigned a color profile
component channels list of channel [r/o] -- all color component channels for this document
current channels list of channel -- selected channels for document
current history brush source history state -- the current history state to use with the history brush for this document
current history state history state -- the current history state for this document
current layer layer -- selected layer for document
file path alias [r/o] -- full path name of document
height real [r/o] -- height of document (unit value)
histogram list of integer [r/o] -- a histogram of values for the composite document (only for RGB, CMYK and 'Indexed
colors' documents)
info info-object [r/o] -- document information
initial fill transparent/use background color/white [r/o] -- initial fill of the document. Only valid when used as an option
with the 'make new document' command
managed boolean [r/o] -- is the document a workgroup document?
mode bitmap/CMYK/duotone/grayscale/indexed color/Lab/multichannel/RGB [r/o] -- document mode
modified boolean [r/o] -- has the document been modified since last save?
name Unicode text [r/o] -- the document's name
pixel aspect ratio real -- the pixel aspect ration of the document
quick mask mode boolean -- is the document in the quick mask mode?
resolution real
selection selection-object [r/o] -- the document's selection
width real [r/o] -- width of document (unit value)
XMP metadata XMP metadata [r/o]
[r/o] -- the resolution of the document (in pixels per inch)
Photoshop Suite : Scripting commands and classes for Adobe Photoshop
apply: apply the layer comp to the document
apply layer comp -- the layer comp object or objects to be operated upon
apply layer style:
apply layer style art layer -- the art layer object or objects to be operated upon
using Unicode text -- name of the layer style to apply
change mode: change the mode of the document
change mode document -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
to bitmap/CMYK/grayscale/indexed color/Lab/multichannel/RGB -- name of mode to change to [with options change mode options] -- options for changing the mode
contract: contracts the selection
contract selection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
by real -- distance to contract the selection by (unit value)
convert: convert the document from using one color profile to using an other
convert document -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
to profile Unicode text -- name of color profile to convert to. Either a string specifying a specific color profile or
'Working RGB', 'Working CMYK', 'Working Gray', 'Lab Color' meaning one of the working color spaces or Lab color
intent absolute colorimetric/perceptual/relative colorimetric/saturation intent -- conversion intent [blackpoint compensation boolean] -- use black point compensation? [dithering boolean] -- use dither? ( default: true )
convert to shape: converts the text item and its containing layer to a fill layer with the text changed to a clipping path
convert to shape text-object -- the text-object object or objects to be operated upon
create PDF presentation: create a PDF presentation file
create PDF presentation
from files list of alias -- list of input files to include in the output to file file specification -- location of the output file [with options presentation options] -- options for the PDF presentation
Result: Unicode text -- create a PDF presentation file
create photo gallery: create a web photo gallery
create photo gallery
from folder alias -- folder of files to process to folder alias -- location for output files [with options gallery options] -- options for the web photo gallery
Result: Unicode text -- create a web photo gallery
create work path: creates a work path based on the text object
create work path text-object -- the text-object object or objects to be operated upon
crop: crop the document
crop document -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
bounds list -- area to crop (unit value) [angle real] -- angle of cropping bounds ( default: 0.0 ) [width real] -- width of resulting document (unit value) [height real] -- height of resulting document (unit value)
deselect document -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
expand: expand selection
expand selection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
by real -- distance to expand the selection by (unit value)
export document -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
in file specification -- the file to export to [as Illustrator paths] -- the type of export ( default: Illustrator paths ) [with options Illustrator paths export options] -- options for the export type specified
feather: feather edges of selection
feather selection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
by real -- amount to feather the edge by (unit value)
fill: fills the selection
fill selection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
with contents anything -- a color or a history state [blend mode behind mode/clear mode/color blend/color burn/color dodge/darken/difference/dissolve/exclusion/
hard light/hue blend/lighten/linear burn/linear dodge/linear light/luminosity/multiply/normal/overlay/pin light/saturation blend/screen/soft light/vivid light] -- ( default: normal )
[opacity integer] -- ( default: 100 ) [preserving transparency boolean]
flatten: flatten all layers in the document
flatten document -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
flip canvas: flip the canvas horizontally or vertically
flip canvas document -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
direction horizontal/vertical -- which way to flip the canvas
grow: grow selection to include all adjacent pixels falling within the specified tolerance range
grow selection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
tolerance integer -- ( 0 - 255 ) antialiasing boolean
import annotations: import annotations into the document
import annotations document -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
from alias -- document to import annotations from
invert: invert the selection
invert selection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
link: link the layer with another layer
link layer -- the layer object or objects to be operated upon
with layer -- layer to link to
load: load the selection from a channel
load selection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
from channel -- the channel to load the selection from [combination type diminished/extended/intersected/replaced] -- how to combine the channel contents with the
existing selection ( default: replaced )
[inverting boolean] -- select the inverse of the channel contents? ( default: false )
make work path: make this selection item the work path for this document
make work path selection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
[tolerance real] -- tolerance in pixels
merge: merge an art layer, layer set or a spot channel. Merging a layer returns a reference to the resulting layer. Merging a channel does not return any value
merge channel -- the channel object or objects to be operated upon
merge visible layers: flatten all visible layers in the document
merge visible layers document -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
purge: purges one or more caches
purge all caches/clipboard cache/history caches/undo caches -- what to purge
rasterize art layer -- the art layer object or objects to be operated upon
affecting all linked layers/entire layer/fill content/layer clipping path/shape/text contents -- what to rasterize
recapture: recapture the current layer state(s) for this layer comp
recapture layer comp -- the layer comp object or objects to be operated upon
reset from comp: reset the layer comp state to the document state
reset from comp layer comp -- the layer comp object or objects to be operated upon
resize canvas: change the size of the canvas
resize canvas document -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
[width real] -- desired width of canvas (unit value) [height real] -- desired height of canvas (unit value) [anchor position bottom center/bottom left/bottom right/middle center/middle left/middle right/top center/top
left/top right] -- anchor to resize around ( default: middle center )
resize image: change the size of the image
resize image document -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
[width real] -- desired width of image (unit value) [height real] -- desired height of image (unit value) [resolution real] -- (in pixels per inch) [resample method bicubic/bicubic sharper/bicubic smoother/bilinear/closest neighbor/none] -- what method
should be used for resampling pixels ( default: bicubic )
reveal all: expand document to show clipped sections
reveal all document -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
rotate layer -- the layer object or objects to be operated upon
angle real [anchor position bottom center/bottom left/bottom right/middle center/middle left/middle right/top center/top
left/top right] -- point to rotate about ( default: middle center )
rotate boundary: rotates the boundary of selection
rotate boundary selection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
angle real [anchor position bottom center/bottom left/bottom right/middle center/middle left/middle right/top center/top
left/top right] -- point to rotate about ( default: middle center )
rotate canvas: rotate canvas of document
rotate canvas document -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
angle real -- number of degrees to rotate. A positive angle will rotate the canvas clockwise; a negative value will
rotate the canvas counter-clockwise
scale layer -- the layer object or objects to be operated upon
[horizontal scale real] -- percentage ( default: 100.0 ) [vertical scale real] -- percentage ( default: 100.0 ) [anchor position bottom center/bottom left/bottom right/middle center/middle left/middle right/top center/top
left/top right] -- point to rotate about ( default: middle center )
scale boundary: scale the boundary of selection
scale boundary selection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
[horizontal scale real] -- percentage ( default: 100.0 ) [vertical scale real] -- percentage ( default: 100.0 ) [anchor position bottom center/bottom left/bottom right/middle center/middle left/middle right/top center/top
left/top right] -- point to scale about ( default: middle center )
select: change the selection
select document -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
region list of anything -- list of corners of the selection (in pixels) [combination type diminished/extended/intersected/replaced] -- how to combine the new selection with the
existing selection ( default: replaced )
[feather amount real] -- feather amount ( default: 0.0 ) [antialiasing boolean] -- whether to use antialiasing ( default: true )
select all: select the entire image
select all document -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
select border: select the border of the selection
select border selection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
width real -- width of border selection (unit value)
similar: grow selection to include pixels throughout the image falling within the tolerance range
similar selection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
tolerance integer antialiasing boolean
smooth selection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
radius integer -- sample radius in pixels ( 0 - 100 )
split channels: split channels of the document
split channels document -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
Result: list of document -- split channels of the document
store: save the selection as a channel
store selection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
into channel -- the channel to save the selection to [combination type diminished/extended/intersected/replaced] -- how to add the selection to the existing
contents of the channel ( default: replaced )
stroke: strokes the selection
stroke selection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
using color anything -- color to stroke selection with width integer -- width of stroke (in pixels) [location center/inside/outside] -- ( default: center ) [blend mode behind mode/clear mode/color blend/color burn/color dodge/darken/difference/dissolve/exclusion/
hard light/hue blend/lighten/linear burn/linear dodge/linear light/luminosity/multiply/normal/overlay/pin light/saturation blend/screen/soft light/vivid light] -- ( default: normal )
[opacity integer] -- ( default: 100 ) [preserving transparency boolean]
translate: moves the position relative to its current position
translate layer -- the layer object or objects to be operated upon
[delta x real] -- horizontal transformation (unit value) [delta y real] -- vertical transformation (unit value)
translate boundary: moves the boundary of selection relative to its current position
translate boundary selection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
[delta x real] -- horizontal transformation (unit value) [delta y real] -- vertical transformation (unit value)
trap: apply trap to a CMYK document
trap document -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
width integer -- trap width in pixels
trim document -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
[basing trim on bottom right pixel/top left pixel/transparent pixels] -- color or type of pixels to base trim on (
default: top left pixel )
[top trim boolean] -- trim away top of document ( default: true ) [left trim boolean] -- trim away left of document ( default: true ) [bottom trim boolean] -- trim away bottom of document ( default: true ) [right trim boolean] -- trim away right of document ( default: true )
unlink: unlink the layer
unlink layer -- the layer object or objects to be operated upon
Class art layer: any layer that can contain data
Plural form:
art layers
Elements: Super classes:
best type type class [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the best type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the object's class
default type type class [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the default type for the object's value
index integer [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the index of this instance of the object
properties record -- (inherited from the “layer” class) all of this object's properties returned in a single record
all locked boolean -- (inherited from the “layer” class)
blend mode color blend/color burn/color dodge/darken/difference/dissolve/exclusion/hard light/hue blend/lighten/
linear burn/linear dodge/linear light/luminosity/multiply/normal/overlay/pass through/pin light/saturation blend/screen/soft light/vivid light -- (inherited from the “layer” class)
bounds list [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) Bounding rectangle of the Layer
container reference [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the object's container
linked layers list of layer [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class)
name Unicode text -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the name of the layer
opacity real -- (inherited from the “layer” class) master opacity of layer ( 0.0 - 100.0 )
visible boolean -- (inherited from the “layer” class)
background layer boolean -- is the layer a background layer?
fill opacity real -- the interior opacity of the layer (between 0.0 and 100.0)
grouped boolean -- is the layer grouped with the layer below?. Photoshop CS changed the menu name to Create/
Release Clipping Mask
kind brightness contrast layer/channel mixer layer/color balance layer/curves layer/gradient fill layer/gradient map
layer/hue saturation layer/inversion layer/levels layer/normal/pattern fill layer/posterize layer/selective color layer/solid fill layer/text layer/threshold layer -- to create a text layer set this property to 'text layer' on an empty art layer of type
pixels locked boolean
position locked boolean
text object text-object [r/o] -- the text item that is associated with the art layer. Only valid for art layers whose 'has
text' is true
transparent pixels locked boolean
Class Bitmap mode options: Settings related to changing the document mode to Bitmap
Elements: Super classes:
change mode options
angle real -- only valid for 'halftone screen' conversions
conversion method custom pattern/diffusion dither/halftone screen conversion/middle threshold/pattern dither -- (
default: diffusion dither )
frequency real -- only valid for 'halftone screen' conversions
pattern name Unicode text -- only valid for 'custom pattern' conversions
resolution real -- output resolution (in pixels per inch)
screen shape halftone cross/halftone diamond/halftone ellipse/halftone line/halftone round/halftone square -- only
valid for 'halftone screen' conversions
Class change mode options: used with options on the 'change mode' command
Sub classes:
Bitmap mode options, indexed mode options
Class channel: A channel in a document. Can be either a component channel representing a color of the document color model or an alpha channel
Plural form:
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
channel color color value -- color of the channel (not valid for component channels)
container reference [r/o] -- the object's container
histogram list of integer [r/o] -- a histogram of values for the channel
kind component channel/masked area channel/selected area channel/spot color channel -- type of the channel
name Unicode text -- the channel's name
opacity real -- opacity of alpha channels (called solidity for spot channels)
visible boolean
Class font: An installed font
Plural form:
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
family Unicode text [r/o] -- the font's family
name Unicode text [r/o] -- The font's text face name
PostScript name Unicode text [r/o] -- the font's PostScript name
style Unicode text [r/o] -- the font's style name
Class gallery banner options: options for the web photo gallery banner options
contact info Unicode text -- web photo gallery contact info ( default: )
date Unicode text -- web photo gallery date ( default: )
font Arial/Courier New/Helvetica/Times New Roman -- the font setting for the banner text ( default: Arial )
font size integer -- the size of the font for the banner text ( 1 - 7; default: 3 )
photographer Unicode text -- web photo gallery photographer ( default: )
site name Unicode text -- web photo gallery site name ( default: Adobe Web Photo Gallery )
Class gallery color options: options for the web photo gallery colors
active link color RGB color -- active link color
background color RGB color -- background color
banner color RGB color -- banner color
link color RGB color -- link color
text color RGB color -- text color
visited link color RGB color -- visited link color
Class gallery images options: options for the web photo gallery images
border integer -- the amount of border pixels you want between your images ( 0 - 99; default: 0 )
caption boolean -- generate a caption for the images ( default: false )
dimension integer -- resized image dimensions in pixels ( default: 350 )
font Arial/Courier New/Helvetica/Times New Roman -- font for the gallery images text ( default: Arial )
font size integer -- font size for the gallery images text ( 1 - 7; default: 3 )
image quality integer -- the quality setting for the JPEG image ( 0 - 12; default: 5 )
include copyright boolean -- include the copyright in the text for the gallery images ( default: false )
include credits boolean -- include the credits in the text for the gallery images ( default: false )
include file name boolean -- include the file name in the text for the gallery images ( default: true )
include title boolean -- include the title in the text for the gallery images ( default: false )
numeric links boolean -- add numeric links ( default: true )
resize constraint constrain both/constrain height/constrain width -- how should the image be constrained ( default:
constrain both )
resize images boolean -- resize images data ( default: true )
Class gallery options: options for the web photo gallery command
banner options gallery banner options -- options related to banner settings
custom color options gallery color options -- options related to custom color settings
email address Unicode text -- the email address to show on the web page ( default: )
images options gallery images options -- options related to images settings
layout style Unicode text -- the style to use for laying out the web page ( default: Centered Frame 1 - Basic )
preserve all metadata boolean -- save all of the metadata in the JPEG files ( default: false )
security options gallery security options -- options related to security settings
short extension boolean -- short web page extension .htm or long web page extension .html ( default: true )
size attributes boolean -- add width and height attributes for images ( default: true )
sub folders boolean -- include all files found in sub folders of the input folder ( default: true )
thumbnail options gallery thumbnail options -- options related to thumbnail settings
UTF8 encoding boolean -- web page should use UTF-8 encoding ( default: false )
Class gallery security options: options for the web photo gallery security
content gallery caption/gallery copyright/gallery credit/gallery custom text/gallery filename/gallery none/gallery title
-- web photo gallery security content ( default: gallery none )
custom text Unicode text -- web photo gallery security custom text ( default: )
font Arial/Courier New/Helvetica/Times New Roman -- web photo gallery security font ( default: Arial )
font size integer -- web photo gallery security font size ( minimum 1; default: 36 )
opacity integer -- web page security opacity as a percent ( default: 100 )
text color RGB color -- web page security text color
text position gallery centered/gallery lower left/gallery lower right/gallery upper left/gallery upper right -- web photo
gallery security text position ( default: gallery centered )
text rotate clock wise 45/clock wise 90/counter clock wise 45/counter clock wise 90/zero -- web photo gallery
security text rotate ( default: zero )
Class gallery thumbnail options: options for the web photo gallery thumbnail creation
border integer -- the amount of border pixels you want around your thumbnail images ( 0 - 99; default: 0 )
caption boolean -- with caption ( default: false )
column count integer -- web photo gallery thumbnail columns ( default: 5 )
dimension integer -- web photo gallery thumbnail dimension in pixels ( default: 75 )
font Arial/Courier New/Helvetica/Times New Roman -- web photo gallery font ( default: Arial )
font size integer -- the size of the font for the thumbnail images text ( 1 - 7; default: 3 )
include copyright boolean -- include copyright for thumbnail ( default: false )
include credits boolean -- include credits for thumbnail ( default: false )
include file name boolean -- include file name for thumbnail ( default: false )
include title boolean -- include title for thumbnail ( default: false )
row count integer -- web photo gallery thumbnail rows ( default: 3 )
size gallery custom/gallery large/gallery medium/gallery small -- the size of the thumbnail images ( default: gallery
medium )
Class history state: A history state for the document
Plural form:
history states
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
container reference [r/o] -- the object's container
name Unicode text [r/o] -- the history state's name
snapshot boolean [r/o] -- is the history state a snapshot?
Class Illustrator paths export options: Settings related to exporting Illustrator paths
path name Unicode text -- name of path to export. Only valid if you are exporting a named path
target path all paths/document bounds/named path -- which path to export ( default: document bounds )
Class indexed mode options: Settings related to changing the document mode to Indexed
Elements: Super classes:
change mode options
colors in palette integer -- number of colors in palette (only settable for some palette types)
dither diffusion/noise/none/pattern -- type of dither
dither amount integer -- amount of dither. Only valid for diffusion ( 1 - 100 )
forced colors black and white/none/primaries/web
matte background color matte/black matte/foreground color matte/Netscape gray/none/semi gray/white matte
palette exact/local adaptive/local perceptual/local selective/Mac OS system/master adaptive/master perceptual/
master selective/previous/uniform/web/Windows system -- Type of palette ( default: exact )
preserve exact colors boolean
transparency boolean
Class info-object: Document information
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
author Unicode text
author position Unicode text
caption Unicode text
caption writer Unicode text
category Unicode text
city Unicode text
container reference [r/o] -- the object's container
copyright notice Unicode text
copyrighted copyrighted work/public domain/unmarked
country Unicode text
creation date Unicode text
credit Unicode text
EXIF list of anything [r/o]
headline Unicode text
instructions Unicode text
job name Unicode text
keywords list of Unicode text -- list of keywords
owner url Unicode text
province or state Unicode text
source Unicode text
supplemental categories list of Unicode text
title Unicode text
transmission reference Unicode text
urgency four/high/low/none/normal/seven/six/three/two
Class layer: A layer object
Plural form:
Sub classes:
art layer, layer set
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
all locked boolean
blend mode color blend/color burn/color dodge/darken/difference/dissolve/exclusion/hard light/hue blend/lighten/
linear burn/linear dodge/linear light/luminosity/multiply/normal/overlay/pass through/pin light/saturation blend/screen/soft light/vivid light
bounds list [r/o] -- Bounding rectangle of the Layer
container reference [r/o] -- the object's container
linked layers list of layer [r/o]
name Unicode text -- the name of the layer
opacity real -- master opacity of layer ( 0.0 - 100.0 )
visible boolean
Class layer comp: A layer composition in a document
Plural form:
layer comps
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
appearance boolean -- use layer appearance
comment anything -- the description of the layer comp
container reference [r/o] -- the object's container
name Unicode text -- the name of the layer comp
position boolean -- use layer position
selected boolean [r/o] -- the layer comp is currently selected
visibility boolean -- use layer visibility
Class layer set: Layer set
Plural form:
layer sets
art layer by name, by numeric index, as a range of elements, before/after another element, satisfying a test
layer by name, by numeric index, as a range of elements, before/after another element, satisfying a test
layer set by name, by numeric index, as a range of elements, before/after another element, satisfying a test
Super classes:
best type type class [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the best type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the object's class
default type type class [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the default type for the object's value
index integer [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the index of this instance of the object
properties record -- (inherited from the “layer” class) all of this object's properties returned in a single record
all locked boolean -- (inherited from the “layer” class)
blend mode color blend/color burn/color dodge/darken/difference/dissolve/exclusion/hard light/hue blend/lighten/
linear burn/linear dodge/linear light/luminosity/multiply/normal/overlay/pass through/pin light/saturation blend/screen/soft light/vivid light -- (inherited from the “layer” class)
bounds list [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) Bounding rectangle of the Layer
container reference [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the object's container
linked layers list of layer [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class)
name Unicode text -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the name of the layer
opacity real -- (inherited from the “layer” class) master opacity of layer ( 0.0 - 100.0 )
visible boolean -- (inherited from the “layer” class)
enabled channels list of channel -- channels that are enabled for the layer set. Must be a list of component channels
Class presentation options: options for the PDF presentation command
auto advance boolean -- auto advance when viewing ( default: true )
downgrade color profile boolean -- should the embedded color profile be downgraded to version 2 ( default: false )
embed fonts boolean -- embed fonts? Only valid if a text layer is included ( default: false )
encoding JPEG/ZIP -- ( default: ZIP )
image interpolation boolean -- use image interpolation? ( default: false )
interval integer -- time in seconds before auto advancing the view ( default: 5 )
JPEG quality integer -- quality of produced image. Only valid for JPEG encoded PDF documents ( 0 - 12; default: 10 )
loop boolean -- loop after last page ( default: false )
presentation boolean -- true if the file type is presentation false for Multi-Page document ( default: false )
transition blinds horizontal/blinds vertical/box in/box out/dissolve/glitter down/glitter right/glitter right down/none/
random/split horizontal in/split horizontal out/split vertical in/split vertical out/wipe down/wipe left/wipe right/wipe up --
transition type when switching to the next document ( default: none )
transparency boolean -- ( default: true )
vector data boolean -- include vector data ( default: false )
view boolean -- view the document after saving ( default: false )
Class selection-object: The selection of the document
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
container reference [r/o] -- the object's container
Class settings-object: Preferences for Photoshop
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
additional plugin folder alias
append extension ask/no/yes
ask before saving layered TIFF boolean
auto update open documents boolean
beep when done boolean
cache levels integer
color picker Adobe color picker/Apple color picker/plug in color picker/Windows color picker
column gutter real -- gutter of columns (in points)
column width real -- width of columns (in points)
create first snapshot boolean -- automatically make first snapshot when a new document is created?
display color channels in color boolean
dynamic color sliders boolean
edit log items concise/detailed/sessiononly -- options for edit log items
export clipboard boolean
full size preview boolean
gamut warning opacity real
grid size large/medium/none/small
grid style dashed line/dotted line/solid line
grid subdivisions integer
guide style dashed line/solid line
icon preview boolean
image previews ask/no/yes
interpolation method bicubic/bicubic sharper/bicubic smoother/bilinear
keyboard zoom resizes windows boolean
Mac OS thumbnail boolean
maximize compatibility always/ask/never -- maximize compatibility for Photoshop (PSD) files
maximum RAM use integer -- Maximum percentage of available RAM used by Photoshop ( 5 - 100 )
nonlinear history boolean -- allow non-linear history?
number of history states integer -- number of history states to remember (between 1 and 100)
/closest neighbor/none
other cursors precise/standard
painting cursors brush size/precise/standard
pixel doubling boolean
point size postscript size/traditional size -- size of point/pica
recent file list length integer -- number of items in the recent file list (between 0 and 30)
ruler units cm units/inch units/mm units/percent units/pica units/pixel units/point units -- Note: this is the unit that the
scripting system will use when receiving and returning values
save log items both/log file/metadata -- options for saving the history items
save log items file alias -- file to save the history log
save palette locations boolean
show Asian text options boolean
show English font names boolean
show slice numbers boolean
show tool tips boolean
smart quotes boolean
type units mm units/pixel units/point units
use additional plugin folder boolean
use cache for histograms boolean
use diffusion dither boolean
use history log boolean -- Turn on and off the history logging
use lowercase extension boolean -- should the file extension be lowercase
use Shift key for tool switch boolean
use video alpha boolean -- this option requires hardware support
Windows thumbnail boolean
Class text-object: Text item contained in an art layer
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
alternate ligatures boolean -- use alternate ligatures?
antialias method crisp/none/sharp/smoothing/strong
auto kerning manual/metrics/optical -- options for auto kerning
auto leading boolean -- whether to use a font's built-in leading information
auto leading amount real -- percentage to use for auto leading
baseline shift real -- baseline offset of text (unit value)
capitalization all caps/normal/small caps -- the case of the text
container reference [r/o] -- the object's container
contents Unicode text -- the text in the layer
desired glyph scaling real
desired letter scaling real
desired word scaling real
faux bold boolean -- use faux bold?
faux italic boolean -- use faux italic?
first line indent real -- (unit value)
font Unicode text -- text face of the character
height real -- the height of paragraph text (unit value)
horizontal scale integer -- horizontal scaling of characters (in percent)
horizontal warp distortion real -- percentage from -100 to 100
hyphen limit integer -- maximum number of consecutive hyphens
hyphenate after first integer -- hyphenate after this many letters
hyphenate before last integer -- hyphenate before this many letters
hyphenate capitalized words boolean -- wheter to hyphenate capitalized words
hyphenate words longer than integer -- hyphenate words that have more than this number of letters ( minimum 0 )
hyphenation zone real -- the hyphenation zone (unit value)
justification center/center justified/fully justified/left/left justified/right/right justified -- paragraph justification
kind paragraph text/point text -- the type of the text
language Brazilian Portuguese/Canadian French/Danish/Dutch/English UK/English USA/Finnish/French/German/Italian/
boolean -- use hyphenation?
Norwegian/Nynorsk Norwegian/Old German/Portuguese/Spanish/Swedish/Swiss German
leading real -- leading (unit value)
left indent real -- (unit value)
ligatures boolean -- use ligatures?
maximum glyph scaling real
maximum letter scaling real
maximum word scaling real
minimum glyph scaling real
minimum letter scaling real
minimum word scaling real
no break boolean
old style boolean -- use old style?
position list -- position of origin (unit value)
right indent real -- (unit value)
Roman hanging punctuation boolean -- use Roman Hanging Punctuation?
size real -- font size in points
space after real -- (unit value)
space before real -- (unit value)
strike thru off/strike box/strike height -- options for strik thru of the text
stroke color color value -- color of text
text composer Adobe every line/Adobe single line -- type of text composing engine to use
text direction horizontal/vertical -- text orientation
tracking real -- controls uniform spacing between multiple characters
underline left/off/right -- options for underlining of the text
vertical scale integer -- vertical scaling of characters (in percent)
vertical warp distortion real -- percentage from -100 to 100
warp bend real -- percentage from -100 to 100
warp direction horizontal/vertical
warp style
width real -- the width of paragraph text (unit value)
arc/arc lower/arc upper/arch/bulge/fish/fish eye/flag/inflate/none/rise/shell lower/shell upper/squeeze/
Class XMP metadata:
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
container reference [r/o] -- the object's container
raw data Unicode text -- raw XML form of file information
Open Formats Suite : Classes for specifying options when opening document
Class EPS open options: Settings related to opening a generic EPS document
Elements: Super classes:
open options
constrain proportions boolean -- constrain proportions of image
height real -- height of image (unit value)
mode CMYK/grayscale/Lab/RGB -- the document mode
resolution real -- the resolution of the document (in pixels per inch)
use antialias boolean -- use antialias?
width real -- width of image (unit value)
Class open options: used with options on the open command
Sub classes:
EPS open options, PDF open options, Photo CD open options, raw format open options
Class PDF open options: Settings related to opening a generic PDF document
Elements: Super classes:
open options
constrain proportions boolean -- constrain proportions of image
height real -- height of image (unit value)
mode CMYK/grayscale/Lab/RGB -- the document mode
page integer -- number of page to open
resolution real -- the resolution of the document (in pixels per inch)
use antialias boolean -- use antialias?
width real -- width of image (unit value)
Class Photo CD open options: Settings related to opening a PhotoCD document
Elements: Super classes:
open options
color profile name Unicode text -- profile to use when reading the image
color space Lab 16/Lab 8/RGB 16/RGB 8 -- colorspace for image
orientation landscape/portrait
pixel size extra large/large/maximum/medium/minimum/small -- dimensions of image
resolution real -- the resolution of the image (in pixels per inch)
Class raw format open options: Settings related to opening a raw format document
Elements: Super classes:
open options
bits per channel integer -- number of bits for each channel (8 or 16)
byte order IBM PC/Mac OS -- only relevant for images with 16 bits per channel
header size integer
height integer -- height of image (in pixels)
interleave channels boolean -- are the channels in the image interleaved?
number of channels integer -- number of channels in image
retain header boolean -- retain header when saving?
width integer -- width of image (in pixels)
Save Formats Suite : Classes for specifying options when saving documents
Class BMP save options: Settings related to saving a BMP document
Elements: Super classes:
save options
bits per sample A1R5G5B5/A4R4G4B4/A8R8G8B8/eight/four/one/R5G6B5/R8G8B8/sixteen/thirty two/twenty four/
X1R5G5B5/X4R4G4B4/X8R8G8B8 -- number of bits per sample ( default: twenty four )
flipped row order boolean
RLE compression boolean -- should RLE compression be used?
save alpha channels boolean -- save alpha channels
target operating system OS2/Windows -- target OS. Windows or OS/2 ( default: Windows )
Class EPS save options: Settings related to saving an EPS document
Elements: Super classes:
save options
embed color profile boolean -- embed color profile in document
encoding ASCII/binary/high quality JPEG/low quality JPEG/maximum quality JPEG/medium quality JPEG -- type of
encoding to use for document ( default: binary )
halftone screen boolean -- include halftone screen ( default: false )
image interpolation boolean -- use image interpolation ( default: false )
PostScript color management boolean -- use Postscript color management ( default: false )
preview type eight bit Mac OS/eight bit TIFF/JPEG Mac OS/monochrome Mac OS/monochrome TIFF/none -- type of
preview ( default: monochrome TIFF )
transfer function boolean -- include transfer functions in document ( default: false )
transparent whites boolean -- only valid when saving BitMap documents
vector data boolean -- include vector data
Class GIF save options: Settings related to saving a GIF document
Elements: Super classes:
save options
colors in palette integer -- number of colors in palette (only settable for some palette types)
dither diffusion/noise/none/pattern -- type of dither
dither amount integer -- amount of dither. Only valid for diffusion ( 1 - 100; default: 75 )
forced colors black and white/none/primaries/web
interlaced boolean -- should rows be interlaced? ( default: false )
matte background color matte/black matte/foreground color matte/Netscape gray/none/semi gray/white matte
palette exact/local adaptive/local perceptual/local selective/Mac OS system/master adaptive/master perceptual/
master selective/previous/uniform/web/Windows system -- ( default: local selective )
preserve exact colors boolean
transparency boolean
Class JPEG save options: Settings related to saving a JPEG document
Elements: Super classes:
save options
embed color profile boolean -- embed color profile in document
format options optimized/progressive/standard -- ( default: standard )
matte background color matte/black matte/foreground color matte/Netscape gray/none/semi gray/white matte
quality integer -- quality of produced image ( 0 - 12; default: 3 )
scans integer -- number of scans. Only valid for progressive type JPEG files ( 3 - 5 )
Class PDF save options: Settings related to saving a pdf document
Elements: Super classes:
save options
downgrade color profile boolean -- should the embedded color profile be downgraded to version 2
embed color profile boolean -- embed color profile in document
embed fonts boolean -- embed fonts? Only valid if a text layer is included
encoding JPEG/ZIP -- ( default: ZIP )
image interpolation boolean -- use image interpolation?
JPEG quality integer -- quality of produced image. Only valid for JPEG encoded PDF documents ( 0 - 12 )
save alpha channels boolean -- save alpha channels
save annotations boolean -- save annotations
save layers boolean -- save layers
save spot colors boolean -- save spot colors
transparency boolean
use outlines for text boolean -- use outlines for text? Only valid if vector data is included
vector data boolean -- include vector data
Class Photoshop DCS 1.0 save options: Settings related to saving a Photoshop DCS 1.0 document
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