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Suite Listing for Adobe Photoshop CS
Core Suite : Suite that applies to all applications
count: Return the number of elements of a particular class within an object
countreference -- the object whose elements are to be counted
eachtype class -- the class of the elements to be counted.
Result: integer -- the number of elements
delete: Remove an element from an object
deletereference -- the element to delete
duplicate: Duplicate one or more object(s)
duplicatereference -- the object(s) to duplicate
[tolocation reference] -- the new location for the object(s)
[with propertiesrecord] -- new values for the properties of the duplicated element
Result: reference -- to the duplicated object(s)
exists: Verify if an object exists
existsreference -- the object in question
Result: boolean -- true if it exists, false if not
make: Make a new element
newtype class -- the class of the new element.atlocation reference -- the location at which to insert the element
[with dataanything] -- the initial data for the element
[with propertiesrecord] -- the initial values for the properties of the element
Result: reference -- to the new object(s)
move: Move object(s) to a new location
movereference -- the object(s) to move
tolocation reference -- the new location for the object(s)
Result: reference -- to the object(s) after they have been moved
close: close the document
closedocument -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
[savingask/no/yes] -- specifies whether changes should be saved before closing ( default: ask )
Preview/Filmstrip/JPEG/PCX/PDF/Photo CD/Photoshop DCS 1.0/Photoshop DCS 2.0/Photoshop EPS/Photoshop format/
Photoshop PDF/PICT file/PICT resource/Pixar/PNG/Portable Bitmap/raw/Scitex CT/SGI RGB/SoftImage/Targa/TIFF/
Wavefront RLA/Wireless Bitmap] -- open document as the specified type
[with optionsopen options] -- options for the file type specified
[showing dialogsalways/error dialogs/never] -- should a dialog be displayed when a file is opened
print: print the specified object(s)
printanything -- the file(s) or document(s) to be printed
[postscript encodingASCII/binary/JPEG] -- encoding type ( default: binary )
[source spacedocument space/proof space] -- color space for source ( default: document space )
[print spaceUnicode text] -- color space for printer. Can be nothing (meaning same as source); 'Working RGB',
'Working CMYK', 'Working Gray', 'Lab Color' (meaning one of the working spaces or Lab color); or a string specifying a
specific colorspace (default is same as source)
[intentabsolute colorimetric/perceptual/relative colorimetric/saturation intent] -- if the print space is different
from the source space, this argument will be used as the color conversion intent ( default: relative colorimetric )
[blackpoint compensationboolean] -- if the print space is different from the source space, this argument indicates
if the color conversion should use black point compensation ( default: true )
quit: quit the application
save: save the specified document
savedocument -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
[infile specification] -- the file to save the document in
[asAlias PIX/BMP/CompuServe GIF/Electric Image/JPEG/PCX/Photoshop DCS 1.0/Photoshop DCS 2.0/Photoshop
EPS/Photoshop format/Photoshop PDF/PICT file/PICT resource/Pixar/PNG/Portable Bitmap/raw/Scitex CT/SGI RGB/
SoftImage/Targa/TIFF/Wavefront RLA/Wireless Bitmap] -- the file type to save the document as
[copyingboolean] -- save as copy leaving original open. Unsaved files cannot be saved as copy
[appendinglowercase extension/no extension/uppercase extension] -- append an extension to the document
[with optionssave options] -- options for the file type specified
Result: document -- save the specified document
Class application: The Adobe Photoshop application
document by name, by numeric index, as a range of elements, before/after another element, satisfying a test
font by name, by numeric index, as a range of elements, before/after another element, satisfying a test
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
background color color value
color settings anything -- name of selected color settings' set
current document document -- the frontmost document
display dialogs always/error dialogs/never -- controls whether or not Photoshop displays dialogs
foreground color color value
free memory real [r/o] -- the amount of unused memory available to Adobe Photoshop
frontmost boolean [r/o] -- is Photoshop the frontmost application?
name Unicode text [r/o] -- the application's name
scripting version Unicode text [r/o] -- the version of the Scripting interface
modified boolean [r/o] -- has the document been modified since last save?
name Unicode text [r/o] -- the document's name
pixel aspect ratio real -- the pixel aspect ration of the document
quick mask mode boolean -- is the document in the quick mask mode?
resolution real
selection selection-object [r/o] -- the document's selection
width real [r/o] -- width of document (unit value)
XMP metadata XMP metadata [r/o]
[r/o] -- the resolution of the document (in pixels per inch)
Photoshop Suite : Scripting commands and classes for Adobe Photoshop
apply: apply the layer comp to the document
applylayer comp -- the layer comp object or objects to be operated upon
apply layer style:
apply layer styleart layer -- the art layer object or objects to be operated upon
usingUnicode text -- name of the layer style to apply
change mode: change the mode of the document
change modedocument -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
tobitmap/CMYK/grayscale/indexed color/Lab/multichannel/RGB -- name of mode to change to
[with optionschange mode options] -- options for changing the mode
contract: contracts the selection
contractselection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
byreal -- distance to contract the selection by (unit value)
convert: convert the document from using one color profile to using an other
convertdocument -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
to profileUnicode text -- name of color profile to convert to. Either a string specifying a specific color profile or
'Working RGB', 'Working CMYK', 'Working Gray', 'Lab Color' meaning one of the working color spaces or Lab color
intentabsolute colorimetric/perceptual/relative colorimetric/saturation intent -- conversion intent
[blackpoint compensationboolean] -- use black point compensation?
[ditheringboolean] -- use dither? ( default: true )
convert to shape: converts the text item and its containing layer to a fill layer with the text changed to a
clipping path
convert to shapetext-object -- the text-object object or objects to be operated upon
create PDF presentation: create a PDF presentation file
create PDF presentation
from files list of alias -- list of input files to include in the outputto filefile specification -- location of the output file
[with optionspresentation options] -- options for the PDF presentation
Result: Unicode text -- create a PDF presentation file
create photo gallery: create a web photo gallery
create photo gallery
from folderalias -- folder of files to processto folderalias -- location for output files
[with optionsgallery options] -- options for the web photo gallery
Result: Unicode text -- create a web photo gallery
create work path: creates a work path based on the text object
create work pathtext-object -- the text-object object or objects to be operated upon
crop: crop the document
cropdocument -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
boundslist -- area to crop (unit value)
[anglereal] -- angle of cropping bounds ( default: 0.0 )
[widthreal] -- width of resulting document (unit value)
[heightreal] -- height of resulting document (unit value)
deselectdocument -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
expand: expand selection
expandselection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
byreal -- distance to expand the selection by (unit value)
exportdocument -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
infile specification -- the file to export to
[asIllustrator paths] -- the type of export ( default: Illustrator paths )
[with optionsIllustrator paths export options] -- options for the export type specified
feather: feather edges of selection
featherselection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
byreal -- amount to feather the edge by (unit value)
fill: fills the selection
fillselection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
with contentsanything -- a color or a history state
[blend modebehind mode/clear mode/color blend/color burn/color dodge/darken/difference/dissolve/exclusion/
hard light/hue blend/lighten/linear burn/linear dodge/linear light/luminosity/multiply/normal/overlay/pin light/saturation
blend/screen/soft light/vivid light] -- ( default: normal )
import annotations: import annotations into the document
import annotationsdocument -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
fromalias -- document to import annotations from
invert: invert the selection
invertselection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
link: link the layer with another layer
linklayer -- the layer object or objects to be operated upon
withlayer -- layer to link to
load: load the selection from a channel
loadselection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
fromchannel -- the channel to load the selection from
[combination typediminished/extended/intersected/replaced] -- how to combine the channel contents with the
existing selection ( default: replaced )
[invertingboolean] -- select the inverse of the channel contents? ( default: false )
make work path: make this selection item the work path for this document
make work pathselection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
[tolerancereal] -- tolerance in pixels
merge: merge an art layer, layer set or a spot channel. Merging a layer returns a reference to the resulting
layer. Merging a channel does not return any value
mergechannel -- the channel object or objects to be operated upon
merge visible layers: flatten all visible layers in the document
merge visible layersdocument -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
purge: purges one or more caches
purgeall caches/clipboard cache/history caches/undo caches -- what to purge
rasterizeart layer -- the art layer object or objects to be operated upon
affectingall linked layers/entire layer/fill content/layer clipping path/shape/text contents -- what to rasterize
recapture: recapture the current layer state(s) for this layer comp
recapturelayer comp -- the layer comp object or objects to be operated upon
reset from comp: reset the layer comp state to the document state
reset from complayer comp -- the layer comp object or objects to be operated upon
resize canvas: change the size of the canvas
resize canvasdocument -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
left/top right] -- point to scale about ( default: middle center )
select: change the selection
selectdocument -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
region list of anything -- list of corners of the selection (in pixels)
[combination typediminished/extended/intersected/replaced] -- how to combine the new selection with the
existing selection ( default: replaced )
[feather amountreal] -- feather amount ( default: 0.0 )
[antialiasingboolean] -- whether to use antialiasing ( default: true )
select all: select the entire image
select alldocument -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
select border: select the border of the selection
select borderselection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
widthreal -- width of border selection (unit value)
similar: grow selection to include pixels throughout the image falling within the tolerance range
similarselection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
smoothselection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
split channelsdocument -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
Result: list of document -- split channels of the document
store: save the selection as a channel
storeselection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
intochannel -- the channel to save the selection to
[combination typediminished/extended/intersected/replaced] -- how to add the selection to the existing
contents of the channel ( default: replaced )
stroke: strokes the selection
strokeselection-object -- the selection-object object or objects to be operated upon
using coloranything -- color to stroke selection withwidthinteger -- width of stroke (in pixels)
[locationcenter/inside/outside] -- ( default: center )
[blend modebehind mode/clear mode/color blend/color burn/color dodge/darken/difference/dissolve/exclusion/
hard light/hue blend/lighten/linear burn/linear dodge/linear light/luminosity/multiply/normal/overlay/pin light/saturation
blend/screen/soft light/vivid light] -- ( default: normal )
trapdocument -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
widthinteger -- trap width in pixels
trimdocument -- the document object or objects to be operated upon
[basing trim onbottom right pixel/top left pixel/transparent pixels] -- color or type of pixels to base trim on (
default: top left pixel )
[top trimboolean] -- trim away top of document ( default: true )
[left trimboolean] -- trim away left of document ( default: true )
[bottom trimboolean] -- trim away bottom of document ( default: true )
[right trimboolean] -- trim away right of document ( default: true )
unlink: unlink the layer
unlinklayer -- the layer object or objects to be operated upon
Class art layer: any layer that can contain data
Plural form:
art layers
Super classes:
best type type class [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the best type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the object's class
default type type class [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the default type for the object's value
index integer [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the index of this instance of the object
properties record -- (inherited from the “layer” class) all of this object's properties returned in a single record
all locked boolean -- (inherited from the “layer” class)
blend mode color blend/color burn/color dodge/darken/difference/dissolve/exclusion/hard light/hue blend/lighten/
linear burn/linear dodge/linear light/luminosity/multiply/normal/overlay/pass through/pin light/saturation blend/screen/soft
light/vivid light -- (inherited from the “layer” class)
bounds list [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) Bounding rectangle of the Layer
container reference [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the object's container
linked layers list of layer [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class)
name Unicode text -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the name of the layer
opacity real -- (inherited from the “layer” class) master opacity of layer ( 0.0 - 100.0 )
visible boolean -- (inherited from the “layer” class)
background layer boolean -- is the layer a background layer?
fill opacity real -- the interior opacity of the layer (between 0.0 and 100.0)
grouped boolean -- is the layer grouped with the layer below?. Photoshop CS changed the menu name to Create/
layer/hue saturation layer/inversion layer/levels layer/normal/pattern fill layer/posterize layer/selective color layer/solid fill
layer/text layer/threshold layer -- to create a text layer set this property to 'text layer' on an empty art layer of type
pixels locked boolean
position locked boolean
text object text-object [r/o] -- the text item that is associated with the art layer. Only valid for art layers whose 'has
text' is true
transparent pixels locked boolean
Class Bitmap mode options: Settings related to changing the document mode to Bitmap
Super classes:
change mode options
angle real -- only valid for 'halftone screen' conversions
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
all locked boolean
blend mode color blend/color burn/color dodge/darken/difference/dissolve/exclusion/hard light/hue blend/lighten/
linear burn/linear dodge/linear light/luminosity/multiply/normal/overlay/pass through/pin light/saturation blend/screen/soft
light/vivid light
bounds list [r/o] -- Bounding rectangle of the Layer
container reference [r/o] -- the object's container
linked layers list of layer [r/o]
name Unicode text -- the name of the layer
opacity real -- master opacity of layer ( 0.0 - 100.0 )
visible boolean
Class layer comp: A layer composition in a document
Plural form:
layer comps
best type type class [r/o] -- the best type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- the object's class
default type type class [r/o] -- the default type for the object's value
index integer [r/o] -- the index of this instance of the object
properties record -- all of this object's properties returned in a single record
appearance boolean -- use layer appearance
comment anything -- the description of the layer comp
container reference [r/o] -- the object's container
name Unicode text -- the name of the layer comp
position boolean -- use layer position
selected boolean [r/o] -- the layer comp is currently selected
visibility boolean -- use layer visibility
Class layer set: Layer set
Plural form:
layer sets
art layer by name, by numeric index, as a range of elements, before/after another element, satisfying a test
layer by name, by numeric index, as a range of elements, before/after another element, satisfying a test
layer set by name, by numeric index, as a range of elements, before/after another element, satisfying a test
Super classes:
best type type class [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the best type for the object's value
class type class [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the object's class
default type type class [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the default type for the object's value
index integer [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the index of this instance of the object
properties record -- (inherited from the “layer” class) all of this object's properties returned in a single record
all locked boolean -- (inherited from the “layer” class)
blend mode color blend/color burn/color dodge/darken/difference/dissolve/exclusion/hard light/hue blend/lighten/
linear burn/linear dodge/linear light/luminosity/multiply/normal/overlay/pass through/pin light/saturation blend/screen/soft
light/vivid light -- (inherited from the “layer” class)
bounds list [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) Bounding rectangle of the Layer
container reference [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the object's container
linked layers list of layer [r/o] -- (inherited from the “layer” class)
name Unicode text -- (inherited from the “layer” class) the name of the layer
opacity real -- (inherited from the “layer” class) master opacity of layer ( 0.0 - 100.0 )
visible boolean -- (inherited from the “layer” class)
enabled channels list of channel -- channels that are enabled for the layer set. Must be a list of component channels
Class presentation options: options for the PDF presentation command
auto advance boolean -- auto advance when viewing ( default: true )
downgrade color profile boolean -- should the embedded color profile be downgraded to version 2 ( default: false )
embed fonts boolean -- embed fonts? Only valid if a text layer is included ( default: false )