1 Step RoboPDF, ActiveEdit, ActiveTest, Authorware, Blue Sky Software, Blue Sky, Breeze, Breezo, Captivate, Central,
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FlashPaper, Flex, Flex Builder, Fontographer, FreeHand, Generator, HomeSite, JRun, MacRecorder, Macromedia, MXML,
RoboEngine, RoboHelp, RoboInfo, RoboPDF, Roundtrip, Roundtrip HTML, Shockwave, SoundEdit, Studio MX, UltraDev,
and WebHelp are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. and may be registered in the United States or
in other jurisdictions including internationally. Other product names, logos, designs, titles, words, or phrases mentioned within
this publication may be trademarks, service marks, or trade names of Macromedia, Inc. or other entities and may be registered in
certain jurisdictions including internationally.
Third-Party Information
This guide contains links to third-party websites that are not under the control of Macromedia, and Macromedia is not
responsible for the content on any linked site. If you access a third-party website mentioned in this guide, then you do so at your
own risk. Macromedia provides these links only as a convenience, and the inclusion of the link does not imply that Macromedia
endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content on those third-party sites.
Macromedia Breeze is a rich web communication system that lets you view presentations, attend
meetings, and receive training over the Internet using the familiar Microsoft PowerPoint
application, a web browser, and the Macromedia Flash plug-in.
Breeze includes a set of components that provides an integrated solution. Breeze can be deployed
with some or all of these components:
Breeze Meeting Lets you view and participate in a meeting over the Internet in real time.
Breeze Presenter Lets you view a presentation with voice-over in a standard web browser
through Macromedia Flash Player.
Breeze Training Lets you participate in online training systems, including integrated surveys,
tracking, analyses, and course management.
About Breeze Meeting
Breeze Meeting is an online application that lets you meet instantly with colleagues, vendors, or
instructors anywhere, anytime. Using the ubiquitous Macromedia Flash plug-in and a browser,
you can enter, view, and participate in an online meeting. After you are in a meeting, you can
view media-rich content, including PowerPoint slides, digital video, FlashPaper documents, Flash
simulations, and other types of media.
You can interact and collaborate with other meeting attendees using live video and voice
broadcasts, chat messages, whiteboard drawings and annotations, and demonstrations of
applications on a presenter’s computer. You can participate in a meeting-room poll that
immediately shows the results in the meeting.
When you enter a meeting room in Breeze, you see the meeting room Stage, which typically
contains several panels (pods) of different sizes. One pod may contain a Breeze Presentation and
another lists the name and status of each meeting room attendee. Certain pods serve a specific
function such as broadcasting live video and audio from the presenter to the attendees.
System requirements
To participate in a Breeze meeting, you need the following requirements:
• An Internet connection
• One of the supported operating systems listed at www.macromedia.com/go/breeze_sysreqs
• One of the supported browsers listed at www.macromedia.com/go/breeze_sysreqs
• Macromedia Flash Player 6.0.65 or later as a browser plug-in
Note: Macromedia Flash Player is standard in most browsers. You can find out what version of
Flash Player you have at the Test Macromedia Web Players page at www.macromedia.com/
• (Optional) A sound card and speakers to hear audio broadcasts from other meeting
• (Optional) A microphone to broadcast audio to other meeting participants
• (Optional) A web camera to broadcast video to other meeting participants
What’s new in Breeze Meeting
The new features in Breeze Meeting provide greater ease-of-use, improved audio, enhanced
meeting management, and integrated audio conferencing.
Meeting interface A significant redesign of the menus and layout bar in Breeze Meeting
provides an intuitive user interface.
Meeting management Hosts have improved flexibility and control over managing activities in
a meeting. A host can now change an attendee’s role in a meeting or give them enhanced rights to
control a pod and its functionality.
Integrated audio conferencing A host can associate an audio conference with a web meeting
and control audio-conference participation. After entering a meeting, you can call yourself from
the Attendee List pod to include yourself in the conference call. In addition, you can have certain
controls over the call, such as mute, disconnect, and hold. Meeting attendees can view the
conference call status (indicated by animated icons) of other attendees.
Internet broadcasting (VoIP) Broadcasting audio from the Camera and Voice pod in Breeze
Meeting, you receive the highest quality Internet audio (VoIP).
Full-screen mode Presentations, shared applications, or shared screens can fill the screen and
obscure other pods. A presenter can synchronize the view of all attendees to full-screen mode.
Intended audience
This document provides information for Breeze meeting participants who are not presenters or
hosts. For information on creating and managing Breeze meetings, see Breeze Manager User
Guide. For information on the Presenter role, see Breeze Meeting User Guide for Hosts and
6Introduction: Overview of Breeze Meeting
Guide to instructional media
Breeze Meeting offers a variety of media to help you quickly learn the program.
About the electronic manuals and lessons
The following electronic manuals are available through the Help menu in a Breeze meeting:
Quick Start See and hear instructions on “How Do I...” in Breeze Meeting.
Troubleshooting Find information on common problems and current known issues with
Breeze Meeting.
Test your connection Test you computer connection to make sure that you are set up with all
of the tools you will need to participate in a meeting.
About the user guides
When you are in a meeting room, you can find documentation for Breeze through the Help
menu. You can also view a PDF or download a printable version from the Macromedia Support
Center at www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/breeze/.The documentation for
Breeze consists of the following guides:
Breeze Meeting User Guide The guide you’re reading. There are two versions: Breeze Meeting
User Guide for Hosts and Presenters and Breeze Meeting User Guide for Participants. You can access
this guide from within a Breeze meeting by selecting Help > Breeze Meeting Help.
Additional Macromedia resources
More information is available on the Breeze Product Center, Breeze Support Center, and Breeze
Resource Center websites:
Breeze Product Center Is updated regularly with the latest information on Breeze, including
FAQs, white papers, testimonials, and tips. For the latest news on Breeze, see the website often at
Breeze Support Center Contains the latest support information, including tech notes, Breeze
Presentation tutorials, and support program details. For the latest Breeze support information, see
the website often at www.macromedia.com/support/breeze.
Breeze Resource Center Helps you quickly get starting using the different features in Breeze.
For the latest Breeze support information, see the website often at www.macromedia.com/
Guide to instructional media7
8Introduction: Overview of Breeze Meeting
Attending a Breeze Meeting
A Macromedia Breeze meeting is an online event at a scheduled time and date, but it is also a
meeting room with various display panels (pods) and components. A meeting room can have
various layouts for different meeting needs—for example, one layout for presenting and another
layout for collaborating. Your ability to view and use the pods, layouts, and components depends
on your role in the meeting. Once you understand the structure of a meeting room and attendee
roles, you will be ready to log in.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
• “About a Breeze meeting” on page 9
• “About meeting roles and permissions” on page 10
• “Inside a Breeze meeting room” on page 10
• “Meeting room pods” on page 12
• “Entering a meeting room” on page 16
About a Breeze meeting
Using Macromedia Breeze Meeting, you can enter and participate in a live online meeting. You
and other meeting attendees can join a meeting from any where in the world, as long as you have
a browser, Macromedia Flash Player plug-in, and an Internet connection. A meeting can have as
few as two or as many as several hundred attendees.
A meeting room is an online application that you enter at a specific URL. Once in a meeting, you
can see and hear various types of media, such as a live video broadcast of the presenter, a
Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, or a video. In real time, presenters can demonstrate software
on the computer or use a whiteboard to draw or annotate images or text. Participants can receive
enhanced rights to broadcast their own videos, to present slides from their computers, and take
part in other meeting activities.
A meeting occurs during a specific time, and then it is over. A Breeze meeting room exists before a
meeting and continues to exist after the meeting. A meeting can be used over and over for the
same weekly meeting. The host can leave the meeting room open or closed between scheduled
meetings. If a meeting room is open between meetings, you can enter the room at any time to
view content.
About meeting roles and permissions
There are three roles for meeting room attendees: the Host role, the Presenter role, and the
Participant role. Each role has different rights in a meeting room.
Hosts Can set up a meeting, invite guests, add content, and add or edit layouts in a meeting
room. They can promote other participants to be hosts or presenters, and while a meeting is in
progress, they can switch to preparing mode to create or edit a layout for a different presentation.
They can use any features available to a presenter.
Presenters Can show content already loaded into the meeting room from the library, and they
can show new content from their computer. They can also share a screen, making anything
displayed on the presenter’s screen appear on the meeting room Stage of all participants and
presenters. They can also chat, answer questions, and broadcast live audio and video.
Participants Can view the content that the presenter is showing or sharing, hear and see the
presenter’s audio and video broadcast, use text chat, and broadcast their own audio and video, if
given permission.
In this guide, participant means participant who is not a host or presenter. Attendee includes all three
roles—hosts, presenters, and participants.
Inside a Breeze meeting room
A meeting room is made up of two main areas: a Stage and a menu bar. On the Stage, content is
displayed in panels (pods) and can contain various types of media, including slides, video,
whiteboards, shared applications (on the presenter’s computer), polls, and messages to meeting
attendees. All pods located on the Stage are visible to meeting room attendees.
10Chapter 1: Attending a Breeze Meeting
The menu bar displays meeting information and contains buttons for managing your room. The
menu bar is located at the top of the meeting room window.
Stage area
Participant’s view of a meeting
The meeting name is located at the top of the meeting room window. The name is assigned by the
room’s creator.
Meeting room menu bar
The menu bar contains two menus: a presenter or participant sees the Meeting and Help menus.
All attendees see the meeting room status indicator.
In the right corner of the menu bar, the colored bar indicates the connection status of the meeting
room. Messages and warnings also appear in this corner. A red circle in the menu bar indicates
that the host is recording the meeting.
Using the menus, you can access the following features:
Meeting menu Lets you switch between the original size and a full-screen view of the meeting
room. By selecting the Audio Setup wizard, you can test your speakers and set the levels for your
Help menu Lets you specify the type of Internet connection you have, and access help and
troubleshooting information. Hosts, presenters, and participants have access to all Help menu
Inside a Breeze meeting room11
Meeting room status Indicates the connection status of the meeting room. A green bar
indicates that the room connection is optimal. A yellow bar means network congestion. A red bar
indicates that you have been disconnected because of network problems, and Breeze Meeting is in
the process of trying to reestablish your meeting connection. Clicking the connection indicator
when it is green or yellow displays information about your connection (for example, its current
data-transmission rate). Clicking the indicator when it is red initiates an attempt to go back
online. This is useful if you have been disconnected and want to reconnect immediately.
Meeting room status
Connection information pop-up menu
The meeting room Stage
The meeting room Stage is the stage area of the presenter’s screen that participants see in a
meeting. The Stage contains the pods that display various types of content, such as slides, video,
or shared windows or applications. To make it easier for participants to see the content in a Share
pod, a presenter can display a Share pod full screen on the Stage. In full-screen mode, the contents
of the Share pod enlarges to fill the Stage.
Meeting room pods
A meeting room usually contains a number of display panels, called pods, each with its own
function. When hosts set up a meeting room, they determine the number and types of pods that
participants see. The following types of pods are available:
• Share
• Attendee List
• Chat
• Note
• Camera and Voice
• File Sharing
• Poll
• Web Links
About the Share pod
The Share pod is a multifunctional pod that can display the following types of content:
Content display The Share pod can display various kinds of media, including Breeze
Presentations, Flash SWF files, images (JPEG files), Flash Video (FLV) files, Macromedia
FlashPaper documents, and Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.
Screen sharing The Share pod can display a desktop, a window, or an application that is open
on the presenter’s desktop, in real time, to all meeting attendees.
12Chapter 1: Attending a Breeze Meeting
Application sharing A presenter can share the functionality of an application with another
presenter. One presenter can take control of another presenter’s desktop and open windows
or applications.
Whiteboard Meeting presenters can annotate text and drawings collaboratively, in real time.
Whiteboard overlay A whiteboard can also be placed on top of content for adding text and
other drawing annotations.
About the Attendee List pod
From the Attendee List pod, you can see the name, role, status, and conference call status (if
enabled) of each attendee in the meeting. You can identify each attendee’s role—Participant,
Presenter, or Host—by the corresponding icon. To communicate with the presenter without
disrupting the meeting, you can choose from eight meeting status icons (for example, Go faster or
Speak louder) to display next to your name.
Attendee List pod with conference call and Thumbs Up status
Participants set their own status by selecting it from a pop-up menu available from the Attendee
List pod. The following are examples of the status selections available:
Participant statusIcon
I have a question
Go slower
Speak louder
For more information, see Chapter 3, “Using the Attendee List Pod,” on page 29.
Meeting room pods13
About the Chat pod
The Chat pod lets you send text messages to other meeting participants. If you include URLs, the
Chat pod automatically creates live links, making link content easy to access. You can broadcast a
message to all meeting attendees, or you can restrict it to presenters or to individual participants.
For more information, see Chapter 5, “Using the Chat Pod,” on page 35.
About the Note pod
The Note pod displays a text message to all meeting participants. Only presenters can enter or
change a message in the Note pod.
About the Camera and Voice pod
The Camera and Voice pod broadcasts live audio and video to meeting participants. Presenters
can broadcast audio or video (or both) of their meeting to attendees. A host can grant meeting
participants the right to broadcast audio or video.
14Chapter 1: Attending a Breeze Meeting
For more information, see Chapter 6, “Using the Camera and Voice Pod,” on page 37.
About the File Sharing pod
The File Sharing pod provides a method for presenters to distribute files to meeting participants.
Participants can download files for shared use.
For more information, see Chapter 7, “Using the File Sharing Pod,” on page 43.
Meeting room pods15
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