1 Step RoboPDF, ActiveEdit, ActiveTest, Authorware, Blue Sky Software, Blue Sky, Breeze, Breezo, Captivate, Central,
ColdFusion, Contribute, Database Explorer, Director, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, FlashCast, FlashHelp, Flash Lite,
FlashPaper, Flex, Flex Builder, Fontographer, FreeHand, Generator, HomeSite, JRun, MacRecorder, Macromedia, MXML,
RoboEngine, RoboHelp, RoboInfo, RoboPDF, Roundtrip, Roundtrip HTML, Shockwave, SoundEdit, Studio MX, UltraDev,
and WebHelp are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. and may be registered in the United States or
in other jurisdictions including internationally. Other product names, logos, designs, titles, words, or phrases mentioned within
this publication may be trademarks, service marks, or trade names of Macromedia, Inc. or other entities and may be registered in
certain jurisdictions including internationally.
Third-Party Information
This guide contains links to third-party websites that are not under the control of Macromedia, and Macromedia is not
responsible for the content on any linked site. If you access a third-party website mentioned in this guide, then you do so at your
own risk. Macromedia provides these links only as a convenience, and the inclusion of the link does not imply that Macromedia
endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content on those third-party sites.
The Macromedia Breeze XML web services enable your external system (such as a web
application) to interact with a Breeze server.
This manual provides information on how to call XML web services (also called APIs or actions)
on the Breeze server from your external system and how to interpret the XML results that Breeze
returns. This manual also contains reference material explaining what each application
programming interface (API) does and what its parameters are.
This manual is intended for developers who want to integrate the Breeze XML web services into
their external systems, such as web applications.
Before you use this manual, you should understand the basics of XML and of using HTTP
requests to communicate between an application and a server. You must also understand how to
program using a server language such as Macromedia ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML).
What’s new in the Breeze XML APIs
Custom field APIs let you add, update, and get information about custom fields: acl-field-
, acl-field-list, acl-field-update.
New Report APIs let you gather data from the Breeze server: report-bulk-consolidated-
, report-bulk-users, report-bandwidth, and report-my-events.
Updated Report-quiz APIs include new interaction data types: report-quiz-interactions,
Some APIs that were supported in Breeze 4 are no longer supported in Breeze 5. For information
about alternate APIs, where available, see the individual entries in Chapter 4, “XML API
Reference,” on page 41. The following APIs are no longer supported in Breeze 5:
• accesskey-exec
• accesskey-info
• report-account-meeting-attendance
• report-bandwidth
• report-bulk-content-quiz
• report-bulk-content-quiz-results
• report-bulk-content-slide-views
• report-bulk-course-quiz
• report-bulk-course-results
• report-bulk-meeting
• report-bulk-meeting-attendance
• report-course-takers
• report-disk-usage
• report-meeting-session
• report-meeting-session-slots
• report-principal-list
• report-quiz-answer-distribution
• report-quiz-definition-answers
• report-quiz-definition-questions
• report-quiz-question-totals
Guide to instructional media
Breeze contains a variety of media to help you quickly learn how to use the product. In addition
to this manual, the following electronic manuals and online help systems are available:
• Breeze Installation and Configuration Guide describes how to install the Breeze applications.
This manual is available as a DVD insert for enterprise users, and as a PDF on the DVD.
• Breeze Manager User Guide describes how to use the administration, presentation, and training
applications of Breeze Meeting. You can access Breeze Manager User Guide from the Breeze
Manager home page and from the Help link in the Breeze Manager web application.
10Introduction: Before You Begin
• Breeze Meeting User Guide for Hosts and Presenters includes information about using the Breeze
Meeting web application to host online real-time meetings. The documentation includes
procedures that demonstrate the simplicity of adding slides, Flash SWF files, images, live
audio, and video to your presentation. You can access Breeze Meeting User Guide for Hosts and Presenters from the Breeze Manager home page and from the Help menu within a Breeze Live
meeting room (when you enter as a presenter).
• Breeze Meeting User Guide for Participants contains information that is relevant to users who are
participating in an online real-time meeting. Breeze Meeting offers participants several options
to make their experience truly participatory, including the ability to send messages and
questions to presenters and to each other, and the ability to participate through live video and
audio. You can access Breeze Meeting User Guide for Participants from the Breeze Manager
home page and from the Help menu within a Breeze Live meeting room (when you enter as a
• Using the Macromedia Breeze Presenter describes the plug-in that allows you to create Breeze
presentations from PowerPoint. You can access Using the Macromedia Breeze Presenter from the
Breeze Manager home page and from the Breeze menu in Microsoft PowerPoint by selecting
Breeze > Help.
Note: The relevance of these guides to users depends on the applications installed on the Breeze
Presentation platform, the type of user (such as meeting content manager, information technology
engineer, or course presenter), and the user’s Breeze account permissions.
Additional resources
The following list contains some useful resources that are available on the web:
The Breeze Developer Center at macromedia.com (www.macromedia.com/devnet/breeze/)
provides sample code and articles about Breeze integration.
The Web Services Primer at xml.com (http://webservices.xml.com/pub/a/ws/2001/04/04/
webservices/) is a good introduction to web services.
“Working with XML and ColdFusion” in the ColdFusion Developer’s Handbook
(www.macromedia.com/devnet/mx/coldfusion/articles/cf_handbk_ch6.html) provides
information about XML basics and creating XML code using CFML.
“Leveraging XML with ColdFusion” (www.macromedia.com/devnet/mx/coldfusion/articles/
cf_handbk_ch7.html) discusses web services, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), and how to
call web services using CFML.
The XSL Transformations (XSLT) specification (www.w3.org/TR/xslt) introduces XSLT,
which you can use to convert formatted data to other formats.
Numeric Representation of Dates and Time (www.iso.ch/iso/en/prods-services/popstds/
datesandtime.html) provides information about the ISO 8601 standard date and time format.
More specifically, the W3C note about dates and times (www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime)
provides information about the profile of ISO 8601 that Breeze uses.
Additional resources11
Typographical conventions
The following typographical conventions are used in this manual:
• Italic font indicates a value that should be replaced (for example, in a folder path).
• Code fontindicates code. It also indicates names of APIs, names of parameters, names of tags,
and names of attributes.
• Boldface font indicates a verbatim entry.
12Introduction: Before You Begin
Using the Breeze XML APIs
The Macromedia Breeze XML application programming interface (API) model exposes interfaces
as a set of XML web services. These services let your external system (such as a portal application)
communicate with the Breeze server, using HTTP or HTTPS to call APIs on the server and to
receive results formatted as XML code. You can use the web services to add Breeze management
and reporting capabilities to your external system. To call the Breeze XML APIs, you can use any
language that can use XML over HTTP.
Note: Breeze doesn’t currently support Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP).
This chapter describes the flow of data between the Breeze server and web applications and how
you set parameters and security permissions.
Data flow
The following diagram shows an example of the flow of data in a web application that interacts
with the Breeze server:
Web browser
Step 1: Web browser
requests page.
Step 2: Web server
finds page and
passes it to
application server.
Step 3: Application
server executes code.
Step 4: Application
server calls API on
Breeze server.
Application server
XML data
Step 7: Web server
sends finished page
to requesting browser.
Step 6: Application
server inserts data in
page and then passes
the page to the web
Step 5: Breeze server
returns XML data to
application server.
Breeze Server
The following example describes what might happen when a user connects to a training portal
intranet site that was created with Macromedia ColdFusion MX and that uses Breeze XML web
A logged-in user uses a web browser to request a page that shows a list of the courses that the
user is signed up for.
The web server finds the relevant page and passes it to the application server.
The application server parses and executes the ColdFusion code contained in the page.
14Chapter 1: Using the Breeze XML APIs
As part of executing the code, the application server calls an API on the company’s Breeze server,
requesting the list of courses. The API call takes the form of an HTTP
The Breeze server executes the API, returning the resulting XML data to the application server.
The application server code parses the returned XML, inserts data into the web page as
POST request.
appropriate, and then passes the finished page to the web server.
The web server passes the finished page to the browser to be displayed.
Calling an API on the server
To call an API on the Breeze server, pass the relevant parameters to the web services servlet at
http://server_name/api/xml. To call the Breeze XML APIs, you can use any language that can use
XML over HTTP.
There is one parameter that is required for all APIs: the parameter named
the name of the API. You append the
action parameter to the web services servlet URL with a
action, which specifies
query string, as follows:
Most APIs also have other parameters. For more information about additional parameters for a
given API, see the documentation for that API in Chapter 4, “XML API Reference,” on page 41.
You can send the parameters to the server in either of the following ways:
• Create a query string—a URL that includes query parameters—and send it to the server as an
GET or POST request, with the HTTP content type set to application/
. (When you use this approach, in most cases you don’t need to
explicitly set the content type.)
The URL to use for the query string has the form
, with the parameters of the API appended as additional query
parameters separated by ampersands (&).
• Create an XML object containing the parameter data as param tags contained in a params tag,
For example code demonstrating how to call an API, see Chapter 3, “Common Tasks,” on
page 27.
POST request to the server, with the HTTP content type set to text/
login API using a GET HTTP request:
Calling an API on the server15
Note: The example code in this book uses the query parameters approach, both for readability and
because of limitations in using Macromedia ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML) to send XML
objects containing parameter data. Macromedia recommends using the
Because of the way that HTTP implements GET and POST, using POST may provide higher security
levels than passing parameters in the query string. For more information, see “About security”
on page 18.
POST method when possible.
Logging in to Breeze first
To call most APIs, you must be acting as a particular logged-in user, so you must call the
API before you can call most other APIs. (You can call the following APIs without logging in:
action-list, common-info, login, and user-accounts.)
When you log in, the Breeze server returns XML results, which indicate a successful login. The
HTTP headers of those results include a cookie called
results of a
BREEZESESSION cookie in every subsequent request that you make as that logged-in user; if you
login call, save the value of that cookie. You must include the value of the
BREEZESESSION. When you receive the
don’t supply the cookie, the API fails. For examples of how to do this, see “Logging in to Breeze”
on page 29.
Your application can log in multiple users and can call APIs for any of those users. For example,
when an ordinary user is using your application, you may want to authenticate as that user and
call APIs using that user’s credentials, while also keeping an administrative user logged in to
perform tasks that require higher levels of permissions.
For more information about security in Breeze, see “About security” on page 18.
About parameters
For most APIs, you can specify one or more additional parameters. (The action parameter is
required. For more information, see “Calling an API on the server” on page 15.)
You usually specify parameters as name-value pairs, but the exact process depends on the details of
the language you use to call the API on the Breeze server. For sample code in ColdFusion Markup
Language (CFML), see Chapter 3, “Common Tasks,” on page 27.
In the documentation for each API, all listed parameters are required except for those that are
specifically marked as optional.
For some APIs, you can provide multiple parameters with the same name. For example, the
principals-delete API takes a parameter named principal-id; you can specify multiple
principal-id name-value pairs (each with the name principal-id) when you call the API on
the Breeze server.
The following CFML code example shows how to delete two specified users in a single API call,
by specifying two
loginCookie, which you would set during the login process. For more information, see
principal-id parameters. (This example relies on variables called baseurl
“Integrating Breeze with a directory service” on page 33.)
In some other APIs, you can provide multiple sets of parameters. For example, the group-
API takes parameters named group-id, principal-id, and is-member.
To make multiple updates in a single call, you specify each of those parameters for principal and
group, and then specify them (using the same parameter names again) for another, and so on.
About principals, SCOs, and IDs
There are two basic kinds of entities in Breeze: principals and Shareable Content Objects (SCOs).
A principal is any entity that can have permissions that control how it interacts with SCOs. The
most common types of principals are user (a specific user) and group (a
There are other types of principals, known as Built-in groups: Administrators, Authors, Training
Managers, Event Managers, Meeting Hosts, and Seminar Hosts.
You can create users and groups and modify their permissions. You can add users and groups to
Built-in groups, but you can’t modify the permissions of a Built-in group. For more information
about Built-in groups, see Breeze Manager User Guide.
A SCO is a Breeze document, such as a meeting or an event; folders are also SCOs. Breeze
includes the following SCO types:
contentA viewable file or collection of files uploaded to the Breeze server (for example,
an FLV file, a SWF file, or an image, pod, or HTML file).
curriculumA Breeze curriculum.
eventA Breeze event.
folderA folder on the server’s hard disk that contains Breeze content.
linkA reference to another SCO. These are used by curriculums to link to other
SCOs. When content is added to a curriculum, a link is created from the
curriculum to the content.
meetingA Breeze meeting.
treeThe root of a folder hierarchy. A tree’s root is treated as an independent
hierarchy; you can’t determine the parent folder of a tree from inside the tree.
group of users).
Each principal and SCO has a unique ID number. When you call an API that uses an entity’s ID
as a parameter, the parameter name indicates what kind of entity the ID belongs to, but the ID
remains the same, regardless of the parameter name. Parameter names for IDs include
folder-id, group-id, parent-acl-id, principal-id, sco-id, and user-id.
For example, to update a user’s password, call the
as the
user-id parameter. To determine a user’s name, call the principal-info API, and give
the user’s ID as the
principal-id parameter.
user-update-pwd API, and give the user’s ID
About principals, SCOs, and IDs17
There are a few other kinds of IDs that aren’t associated with a principal or a SCO, such as
account-id, answer-id, permission-id, and question-id. But in most cases, a parameter
name that ends in
-id indicates that the value of the parameter is the ID of either a principal or
a SCO.
About security
The security model in Breeze ensures that any code calling a given API is authorized to do so.
Almost every API call must include a cookie that represents a specific logged-in user. For more
information, see “Logging in to Breeze first” on page 16.
For information about the possible status codes that the server can return, see the
About permissions
Permissions define the ways in which a particular principal can interact with a given SCO.
A permission mapping, indicating what permissions a particular principal has for a particular
SCO, is called an access control list or ACL. An ACL is an object that is capable of having
permission mappings between the object and a principal, but it may not have any mappings at all.
An ACL consists of three pieces of information: the ID of a SCO, principal, or account (usually
referred to in this context as an ACL ID); the ID of a principal; and a keyword that indicates what
the permissions are (usually referred to as a permission ID).
There are two kinds of permissions in Breeze: permissions associated with specific SCOs, and
permissions that belong to all users who are members of special groups that are called Built-in groups. Permissions for Built-in groups take precedence over the permissions set on a SCO.
To find out what permissions a logged-in user has for a particular item, call the
permissions-info API. To change a principal’s permissions, call the principal-update API.
status tag.
If a particular principal has no explicitly specified permissions on a particular SCO, that
principal’s permissions on the parent of the SCO apply.
18Chapter 1: Using the Breeze XML APIs
You can specify the following permissions on a SCO:
DeniedThe principal cannot view, access, or manage the SCO. You cannot specify this
Host(For meetings only) The host of a meeting. This permission lets the principal
ManageThe principal can view, delete, move, and edit the SCO. This permission also lets
PublishThe principal can publish the SCO to the server and can update the SCO. This
ViewThe principal can view the SCO but not modify it. For a course, the View
permission on meetings or courses.
create or present the meeting, even if the principal doesn’t have View permission
on the parent folder of the meeting.
The Presenter permission is now an alias for Host. A presenter in Breeze 4
presenter is a host in Breeze 5.
the principal set permissions for the SCO. For a folder, the Manage permission
lets the principal view reports for files in the folder and create new folders. You
cannot specify this permission on meetings or courses.
permission includes the View permission. It also lets the principal view reports
related to the SCO. For a folder, the Publish permission doesn’t let the principal
create new folders within the folder or set permissions for the folder. You cannot
specify this permission on meetings or courses.
permission lets the principal enroll in the course. For a meeting, the View
permission lets the principal attend the meeting. For a folder, this permission lets
the principal view the contents of the folder.
Because a group is a principal, you can set these permissions on a SCO for a custom group as well
as for an individual user; if a group has a particular permission, all members of the group have
that permission. Use the
permissions-update API to set a group’s permissions for a particular SCO.
group-membership-update API to add a member to a group. Use the
For more information about groups and permissions, see Chapter 19, “Working with Users and
Groups,” in Breeze Manager User Guide.
About security and launching content
When you launch a SCO, you must provide authentication. You can do so using any of the
following approaches:
• When you open the URL of the content, add a query parameter named session with a value
This approach is a potential security problem because anyone who obtains the specified URL
can act as the logged-in user. If you take this approach, use the cookie for an ordinary user
rather than the cookie for an administrative user.
Also, if users give the URL to someone else (for example, by copying it and pasting it into an
e-mail message), they are giving access to their account, which presents a security risk.
BREEZESESSION login cookie, as the following example shows:
About security19
• You c an s et a BREEZESESSION cookie on the user’s browser, using the value of the login cookie.
However, this approach works only if your application is running on a server with the same
domain name as the Breeze server.
Also, if your application server is a J2EE servlet environment (such as Macromedia ColdFusion
or Java), the application server might also use a cookie named
BREEZESESSION, which results
in potential conflicts between Breeze and the application server.
• You can simply open the URL, and require the user to log in again.
This approach is more secure than the others but can result in some inconvenience for users.
20Chapter 1: Using the Breeze XML APIs
Working with Filters
The data and information in your company’s Macromedia Breeze content repository can grow
significantly over time. When this occurs, you might not want to list every item in the repository
for all users. For example, you could list the most recently created courses and the latest quarterly
financial results presentation on your company’s intranet. You need to sort and organize your
growing repository to ensure that users quickly find the information they are seeking.
Filters are the mechanism within Macromedia Breeze XML web services that you can use to
define the criteria for retrieving data from Breeze. You use one or more filters with a specific XML
API to ensure that the data your users see matches exactly what they are seeking.
About filters
You can filter for many (but not all) fields in the XML, and you can filter to include values for
that field or exclude values for that field. You can also sort the results and filter the return set to
include less results, for example, the first 25 rows that match.
Filters work with action calls to modify or organize the data that the Breeze server returns. Filters
help you select data, exclude data, and even sort the data you need to see. For example, you can
request all your courses or use a filter to select only courses that include the word “Java”; you can
list all users or select only users with the last name Smith and sort by their login name.
To use a filter, append it to an action call with an ampersand (&), as in the following:
You can string multiple filters together, each separated by an ampersand (&), as in the following:
As you can see, filters comprise a type (either filter or sort) with an optional modifier (for
field name (for example,
There are two types of filters, a basic filter, which begins with the word filter, and a sort filter,
which begins with the word
achieve your desired results. For more information about sort filters, see “About sort filters”
on page 23.
like), the name of the field (for example, name), if needed, and finally, the value of the
Java). The following is the filter format:
sort. You can combine sort filters and regular filters as needed to
Filter examples
The following is a simple example to help illustrate the general concept of filters. The web service
report-my-courses returns the list of courses that you enrolled in. This same API used with
a filter on the course name, for example
retrieves your courses with the specified text in the name, in this case Java. If you add a sort filter
such as
your Java courses and displays the course you started first.
In these examples, there are two types of filters: filter and sort. The basic filter uses the
modifier on the
name field with a value Java. If you omit the like modifier, Breeze returns
courses with the exact name Java instead of courses with Java in the name. Using the sort filter
without a modifier on the
date-begin field with a value desc specifies a descending order.
The following table lists a few more examples that are helpful for understanding filter basics:
filter-name=Goals Review
filter-like-name=Goals &filter-out-
Returns items from the server that have the specific
name “Goals Review.” This may apply to meetings,
courses, or any items with a name field.
Returns all items with “Goals” in the name such as
“Goals Review” or “Quarterly Goals.”
Filters out or excludes any items with the word “Status”
in the name field.
Returns all items with “Goals” in the name that are no
longer active; for example, to find previous
presentations on “Goals” from previous quarters.
Returns all items with a begin date later than
May 1, 2004, sorted by name in ascending order.
Returns all items started in the month of May, 2004.
About date formatting
In Breeze, dates are a special type of field value that follow the ISO 8601 format. For example,
May 28, 2004 is expressed as
. Starting with the year, you can use as much of the date as you need to filter
the best result. Using a value of
2004-05-28, and 4:23 pm on May 28, 2004 is expressed 2004-05-
2004 returns all items that match the same year, which is probably
not a good use of filters. You can retrieve everything that happened in a month by specifying the
year and month. You add as much of the date as you need to select the most accurate data from
the server.
22Chapter 2: Working with Filters
About sort filters
You can use a filter of the type sort to sort data in ascending and descending order. For example,
the following filter sorts the
name field in ascending order:
The following code sorts the name field in descending order:
You can also perform primary and secondary sorts. For example, when calling the principal-
action to list principals, you can do a primary sort on the type field, and then a secondary
sort on the
name field (this way, all principals of a specific type are grouped together and sorted by
name in each group).
You can do this by specifying the following parameters:
Special filter scenarios
The following scenarios for filtering data vary for each action. For specific information about sort
and filter options for individual actions, see their entries in Chapter 4, “XML API Reference,” on
page 41.
Filtering data that has a type field
You can filter out or display only entries with a combination of matching types. For example, the
following filter displays only the types
The following example shows all types except folder and meeting:
If the type field allows a null value, you might want to filter out entries with null and non-null
values. The following example shows only types that are
The following example shows only types that are not null:
folder and meeting:
Filtering data based on the date of a record
The following example shows all records whose date modified is between July 1 and July 10:
Filtering a specific number of entries starting at a specific entry
You can use the following technique to create pagination when there is too much data for one
page. The following example shows 25 records starting at the 100th record:
Filtering by membership in standard groups
To filter by membership in standard groups, filter by the type field, as in the following example:
Do not use the name field to filter by membership in standard groups because the group names
can be changed and are therefore unreliable. For example, the following example shows an
incorrect way to filter by group membership:
Filters comprise a type (either filter or sort) with an optional modifier, the name of the field, if
needed, and finally, the value of the field name, as the following example shows:
The following table lists all the filter types and modifiers that you can use with Breeze:
Field must match value exactly.
Field must contain value.
Field cannot contain value.
Limits the return result to number of rows specified in value. Does not use the
field name.
Limits the return result to number of rows specified in value. Does not use the
field name.
Selects all items greater than the value. Works only with dates.
Selects all items greater than the value. Works only with dates.
Selects all items greater than or equal to the value. Works only with dates.
Selects all items less than or equal to the value. Works only with dates.
Sorts results. Value must be asc or desc.
24Chapter 2: Working with Filters
Testing code in the browser
You can enter a test URL in the address field of a browser window and see the XML response
from the server. It is a good idea to become comfortable with filters in the browser before you
write code.
There are many nuances to filters that determine which types of filters you can use with certain
API calls. The browser approach lets you quickly try combinations to see what works and what
doesn’t. If you try this outside the browser, you add the extra time of compiling, loading the result
in your application server, and debugging to see if a filter works as you expect. Using a browser,
on the other hand, is much faster and gives you immediate feedback.
For example, you could use the following URL and filter to find all courses with the word filter in
the name and the word date in the course description. This sample URL uses
breezedev.mycompany.com as the server name. Make sure you log on to the server first, and
then enter the following URL, substituting your server name for
<name>Understanding Filters Part 2</name>
<description>Second course in the series, covering important topics such
as date and range filtering.</description>
If your filters are too stringent and no courses meet your criteria, the output looks like this:
Finally, as you experiment with filters and APIs in the browser, you might get an unexpected
response. For example, if you enter the wrong filter field name, which matches some other item in
the database, you could receive an XML response that starts with the following:
To make your code production-ready, develop it to handle unexpected errors and situations.
Make sure you check for unexpected status codes and inform your IT team when you encounter
such a situation.
Where to go from here
The Macromedia Breeze Resource Center has an article called “Working with Filters” that
describes how to build a sample application that uses filters to search and sort a list of courses. In
the article, you learn how to use filters with Breeze web services by working through a simple
example that retrieves the list of enrolled courses for a user and lets the user search and sort the
list. It also explains the different ways that filters help you optimize retrieved data for use in other
enterprise systems.
26Chapter 2: Working with Filters
Common Tasks
This chapter describes common scenarios for integrating Macromedia Breeze with external
applications or systems. These scenarios show how to accomplish several common tasks. To
perform each task, you call one or more APIs on the Breeze server and then parse the XML tags
that the server returns. In some cases, you use returned information as parameter values for the
next API.
This chapter also provides sample code demonstrating how to perform some of the tasks using
Macromedia ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML).
Note: Not all the task descriptions include sample code. The syntax for calling an API is consistent for
all APIs, so you can use the sample code from tasks that include it as models for code to perform
other tasks.
For detailed information about each API and each XML tag, see Chapter 4, “XML API
Reference,” on page 41 and Chapter 5, “XML Results Reference,” on page 139. The following
You can enter a test URL in the address field of a browser and see the XML response from the
server displayed in the browser window. The returned XML is the same as the returned XML
when you call the API in an application. You should be comfortable with calling APIs in the
browser before you write code in an application.
To call most APIs, a user must be logged in to Breeze. (The APIs you can call without logging in
action-list, common-info, login, and user-accounts.) A good first API to call is
action-list because a user doesn’t have to be logged in, and it returns a list of other APIs you
can call.
To call an API, you need to know the following:
• The domain of your breeze account.
For example,
• The name of the API you want to call.
For a complete list of APIs, see “XML API Reference” on page 41.
To call a Breeze API in a browser:
Open a browser.
Enter the address of the Breeze server in the browser’s address bar. Append the action
parameter in a query string:
The API returns its XML results in the browser window. For example, a call to the
API returns the following XML:
<status code="ok"/>
... list of actions continues...
You can also test filters in the browser. For more information, see “Testing code in the browser”
on page 25.
28Chapter 3: Common Tasks
Logging in to Breeze
To call most APIs, you must be acting as a logged-in user, so you must call the login API before
you can call most other APIs. (The exceptions—APIs you can call without logging in—are
action-list, common-info, login, and user-accounts.)
When you call the
includes a
loginCookie. Then pass the loginCookie variable as a session parameter in subsequent API
BREEZESESSION cookie. Capture the cookie and save the results to a variable, such as
To log in a user to Breeze:
Create a ColdFusion page with the following content:
Checks whether the username variable is defined. If
it is, the next block of code executes. If it isn’t, a
form is displayed that allows a user to provide a
user name (and password).
If the username variable is defined, sets the baseurl
variable to the name of the Breeze server. Uses the
baseurl variable in the <cfhttp> tag to call the
login API on the Breeze server. The login API
requires two parameters,
which a user enters into a form.
Dumps the data returned by the <cfhttp> call into
response variable. The second line converts the
string data in the
document object and stores it in the
Dumps the header information from the <cfhttp>
call into the
parses the header to pull out the value of the
BREEZESESSION cookie and store it in the
loginCookie variable.
Checks whether the status code attribute in the
XML response is
If the status code is ok, the login API call was
successful and a user is logged in. You can now
pass the
parameter to act as the logged-in user and call any
This code calls the report-my-meetings API,
dumps the response into the
converts the
document object.
If the status code attribute in the login API’s XML
response was not
If FORM.username is not defined, a form is displayed
to gather a user name and password.
login and password,
response variable into an XML
xml variable.
loginHeader variable. The second line
loginCookie variable as the session
meetings variable, and
meetings variable into an XML
ok, print Login Failed.
30Chapter 3: Common Tasks
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