Macromedia Audition - 3.0 Troubleshooting Guide

Adobe Audition 3.0 Troubleshooting

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Last updated 11/4/2015


Audition 3.0 crashes when you choose Help > About
Audition 3.0 crashes if Comcast support tool is installed
Error R6025 when writing a CD | Audition 3
Input device is not recognized as a valid recording device in Audition 3.0 (Windows Vista)
MPEG files do not open or only open the audio track in A
Optimize Windows Vista for Audition 3
Optimize Windows XP for Audition 3
Set up Adobe Audition 2.0 audio hardware driv
Set up Audition 3 audio hardware drivers
Supported file formats in Audition 3
Troubleshoot CD Burning (Audition 2.0)
Troubleshoot effects plug-ins for VST and DirectX | Adobe Audition
Troubleshoot installation problems | Audition 3 | Windows Vista, XP
Troubleshoot recording, playback, monitoring | Audition 2, 3
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
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udition 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
ers (ASIO and Audition Windows Sound) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Last updated 11/4/2015

Audition 3.0 crashes when you choose Help > About


Adobe Audition 3.0 crashes when you choose Help > About if a session file is currently being played in Multi-track view.


Update your sound card drivers.
Visit the manufacturer's web site for your sound card and update to the latest driver version.

Additional Information

If an Audition session file is being played when choosing Help > About, then the sound card driver might not release the Multi-track transport controls.

Audition 3.0 crashes if Comcast support tool is installed


When you try to save a session in Adobe Audition 3.0 after you use the digital input or output on your audio card, Audition 3.0 crashes unexpectedly.
Comcast support tool is installed on the system.


Last updated 11/4/2015
Disable the Comcast support tool service, "sprtcmd".
To disable the service sprtcmd:
1 Quit all applications.
2 Choose Start > Run, type msconfig in the Open box, and then click OK.
3 Click the Services tab and locate the service "sprtcmd".
4 Deselect the checkbox next to sprtcmd to disable the service on system startup
5 Click OK, and then restart Windows.

Additional Information

The support tool provided by Comcast accesses available hardware drivers on the system and may not release the driver files appropriately.

Error R6025 when writing a CD | Audition 3



When you try to write a CD in Adobe Audition 3, you encounter one of the following errors:
C++ Runtime Library Error 6025
Pure Virtual Function Call


Do one or more of the following:
1. Reset your Adobe Audition 3 Preferences File.
Note: Adobe Audition writes a new preferences file and you lose custom settings associated with the current preferences file. Deleting the preferences causes Adobe Audition to disable checking for DirectX plug-ins and forces reinitialization of VST plug-ins.
To re-create the Adobe Audition preferences file:
1 Quit Adobe Audition.
2 Navigate to the following folder C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Adobe\Adobe
Audition\3.0.Important: If you saved your own custom workspaces, copy the UserWorkspaces folder to a new location.
3 Delete the entire contents of the C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Adobe\Adobe
Audition\3.0 folder.
4 Start Adobe Audition.
2. Create an Administrator account.
For instructions on creating an Administrator account, see "To add a new user to the computer" in Windows Help, or contact your system administrator.
Last updated 11/4/2015
3. Update your sound card driver.
Many sound card manufacturers frequently update their software drivers. If you haven't recently updated the sound card driver, contact the sound card manufacturer for an updated driver. Or, download one from the manufacturer's website.
To determine the sound card manufacturer and current driver version:
Wind o ws X P
1 Choose Start > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices.
2 Click the Hardware tab.
3 Choose your sound card, and then click Properties.
4 Select the Driver tab, and note the Driver Provider and Driver Version.
Wind o ws Vis t a or Wi nd o w s 7
1 Choose Start > Control Panel > System and Maintenance (Windows Vista) or Hardware and Sound (Windows 7).
2 Click Device Manager.
3 Click the plus sign to expand Sound, Video, and Game Controllers.
4 Double-click your sound card, click the Driver tab, and note the Driver Provider and Driver Version.
More Help topics
Troubleshoot system errors and freezes | Adobe software on Windows

Input device is not recognized as a valid recording device in Audition 3.0 (Windows Vista)


Your input device is not recognized as a valid recording device in Adobe Audition 3.0.
If you are using more than one input devi ce and at least one of the devices is no t sele cted a s the d efau lt recording d evice in Windows Vista and the input device is listed in the third position or below in the Audition 3.0 Audio Hardware Setup panel, then Audition might not recognize that device as valid and you cannot record audio from the device.


The Audition 3.0 Windows Sound driver can not detect the presence of the input device in this configuration in the Windows Vista operating system.
Last updated 11/4/2015


Do one or more of the following solutions:
Solution 1: Use the native ASIO driver for the device (if available).
Solution 2: Move the input device to the first or sec
Use the Audition 3.0 Windows Sound driver but move the input device to position 1 or position 2 in the list of devices.
ond position in the list of devices.
Soulition 3: Select the device as the default recording device.
Select the defivce as the default recording device in the Windows Vista Sound control panel.

Additional Information

Using the native ASIO driver for the device allows Audition 3.0 to effectively use and interact with the device. When a native ASIO device driver is not available, the devcie conflict can be avioded by moving the input device up into the primary or secondary positions in the Audition 3.0 Audio Hardware Setup panel or by setting the device as the default recording device in the Windows Vista Sound control panel.

MPEG files do not open or only open the audio track in Audition 3


When you try to open a MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 file in Adobe Audition 3, either the file does not open or only the audio track in the file opens.


Transcode the video and/or audio to a different format.
Open the MPEG file in an video editing or video processing application (such as Adobe Premiere Pro or Apple QuickTime Pro), and transcode (export) the video to an AVI, QuickTime, or Windows Media file. Then open that version of the video file in Audition.
Note: I
n order to use QuickTime movie files in Audition, QuickTime needs to be installed on your computer. Visit the
Apple website at to download QuickTime.

Additional Information

Adobe Audition 3 can not open MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 files. An earlier version of Audition, Adobe Audition 2.0, could re ad MP EG file s only if it was i nsta ll ed as a par t o f th e Ad obe Cr eat ive S uit e Pro duc ti on S tud io sof twar e su ite. (Au dit ion does not include the software license required to encode and decode MPEG files; the license was a part of Production Studio.)
Last updated 11/4/2015

Optimize Windows Vista for Audition 3

Optimizing the system can eliminate compatibility problems that can interfere with audio editing. To optimize a Windows system for Adobe Audition 3.0, work through the tasks in this document. To further eliminate problems, simplify the system to include only those components necessary for editing audio.

1. Make sure that the system meets the minimum requirements for Adobe Audition 3.0.

Adobe Audition 3.0 can't run correctly on a system that doesn't meet the following requirements:
Intel Pentium III or higher (SSE2-enabled processor required for AMD systems)
Microsoft Windows XP Professional or Home Edition with Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista Home Premium,
Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise (certified support for 32-bit editions only)
512 MB of RAM
10 GB of available hard-disk space (when used with Loopology DVD)
1280 x 900 monitor resolution with 32-bit video card and 16 MB of VRAM
Microsoft DirectX or ASIO compatible sound card
CD drive required for installation
Internet or phone connection required for product activation and Internet-related services
To check basic system information, such as processor speed and how much RAM is installed, choose Start > Control Pa
nel > System.

2. Install the latest version of Adobe Audition.

The latest version of Adobe Audition is 3.0. Updates, as they become available, can be more compatible with the operating system and hardware drivers. For update information, visit the Adobe website at Before you install an update, make sure that the system meets the

3. Install current Windows service packs and other updates.

Updates to the Windows operating system improves its performance and compatibility with applications. You can obtain Windows service packs and other updates from the Microsoft website at For assistance installing service packs and other updates, contact Microsoft technical support.
Important: B compatibility. (Check any third-party software or hardware you use with Adobe Audition as well.) If the update isn't listed, then contact Adobe or the manufacturer of your third-party software or hardware.
efore you install a system update, check the system requirements for Adobe Audition 3.0 to ensure

4. Update the sound card driver.

Many sound card manufacturers frequently update their software drivers. If you haven't recently updated the sound card driver, contact the sound card manufacturer for an updated driver. Or download one from the manufacturer's website.
To determine the manufacturer and driver version of a sound card:
1 Choose start > Settings > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices.
Last updated 11/4/2015
2 Click the Hardware tab.
3 Choose the Device and click Properties.
4 Select the Driver tab and note the Driver Provider and the Driver Version listed.

5. Optimize the video display.

Video display acceleration and other display options can conflict with sound card drivers, resulting in a system error. Screen savers can interrupt the flow of data when you record audio, causing unusable audio files. In addition, display options use system resources, decreasing resources available to Adobe Audition. You can resolve these problems by disabling video display acceleration and by optimizing display options.
To disable video display acceleration in Windows Vista, do the following:
1 Click Start > Settings> Control Panel, under Appearance and Personalization click Adjust screen resolution.
2 Click the Advanced Settings button in the lower-right corner of the Display Settings box.
3 Click the Troubleshoot tab.
4 Click the Change Settings button.
5 Move the Hardware acceleration slider to None.
6 Click OK to accept the new setting, then click OK to close the Advanced Settings box, then click OK to close the
Display Settings window.
7 Restart Windows.

6. Verify that your sound card is set up correctly for Adobe Audition 3.0.

One common cause for audio-editing problems is a sound card that's set up incorrectly for Adobe Audition. To verify that the sound card is set up correctly for Adobe Audition 3.0, do the following:
1 Choose Edit > Audio Hardware Setup, click the Edit View tab, and make sure that the installed sound card is listed
in the Audio Driver Menu. If your sound card is not listed, install the card's ASIO driver. If no ASIO driver is available, choose Adobe Audition 3.0 Windows Sound. For more information, see the Adobe Audition User's Guide.
2 Set the Default Input and Default Output ports to match your audio hardware setup.
3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the Multitrack View and Surround Encoder tabs.

7. Verify that other device drivers are compatible with Windows Vista.

If updating the sound card driver doesn't resolve the problem, verify that all other device drivers are compatible with Windows Vista. Device drivers are software files that allow Windows to communicate with devices such as scanners, mouse devices, and keyboards. Contact the device manufacturer to make sure that you are using the latest driver for it.
To check for device driver problems, do the following:
1 Choose Start > Control Panel > System.
2 Click Device Manager from the tasks list.
3 Click the plus sign (+) to the left of each device type.
4 If a device appe ars w ith a black excl amat ion mark (!) in a yell ow circle, right -click t hat de vice, an d choo se Prope rti es
from the menu.
5 Note the properties for the device:
Last updated 11/4/2015
Check the Device Status field: If the device isn't working properly, information in this field can help you troubleshoot the problem.
If the Properties dialog box has a Driver tab, click it. If the Dr
iver tab doesn't indicate the driver provider, click Driver De tails . If Micros oft is the provider, a ge neric driver is probably inst alled; contact the de vice m anuf acturer to obtai n the most recent driver.

8. Run Adobe Audition 3.0 while no other applications are running.

Some applications can cause problems when running concurrently with Adobe Audition 3.0. Before starting Adobe Audition, disable other applications, including startup items (items that start automatically with Windows). To disable startup items, do the following:
1 Exit from all applications.
2 Choose Start > Run, and type msconfig in the Open text box. Click OK.
3 Click the Startup tab, and select Disable All.
4 Deselect any startup items that are essential for testing the problem. If you are unsure if an item is essential, leave it
5 Click OK, and restart Windows.
6 Right-click to close or disable any items in the Notification Area (called the System Tray in earlier versions of
Wi nd ow s) .
Note: F
or more information about msconfig, see the documentation included with Windows.

9. Re-create the Adobe Audition preferences file.

Re-create the Adobe Audition preferences file to eliminate problems that a damaged preferences file can cause.
Note: W
hen you use this solution, Adobe Audition creates a preferences file and you lose custom settings associated with your current preferences file. Deleting the preferences causes Adobe Audition to disable checking for DirectX plug-ins and force reinitialization of VST plug-ins. Your Adobe Audition preferences file can be a hidden file in Windows Vista. To show hidden files and folders, complete the following steps:
1 Open My Computer.
2 Click the Organize button in the upper-right corner of the My Computer box. Click Folder and Search Options.
3 Choose the View Tab.
4 Under Hidden Files and Folders, choose Show hidden files and folders.
To re-create the Adobe Audition preferences file, do the following:
1 Quit Adobe Audition.
2 Navigate to the following folder C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Audition\3.0Important:
If you saved your own custom workspaces, copy the UserWorkspaces folder to a new location.
3 Delete the entire contents of the C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Audition\3.0 folder.
4 Start Adobe Audition
Last updated 11/4/2015

10. Set Adobe Audition temporary folders to high-performance drives with adequate free disk space.

When recording in Edi t View, Adob e Audit ion stores temp orar y fil es in its Primary Temp Di rectory. Make sure that the Primary Temp Directory is set to the fastest drive (7200 rpm and above) and the drive with the most free space. Also create a folder just for Adobe Au dition tempor ary files s o that you c an find the fil es eas ily if it 's nec essar y to delete them.
To create and set the location of the Primary Temp Directory, do the following:
1 Create a folder on the hard drive where you want to save the Primary Temp Directory (for example, a folder named
"Adobe AuditionTemp").
2 In Adobe Audition, choose Edit > Preferences and select the System tab.
3 In the Temporary Folders section, enter the path (or browse) to the folder you created in step 1.
Re cordin g in Mult itr ack Vi ew s tores file s di rec tly into a sub folde r wi thi n th e fo lder of the cur rent s ess ion . (For exa mple, fo
r a session called "Adobe" a folder called "Adobe Audition_Recorded" contains all the files recorded for that session). Make sure that the session files and this associated folder are stored on the fastest drive (7200 rpm and above) with the most free space.
Putting the Adobe Audition temporary directories and session folders on separate hard drives can improve p
erformance. If you have multiple hard drives, put the Primary Temp Folder and session folders on the drive that
doesn't contain the Adobe Audition program files.

11. Optimize handling of temporary files by Windows Vista.

Windows and applications store working data in temporary (.tmp) files that they create on the hard disk. Excessive or outdated temporary files can interfere with performance of Windows or applications.
Delete temporary files by using the Disk Cleanup utility included with Windows or by using the following instructions. M
ake sure that at least 700 MB of free space is available on the hard disk to which temporary files are written. To start Disk Cleanup, choose Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Cleanup. For information about Disk Cleanup, see Windows Help.
To manually delete temporary files, do the following:
Note: Re normally. When Windows or an application crashes, however, temporary files can accumulate on the hard disk.
1 Quit all applications.
2 Choose Start and type *.tmp in the Search textbox.
3 After the search results appear, choose Organize > Select All.
4 Choose Organize > Delete. Click Yes to confirm that you want to send the files to the Recycle Bin.
5 Remove any files you don't want to delete from the Recycle Bin, and then empty the Recycle Bin. Windows deletes
To make sure that at least 700 MB of free space is available on the hard disk to which temporary files are written, do the fo
1 Quit all applications.
2 Choose Start > Control Panel.
3 Double-click System and select Advanced system settings from the Tasks pane.
peat this procedure periodically. Windows deletes temporary files when Windows and applications close
all temporary files not in use.
4 Click the Advanced tab, and then click Environment Variables.
Last updated 11/4/2015
5 In the User Variables For [user profile] area, locate TEMP in the Variable column, and note the folder listed in the
Value column. If the complete path name for the folder isn't visible, double-click TEMP in the Variable column, and note the folder name in the Variable Value box.Note: If a TEMP variable doesn't exist, then contact your system administrator for assistance.
6 In Wind ows Exp lorer, ver ify t hat the folder you noted i n step 4 exi sts on a non-comp ressed dis k pa rti tio n. Mak e su re
that the partition has at least 700 MB of free space:
If the folder doesn't exist, then create it. Right-click the drive, choose New Folder from the menu, and type the
folder name you noted in step 4 (for example, Temp).
If the disk doesn't have enough free space, then create additional space by removing unnecessary files. To
determine the amount of free space, right-click the disk and choose Properties from the menu.

12. Change the Wave Cache settings in Adobe Audition 3.0.

Changing the Wave Cache setting increases performance in Adobe Audition.
To change the Wave Cache setting in Adobe Audition 3.0, do the following:
Choose Edit > Preferences > System. Then enter one of the values from the table below, depending on how much RAM is inst
alled on your computer.
Installed RAM Wave Cache setting
up to 512 MB 32 MB
1 GB 64 MB
Higher than 1 GB 128 MB
Note: A
s you reach higher Wave Cache settings, you start to get diminishing returns, so try various settings to see how
they work for you.

13. Repair and defragment hard disks.

System errors can occur if hard disks contain damaged sectors or fragmented files. Repair and defragment hard disks. Use the error-checking tool and Disk Defragmenter utility included with Windows or a third-party disk utility (for example, Symantec Norton Utilities). Run the utility on each hard disk or partition. More information about the Error­checking tool and Disk Defragmenter appears below. For more information about a third-party disk utility, see the documentation for the utility.
The Error-checking tool repairs bad sectors, lost allocation uni filenames. To access the Error-checking tool, choose Start > Computer, right-click the desired hard disk, and choose Properties from the menu. In the Local Disk Properties dialog box, click the Tools tab, and then click Check Now in the Error-checking area.
Note: T
o prevent Disk Defragmenter from moving files to bad sectors of a disk, run the Error-checking tool before
running Disk Defragmenter.
ts and file fragments, cross-linked files, and invalid
Disk Defragmenter rearranges the files and free space on your computer. Files are then stored in contiguous units and f
re e space is c onsoli dated i n one co ntigu ous blo ck. To acce ss t he D isk Def rag mente r ut ili ty, cho ose Star t > A ll Prog ram s
> Accessories > System Tools > Disk Defragmenter.
Last updated 11/4/2015

14. Scan the system for viruses.

Use current anti-virus software (for example, Symantec Norton Antivirus or McAfee Virus Scan) to check the system for viruses. Virus infections can damage software and cause system errors. For more information, see the documentation for the anti-virus software.

Optimize Windows XP for Audition 3

Optimizing the system can eliminate compatibility problems that can interfere with audio editing. To optimize a Windows system for Adobe Audition, work through the tasks in this document. To further eliminate problems, simplify the system to include only those components necessary for editing audio.
1. Make sure that the system meets the minimum requirements for Audition.
Audition may not run correctly on a system that doesn't meet the following requirements:
Intel Pentium III or higher (SSE2-enabled processor required for AMD systems)
Microsoft Windows XP Professional or Home Edition with Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista Home Premium,
Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise (certified support for 32-bit editions only)
512MB of RAM
10GB of available hard-disk space (when used with Loopology DVD)
1280x900 monitor resolution with 32-bit video card and 16MB of VRAM
Microsoft DirectX or ASIO compatible sound card
CD drive required for installation
Internet or phone connection required for product activation and Internet-related services
Note: T
o check how much RAM is installed, choose Start > Control Panel > System. The amount of RAM appears on
the lower half of the General tab in the System Properties dialog box.
2. Install current Windows service packs and other updates.
Updates to the Windows operating system improve its performance and compatibility with applications. You can ob
tain Windows service packs and other updates from the Microsoft website at For
assistance installing service packs and other updates, contact Microsoft technical support.
Important: B software or hardware you may use with Audition) to ensure compatibility. If the update isn't listed, then contact Adobe or the manufacturer of your third-party software or hardware.
If you've reinstalled an application or the Windows operating syst reinstall the update. Some applications install commonly used system files, overwriting the updated versions installed by the Windows update.
3. Update the sound card driver.
Many sound card manufacturers frequently update their software drivers. If you haven't recently updated the sound c
ard driver, contact the sound card manufacturer for an updated driver, or download one from the manufacturer's
efore you install a system update, check the system requirements for Audition 3.0 (and any third-party
em after installing the latest Windows update, then
To determine the manufacturer and driver version of a sound card:
1 Choose start > Settings > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices.
Last updated 11/4/2015
2 Click the Hardware tab.
3 Choose the Device and click Properties.
4 Select the Driver tab and note the Driver Provider and the Driver Version listed.
4. Verify that other device drivers are compatible with Windows XP.
If updating the sound card driver doesn't resolve the problem, verify that all other device drivers are compatible with W
indows XP. Device drivers are software files that allow Windows to communicate with devices such as scanners, mouse devices, and keyboards. Contact the device manufacturer to make sure that you are using the latest driver for it.
To check for device driver problems:
1 Choose Start > Control Panel > System.
2 Click the Hardware tab, and then click Device Manager.
3 Click the plus sign (+) to the left of each device type.
4 If a device appe ars w ith a black excl amat ion mark (!) in a yell ow circle, right -click t hat de vice, an d choo se Prope rti es
from the menu.
5 Note the properties for the device:
Check the Device Status field: If the device isn't working properly, information in this field can help you
troubleshoot the problem.
If the Properties dialog box has a Driver tab, click it. If the Driver tab doesn't indicate the driver provider, click
Driver Details. If Microsoft is the provider, a generic driver is probably installed; contact the device manufacturer to obtain the most recent driver.
5. Re-create the Audition preferences file.
Re-create the Audition preferences file to eliminate problems that a damaged preferences file might cause.
Note: W
hen you use this solution, Audition will create a new preferences file and you will lose custom settings associated with your current preferences file. Deleting the preferences will cause Audition to disable checking for DirectX plug-ins and force reinitialization of VST plug-ins.
Your Audition preferences file may be a hidden file in Windo
ws XP. To show hidden files and folders, complete the
following steps:
1 Open My Computer.
2 Click on the Tools Menu and Choose Folder Options.
3 Choose the View Tab.
4 Under Files and Folders and Hidden Files and Folders, choose Show hidden files and folders.
To re-create the Audition preferences file:
1 Quit Audition.
2 Navigate to the following folder C:\Documents and Settings\ [username] \Application
Data\Adobe\Audition\3.0.Important: If you saved your own custom workspaces, copy the UserWorkspaces folder to a new location.
3 Delete the entire contents of the C:\Documents and Settings\ [username] \Application Data\Adobe\Audition\3.0
4 Start Audition
6. Set Adobe Audition temporary folders to high-performance drives with adequate free disk space.
Last updated 11/4/2015
+ 30 hidden pages