Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional Getting Started Guide for Windows® and Mac OS
If this guide is distributed with software that includes an end user agreement, this guide, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license
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The content of this guide is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by
Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Systems Incorporated assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in the
informational content contained in this guide.
Please remember that existing artwork or images that you may want to include in your project may be protected under copyright law. The unauthorized
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required from the copyright owner.
Any references to company names in sample templates or images are for demonstration purposes only and are not intended to refer to any actual organization.
Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, Acrobat Capture, Acrobat Connect, Breeze, Creative Suite, Distiller, Flash, FrameMaker, FreeHand, GoLive, Illustrator,
InCopy, InDesign, LiveCycle, Photoshop, PostScript, PostScript 3, Reader, and Version Cue are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe
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To review complete system requirements and recommendations for your Adobe® software, see the Read
Me file included with your software.
Install the software
1 Close any other Adobe applications open on your
2 Insert the installation disc into the disc drive, and
follow the on-screen instructions.
Note: For more information, see the Read Me file
included with your software.
Activate the software
Adobe software may include license management
technology to ensure compliance with the product
license agreement. When present, this technology
prompts you to verify the license of your product
within 30 days after you first use it. Verification is
You may be prompted to activate the software. The
verification process doesn’t collect, transmit, or use
any information about the identity of users. For more
informationonthistopic,see theReadMefileonyour
installation disc, or visit the Adobe website at
2 Follow the on-screen instructions.
Note: If you want to install the software on a different
computer, you must first deactivate the software on your
computer: Choose Help > Activation > Deactivate.
Register your product to receive complimentary
installation support, notifications of updates, and
other services.
❖ To register, follow the on-screen instructions in the
Registration dialog box, which appears after you
install and activate the software.
If you postpone registration, you can register at any
time by choosing Help > Registration.
Read Me
Theinstallationdisccontainsthe Read Me file foryour
software. (This file is also copied to the application
folder during product installation.) Open the file to
read important information about the following
• System requirements
• Installation
• Registration
• Electronic licensing
• Legal notices
1 If the Activation dialog box isn’t already open,
choose Help > Activation > Activate.
Getting Started Guide
Using Adobe Help
Adobe Help resources
Documentation for your Adobe software is available
in a variety of formats.
In-product and LiveDocs Help
In-product Help provides access to all documentation
and instructional content available at the time the
software ships. It is available through the Help menu
in your Adobe software.
LiveDocs Help includes all the content from
in-product Help, plus updates and links to additional
instructional content available on the web. For some
products, you can also add comments to the topics in
LiveDocs Help. Find LiveDocs Help for your product
in the Adobe Help Resource Center, at
Most versions of in-product and LiveDocs Help let
you search across the Help systems of multiple
products. Topics may also contain links to relevant
content on the web or to topics in the Help of another
ThinkofHelp, both in theproduct andonthe web, as
a hub for accessing additional content and communities of users. The most complete and up-to-date
version of Help is always on the web.
How To topics
The How To topics provide a brief overview of the
most common tasks. If you need more information,
clickthe linkatthe bottom of theHow To topictoview
the related Help topic.
Getting Started Guide
PDF documentation
The in-product Help is also available as an Adobe PDF
that is optimized for printing. Other documents, such
as installation guides and white papers, may also be
provided as PDFs.
All PDF documentation is available through the Adobe
Help Resource Center, at To see the PDF
documentation included with your software, look in the
Documents folder on the installation or content DVD.
Printed documentation
Printed editions of the in-product Help may be
available for purchase in the Adobe Store, at You can also find books
published by Adobe publishing partners in the Adobe
A printed workflow guide is included with all Adobe
Creative Suite® 3 products, and stand-alone Adobe
products may include a printed getting started guide.
Note: Printed documentation is not available in all
Accessibility features
Adobe Help content is accessible to people with
disabilities—such as mobility impairments, blindness,
and low vision. In-product Help supports these
standard accessibility features:
• The user can change text size with standard context
menu commands (Microsoft® Windows®) and
standard menu commands (Apple Mac OS).
• Links are underlined for easy recognition.
• If link text doesn’t match the title of the destination,
the title is referenced in the Title attribute of the
Anchor tag. For example, the Previous and Next
links include the titles of the previous and next
• Content supports high-contrast mode.
• Images without captions include alternate text.
• Each frame has a title to indicate its purpose.
• Standard HTML tags define content structure for
screen reading or text-to-speech tools.
• Style sheets control formatting, so there are no
embedded fonts.
Using Help in the product
In-product Help is available through the Help menu.
Afteryou startthe AdobeHelpViewer, youcan access
Help for additional Adobe products installed on your
computer. Topics may contain links to additional
content on the web.
If you search for a phrase, such as “shape tool,”
enclose it in quotation marks to see only those topics
that include all the words in the phrase (applies to
roman language versions of the software).
Keyboard shortcuts for Help toolbar controls
Back button Alt+Left Arrow
Forward button Alt+Right Arrow
Print Ctrl+P
About button Ctrl+I
Help For menu Alt+Down Arrow or Alt+Up Arrow to
view Help for another application
Getting Started Guide
Keyboard shortcuts for Help navigation (Windows)
To move between panes, press Ctrl+Tab (forward)
and Shift+Ctrl+Tab (backward).
• To move through and outline links in a pane, press
Tab (forward) or Shift+Tab (backward).
• To activate an outlined link, press Enter.
• To change text size, press Ctrl/Command+plus sign
(+) or Ctrl/Command+minus sign (-).
Adobe Video Workshop
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Video Workshop offers over
200 training videos covering a wide range of subjects
for print, web, and video professionals.
You can use Adobe Video Workshop to learn about
any Creative Suite 3 product. Many videos show you
how to use Adobe applications together.
Note: Adobe Video Workshop is not available in all
When you start Adobe Video Workshop, you choose
the products you want to learn and the subjects you
want to view. You can see details about each video to
focus and direct your learning.
Community of presenters
With this release, Adobe Systems invited the
community of its users to share their expertise and
insights. Adobe and present tutorials, tips,
and tricks from leading designers and developers such
as Joseph Lowery, Katrin Eismann, and Chris
Georgenes. You can see and hear Adobe experts such
as Lynn Grillo,GregRewis,and RussellBrown.Inall,
over 30 product experts share their knowledge.
Getting Started Guide
Tutorials and source files
Adobe Video Workshop includes training for novices
and experienced users. You’ll also find videos on new
features andkey techniques.Eachvideocoversasingle
subject and typically runs about 3-5 minutes. Most
videos come with an illustrated tutorial and source
files, so you can print detailed steps and try the tutorial
on your own.
Using Adobe Video Workshop
You can access Adobe Video Workshop using the
DVD included with your Creative Suite 3 product. It’s
also available online at Adobe will
regularly add new videos to the online Video
Workshop, so check in to see what’s new.
Acrobat videos
Adobe Video Workshop covers a wide range of
subjects for Adobe Acrobat®, including these:
• Setting up the workspace and taskbars
• Combining files into a PDF
• Converting PDFs
• Modifying PDFs
• Adding comments to PDFs
• Working with shared reviews
• Reviewing and summarizing comments
• Adding security to forms
• Collaborating in real time with Adobe Acrobat
• Preflighting files
• Printing documents
Getting Started Guide
To access Adobe Creative Suite 3 video tutorials, visit
Adobe Video Workshop at
Note: Adobe Video Workshop is not available in all
You have access to a wide variety of resources that will
help you make the most of your Adobe software. Some
of these resources are installed on your computer
during the setup process; additional content is
included on the installation or content disc, if applicable. Unique extras are also offered online by the
Adobe Exchange community, at
Installed resources
During software installation, a number of resources
are placed in your application folder. To view those
files, navigate to the application folder on your
Adobe Design Center
Adobe Design Center offers articles, inspiration, and
instruction from industry experts, top designers, and
Adobe publishing partners. New content is added
You can find hundreds of tutorials for design products
and learn tips and techniques through videos, HTML
tutorials, and sample book chapters.
New ideas are the heart of Think Tank, Dialog Box,
and Gallery:
• ThinkTankarticlesconsiderhow today’sdesigners
engage with technology and what their experiences
mean for design, design tools, and society.
• In Dialog Box, experts share new ideas in motion
graphics and digital design.
• The Gallery showcases how artists communicate
design in motion.
Visit Adobe Design Center at
Disc content
The disc included with your product may contain
additional resources for use with the software, such as
presets, plug-ins, a PDF version of the Help, technical
information, and other documents.
Adobe Exchange
For more free content, visit, an online community
where users download and share thousands of free
actions, extensions, plug-ins, and other content for use
with Adobe products.
Adobe Developer Center
Adobe Developer Center provides samples, tutorials,
articles, and community resources for developers who
build rich Internet applications, websites, mobile
content, and other projects using Adobe products. The
Developer Center also contains resources for developers who develop plug-ins for Adobe products.
In addition to sample code and tutorials, you'll find
RSS feeds, online seminars, SDKs, scripting guides,
and other technical resources.
Visit Adobe Developer Center at
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