April, 2014 (Replaces November, 2008)
Potentially hazardous voltages are present. Electrical shock can c ause death or serious injury.
Installation sho uld be don e b y qualified personnel following all National, State & Local Codes.
Macromatic made several product desig n enhancements on all PMP S eries products m anufactured w ith Date Code of 1415 or later (2nd w eek of Apr il
2014). These incl ude a dial-in- dial line-li ne voltage scale on the PMPU w ith an incr eased 190-500V range, n ew LED fault codes & the abilit y to set the Lin eLine Voltage with power applied. Basic functionality & protection has been retained.
Installat ion and Wiring
1. Mount th e appropriate 8 pin oct al sock et in a suit able enclosure. NOTE: a 600V-ra ted so cket such as the Mac romati c 70169-D or
Custom Connecto r OT08-PC must be used wi th these products o n applicat ions greater t han 300V. When making connections
to the socke t, make sure to mat ch the ter minal numbers on the s ocket t o the ones show n on the w iring d iagram ( the w iring
diagram on the rel ay is t he view looking t ow ar ds the bo tto m of t he r elay vs. the to p of the s ocket ). Us e one or tw o #12-22 s olid
or s t rand ed cop per or co pper -c lad al umin um cond uct ors wit h t erm inals on t he abov e Mac rom atic or C us tom C onnec tor soc k ets —a
terminal tight ening torque of 12 in- lbs should be used.
2. Set the VOLTAGE LINE-LINE knob to the ac tual three-phas e line-to-line voltage. The
Voltage Line-Line knob on the PMPU & t he PMPU- FA8 has two ranges (s ee right ): 19 0250V on the low voltage sc ale and 380-50 0V on the high voltage sc ale. The unit auto
senses the three-phase line-line volt age when applied and automatically select s one of
the two r anges. The PMP120 has a single adj ust able range of 102-138V and the PMP5 75
has a single adjus table range of 460- 600V.
3.(For PMPU-FA8, skip t o Step 4) Set initial settings on the UNDERVOLTAGE TRIP, TRIP
DELAY and RESTART DELAY knobs to minimum
knob to maximum.
4. Connect t he three-phase line-line voltage to termi nals 3, 4 and 5 ( see W iring Diagram on
the side of t he relay or on the back of thi s s heet). A connecti on to the neutr al or ground
is not required in Wye systems. DO NOT connect output wires to terminals 1, 2 and 8
until later (Step 13).
5. R ESE T: As st and ard, t he PM P Ser ies rel ays are in th e Autom atic Res et m ode, whi ch means t hey w ill au tom ati call y res et onc e th e fau lt h as
been c or rec ted . H owever, th ey c an be s et up i n t he Man ual R eset m ode by c onn ect in g an ext ern al N. C. s wit ch ac ros s t er min als 6 and 7.
Upon ap plic ati on of t hr ee-ph ase vol tage, th e PMP Ser ies will g o int o Manu al Res et mod e if i t r ecogn izes a clos ur e acr oss ter minals 6 an d
7. After a fault clears, the relay will not reset until the N.C. switch is opened. NOTE: this u nit c an only be s et bac k t o Aut omat ic R es et
mode f rom Manu al Res et m ode by r emovi ng t hree- phas e vol tage, rem oving the N .C . sw itc h acr oss ter minal s 6 an d 7, and r eappl ying t he
th ree- phas e volt age.
6. Plug the thr ee-phase monitor r elay into the sock et, making s ure t he key on the center pos t is in t he
proper orientat ion before i nsert ion. If the r elay must be remove d fr om the socke t, do NOT rock
the relay back and f orth exces sively— the cente r post could be dam aged.
7. Apply three-phase voltage. The LED indicator should initially flash GREEN if in the Automatic Reset
mode w hile t he r elay goes t hrou gh it s st art -u p delay or wai tin g for an ext ern al sw itc h t o be oper ated
if in the Manual Reset mode and then illuminate solid GREEN. If the LED tur ns RED s olid or
flashing, a fault condition exists and must be correct ed. Use t he LED Status Table at rig ht or t he
Troubleshooting Guide on bac k to dete rmine exact cause of fault . Mak e r equ ire d c orr ect ion s.
8. REMOVE THREE-PHASE VOLTAGE for Steps 9-13. (For PMPU-FA8, REMOVE THREE-PHASE VOLTAGE and s kip t o Step 13)
9. S et t he R ESTART DE LAY knob . Th is set tin g s houl d be t he t ime p eriod req uir ed af ter a faul t h as b een c leared bef ore t he rel ay s hould
autom ati cally energ ize. NOT E: this valu e is i gnor ed when in t he Man ual Res et m ode ( see St ep 5) .
10. Set the UNDERVOLTAGE TRIP knob between 80 and 95% of the line- line voltage s etting. This value should be t he same as the minimum
operat ing vol tage f or the eq uipm ent to b e adequat ely pr otect ed.
11. Set t he TR IP DEL AY knob. This is the m aximu m t ime per iod t hat an unb alanc e, un derv oltage or over volt age c ondit ion s houl d be all owed t o
last . Too shor t a s et tin g wil l cau se n uis anc e tr ipp ing if t her e are m omen tar y c hang es i n th e th ree- phas e volt age. Too long a s et tin g c ould
cau se d amage t o the eq uip ment . Not e th at th e set ti ng s hou ld b e at leas t s lig ht ly lon ger than t he t im e a th ree- phas e mot or i s d rawi ng i ts
inrush or st artup curr ent. This will avoid nuisanc e tripping caused by the st arting current.
12 . Set t he UN BAL ANC E k nob. T his set ting s hould b e the m aximu m all owable u nbalan ce in phas e volt age th at t he th ree- phas e s yst em c an
toler ate. Too low of a s ett ing c an c aus e nu isan ce t r ippi ng. Too h igh of a s et tin g may n ot ad equat ely p rot ect t he s ys tem.
. Set initial setting on the UNBALANCE
(Continued on Back)

13. Connect t he output ter minal wires t o terminals 1, 2 and 8 (see W iring Diagram on the side of th e relay or below).
14 . W hen al l con nec tion s ar e made, appl y th ree- phas e lin e-li ne vol tage. The L ED ind icat or sh ould ini tially flas h GREE N whi le the r elay goes
thr oug h it s r est art delay or w aiti ng f or an exter nal s wit ch to be oper at ed if in t he Man ual Res et mode an d th en ill umin ate s olid GRE EN w hen
all v oltag e condi tion s are cor rect .
15. If the LED d oes not illuminate s olid GREEN duri ng regular operation, a fault condition has oc curr ed. REM OVE THREE- PHASE
VOLTAGE, and check for pr oper phase rotation, presenc e of all three phases, and low or high voltage conditions. Us e the LED Status
Ta ble on the fi rst page o r t he Troubleshooting Guide belo w t o det ermine exac t cause o f fault. Cor r ec t if n ece ss ar y. R eenergization is automatic upon correct ion of the fault condition unless us ing MANUAL RESET, w hich requires opening the N.C. switch
acr os s t er mi nals 6 and 7 to res et t he un it (s ee St ep 5) .
Troubleshooting Guide
GREEN Moto r i s not s ta r ti ng Either (a) the relay is going through its
GREEN Moto r i s not s ta r ti ng The relay is in the run mode and working
NO INDICATIO N Relay is not
RED On power-up or with
RED Either a phase loss
RED Low voltage Measure the three line-to-line voltages. If the
RED High voltage Measure the three line-to-line voltages. If the
energized and/or
mo t or is no t running
motor r unning
or voltage
unbalance condition
POWER-UP/RESTART delay and will energize
the output contacts when completed; or (b) the
relay is in the Manual Reset mode and waiting
for an external switch to be operated before
energizing the output contacts.
properly. Either another control device is
preventing the motor from starting or all wiring
should be checked.
Verify L1, L2 and L3 (A, B & C) are connected
to terminals 3, 4 and 5. Measure the three lineto-line voltages. If any of the voltages are
below the specified minimum operation
voltage, the relay does not have enough power
to operate. Check to see why operating
voltage is low and correct.
The relay is sensing a phase reversal or phase
out-of-sequence (rotation) condition. REMOVE
THREE-PHASE VOLTAGE and switch any two
of the three line connections to ensure the
phase sequence (rotation) is correct.
Make sure all three phases are present.
Check for a blown fuse or a loose or broken
wire. Measure all three line-line voltages and
calculate the percent unbalance—compare to
UNBALANCE knob setting. Determine why
unbalanc ed condition exists and correct it.
average of these three voltages is below the
UNDERVOLTAGE TRIP knob setting, the relay
has tripped due to a low voltage condition.
Check for low voltage condition and correct it.
average of these three voltages is > 10% of the
VOLTAGE LINE-LINE knob setting, the relay
has tripped due to a over voltage condition.
Check for high voltage condition and correct it.
(For Load Side connection, contact Macrom atic)
Typical Connections
Diagram 104
All catalog-listed PMP Series products man ufactured by Macromatic are warranted to be free from defects in workmanship or
mater ial und er norm al service an d u se for a period o f five (5) years fro m date of man ufac tur e.