Drop-In, High Power, Low
Intermod Isolators
n Designed for Wireless Telecommunication Systems,
Base Stations and Power Amplifier applications
n Excellent IM performance
n High Performance at low cost
n High power handling utilizing non-toxic aluminum
nitride termination and copper heat sink
n Stable ceramic magnet based design
n Robust construction
n Custom products available with alternate configurations
including a dual junction, the addition of an attenuator,
detector, TTL logic etc.
M/A-COM’s drop-in circulators and isolators, designed for
wireless Base Station and Power Amplifier applications,
feature high reliability performance at a low cost. These
proven robust designs are qualification tested. Tests include
temperature cycling, high temperature exposure, vibration,
shock, and corrosion / moisture testing. These designs
feature a low cost package ideally suited for high volume
manufacturing. M/A-COM is the world’s largest supplier
of drop-in isolators and circulators for the wireless
infrastructure market.
Outline Drawing
Insertion Loss
Forward Power
Reflected Power
M/A-COM Inc. and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s)
M/A-COM Inc. and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s)
or information contained herein without notice. MA-COM makes no warranty,
or information contained herein without notice. MA-COM makes no warranty,
representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any
representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any
particular purpose, nor does M/A-COM assume any liability whatsoever arising out
particular purpose, nor does M/A-COM assume any liability whatsoever arising out
of the use or application of any product(s) or information.
of the use or application of any product(s) or information.
Visit www.macom.com for additional data sheets and product information.
Visit www.macom.com for additional data sheets and product information.
Passive Intermod Prod.
Operating Temperature
-80 dBc with two 30 W tones
20 dB Min.
25 dB Typical
0.25 Max.
0.20 dB Typical
100 Watts
70 Watts
1.22:1 Max.
-10 °C to +70°C
Model Number Frequency Range
MAFRIN0167 869 –894 MHz
MAFRIN0160 925 - 960 MHz
MAFRIN0164 1805 -1880 MHz
MAFRIN0165 1930 - 1990 MHz
MAFRIN0166 2090 - 2190 MHz
n North America: Tel. (800) 366-2266
n Asia/Pacific: Tel.+81-44-844-8296, Fax +81-44-844-8298
n Europe: Tel. +44 (1344) 869 595, Fax+44 (1344) 300 020