M/A-COM Technical Publications would particularly appreciate feedback on any errors found in this document and
suggestions on how the document could be improved. Submit your comments and suggestions to:
Wireless Systems Business Unit
M/A-COM, Inc. or fax your comments to: (434) 455-6851
Technical Publications
221 Jefferson Ridge Parkway or e-mail us at: techpubs@tycoelectronics.com
Lynchburg, VA 24501
M/A-COM, OpenSky and EDACS are registered trademarks of M/A-COM, Inc.
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
All other brand and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective holders.
This device is made under license under one or more of the following U.S. Patents: 4,590,473; 4,636,791; 5,148,482;
5,185,796; 5,271,017; 5,377,229; 4,716,407; 4,972,460; 5,502,767; 5,146,497; 5,164,986; 5,185,795.
The voice coding technology embodied in this product is protected by intellectual property rights including patent rights,
copyrights, and trade secrets of Digital Voice Systems, Inc. The user of this technology is explicitly prohibited from
attempting to decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Object Code, or in any other way convert the Object Code into
human-readable form.
This manual covers M/A-COM products manufactured and sold by M/A-COM, Inc.
Repairs to this equipment should be made only by an authorized service technician or facility designated by the supplier. Any
repairs, alterations or substitution of recommended parts made by the user to this equipment not approved by the
manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment in addition to the manufacturer’s warranty.
The software contained in this device is copyrighted by M/A-COM, Inc. Unpublished rights are reserved under the copyright
laws of the United States.
This manual is published by M/A-COM, Inc. without any warranty. Improvements and changes to this manual necessitated by typographical errors,
inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment, may be made by M/A-COM, Inc., at any time and without notice. Such
changes will be incorporated into new editions of this manual. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose, without the express written permission of M/A-COM, Inc.
19 WIRING DIAGRAM: MOBILE RADIO & CH-103 CONTROL HEAD....................................61
20 WIRING DIAGRAM: MOBILE RADIO & CH-103PA CONTROL HEAD...............................63
The following symbols are used throughout this manual:
The WARNING symbol calls attention to a procedure, practice, or the like, which, if
not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in personal injury. Do not proceed
beyond a WARNING symbol until the conditions identified are fully understood or met.
The CAUTION symbol calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like,
which, if not performed correctly or adhered to, could result in damage to the
equipment or severely degrade equipment performance.
The NOTE symbol calls attention to supplemental information, which may improve
system performance or clarify a process or procedure.
Before using the mobile two-way radio, read this important RF energy awareness and control
information and operational instructions to ensure compliance with RF exposure guidelines.
This radio is intended for use in occupational/controlled conditions, where users have
full knowledge of their exposure and can exercise control over their exposure to remain
This two-way radio uses electromagnetic energy in the radio frequency (RF) spectrum to provide
communications between two or more users over a distance. It uses RF energy or radio waves to send and
receive calls. RF energy is one form of electromagnetic energy. Other forms include, but are not limited
to, electric power, sunlight, and x-rays. RF energy, however, should not be confused with these other
forms of electromagnetic energy, which, when used improperly, can cause biological damage. Very high
levels of x-rays, for example, can damage tissues and genetic material.
Experts in science, engineering, medicine, health, and industry work with organizations to develop
standards for exposure to RF energy. These standards provide recommended levels of RF exposure for
both workers and the general public. These recommended RF exposure levels include substantial margins
of protection. All two-way radios marketed in North America are designed, manufactured, and tested to
ensure they meet government-established RF exposure levels. In addition, manufacturers also recommend
below RF exposure limits. This radio is NOT authorized for general population,
consumer, or any other use.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by M/A-COM, Inc. could void the
user's authority to operate the equipment.
specific operating instructions to users of two-way radios. These instructions are important because they
inform users about RF energy exposure and provide simple procedures on how to control it. Please refer
to the following websites for more information on what RF energy exposure is and how to control your
exposure to assure compliance with established RF exposure limits:
1.2.1 Federal Communications Commission Regulations
The M7200 two-way mobile radio is designed and tested to comply with the FCC RF energy exposure
limits for mobile two-way radios before it can be marketed in the United States. When two-way radios are
used as a consequence of employment, the FCC requires users to be fully aware of and able to control
their exposure to meet occupational requirements. Exposure awareness can be facilitated by the use of a
label directing users to specific user awareness information. The radio has an RF exposure product label.
Also, this Installation Manual and the applicable Operator’s Manual include information and operating
instructions required to control your RF exposure and to satisfy compliance requirements.
The M7200 two-way mobile radio is designed and tested to comply with a number of national and
international standards and guidelines regarding human exposure to RF electromagnetic energy. This
radio complies with the IEEE and ICNIRP exposure limits for occupational/controlled RF exposure
environment at duty-cycle times of up to 50% (50% transmit, 50% receive), and it is authorized by the
FCC for occupational use. In terms of measuring RF energy for compliance with the FCC exposure
guidelines, the radio’s antenna radiates measurable RF energy only while it is transmitting (talking), not
when it is receiving (listening) or in standby mode.
The M7200 mobile two-way radio complies with the following RF energy exposure standards and
• United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Code of Federal Regulations; 47 CFR
§ 2 sub-part J.
• American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
• Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95.1-1999.
Table 1-1 lists the recommended minimum safe lateral distances for a controlled
environment and for unaware bystanders in an uncontrolled environment, from
transmitting antennas (i.e., monopoles over a ground plane, or dipoles) at rated radio
power for mobile radios installed in a vehicle. Transmit only when unaware bystanders
are at least the uncontrolled recommended minimum safe lateral distance away from
the transmitting antenna.
Table 1-1: Recommended Minimum Safe Lateral Distance from Transmitting Antenna
12.6 inches
(32 centimeters)
27.6 inches
(70 centimeters)
(All are 700 & 800 MHz Dual-Band Antennas)
MAMV-AN3J (3 dBd Gain);
MAMV-AN3K (3 dBd Gain, Elev. Feed);
MAMV-AN3V (3 dBd Gain with GPS Rx)
15 watts
1.3.1 Mobile Antennas
The antenna(s) for the radio must be installed in accordance with section 7 in this manual. Refer to Table
1-1 above and/or Figure 7-1 for applicable antenna part numbers. Installation guidelines presented in
section 7 are limited to metal-body motor vehicles or vehicles with appropriate ground planes.
Use only the M/A-COM approved/supplied antenna(s) or an approved replacement antenna. Unauthorized
antennas, modifications, or attachments can cause the FCC RF exposure limits to be exceeded.
1.3.2 Approved Accessories
The radio has been tested and meets FCC RF guidelines when used with M/A-COM accessories supplied
or designated for use with it. Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance with the FCC’s RF
exposure guidelines, and may violate FCC regulations. For a list of approved accessories refer to section 4
in this manual (begins on page 14) and/or M/A-COM’s Products and Services Catalog.
1.3.3 Contact Information
For additional information on RF exposure and other information, contact M/A-COM using one of the
contact links listed in section 3.3 on page 13.
To ensure bodily exposure to RF electromagnetic energy is within the FCC allowable limits for
occupational use, always adhere to the following basic guidelines:
1. The push-to-talk button should only be depressed when intending to send a voice message.
2. The radio should only be used for necessary work-related communications.
3. The radio should only be used by authorized and trained personnel. It should never be operated by
4. Do not attempt any unauthorized modification to the radio. Changes or modifications to the radio may
cause harmful interference and/or cause it to exceed FCC RF exposure limits. Only qualified
personnel should service the radio.
5. Always use M/A-COM authorized accessories (antennas, control heads, speakers/mics, etc.). Use of
unauthorized accessories can cause the FCC RF exposure compliance requirements to be exceeded.
The information listed above provides the user with information needed to make him or her aware of a RF
exposure, and what to do to assure that this radio operates within the FCC exposure limits of this radio.
The operator of any mobile radio should be aware of certain hazards common to the operation of
vehicular radio transmissions. Possible hazards include but are not limited to:
1. Explosive Atmospheres
Just as it is dangerous to fuel a vehicle with its motor running, be sure to turn the radio OFF while fueling
the vehicle. If the radio is mounted in the trunk of the vehicle, DO NOT carry containers of fuel in the
2. Interference To Vehicular Electronic Systems
Electronic fuel injection systems, electronic anti-skid braking systems, electronic cruise control systems,
etc., are typical of the types of electronic devices that can malfunction due to the lack of protection from
radio frequency (RF) energy present when transmitting. If the vehicle contains such equipment, consult
the dealer for the make of vehicle and enlist his aid in determining if such electronic circuits perform
normally when the radio is transmitting.
3. Electric Blasting Caps
To prevent accidental detonation of electric blasting caps, DO NOT use two-way radio within 1000 feet
(305 meters) of blasting operations. Always obey the “Turn Off Two-Way Radios” signs posted where
electric blasting caps are being used. (OSHA Standard: 1926.900)
4. Radio Frequency Energy
To prevent burns or related physical injury from radio frequency energy, do not operate the transmitter
when anyone outside of the vehicle is within the minimum safe distance from the antenna as specified in
Table 1-1.
5. Vehicles Powered By Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas
Radio installation in vehicles powered by liquefied petroleum gas, where the LP gas container is located
in the trunk or other sealed-off space within the interior of the vehicle, must conform to the National Fire
Protection Association Standard NFPA 58. This requires:
a. The space containing radio equipment is isolated by a seal from the space containing the LP gas
container and its fittings.
b. Outside filling connections are used for the LP gas container.
c. The LP gas container space is vented to the outside of the vehicle.
6. Vehicles Equipped With Airbags
For driver and passenger safety, avoid mounting the Control Head (or any other component) above or
near airbag deployment areas. In addition to driver-side and passenger-side front-impact airbags, some
vehicles may also be equipped with side-impact airbags. For occupant safety, verify the location of all
airbags within the vehicle before installing the radio equipment.
Dimensions, Mobile Radio:2.8 x 8.8 x 9.3 inches (7.1 x 22.4 x 23.6 centimeters)
(Height x Width x Depth) (Includes bracket but not cables)
Dimensions, Control Head: 2.4 x 7.1 x 2.1 inches (6.10 x 18.03 x 5.33 centimeters)
Weight, Mobile Radio: 8.0 pounds (3.63 kilograms)
Weight, Control Head: 1.5 pounds (0.7 kilograms)
Operating Ambient Temperature Range: -22 to +140° Fahrenheit (-30 to +60° Celsius)
Storage Temperature Range: -40 to +185° Fahrenheit (-40 to +85° Celsius)
DC Supply Voltage Operating Range: +13.6 Vdc ±10% (Normal range per TIA-603)
DC Supply Current Requirements
Receive: 1.5 amps maximum at 0.5-watt speaker audio output
CH-103/CH-103PA Control Head: 50 milliamps maximum
power (includes CH-103/CH-103PA Control Head)
RF output power (includes CH-103/CH-103PA Control
Frequency Ranges
700 MHz Narrow Bands: 764 to 767 MHz and 773 to 776 MHz
800 MHz Band: 851 to 869 MHz
700 MHz Narrow Bands: 794 to 797 MHz and 803 to 806 MHz
800 MHZ Band: 806 to 824 MHz
Transmit Output Power
700 MHz Channels in Half-Duplex Mode: 1 watt to 15 watts (excluding interoperability channels)
700 MHz Interoperability Channels: 300 milliwatts maximum
800 MHz Channels in Full-Duplex Mode: 1 watt to 10 watts (programmable range)
800 MHz Channels in Half-Duplex Mode: 1 watt to 15 watts (programmable range)
Channel Spacing: 12.5 kHz or 25 kHz (mode dependent)
Data Communications Mode: Full-Duplex
Voice Communications Mode: Half-Duplex
Oscillator Stability: ±1.5 ppm with AFC disabled; ±0.5 ppm with AFC
These specifications are primarily intended for the use of the installation technician. See the appropriate Specifications
Sheet for the complete specifications.
Receiver Sensitivity
700 MHz OTP Mode: -111 dBm minimum, -113 dBm typical for 5% BLER
800 MHz OTP Mode: -111 dBm minimum, -112 dBm typical for 5% BLER
700 MHz P25 Mode (TIA-102 Method): -116 dBm minimum, -121 dBm typical for 5% BLER
800 MHz P25 Mode (TIA-102 Method): -116 dBm minimum, -121 dBm typical for 5% BLER
800 MHz OCF Mode (TIA-603 Method): -118 dBm minimum for 12 dB SINAD
700 MHz EDACS Mode: -118 dBm minimum, for 12 dB SINAD
800 MHz EDACS Mode: -118 dBm minimum, for 12 dB SINAD
Receiver Intermodulation Rejection: 70 dB minimum for OCF, P25, and EDACS modes
P25 Mode (TIA-102 Method): 67 dBc (minimum)
OCF, OTP and EDACS Modes: FCC Mask G and H compliant
Audio Frequency Response: 300 to 3000 Hz (with <3% audio distortion)
Audio Output Power (Control Head): 10 watts RMS maximum into 4-ohm external speaker;
FCC Type Acceptance: BV8M7200
Applicable FCC Rules: Part 15 and Part 90 (for 700 and 800 MHz)
Industry Canada Certification: 3670A-M7200
Applicable Industry Canada Rules: RSS-119
The M7200 series mobile radios are high-performance full-duplex dual-band digital mobile radios. These
radios can operate on 700 MHz and 800 MHz OpenSky trunked radio networks using the OpenSky
Trunking Protocol (OTP). In the future, the radio will also operate on 800 MHz Enhanced Digital Access
Communications System (EDACS) trunked radio networks, and 800 MHz APCO Project 25 phase I
compliant Common Air Interface (P25 CAI) trunked radio networks. Other future operating modes
include talk-around communications in accordance the APCO Project 25 phase I standard, and
conventional FM repeater-based and FM talk-around voice communications in accordance with the
TIA/EIA-603 conventional land-mobile radio standard.
The initial release of this radio only supports operations on 700 MHz and 800 MHz
OpenSky trunked radio networks. Later releases of the radio will add other modes to
support other trunked radio networks, and conventional FM repeater-based and FM
talk-around voice communication modes.
The radio has two models:
• M7250 — Trunk-Mount Full-Duplex Mobile Radio with CH-103 or CH-103PA Control Head
• M7270 — Trunk-Mount Full-Duplex Mobile Radio with CH-721 Control Head. As of the
publication of this manual, this combination is not available.
This manual only covers the installation of the M7250 model mobile radio.
The M7250 model mobile radio is designed to operate in a mobile environment, typically within a motor
vehicle. It must be connected to an external transmit/receive antenna such as one mounted to the vehicle’s
rooftop or trunk lid. In high-power half-duplex mode, the radio’s 800 MHz RF transmit output power is
rated at 15 watts minimum. The high-power limit for 700 MHz interoperability channels operations is
300 milliwatts maximum. This high-power limit guarantees that the 2-watt ERP (effective radiated
power) limit of the 700 MHz interoperability narrowband channels is not exceeded when the radio is
connected to a 6 dB gain antenna. Several different types of external-mount antennas are approved and
available for use with the radio, as listed in Table 1-1 and Table 4-2.
The radio is designed for remote mounting in a motor vehicle’s trunk, or some other preferably
unoccupied section in a vehicle, such as a fire truck’s equipment shelf. It is remotely controlled by one or
more control heads connected to it via a 3-wire Controller Area Network (CAN) link cable. Between the
radio and control head(s), the CAN link carries digitized microphone and speaker audio, controlling data
such as button presses and radio messages, and user data such as that for a mobile data terminal connected
to serial port of the radio or control head. For proper operation, the CAN link must be terminated
appropriately on each end.
Control heads which may be utilized with the radio include the standard CH-103 and the siren/public
address CH-103PA control head. The CH-103PA can interface to an optional Federal Signal Electronic
siren/light control system for broadcasting via a public address (PA) speaker. In multiple control head
installations, control heads are interconnected to the mobile radio in a series (daisy-chain) fashion via
CAN link cables. Other control head models are planned in the future.
The radio must be powered by an external +13.6-volt (nominal) DC power source. In mobile applications,
the motor vehicle’s electrical system is the source of DC power. The control head(s) connected to the
radio is also powered by the same DC power source, but separately fused. When the control head is
powered-up by the operator, it “wakes up” the radio by transmitting data to the radio via the CAN link.
The radio provides half-duplex voice communications, and both half- and full-duplex data
communications. Voice communication is accomplished via a “push-to-talk” (PTT) type microphone and
a speaker connected to the mobile radio’s control head.
For data communications, the radio has an industry-standard TIA/EIA/RS-232 serial interface port for
connecting optional data-type equipment, such a Mobile Data Terminal (MDT), a laptop PC, a third-party
display, or a key-entry device. This port works seamlessly with equipment from popular manufacturers
and off-the-shelf applications. OpenSky employs User Datagram Protocol over Internet Protocol
(UDP/IP) data packet transfers, providing “plug and play” connectivity for data-type devices.
700 MHz operating bands of the radio include the two 3 MHz wide repeater output bands from 764 to
767 MHz and 773 to 776 MHz, and the two 3 MHz wide repeater input bands from 794 to 797 MHz and
803 to 806 MHz. The mobile can operate only on the narrowband channels within these bands and, as
previously stated, transmit output power is limited to 300 milliwatts.
800 MHz operating bands of the radio include the Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR) and the National
Public Safety Planning Advisory Committee (NPSPAC) radio frequency channels. This includes the 806
to 825 MHz repeater input band and the 851 to 870 MHz band used for repeater output and talk-around
communications. These bands provide a total of over 830 possible channels spread over the
806 - 824 MHz mobile transmission and 851 - 869 MHz mobile reception bands.
The radio has a built-in Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking receiver. GPS provides quick and
accurate unit location information to dispatchers via the radio network. The GPS receiver determines the
unit’s location and the radio transmits it to the radio network. The GPS antenna may be integrated into the
mobile transmit/receive antenna (a “combination” antenna) or it may be separate from the mobile
transmit/receive antenna.
The radio meets or exceeds many tough environmental specifications included within military standard
MIL-STD-810F, automotive industry standard SAE-J1455, the radio industry standard TIA/EIA-603, and
the radio standard established by the U.S. Forest Service.
OpenSky employs Adaptive Multi-Band Excitation (AMBE™) voice-coding technology developed by
Digital Voice Systems, Inc. AMBE allows the radio to deliver exceptional voice quality, even in weak
received signal areas (i.e., “fringe” areas).
OpenSky radio network also uses Time-Division Multiple-Access (TDMA) modulation technology. This
technology allows multiple radio users to share a single RF channel. In addition, a single RF channel can
support simultaneous digital voice and data communications.
This manual contains installation procedures for the mobile radio, and the CH-103 and CH-103PA control
heads. These procedures cover the mounting and cabling of the equipment as well as the testing of the
radio and control head. Interconnect wiring diagrams are included at the rear of this manual.
M/A-COM recommends the buyer use only a M/A-COM authorized
representative to install and service this product. The warranties provided to the
buyer under the terms of sale shall be null and void if this product is installed or
serviced improperly, and M/A-COM shall have no further obligation to the buyer for
any damage caused to the product or to any person or personal property.
The following documents contain additional information:
• Operator’s Manual: MM23016
• Maintenance Manual: MM20117
Should the mobile radio or control head require repair, or if there are questions or concerns about the
installation of this equipment, contact M/A-COM’s Technical Assistance Center (TAC) using the
following telephone numbers or email address:
• U.S. and Canada: 1-800-528-7711 (toll free)
• International: 434-385-2400
• Fax: 434-455-6712
• Email: tac@tycoelectronics.com
An M7250 mobile radio installation consists of two (2) main components:
• Trunk-Mount Full-Duplex 700/800 MHz Mobile Radio Unit (MRU), part number RU25011-0001
• CH-103 Control Head, part number MACDOS0003 or
CH-103PA Control Head, part number MACDOS0009
Installation Kit MAMV-ZN6X can be used to install the mobile radio, or individual components can be
purchased separately as needed. Table 4-1 lists the parts included in the kit. Table 4-2 lists part numbers
for radio options and accessories. Table 4-3 lists the parts included in CH-103 Installation Kit MAMVZN6Y. Table 4-4 includes optional parts available for CH-103 and CH-103PA installations.
Kit, Fuse Distribution Rail. Includes (1) Fuse Distribution Rail
Assembly, (1) ATC Fuse Holder, (1) 15-Amp ATC Fuse, (1)
30-Amp ATC Fuse, 20 Feet of 10-AWG Red Wire, 1 Foot of
10-AWG Black Wire, (1) Moisture-Resistant Butt Splice, and
(2) 3/8-Inch Ring Terminals.
Table 4-2: Additional Options and Accessories
MACDOS0003 CH-103 Control Head
MACDOS0009 CH-103PA Control Head. Includes Siren/PA functionality.
MAMROS0044 Kit, Trunk Mounting. Includes base bracket, screws.
MACDOS0010 Terminator, CAN; 3-pin
MAMROS0075-N1210 Cable, DC Power; 12-AWG, 10 Feet, Straight Connector
MAMROS0075-N1220 Cable, DC Power; 12-AWG, 20 Feet, Straight Connector
MAMROS0075-R1210 Cable, DC Power; 12-AWG, 10 Feet, Right-Angle Connector
MAMROS0075-R1220 Cable, DC Power; 12-AWG, 20 Feet, Right-Angle Connector
1000022242-0001 Cable, Full-Data I/O Option
1000022242-0002 Cable, Programming Option
MAMV-AN3J Antenna, 700/800 MHz; 3 dB Gain, Rooftop-Mount
MAMV-AN3K Antenna, 700 /800 MHz; 3 dB Gain, Elevated-F eed, Rooftop-Mount
MAMV-AN3L Antenna, GPS; Magnetic/Roof-Mount
MAMV-AN3V Antenna, Co mbo GPS/700/800 MHz; 3 dB Gain, Rooftop-Mount
MAMROS0055 TIA/EIA-232 Serial Computer Cable (6 feet)
Kit, Accessory; Remote-Mount for Data-Only Radio. Includes (1) Base
Bracket 1000003678, (1) 10-foot DC Power Cable, (2) CAN Terminators
(1) Fuse Distribution Rail Kit FS23057 and (1) Vehicle Fuse Tap FS24473.
1 1 AJ03067 Bracket, Control Head
2 1 AD00150 Thumbscrews, Black (Package of 2)
3 1 MACDOS0010 Terminator, CAN; 3-Pin
4 1 MACDOS0006-RR030 Cable, CAN; 30 feet, Right-Angle-Right Angle Connectors
5 1 MAMROS0075-N1210 Cable, DC Power; 12-AWG, 10 feet, Straight Connector
6 1 FS23058
MAMROS0075-N1210 Cable, DC Power; 12-AWG, 10-Foot, Straight Connector
MAMROS0075-N1220 Cable, DC Power; 12-AWG, 20-Foot, Straight Connector
MAMROS0075-R1210 Cable, DC Power; 12-AWG, 10-Foot, Right-Angle Connector
MAMROS0075-R1220 Cable, DC Power; 12-AWG, 20-Foot, Right-Angle Connector
MAMROS0091 Module, Siren and Light Control (SS2000SM-SC)
1020 Speaker, External Mobile; 100-Watt
Kit, Cable; CH-103PA Public Address. Includes (1) 50-Foot Speaker YCable MACDOS0015-NN050, (1) 50-Foot Common Mic Interface Cable
MACDOS0014-RN050 and (1) 10-Inch CAN Y-Cable MACDOS0017BR010.
Kit, Power-Off Time Delay Relay. Includes (1) Relay MAMROS0088, (1)
22 to 18-AWG Moisture-Resistant Splice, (1) 12 to 10-AWG MoistureResistant Butt Splice, and (1) 3/8-Inch Ring Terminal.
Microphone, Noise-Canceling; Alden Straight Connector
(Includes Microphone MC103334V20 and Mic Hanger 344A4678P1)
Microphone, Noise-Canceling; Alden Right-Angle Connector
(Includes Microphone MC103334V21 and Mic Hanger 344A4678P1)
Microphone, with DTMF Keypad; Alden Straight Connector
(Includes DTMF Mic MC103334V1 and Mic Hanger 344A4678P1)
Microphone, with DTMF Keypad; Alden Right-Angle Connector
(Includes Microphone MC103334V2 and Mic Hanger 344A4678P1)
After removal from the carton, examine the radio, control head and other components
for broken, damaged, loose or missing parts. If any are noted, contact M/A-COM’s
Technical Assistance Center (see page 13) immediately to discuss and arrange the
Upon removing items from the carton and verifying that all equipment is accounted for, proceed with the
return of the equipment to M/A-COM for replacement. Any unauthorized attempts to
repair or modify this equipment will void the warranty and could create a safety hazard.
Mounting of the radio, control head, and/or antenna in ways other than those described
in this manual may adversely affect performance, violate FCC rules on RF exposure,
and even damage the unit, posing a potential safety hazard.
Before starting, plan the installation carefully so it will meet the following requirements:
• The installation is safe for the operator and passengers within the vehicle.
• The equipment is installed away from the airbag deployment areas.
• The installation allows for convenient access by the operator.
• The equipment is protected from water damage.
• The installation is neat and allows easy service access.
• The equipment is mounted in a location assuring the vehicle occupant’s safety and out of the way of
passengers and auto mechanics.
A professional radio installer should perform the installation!
The following list of equipment is recommended for the installation. Equivalents may be used unless
otherwise specified.
A separate list of test equipment is included in section 16.2.
• Non-Insulated Crimp Tool:
Thomas & Betts WT-111-M
• Insulated Terminal Crimp Tool:
Klein 1005
• Ratcheting Coaxial Crimp Tool:
Cambridge 24-9960P
• Non-Metallic Fish Tape,
25-Foot: Klein-Lite 50156
• Two Pairs of Slip-Jaw Pliers • Cordless Electric Drill with Bits
• Phillips-Head Screwdrivers, #1 and #2
• Flat-Head Screwdrivers, #1 and #2
• ¾-Inch Hole Saw with Depth Protection: Ripley
HSK 19 or Antenex HS34, No substitutes
• Clutch-Type Screw Cordless Gun/Drill with Driver
Bits: Makita #6096DWE
• Various Socket and Driver Sets • Deburring Tool (for ¼-inch and smaller holes)
• Various Fasteners • Flush-Cut and Large Wire Cutters
Base Bracket
Base Bracket’s
Mounting Tabs
(4 places)
(Shown With Installation Cables NOT Connected)
Mobile Radio Unit
Mounting Holes
(Not used; 2 places)
Antenna Cable’s
TNC Connecto
GPS Antenna Cable’s SMA Connecto
Figure 5-1: Mobile Radio Unit Front and Rear Views
CAN Port
(2 Places)
I/O Cable’s
DC Power Cable’s
3-Pin Connector
Plan the mounting locations of all components (radio, control head, antenna, and cables) and determine
the routes for all wiring and cables. Particularly consider the connection of the control head for planning
• Determine the customer’s preferences, if any, for location of components. Comply with these
preferences as long as they are consistent with safety recommendations and guidelines presented in
this manual, and other generally accepted professional radio installation practices.
• Nominal dimensions for the radio are 2.8 x 8.8 x 9.3 inches (7.1 x 22.4 x 23.6 centimeters; height x
width x depth). This includes the base bracket and its mounting tabs, but it does not include any
clearance space required for cabling, air circulation, access to mounting hardware, etc.
• Verify sufficient clearance behind the units is provided so cables will not be stressed, crushed,
twisted, or bent at severe angles. Also, the front and sides must have clearance for air circulation,
access to mounting hardware, etc.
• Connections on the radio are made through “pigtail” type cables exiting the rear of the radio. This
design minimizes the stresses associated with mating connections and it allows for easy connector
mating. However, stresses can still be induced if adequate service looping is not employed.
Connections to the CH-103 and CH-103PA Control Heads are made with connectors mounted on the
rear panel of each head instead of “pigtail” type cables.
All cables should have a service loop near each connector end. Do not bend the cables
at severe angles near the connector end. Above all, after all components are installed,
verify no cable is under any tension. Failure to do so may lead to damaged cables,
causing intermittent radio operation or complete radio failure.
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