E-Series Surface Mount Mixer
5 - 1500 MHz
LO Power: +10 dBm
Up to +5 dBm RF
Surface Mount
Specifications @ 25 °C
Frequency Range
RF 5 - 1500 MHz
LO 5 - 1500 MHz
IF DC - 1000 MHz
Conversion Loss (dB) Typical Maximum
10 - 750 MHz 6.5 7.5
5 - 1500 MHz 7.5 9.5
Isolation (dB) Typical Minimum
LO to RF
5 - 50 MHz 60 40
50 - 750 MHz 40 20
750 - 1500 MHz 30 18
LO to IF
5 - 50 MHz 55 30
50 - 750 MHz 30 18
750 - 1500 MHz 15 8
Dimensions in ( ) are in mm.
Unless Otherwise Noted: .x = ±0.04 (1.00)
.xx = ±0.02 (0.50)
.xxx = ±0.010 (0.250)
Operating Characteristics
Impedance 50 Ohms Nominal
RF input for 1dB Compression +5 dBm
Ordering Information
Part No. Packaging
EMRS-5LH Tubes
EMRS-5LHTR Forward Tape & Reel
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Absolute Maximum
RF Power 50 mW
Peak IF Current 40 mA
Storage Temperature -55°C to 100°C
Operating Temperature -55°C to 100°C
Pin Temperature (10 Seconds) 260°C
Pin Configuration
Function Pin No.
LO 1
RF 4
IF 5
Ground 2,3,6
Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice.
S 0077 C
M/A-COM, Inc.
North America: Tel. (800) 366-2266 ■ Asia/Pacific: Tel. +81 (03) 3226-1671 ■ Europe: Tel. +44 (1344) 869 595
Fax (800) 618-8883 Fax +81 (03) 3226-1451 Fax +44 (1344) 300 020