Low Cost Four-Way SMT Power
Splitter/Combiner, 824-960 MHz
• Small Size and Low Profile
• Industry Standard SOW-16 SMT Plastic Package
• Excellent Repeatability (Lot-to-Lot Variation)
• Typical Isolation: 23 dB
• Typical Amplitude Balance: 0.3 dB
• Low Cost
• Typical Insertion Loss: 1.0dB
M/A-COM’s DS54-0001is an IC-based monolithic power
splitter/combiner in a low cost SOW-16 plastic package. This
device is ideally suited for applications where PCB real estate is
at a premium and standard packaging for automated assembly
and low cost are critical. Typical applications include
infrastructure, portables and peripheral devices (PCMCIA cards)
for wireless standards such as GSM, AMPS, CDPD, RAM and
ARDIS. Available in tape and reel.
The DS54-0001 is fabricated using a passive-integrated circuit
process. The process features full-chip passivation for increased
performance and reliability.
Ordering Information
Part Number Package
DS54-0001 SOW-16 Lead Plastic Package
DS54-0001-TR Forward Tape and Reel
DS54-0001-RTR Reverse Tape and Reel
1. If specific reel size is required, consult factory for part number
Typical Electrical Specifications1, TA = +25°C
Parameter Units Min Typ Max
Insertion Loss Above 6.0dB dB — 1.0 1.2
Isolation dB 18 23 —
VSWR Input — — 1.2:1 1.4:1
VSWR Output — — 1.4:1 1.75:1
Amplitude Balance dB — 0.3 0.7
Phase Balance ° — 2 4
1. All specifications apply with a 50-Ohm source and load impedance.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
North America: Tel. (800) 366-2266, Fax (800) 618-8883
Asia/Pacif ic: Tel.+81-44-844-8296, Fax +81-44-844-8298
Europe: Tel. +44 (1344) 869 595, Fax+44 (1344) 300 020
Visit www.macom.com for additional data sheets and product information.
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Low Co st Fo u r- W a y S MT P o w er Sp li t te r / Co mb i ne r , 824-960 MHz
Absolute Maximum Ratings1
Parameter Absolute Maximum
Input Power² 1 W CW
Operating Temperature -40°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature -65°C to +150°C
1. Exceeding these limits may cause permanent damage.
2. With Internal load dissipation of 0.125 W maximum.
Recommended PCB Configuration
(Dimensions in Inches)
Functional Diagram 1
1. Pins 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15 and 16 must be RF and DC
Specifications subject to change without notice.
North America: Tel. (800) 366-2266, Fax (800) 618-8883
Asia/Pacif ic: Tel.+81-44-844-8296, Fax +81-44-844-8298
Europe: Tel. +44 (1344) 869 595, Fax+44 (1344) 300 020
Visit www.macom.com for additional data sheets and product information.
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