11 dB Directional Coupler
500 - 1000 MHz
• Space Qualified
• Designed to meet the Stringent Reliability Standards of
Space Hardware
• 50 Ohms Nominal Impedance
M/A-COM’s CH20-0059-S is a unique type of 11 dB
Directional Coupler designed to operate within the frequency
range of 500 MHz to 1000 MHz.
Absolute Maximum Ratings1
Parameter Absolute Maximum
Max. Input Power
10-500 MHz
Operating Temperature -40°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature -65°C to +125°C
1. Operation of this device above any one of these parameters may
cause permanent damage.
1 Watt
Electrical Specifications, TA = +25°C
Parameter Frequency Units Min. Typ. Max.
Coupling 500-1000 MHz dB - 10.8 dB + 0.7 dB Coupling Flatness 500-1000 MHz dB - - +0.5
Directivity 500-1000 MHz dB 18 - VSWR 500-1000 MHz - - - 1.4:1
Main Line Loss 500-1000 MHz dB - - 1.5
Specifications subject to change without notice.
North America: Tel. (800) 366-2266, Fax (800) 618-8883
Asia/Pacific: Tel.+81-44-844-8296, Fax +81-44-844-8298
Europe: Tel. +44 (1344) 869 595, Fax+ 44 (1 34 4) 30 0 020
V 2.0
Visit www.macom . com for ad di tional data sheets and pr o d uct i nf orm ation.