Macnica Americas ODSY001 User Manual
User Guide
Revision 2.1
March 26, 2015
2015/02/11 © Mpression by Macnica Group
Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
© Mpression by Macnica Group
© Mpression – Solutions by Macnica Group
The information in this document (hereinafter called Information) is subject to change without notice. Macnica Inc. (hereinafter called Manufacturer) makes no warranty of any kind regarding this document, or of any liability arising out of the application or use of information in this document, and assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. This document is distributed without any charge and reselling or copying without written authorization by Manufacturer is restricted.
The Information is not intended for use in the development of on-line control equipment in hazardous environments requiring failsafe controls, such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communications systems, air traffic control, life support, or weapons systems (“High-Risk Applications”). Manufacturer specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of fitness for such High-Risk Applications. You represent that use of the Information in such High-Risk Applications is fully at your risk.
2 User Guide Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
© Mpression by Macnica Group
Model: ODYSSEY-MAX10-KIT FCC ID: 2AEDQODSY001 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Model: ODYSSEY-MAX10-KIT IC: 20022-ODSY001 This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful communication.
French: Cet appareil est conforme avec Industrie Canada exempts de licence standard RSS (s) l'opération est soumise aux deux conditions suivantes: . ( 1) ce dispositif ne doit pas causer d'interférences et ( 2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence , y compris les interférences qui peuvent provoquer un mauvais fonctionnement de l'appareil. Conformément à la réglementation d'Industrie Canada, cet émetteur radio ne peut fonctionner à l'aide d'une antenne d'un type et maximum ( ou moins ) Gain approuvé pour l'émetteur par Industrie Canada. Afin de réduire le risque d'interférence avec d'autres utilisateurs, le type d'antenne et son gain doivent être choisi que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (PIRE ) ne dépasse pas ce qui est nécessaire pour une communication réussie .
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Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
© Mpression by Macnica Group
1. Safe Usage __________________________________________________________________ 10
1.1 Legend ..................................................................................................................................... 10
1.2 Cautions ................................................................................................................................... 10
1.3 Developer Information............................................................................................................. 10
1.4 Inquiries ................................................................................................................................... 12
2. Overview ___________________________________________________________________ 13
2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 13
2.2 Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................ 14
2.2.1 Mpression MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit ............................................................................ 14
2.2.2 Power ........................................................................................................................................ 14
2.2.3 Smartphone ............................................................................................................................... 15
2.2.4 Web Utility Account .................................................................................................................. 15
2.2.5 Serial Communications Terminal............................................................................................... 16
2.2.6 USB Virtual COM Port Driver ..................................................................................................... 17
2.2.7 Development Software ............................................................................................................. 17
3. Components & Interfaces ______________________________________________________ 18
3.1 The Odyssey IoT Solutions Boards ........................................................................................... 18
3.1.1 BLE sensor board ....................................................................................................................... 18
3.1.2 Battery board ............................................................................................................................ 21
3.1.3 FPGA board ............................................................................................................................... 22
3.2 Engineering Documents ........................................................................................................... 25
3.2.1 BLE sensor board ....................................................................................................................... 25
3.2.2 Battery board ............................................................................................................................ 26
3.2.3 MAX 10 FPGA board .................................................................................................................. 26
4. Assembly/Disassembly ________________________________________________________ 27
4.1 Included HW ............................................................................................................................ 27
4.2 Tools ......................................................................................................................................... 27
4.3 Disassembly ............................................................................................................................. 27
4.4 Reassembly .............................................................................................................................. 27
5. Firmware Updates ____________________________________________________________ 28
5.1 EFM32 ...................................................................................................................................... 28
5.1.1 Serial console ............................................................................................................................ 28
5.1.2 Simplicity Studio ........................................................................................................................ 30
5.2 BLE ........................................................................................................................................... 30
5.2.1 Virtual COM Port ....................................................................................................................... 31
5.2.2 WICED SDK ................................................................................................................................ 35
4 User Guide Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
© Mpression by Macnica Group
6. Run Preprogrammed Demonstrations (Personalities) ________________________________ 36
6.1 Apply Power ............................................................................................................................. 36
6.2 Launch Smartphone App ......................................................................................................... 36
6.3 Connect to Device .................................................................................................................... 38
6.4 Select Personality ..................................................................................................................... 39
6.5 Exercise Personality Features ................................................................................................... 40
7. The Mpression Odyssey IoT Solutions Framework __________________________________ 41
7.1 The Smartphone ...................................................................................................................... 41
7.1.1 Communications link ................................................................................................................. 41
7.1.2 The Application ......................................................................................................................... 41
7.1.3 Personality control .................................................................................................................... 42
7.2 The Bluetooth Low Energy Device ........................................................................................... 42
7.2.1 Communications link ................................................................................................................. 42
7.2.2 Odyssey Profile – The GATT Database ....................................................................................... 42
7.2.3 Command Interpreter ............................................................................................................... 43
7.2.4 Sensor data processing.............................................................................................................. 43
7.3 The EFM32 Microcontroller ..................................................................................................... 44
7.3.1 Communications link ................................................................................................................. 44
7.3.2 Personality loading and FPGA Programming ............................................................................. 44
7.3.3 Flash Layout .............................................................................................................................. 44
7.3.4 Command Interpreter ............................................................................................................... 46
7.3.5 Sensor data processing.............................................................................................................. 46
7.4 The FPGA.................................................................................................................................. 46
7.4.1 Communications link ................................................................................................................. 46
7.4.2 Custom logic .............................................................................................................................. 46
7.4.3 Programming ............................................................................................................................. 47
7.4.4 Sensor data processing.............................................................................................................. 47
7.5 Personality Commands ............................................................................................................ 47
7.5.1 I2C .............................................................................................................................................. 48
7.5.2 Get HRM .................................................................................................................................... 49
7.5.3 CMD Stop .................................................................................................................................. 49
7.5.4 NOP Stop ................................................................................................................................... 49
8. The Web Utility - Create A Custom Personality _____________________________________ 50
8.1 Sign in to Smartphone App Web Utility ................................................................................... 50
8.2 Create New Personality ............................................................................................................ 51
8.2.1 Text Fields ................................................................................................................................. 52
8.2.2 Autonomous Field ..................................................................................................................... 53
8.2.3 Comparison Indicator Fields (Not implemented) ...................................................................... 53
8.2.4 FPGA Required Field .................................................................................................................. 53
8.2.5 Personality Setup Commands Field ........................................................................................... 56
8.2.6 Background Commands Field .................................................................................................... 56
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Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
© Mpression by Macnica Group
8.2.7 Background Interrupt Commands Field (Not Implemented) ..................................................... 57
8.2.8 Personality Controls Fields ........................................................................................................ 57
8.3 Download Custom Personality ................................................................................................. 60
8.4 Load Personality to Flash ......................................................................................................... 60
8.4.1 Update FPGA design with Console Menu .................................................................................. 65
8.5 Run Custom Personality ........................................................................................................... 67
9. Tips and Tricks _______________________________________________________________ 70
9.1 Consult FAQs ............................................................................................................................ 70
9.2 Cut standoffs ............................................................................................................................ 70
9.3 Stand-alone MAX 10 FPGA board ............................................................................................ 70
9.3.1 Parts list ........................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
9.4 Getting leverage for the FPGA I2C interface ............................................................................. 70
9.5 Startup delay ............................................................................................................................ 71
10. Document Revision History _________________________________________________ 72
6 User Guide Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
© Mpression by Macnica Group
List of Figures
Figure 2-1 Mpression Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit ...................................... 13
Figure 2-2 Micro USB Cable ..................................................................................................... 14
Figure 2-3 Mpression Odyssey App on Google Play Store ....................................................... 15
Figure 2-4 Mpression Smartphone App Configuration Web Utility ....................................... 16
Figure 3-1 Mpression Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit ...................................... 18
Figure 3-2 BLE Sensor Board Block Diagram ......................................................................... 19
Figure 3-3 BLE Sensor Board ................................................................................................... 19
Figure 3-4 Battery Board ........................................................................................................... 21
Figure 3-5 MAX 10 FPGA Board Block Diagram ..................................................................... 23
Figure 3-6 MAX 10 FPGA Board ............................................................................................... 23
Figure 3-7 FPGA Board Power Tree ......................................................................................... 24
Figure 5-1 EFM32 Programming Mode Short ......................................................................... 28
Figure 5-2 EFM32 Programming Serial Console Configuration ............................................ 29
Figure 5-3 EFM32 Programming via XMODEM Protocol ...................................................... 29
Figure 5-4 EFM32 Programming File Selection ...................................................................... 30
Figure 5-5 BLE Device Programming Jumper ......................................................................... 31
Figure 5-6 Setting SDK_INSTALL Environment Variable ..................................................... 32
Figure 5-7 Auto-detect of Odyssey kit ....................................................................................... 32
Figure 5-8 File Selection for BLE Device Firmware Update .................................................. 33
Figure 5-9 BLE Device Programming Status ........................................................................... 33
Figure 5-10 Configuration File Selection for BLE MAC Address Update .............................. 34
Figure 5-11 Setting New MAC Address .................................................................................... 34
Figure 5-12 BLE Device Programming Status ......................................................................... 35
Figure 5-13 BLE Device Run Mode Jumper ............................................................................. 35
Figure 6-1 Micro USB Cable ..................................................................................................... 36
Figure 6-2 Login Screen ............................................................................................................. 37
Figure 6-3 Device Discovery ...................................................................................................... 38
Figure 6-4 Personality List ........................................................................................................ 38
Figure 6-5 Activity LED ............................................................................................................. 39
Figure 7-1 Bluetooth SMART Stack ......................................................................................... 41
Figure 8-1 Private and Public Personality List ....................................................................... 50
Figure 8-2 Personality Editor .................................................................................................... 52
Figure 8-3 Smartphone App Fields ........................................................................................... 52
Figure 8-4 Create JAM File Selection ...................................................................................... 54
Figure 8-5 Create JBC ............................................................................................................... 54
Figure 8-6 Successful JAM File Creation ................................................................................. 55
Figure 8-7 FPGA Required Selection ........................................................................................ 55
Figure 8-8 FPGA JAM (JBC) File Selection ............................................................................. 56
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Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
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Figure 8-9 Upload JAM File ...................................................................................................... 56
Figure 8-10 Personality Control Edit Fields ............................................................................ 57
Figure 8-11 Available Commands ............................................................................................. 57
Figure 8-12 Command Specific Data Fields ............................................................................. 58
Figure 8-13 Complete Custom Personality .............................................................................. 59
Figure 8-14 Saved Custom Personality .................................................................................... 60
Figure 8-15 COM Port Settings ................................................................................................ 61
Figure 8-16 MAX 10 Present/Console Menu Push-button ...................................................... 61
Figure 8-17 Console Menu ......................................................................................................... 62
Figure 8-18 Tera Term New-line Setting .................................................................................. 62
Figure 8-19 Flash Resident Personalities ................................................................................ 63
Figure 8-20 Upload to Flash Personality #7 ............................................................................ 63
Figure 8-21 Send File to Device ................................................................................................ 64
Figure 8-22 File Being Sent To Device...................................................................................... 64
Figure 8-23 Custom Personality Loaded into Flash ................................................................ 65
Figure 8-24 Load JAM File ........................................................................................................ 66
Figure 8-25 File Being Sent To Device...................................................................................... 66
Figure 8-26 Select Personality to Associate JAM File ............................................................. 67
Figure 8-27 Custom Personality Available ............................................................................... 68
Figure 8-28 Custom Personality Control Screen ..................................................................... 68
Figure 8-29 Heart Rate Sensor Finger Position ....................................................................... 69
Figure 8-30 Personality Data Fields Active ............................................................................. 69
Figure 9-1 Clip Locking Standoffs ............................................................................................ 70
Figure 9-2 Stand-alone MAX 10 FPGA Board ......................................................................... 70
8 User Guide Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
© Mpression by Macnica Group
List of Tables
Table 1 Serial Terminal Emulator Settings.............................................................................. 16
Table 2 BLE Sensor Board Push Buttons ................................................................................. 21
Table 3 BLE Sensor Board LEDs/Diodes .................................................................................. 21
Table 4 Battery Board J4 Jumper Settings .............................................................................. 22
Table 5 BLE Sensor Board Documents ..................................................................................... 25
Table 6 Battery Board Documents ............................................................................................ 26
Table 7 MAX 10 FPGA Board Documents ................................................................................ 26
Table 8 Assembly Parts .............................................................................................................. 27
Table 9 Odyssey Profile .............................................................................................................. 42
Table 10: Flash Memory Layout ................................................................................................ 45
Table 11: Personality File Format ............................................................................................. 45
Table 12: Personality Commands .............................................................................................. 47
Table 13 I2C Devices .................................................................................................................. 49
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Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
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Indicates an imminent hazardous situation which if not avoided will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which if not avoided could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which if not avoided may result in minor or moderate injury or in property damage.
Coin cell batteries are not supplied with this kit. If a coin cell battery is used with the kit, keep this battery away from children. Children may swallow the battery causing severe injury or death from electrical or chemical reactions and burns. Children may also choke on the battery.
Coin cell batteries are not supplied with this kit. If a coin cell battery is used with the kit, beware of shorting the battery terminals, as this can cause heating and fire.
Coin cell batteries are not supplied with this kit. If a coin cell battery is used with the kit, please read and follow all warnings and directions of the coin cell manufacturer to avoid injury.
This kit contains small parts that represent a choking hazard to children. Please keep the kit and all parts of the kit away from children.
Do not apply strong impacts or blows to the kit. Doing so may cause the kit to emit heat, explode, or ignite, or the equipment in the kit to fail or malfunction. This may also cause fire.
When disposing of the main unit, do not dispose of it along with general household waste. Throwing the main unit into fire may cause it to explode. Dispose of the main unit following the laws, regulations, and ordinances governing waste disposal.
Do not use the kit in places subject to extremely high or low temperatures or severe temperature changes. Doing so may cause the kit to fail or to malfunction. Always be sure to use the kit in a temperatures ranging from 5°C to 35°C and a humidity range of 0% to 85%.
Do not attempt to use or leave the kit in places subject to strong direct sunlight or other places subject to high temperatures such as in cars in hot weather. Doing so might cause the kit to emit heat, break, ignite, run out of control, warp, or malfunction. Also, some parts of the equipment might emit heat causing burn
1. Safe Usage
Be sure to follow the instructions given in this Manual which are intended to prevent harm to the user and others as well as material damage.
1.1 Legend
1.2 Cautions
10 User Guide Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
© Mpression by Macnica Group
USB cables are not provided with this kit, but can be used with the kit. Please note that cables can present a strangulation hazard, especially in small children. Please be aware of this hazard. Please keep cables away from children and always follow the manufacturer’s directions when using USB cables.
(Continued from previous page)
Do not place this Board in locations where excessive force is applied to the Board. Failure to do so may cause the PC board to warp, leading to breakage of the PC board, missing parts or malfunctioning parts.
Do not clean this Board by using a rag containing chemicals such as benzene or thinner. Failure to do so will likely to cause this Board to deteriorate. When using a chemical cloth be sure to comply with any directions or warnings.
Do not immediately turn on the power if you find that water or moisture had condensed onto the main unit after removing the board from the package. Condensation might occur on this Board when taking it out of the box, if the board is cool yet the room temperature is warm. Do not apply power to the Board while water or moisture has condensed on it because the moisture may cause the Board to break or may shorten the service life of the parts. When you first take this Board out of the box be sure to leave it at room temperature for a while before using it. If condensation or moisture has occurred on this Board, first wait for the moisture to fully evaporate before installing or connecting the Board to other devices.
Unplug any USB cable and remove any battery when carrying out maintenance or updates to the devices in the kit. Remove power this way when connecting or disconnecting any boards, cables, or connections to the board.
Do not disassemble, dismantle, modify, alter, or recycle parts unless they are clearly described as customizable in this Manual. Although this kit is customizable, if parts not specified in this Manual as customizable are modified in any way, then the overall product operation cannot be guaranteed. Please consult with Manufacturer beforehand if you wish to customize or modify any parts that are not described in this Manual as customizable.
1.3 Developer Information
Macnica Americas
380 Stevens Ave. Suite 206
Solana Beach, CA 92075
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Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
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1.4 Inquiries
In case of any inquiries about the use this product, please contact the local Macnica office or make inquiries through the contact form in the following web site:
Macnica companies:
China & HK: Cytech Technology ASEAN & India: Cytech Global Taiwan: Galaxy Far East Corp. North America: Macnica Americas Brazil: Macnica DHW Japan: Altima
12 User Guide Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
© Mpression by Macnica Group
2. Overview
2.1 Introduction
The Mpression Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit is an evaluation board ideal for doing Internet of Things (IoT) proof-of-concept development. The board is designed to allow users to evaluate the use of and write software for the BCM20737S BLE module, Max10 FPGA, Energy Micro Giant Gecko microcontroller, and the sensors included in the kit for use in their own end products.
This kit encompass everything users need to connect wirelessly using Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE), collect information from the environment and even add custom designs using programmable logic.
Figure 2-1 Mpression Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
The Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit contains a BLE sensor board, an FPGA expansion board and a battery board. The BLE sensor board has a Bluetooth SMART device, a microcontroller and various sensors. The sensors include UV and ambient light, pulse rate and blood oximetry, temperature and humidity as well as acceleration. It also features a physical interface to either the battery board or the FPGA expansion board. The FPGA expansion board includes an FPGA for programmable logic, a microphone, LEDs, switches, push-buttons and expansion capabilities to an Arduino Nano. The battery board allows the user to power the BLE sensor board off a coin cell battery for true wireless applications. An I2C expansion port and a J-Link interface to program the microcontroller are also integrated on the battery board.
The kit is designed to interact with a Smartphone via the BLE link. This communications link is used to exercise the sensors and other interfaces by means of a complex firmware infrastructure. Depending on individual needs, users can easily use the existing framework to implement a design or users can modify the firmware to achieve unique design goals.
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Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
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It is the object of this document to both introduce the first time user to the details of connecting to and using the Odyssey kit as well as expose some details of the underling framework for more experienced engineers that need to build upon the existing infrastructure.
2.2 Prerequisites
In order to have a successful experience using the Mpression Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit it is highly recommended users follow the guidelines as presented here. This User Guide is written in such a fashion that the kit will provide a sufficient platform for understanding the sensor integration and firmware framework.
2.2.1 Mpression MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
At a minimum a user will need to have the BLE sensor board. This board provides the minimum hardware and software necessary to enable the Odyssey system. If a user wishes to explore the capability of using and/or creating custom logic in a programmable device the FPGA board must be installed. Likewise, to enable a wireless solution using the BLE sensor board, the battery board must be installed. See section 4 below for assembly details.
2.2.2 Power
A. USB Cable
The primary means to power to the Mpression Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit is through the micro USB connector on the BLE sensor board. If a user is using the USB cable solely to supply power, it is not necessary to connect the cable to a PC, a wall adapter instead. However, in order to upload any configuration files or use the Console Menu, the USB cable will need to be connected to a PC. This cable is not supplied with the kits. Note, there are no LEDs or other indicators providing feedback that the kit is powered.
Figure 2-2 Micro USB Cable
To power-up the kit, simply insert a micro USB cable into the BLE sensor board receptacle
and the other end to a USB port supplying a standard 5 volts.
B. FPGA board DIP pins
An alternate method to power the Mpression Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit is by means of the DIP pins of the FPGA board. A solderless bread board can be used to mount the FPGA board and supply power to the system. See section 3.1.3 and the FAQ below for more details.
When using the battery board to supply power to the Odyssey kit, install a coin cell battery, part number CR2032, into the battery retainer. When the FPGA board is being used, the battery
14 User Guide Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
C. Battery
Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
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cannot be utilized and the kit must be powered via the USB cable or via the DIP interface of the FPGA board.
2.2.3 Smartphone
A. Device
In order to interact with the Odyssey kit users will need to have a device running either the Android operating system version 4.4 (KitKat) or higher or an Apple device running iOS7 or higher. The device must have Bluetooth SMART or be Bluetooth SMART Ready. The device must also have access to the Internet to enable the cloud based infrastructure of the Odyssey system. The Internet connection can be provided either via cellular data or WiFi. Throughout the remainder of this document, this device will be referred to as a “Smartphone.”
B. Application
The Mpression software team has created a custom application that will be used on the Smartphone to interact with the Odyssey kit over the Bluetooth Low Energy communications link. This application is available on Google Play and the Apple App Store. It is titled Mpression Odyssey. (Note: At the time this User Guide was released, the iOS app is not available on the Apple App Store. It will be released in the near future.)
As users progress into understanding the Mpression Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit, users will most likely want to create a custom personality to interact with the various sensors and create a custom Smartphone control page. In order to create a custom personality the user must create an account to access the Mpression Odyssey IoT Solutions Smartphone App Configuration Web Utility. The Web Utility is also the location where new and updated reference Smartphone app personalities can be downloaded from or used as templates for custom personalities.
Figure 2-3 Mpression Odyssey App on Google Play Store
2.2.4 Web Utility Account
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Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
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Baud rate
Data bits
Stop bits
Flow control
Auto or LF
The Mpression Odyssey IoT Solutions Smartphone App Configuration cloud based utility is located at
Users can also create an account via the Mpression Odyssey Smartphone app directly.
Figure 2-4 Mpression Smartphone App Configuration Web Utility
2.2.5 Serial Communications Terminal
In order to interact with the Console Menu on the Mpression Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit, a serial communications terminal emulator is required. All development and testing was done using the open-source Tera Term emulator. All serial communications use the following settings.
Table 1 Serial Terminal Emulator Settings
The installation package is available here:
16 User Guide Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
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2.2.6 USB Virtual COM Port Driver
In order for the user’s PC to recognize the Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit and communicate with it using the above serial terminal emulator, a Silicon Labs USB virtual COM port driver needs to be installed. It can be obtained here:
2.2.7 Development Software
Currently, it is beyond the scope of this document to detail the specifics of doing stand-alone microcontroller, BLE device or FPGA development. However, the tools used are as follows.
A. Silicon Labs Simplicity Studio
To develop software for the EFM32 microcontroller Simplicity Studio is required.
B. Broadcom WICED Smart SDK
To program the Broadcom BLE device, a batch file as described in section 5.2.1 below relies on several files included as part of the WICED Smart SDK. Users will need to register with the Broadcom Community to gain access to and install the development tools.
To develop software for the Broadcom BLE device, the WICED Smart SDK 2.1.1 or higher is required.
C. Altera Quartus-II
Quartus-II version 14.1 or later is required to develop MAX 10 FPGA designs.
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Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
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3. Components & Interfaces
3.1 The Odyssey IoT Solutions Boards
As discussed above, the Mpression Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit is comprised of several boards. Below, each board is independently discussed and features highlighted.
Figure 3-1 Mpression Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
3.1.1 BLE sensor board
The BLE sensor board is the heart and soul of the Mpression Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit. Fundamentally, it includes most of the sensors, the Bluetooth Low Energy communication device and a microcontroller.
The BLE device, EFM32 microcontroller and sensors communicate via a network of I2C and SPI busses while configuration and interactions with the outside world are handled via USB and JTAG ports as seen below.
18 User Guide Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
© Mpression by Macnica Group
Figure 3-2 BLE Sensor Board Block Diagram
Details of each component are outlined here.
Figure 3-3 BLE Sensor Board
A. Broadcom BCM20737S Bluetooth SMART (BLE) module (U5)
The BCM20737S from Broadcom gives the board its wireless connectivity and plays the master role in executing and interpreting commands for the Odyssey system. The module is a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE/Bluetooth SMART) module that includes the BLE radio, an onboard ARM Corex-M3 processor, memory, and peripherals making it an all-in-one solution for BLE connected devices and wearables. It supports an easy-to-use embedded stack for host and controller functions and includes full capability for developing and implementing new profiles and applications. In addition to an onboard stack and profiles, this 6.5 x 6.5 SIP Module includes BT SMART transceiver, crystal, EEPROM, antenna, passives, and regulatory approvals as well. The module uses a development environment called the WICED Smart SDK which can be downloaded from Broadcom's community portal. See section 2.2.7B.
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Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
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B. Silicon Labs EFM32GG395F512 low-power Giant Gecko 32-bit microcontroller
The EFM32 low-power Giant Gecko microcontroller provides the USB interface and acts as the programmer/debug port for the above Broadcom Bluetooth SMART (BCM20737S) module. It also manages the loading of the MAX 10 FPGA. In addition, it enables loading of new "personalities" into the flash memory on the Odyssey board so users can leverage the Mpression smartphone app in their custom designs. Certain sensor functions are also enabled by this processor.
C. Cypress CY62148 4MB SRAM (U2)
The CY62148EV30 is a 4-Mbit MoBL® SRAM that serves as an expansion memory for the EFM32 microcontroller to support FPGA JTAG loading (JAM player, which is a very memory-intensive function). The CY62148EV30 is designed for extending battery life in portable devices, with ultra-low active current and an automatic power-down feature that consumes only 1uA typical standby current. Cypress is well known for its broad array of reliable, high-performance SRAMs and nonvolatile RAMs used in mission-critical systems.
D. Micron M25PX16 Flash (U9)
The M25PX16 is a 16Mbit NOR SPI flash from Micron used to store "personality" information on the Odyssey board. The device is controlled from the EFM32 and features an operating voltage down to 2.3V and deep power-down current of 10uA max.
E. Enpirion EP5358 power regulator (U3)
The EP5358HUI PowerSoC from Altera is a tiny DC-DC switching regulator with built-in inductor. It provides up to 600mA of power to the Odyssey board from the USB port at up to 93% efficiency which helps to avoid heating the nearby humidity/temp sensor.
F. Linear Technology LTC4415 dual ideal diode / power path controller (U8)
The LTC4415 is a dual ideal diode allowing power to be switched seamlessly between the coin cell battery and the USB source without the voltage drop associated with diode-or'ing.
G. Wurth WE-TVS diode (D2)
It's always important to protect high speed data lines such as the cabled USB 2.0 interface from over-voltage caused by electrostatic discharge (ESD), electrical fast transients (EFT) and lightning strikes (surge). The Odyssey board utilizes the Wurth Elektronik WE-TVS Diode array to provide protection for the USB port lines with very low (<2pf) capacitance.
H. Analog Devices ADXL362 accelerometer (U4)
The ADXL362 accelerometer allows the board to detect and report motion to the smartphone app based on a threshold set by the user. The ADXL362 3-axis accelerometer is one of the lowest power in the industry at less than 2µA @ 100Hz sampling, and also includes a unique mode allowing motion-triggered wake up which operates at an amazing 270 nano Amps. This allows a system to be design such that it is optionally powered down completely until motion is detected, saving battery power.
The Si7020 allows the Odyssey to measure temperature and relative humidity and report the values via the I2C interface. It's factory calibrated and available with an optional factory-installed protective cover.
20 User Guide Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
I. Silicon Labs Si7020 temperature/humidity sensor (U1)
Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
© Mpression by Macnica Group
BLE Reset
EFM32 Reset
Green LED
TVS Diode
USB Protection
Pulse Rate/Ox Detector
Pulse Rate/Ox Detector
IR Emitter
Proximity Detector
IR Emitter
Proximity Detector
J. Silicon Labs Si1147 proximity/UV/ambient light/heart rate monitor sensor
The Si1147 provides a variety of sensor functions including measuring UV levels, ambient light, proximity and gestures, heart rate, and blood oximetry. The data is communicated over the I2C interface.
K. Molex 501920-3001 mating connector (J2)
The BLE sensor board mates to either the battery board or FPGA board via this 30 position (2x15) plug.
L. Push buttons
Table 2 BLE Sensor Board Push Buttons
M. LEDs/Diodes
Table 3 BLE Sensor Board LEDs/Diodes
3.1.2 Battery board
The battery board serves many purposes. As to be expected it can be used to supply power to the BLE sensor kit for true wireless operation. This board also includes connectivity for direct EFM32 microcontroller programming and debug as well as I2C expansion.
Figure 3-4 Battery Board
Details of each component are outlined here.
User Guide Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit - 21
Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
© Mpression by Macnica Group
3-4 Shorted
BLE Normal Operating Mode
2-3 Shorted
BLE Programming Mode
A. Samtec 2x5 programming and debug header (J2)
This 50MIL spaced 10 position header is used to connect a Segger J-Link ARM programming and debug module.
B. I
C expansion port (SCL, SDA, GNC, VIN/TP1-4)
The battery board allows a user to connect any I2C capable device via these 4 unpopulated through-holes. The signaling for this port comes via the J1 mating connector.
C. CR2032 battery retainer (J3)
Battery power to the BLE sensor kit is achieved by installing a CR2032 coin cell battery in this retainer. Operational power is only used from the battery when the USB or FPGA DIP interface supplied power is unavailable as determined by the LTC4415 dual ideal diode on the BLE sensor board.
D. Samtec 1x4 header (J4)
This 50MIL spaced 4 position header is used to control the BLE device mode of operation on the BLE sensor board.
Table 4 Battery Board J4 Jumper Settings
E. Molex 52991-0308 mating connector (J1)
The battery board will mate to the BLE sensor board via this 30 position (2x15) receptacle.
This push-button is used as a GPIO into the BLE and the EFM32. Its primary function is to enable the Console Menu.
3.1.3 FPGA board
The FPGA board is ideal for doing proof-of-concept experiments that require custom programmable logic. The board’s primary feature is the Altera MAX 10 FPGA. Along with the enormous processing power of the FPGA, this board includes additional interfaces such as a MEMS microphone, LEDs, dip switches and push-buttons for user interaction. This FPGA board can also be expanded by means of the DIP connectors that are Arduino Nano compatible. It is also possible to use the FPGA board in a stand-alone configuration. See Tips & Tricks section below.
The FPGA board communicates with the BLE sensor board via I2C and the FPGA can be programmed by either the EFM32 on the BLE sensor board or directly through JTAG as shown here.
22 User Guide Odyssey MAX 10 FPGA and BLE Sensor Kit
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