Mackie UAD-1 Powered Plugins Installation Manual

Mackie Digital X Bus UAD-1 Powered Plugins Installation Guide
UAD-1™ Powered Plugins™
Installation Guide
The UAD-1 Powered Plug-ins Card and all associated software plug-ins are the sole property of Universal Audio. Any installation of a third party software product into the Mackie Digital X Bus mixer is entirely at the sole risk of the user. Even though the Digital X Bus has been tested and approved for use with several third party plug-in installers, LOUD Technologies Inc. is not liable or responsible in any way for problems or troubles that arise within the Digital X Bus as a direct result of the installation or using such third party devices. Mackie Technical Support is available for assistance with this procedure at +1 800.898.3211 (toll free in the USA and Canada) or at +1 425.487.4333 from anywhere in the world.
IMPORTANT: The Digital X Bus contains static-sensitive components. Anti-static precautions
must be taken before touching anything inside the Digital X Bus. Use an anti-static wrist strap when performing the procedures described here. These are available at most com-
puter supply stores. The use of an anti-static mat is also recommended.
This guide will help you install, load, authorize, and use up to three UAD-1 Powered Plug-ins Cards (hereafter referred to as “UAD-1 Cards”) into the Digital X Bus Mixer. The use of either the UAD-1 “Project Pack” or “Studio Pack” bundle is entirely at the user’s discretion.
The Digital X Bus is a VST host running on XPE (Embedded XP), and thus will only support the use of Windows™ VST plug-ins. The Digital X Bus does not support any other plug-ins for­mat (including DirectX, VST for OS X, Audio Units (AU), or RTAS) and loading an un-supported plug-in could potentially cause errors in the Digital X Bus software.
The Digital X Bus 200 does not come with any UAD-1 Cards installed. Therefore, any Digital X Bus 200 users must purchase and install any UAD-1 Cards they wish to use. However, the Digital X Bus 400 has one UAD-1 Card installed in the mixer, along with the ability to use the “Studio Pack” bundle of UAD plug-ins. It is up to the Digital X Bus 400 user to register their cards with Universal Audio ( so they may receive the plug-in licenses to authorize the Studio Pack bundle.
Mackie Digital X Bus UAD-1 Powered Plugins Installation Guide
Mackie Digital X Bus UAD-1 Powered Plugins Installation Guide
What You’ll Need
• A minimum of one and a maximum of three UAD-1 Card(s).
• At least one of the following:
1. A USB CDROM drive and at least one blank CD-R.
2. A USB Flash Drive with a minimum size of 64MB.
• A USB or PS/2 mouse attached to your Digital X Bus.
• Your UAD-1 Serial Number, located on a sticker on the UAD-1 Card itself.
• A Mac or PC connected to the Internet.
• A Digital X Bus Mixing Console (duh!).
Procedure Overview
The following is a brief summary of the steps required to use the UAD-1 Card(s) with the Digi­tal X Bus. This guide details each step listed below in the following sections:
• Reading the “Getting Inside the Digital X Bus” Guide
• Installing the UAD-1 software
• Installing the UAD-1 hardware
• Verifying proper installation
• Registering UAD-1 Card(s)
• Software Licenses and Authorizations
• Using the UAD Plug-ins
• UAD Quick-Start Guide and User’s Manual
• Mackie Technical Support Information
Getting Inside the Digital X Bus Guide
To successfully perform this installation, you must rst download and read the “Getting In­side the Digital X Bus” Guide that can be found on the Digital X Bus page at the Mackie website ( Reading this guide will ensure that you take all the necessary steps to open up the rear chassis assembly of the Digital X Bus, with­out causing any damage to the internal parts, cables, or circuit boards.
Installing UAD-1 Software
The very rst step is to load the UAD-1 software into the Digital X Bus. Although each UAD-1 Card comes with a UAD Software Installer CD, we strongly recommend that you download the latest UAD Software from the UA website to ensure that you will be using the most updated and recent drivers available for the UAD-1 Card. Universal Audio also makes this recommendation to their UAD-1 customers. However, this guide will cover both procedures.
Mackie Digital X Bus UAD-1 Powered Plugins Installation Guide
NOTE: If you download the UAD Software from the UA website, be sure to get any corresponding documentation or release notes so you will be aware of any “known issues” with that version of software.
We also recommended that you use a 64MB USB Flash Drive (also referred to as “Pen Drive” or “Thumb Drive”) method to install any software into the Digital X Bus. USB Flash Drives are inexpensive, widely available, are re-writable, and can also be used to back up your session les, presets, snapshots, or any other les from your Digital X Bus. Also, using a USB Flash Drive will prevent you from having to purchase a USB CDROM drive and blank CD-R media.
Using the UA Installer CD
If you must use the UAD Installer CD that came with your UAD-1 Card, you will need to have a USB CDROM drive plugged into one of the USB ports located on the inside of the Motherboard Access Area of the Digital X Bus. This step can be done with the Digital X Bus already turned on.
You should have learned about removing the Motherboard Access Plate from the “Getting Inside the Digital X Bus Guide,” mentioned earlier in this document. If not, discontinue reading this guide until you have done so.
Once the Motherboard Access Plate has been removed, you will notice four USB ports on the back of the motherboard that are now exposed (see Figure A).
Figure A
Once your CD ROM drive has been plugged into one of these USB Ports, put the UAD In­staller CD into your CD ROM drive and turn on the Digital X Bus (unless it is already powered up). Now, move ahead to the section titled “Installing the UAD Software.”
Using the Downloaded Installer and USB Flash Drive
First, download the latest VST for Windows™ version of the UAD Software from the Universal Audio web site, which can be found at Follow the “UAD Software – Download Now” links to the software downloads page(s).
Mackie Digital X Bus UAD-1 Powered Plugins Installation Guide
Mackie Digital X Bus UAD-1 Powered Plugins Installation Guide
Make sure you download the Windows VST version of the UAD Software…even if you are using a Mac to perform this download!
Windows XP Users:
The Digital X Bus does not have WinZip® or the Windows Compression Utility installed. Therefore, you need to extract the les on your regular PC before installing the soft­ware into your Digital X Bus.
• Double click on the Self Extracting le you just downloaded.
• You will see a screen pop up shown in Figure B:
Figure B
• Select “OK” to begin the self-extraction process.
• Once everything has been extracted from the le you downloaded, you will see the UA
Splash Screen displayed in Figure C:
Figure C
At this point, make sure you select “Cancel” to quit the Installer. Otherwise, the UAD soft- ware will be installed on your PC and not the Digital X Bus. We’d sure hate to waste your time like that…
Mackie Digital X Bus UAD-1 Powered Plugins Installation Guide
• Next, select “Yes” when asked if you’re sure you want to quit Setup.
• You will notice that there is a folder labeled “UAD1-Win-vxxx” in the same location on your
PC as the UAD software you downloaded. Copy the entire folder over to your USB Flash Drive.
• Remove the USB Flash Drive from your PC and attach it to one of the rear chassis USB ports
on the rear panel of the Digital X Bus as shown in Figure D:
Figure D
Now, proceed to the section titled “Installing the UAD Software” to begin the installation on the Digital X Bus.
Mac OSX Users:
• Double-click on the le you downloaded from the UA website.
• You will notice that OSX has created a folder on your desktop named “UAD1-Win-vxxx”;
copy that entire folder over to your USB Flash Drive.
• Remove the USB Flash Drive from your Mac and insert it into any of the USB ports located
on the rear panel of the Digital X Bus (as shown on the previous page).
• Proceed to the section titled “Installing the UAD Software” to begin the installation on the
Digital X Bus.
If you’re not running OSX on your Mac, it’s time to get with the program. Seriously.
Installing the UAD Software
• Go to File > Launch 3rd Party Application.
• Select “Root Directory” in the pull-down menu along the top of that window.
• Select either your CD-ROM drive (shown with a small icon of a compact disc) or your Flash
Drive, and select “Open.”
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