Mackie Industrial White Paper
Noise Sensing Using a Variation of the
nLMS Adaptive Filter with Auto Calibration
This White Paper discusses a system that will compensate for the noise level in a room by
measuring the program and noise level sensed through an ambient microphone. The system
then changes the program level in proportion to the noise level that was sensed through the
microphone. The technique that is presented here uses a combination of analog to digital
conversion (ADC), adaptive digital ltering running on a digital signal processor (DSP), and
digital to analog conversion (DAC). The adaptive lter employed is a variation on the Normalized Least Mean Squares (nLMS) method. This approach effectively “nulls out” any music
that was sensed at the ambient microphone after which the only thing that remains is the noise.
A Root Mean Square (RMS) measure of this noise level provides the ability to adjust the program level accordingly.
Mackie Designs, Woodinville, WA
0 Introduction
Virtually anyone who has ever listened to music in an automobile has realized this fundamental fact: while driving, the
music level must be louder than while the car is parked. The
reason for this is because while driving the noise level (wind,
road, etc.) is louder than while parked. This requires that the
listener constantly adjust the music level to compensate for the
varying noise levels. This is not only a problem for automobiles but virtually all sound systems where background noise
is varying substantially. For example: in a factory setting,
the music would be set to one level while the machinery is
running and another while it is not running. For most systems,
this requires that someone always adjust the level in proportion to the noise. The question naturally arises: “why can’t
this be done automatically?” Mackie Designs has invested
a considerable amount of time in research and development
to nd an answer to this very question. In the process, we
have developed a sophisticated DSP noise sensing algorithm
that will perform this task precisely. Mackie’s SP-DSP1™
is an automatic level controller that maximizes intelligibility
by changing gain in proportion to environmental noise level
changes [6]. Basically, this system senses the level of the
ambient noise of a room and adjusts the system gain accordingly. To work properly, the controller must “null out” any
effect that the program material (music) has on the noise being
received by the ambient microphone. The method we have
employed to differentiate the noise from the program material
is what makes our algorithm unique (patent pending). One
innovative feature of our algorithm is that it adapts over time
to the varying room acoustics (i.e. people, drapes, sliding
doors, etc.) to provide the best possible music rejection. This
signicantly reduces the possibility of “runaway” gain as
exhibited in existing hardware-based implementations [10].
To accomplish this, we have utilized a combination of digital
hardware (SP-DSP1™) running a complex software algorithm
[8]. Figure 0 shows the hardware block diagram of the noise
sensor. The software is actually twofold: an embedded software algorithm plus application software (SP-Control™ for
the Palm™) to allow for ease of user control. Additionally,
the SP-DSP1™ algorithm allows for a high level of automation,
which in-turn, makes this system extremely easy to setup
and use. Unlike some of the earlier attempts at “noise sensing”,
the SP-Control™ software requires no complex procedures
during setup and calibration. The user simply places his speaker(s)
as needed and positions the ambient microphone so that it is
listening to the primary noise source. Then the appropriate
gain structure is setup as well as a few room-specic user
parameters. Finally, while playing music, an Auto Calibration
is initiated. It’s fast and simple!
September 2000

Mackie Industrial White Paper Noise Sensing
Program Input
Ambient Mic
RS-232 DSUB9
nLMS Adaptive Filter
Figure 0: Hardware Block Diagram
1 Algorithm Overview
This section summarizes the Ambient Noise Sensing Algorithm
(see Figure 1) implemented in the SP-DSP1™. The algorithm is
used to increase the sensitivity to ambient noise in the room by
rejecting the source signal (music) that is broadcast into the room.
This allows the SP-DSP1™ to control the volume of the music
based on the room ambient noise. The better the rejection of the
music signal the more sensitive the gain control without runaway
gain problems.
The algorithm adapts to the room characteristics by comparing
the room response to the source signal. It computes its own
approximation of the room response in order to cancel the music
signal from the signal picked up by a room microphone [1-5,7].
Room size is the most important factor determining the effectiveness of the algorithm. Small rooms (ofce size) can achieve as
much as 40dB music rejection, while larger rooms (nightclubs
or restaurants) might only achieve 10-20dB. Even 10dB rejection
allows noticeably better sensitivity to noise.
Figure 1: Algorithm Block Diagram
September 2000

Mackie Industrial White Paper Noise Sensing
1.1 Algorithm Block Diagram
The ambient noise sensor algorithm is a variation of a Normalized LMS Adaptive Filter [2-4, 7, 11-12]. The coefcient
calculator in the system uses the error signal, some Root Mean
Square (RMS) signal levels and energies, and the current coefcients to compute a new set of Finite Impulse Response (FIR)
coefcients that approach the Room Transfer Function (RTF) [5].
Down sampling has been used to optimize the adaptation characteristics of the algorithm for the largest room possible using
minimum MIPS and memory [8, 9]. The compander controls the
gain of the music signal based on the ambient noise detected and
the user input parameters.
1.2 Normalized LMS Adaptive Filter
The Normalized Least Mean Square (nLMS) Adaptive Filter
portion of the Ambient Noise Sensor consists of the FIR lter
(Equation 1), Coefcient Calculator (Equation 2), Summation
(producing the error signal), and RMS measurements, and can
be considered equivalent to the MATLAB1 simulation shown
in Diagram 1 [1, 9, 10]. In this simulation the ‘Voice’ signal
is the ambient noise signal, the delays represent the RTF, and
the nLMS lter adapts to produce the ‘Out’ signal which
is an approximation of the music combined with the RTF.
When the output signal from the nLMS is subtracted from the
input signal (Voice + RTF (Music)) the ‘err’ or error signal
approximates the original ‘Voice’ or noise signal. Look at
the gains and delays shown in the blocks of Diagram 1 (simulating the direct sound plus one reection). The amplitude
versus time plot was generated with the coefcients from the
‘Taps’ output of nLMS lter. As you can see from this simple
example, this lter is the RTF. Obviously, in the real world,
the exact RTF is not obtainable. However, the better the
FIR approximates the RTF, the closer the error signal is
to the actual noise in the room [2-4, 11-12]. The nLMS Adaptive Filter is constantly adapting to the room characteristics.
This provides optimum performance when the room acoustics
change. Room acoustics can change signicantly due to the
arrangement of furnishings, opening or closing drapes, the
number of people in the room changing, or more dramatic
changes such as moveable walls or room dividers.
The effectiveness of the nLMS is determined mostly by the
number of taps in the FIR (internal to the nLMS adaptive
Filter), the adaptation algorithm, and the density and duration
of the RTF. In the SP-DSP1™ the processing capability and
memory allocation has limited the FIR length to about 1500
taps. As a result, the signals are down sampled to allow for
good cancellation even in reasonably large rooms. Since the
MATLAB is the trademark of a comercial matrix-based processing
speed of sound is approximately 1 ft/ms, we designed the
system to provide adequate rejection for music paths (direct
sound plus reections) up to about 300 feet.
A standard Transversal n-point FIR lter was used [1, 5, 8].
Input buffering is n points long plus a little extra buffer space.
The Output, y, forms another buffer:
y(n) = ∑ w
N = number of FIR taps or the order of the lter
n = time index
y = FIR output
w = adaptation coefcients
u = FIR input
Calculation of new coefcients (coefcient calculator) is
performed if the following two conditions are met:
• If the normalization energy is greater than zero (if
negative or 0 it is a debug error condition).
• If the Error Threshold signal is above the threshold
computed as a portion of the normalization energy of the
input signal.
Mathematical calculations for coefcient updating are
according to a slightly modied nLMS formula [2-4, 7,
Wi(n+1) = Wi(n)+ ————————
e(n) * beta * u(n-i)
epsilon * E(n)
n = time index
i = 0..n-1
W = FIR lter coefcients
e = error
u = FIR input data
E = Normalization Energy
beta = adaptation rate (function)
epsilon = stability coefcient
Our slightly different use of beta (not shown) plus the use
of an Error Threshold are unique adaptations of the standard
nLMS algorithm. The new beta function allows faster adaptation when the error, e, gets smaller. The normal use of beta
as a scaling value (shown above) requires a small value to
guarantee stability of the algorithm when the error is large,
September 2000

Mackie Industrial White Paper Noise Sensing
Diagram 1: Matlab simulation Block Diagram and Results
which signicantly reduced the adaptation amount when the
error was small, extending the adaptation time to well over 30
minutes. Our beta function (patent pending) gives stability to
the algorithm when the error is large, but effectively shortens
the adaptation time dramatically when the error becomes
small. This allows the algorithm to adapt to a room in only
a few minutes.
For small rooms a signicant portion of the music energy due
to the paths from speaker to microphone (including reections) are removed by the nLMS algorithm, as there would
have to be many reections before the sound could have traveled this far. Each reection reduces the energy of the music
signal, and the amount of reduction of the energy is related
to the shape and material of the reecting surface. The more
‘live’ the room, the longer and more dense the RTF is, the
less the energy of the music signal that can be removed by the
nLMS lter [6]. Even without a lot of reections a very large
room may have poor cancellation due to the small number of
reections before the music signal has traveled the maximum
‘distance’ of the FIR.
September 2000