Mackie Sound Palette Series SP1200, Sound Palette Series SP2400, SP-DSP1 Specifications

The Mackie Industrial SP-DSP1 is a real-time digital
signal processor that can be installed in the SP1200 or SP2400. It uses a proprietary algorithm (patent pend­ing) and adaptive digital ltering to sense noise in a room with an ambient microphone and adjust the gain of the program source accordingly. This unique approach effectively "nulls out" the music sensed at the ambient microphone, allowing the DSP to measure the actual ambient noise level in the room. As the ambient noise level of the room changes, the gain of the program material automatically adjusts to compen­sate for those changes.
The SP-DSP1 is designed to be controlled with the
SP-Control™ application running under the Palm™ OS. The SP-Control application is included on a 3.5" oppy disk, and it can also be downloaded from the Mackie Industrial website (
Once installed, the SP-DSP1 attenuates the signal by up to 40 dB, depending on the setting of the Minimum Gain control. This determines the lowest level to which the SP-DSP1 can attenuate the program signal.
The Gain Range control determines the amount of
gain change allowed by the Automatic Level Control. Add this number to the Minimum Gain setting to deter­mine the maximum gain allowable.
The Noise Threshold control determines the point
at which the Automatic Level Control begins working. When the ambient noise level crosses this threshold, the DSP-1 begins to increase the program signal.
The Noise Range control works in conjunction with
the Gain Range control. The ratio of the two settings determines how much the program level changes as a function of the change in ambient noise level. For example, if the Noise Range is set to 20 dB and the Gain Range is set to 30 dB, then a 20 dB change in noise level causes a 30 dB change in program level (a 2:3 ratio).
The Attack Time setting determines the rate at which
the program level increases. The higher the Attack Time setting, the faster the program level increases once the noise level crosses the Noise Threshold.
The Release Time setting determines the rate at which
the program level decreases. The higher the Release Time setting, the faster the program level decreases once the noise level drops below the Noise Threshold.
The SP-DSP1 can store up to ten preset congura-
tions for various functions or applications.
The Auto Calibration procedure computes the Room
Transfer Function (RTF) and prevents runaway gain.
Automatic Level Control for the SP1200/SP2400
Adds ambient noise sensing capability to the SP1200
and SP2400 Program Controller/Amplier
Adaptive digital ltering analyzes the signal at the
ambient microphone and determines the amount of ambient noise in a room
Automatically adjusts the system gain according to the
ambient noise level
SP-Control™ Palm™ OS application included for
remote control
Adjustable parameters on the Palm™ include minimum
gain, gain range, noise threshold, noise range, attack time, and release time
Bargraph metering on the Palm™ monitors program
input level, microphone input level, program gain, and program output level
Auto-calibration function Upload and download capability from EEPROM to
SP-Control application
Zoned Music Distribution
Automated Noise-Compensating
Gain Systems
Multizone Paging/Background Music and
Speech Reinforcement Systems
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Automatic Level Control for the SP1200/SP2400
Screen Shots of SP-Control Palm™ Application
Architects’ and Engineers’ Specications
The SP-DSP1 shall consist of a DSP card and a power sup-
ply expansion card designed to be installed in the SP1200 and SP2400 Program Controller/Amplier. It shall provide automatic level control for the program signal, dependent on the ambient noise level. It shall use a proprietary ambient noise level sensor algorithm derived from a Normalized Least Mean Square Adaptive Filter (nLMS).
The SP-Control software shall provide a user interface and
provide control over the digital signal processing parameters in the SP-DSP1, consisting of the following:
A Minimum Gain control shall provide a gain range from
–40 dB to 0 dB. The Minimum Gain setting shall determine the normal operating level of the system prior to the action of the Automatic Level Control.
A Gain Range control shall have a gain range from 0 dB
to +40 dB. The Gain Range setting shall determine the maxi­mum level of the system after the Automatic Level Control has been activated.
A Noise Threshold control
from –80 dB to 0 dB mine the noise level above which the Automatic Level Control begins to operate.
A Noise Range control shall provide a noise range from
+1 dB to +60 dB. The Noise Range setting shall determine the rate the program level gain changes as a function of the change in ambient noise level determined by the ambient noise sensor algorithm.
. The Noise Threshold setting shall deter-
shall provide a Threshold range
An Attack Time setting shall provide an attack time range from 1 second to 300 seconds determine the time for the program gain to increase by 40 dB.
A Release Time setting shall provide a release time range from 1 second to 300 seconds determine the time for the program gain to decrease by 40 dB.
A Program Input Meter shall indicate the input level to the SP-DSP1 with a range from –60 dB to 0 dB.
A Microphone Input meter shall indicate the ambient microphone input level to the SP-DSP1 with a range from –60 dB to 0 dB.
A Program Gain meter shall indicate the amount of gain the algorithm applies to the program input with a range from –60 dB to 0 dB.
A Program Output meter shall indicate the output level from the SP-DSP1 with a range from –60 dB to 0 dB.
The SP-DSP1 shall have memory allocated in EEPROM to store up to ten presets for the adjustable DSP parameters
An Auto Calibration function shall be provided to compute the coefcients for the Room Transfer Function (RTF), and opti­mize the algorithm to reject the music signal and more accu­rately measure the ambient noise.
The Automatic Level Control shall be a model SP-DSP1 manufactured by Mackie Industrial.
. The Attack Time setting shall
. The Release Time setting shall
Electronic les for this product available at:
This Specication Sheet SPDSP1.PDF
16220 Wood-Red Rd. NE, Woodinville, WA 98072 USA
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Mackie Designs continually engages in research related to product improvement. New material, produc­tion methods, and design renements are introduced into existing products without notice as a routine expression of that philosophy. For this reason, any current Mackie Industrial product may differ in some respect from its published description, but will always equal or exceed the original design specications unless otherwise stated. ©2002 Mackie Designs Inc. All rights Reserved. and are registered trademarks of Mackie Designs Inc. Mackie Industrial is a trademark of Mackie Designs Inc.
Part No. 0000759 Rev. A
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