Everything is “on” as labeled and this board is wired to the “MASTER RACK POWER”
switch (behind the Ross Switcher), so it will turn on and off with everything else.
Master Rack Power #1-5: Wireless Microphones
#6-8: Open to studio plays #9: OPEN & #10: TONE (tone generator)

#11-16: L/R Output Channels from the mixer (9) and router monitors (10 &11)
MAIN MIX SUB STATION: Inputs Channels 1&2: Inputs for Router #9
(bottom right corner of board) Mixer (these will always be up to ‘0’
Channels 3 & 4: Inputs for Router #14 Main Mix Channel: Always up to ‘0’
(Ross/PGM) **typically will not be used *this is your main volume control