Section B: Software Manual
21.2 The order and removal of channels 50
21.3 Editing a channel 51
21.3.1 Edit “Depth” channel type 52
21.3.2 Edit “4-20mA” input type - I/O card 55
21.3.3 Edit “Frequency”, “Voltage” and “Shaft encoder” input type - I/O card 56
21.3.4 Edit “Flowrate (Velocity)” channel type 57
21.3.5 Edit a “Flowrate (Weir)” channel type 62
21.3.6 Edit a “Total” channel type 66
21.3.7 Edit a “Event - pulse” channel type 67
21.3.8 Edit a “Event - status change” channel type 68
21.3.9 Edit a “Input total pulse” channel type 69
21.3.10 Edit a “Binary” channel type 70
22.0 Congure outputs 71
22.1 Adding outputs 71
22.2 Editing outputs 73
23.0 Conguring FloSI Card 75
23.1 Conguring a FloSI 75
23.2 Serial Interface Settings 76
23.3 Ordering the SDI-12 or ASCII Output String 80
24.0 Real time data 81
25.0 Start/Stop device 82
26.0 Disconnect 82
27.0 View totals 83
28.0 Downloading stored data 84
29.0 View downloaded data le 84
Appendix A - Flume/weir coecients 88
Section B: Software Manual
15.0 Introduction to FloCom+ 25
16.0 Installing the software 26
17.0 Connecting to the device 28
17.1 Connecting to the device using the serial port 28
17.2 What to do if the password is lost/forgotten 29
18.0 System information 30
19.0 HM3000 settings dialogue box 32
19.1 General settings 33
19.2 Sensor power 34
19.3 View conguration 34
19.4 Reset conguration 34
20.0 Congure modules 35
20.1 Adding a module 35
20.2 Removing a congured module 35
21.0 Congure channels 36
21.1 Adding a new channel 36
21.1.1 Add a “Velocity” channel type - I/O card (4-20mA) 37
21.1.2 Add a “Velocity” channel type - I/O card (Frequency) 38
21.1.3 Add a “Depth” channel type - I/O card (4-20mA) 39
21.1.4 Add a “Depth” channel type - I/O card (Shaft encoder) 40
21.1.5 Add a “Flowrate (Velocity)” channel type - I/O card 41
21.1.6 Add a “Flowrate (Weir)” channel type 42
21.1.7 Add a “Total ow” channel type 44
21.1.8 Add a “Event - pulse” channel type 45
21.1.9 Add a “Event-status change” channel type 46
21.1.10 Add a “Input pulse total” channel type 47
21.1.11 Add a “Binary” channel type - I/O card 48
21.1.12 Add a “User dened” channel type - I/O card (Voltage) 49