Mace DVR-9416 User Manual

PC-Based DVR
Digital Video Rec o rding Sy s t em
Specifi c a tions:
- O/S: Windows (XP S PK2)
- Memor y : 512MB D D R AM - up t o 3GB DDR A M
- Hard D r ive: 160 G ig (Can b e upgrade d - 1 TB) Int e rnal
- Camer a Input: 4 , 8, or 16
- Au d io Input: 4-16
- Frame s / sec: 120 s tandard ( 240/480 a v ailable)
- Resol u t ion: 102 4 X 760
- Back U p Sys: CD - RW (DVD-RW a v ailable)
- Masking
- Loop-out
- Comes with Text Overlay
- Re-Booting System - Restarts System to Normal State.
Mace’s high end PC-based digital video recording system comes in four, eight or 16 channel configurations. The standard unit is 120 fps, and we can upgrade the unit to 240 fps/480 fps. Combines digital video recording, multi-plexing, motion detection remote viewing into the most stable platform on the market.
Model: DVR-9404 - 4 Channel - MSRP: $2,900 Model: DVR-9408 - 8 Channel - MSRP: $3,590 Model: DVR-9416 - 16 Channel - MSRP: $3,990
www.mace. c o m