Macally Acekey User Manual

Keyboard Shortcuts for MacOS X
Keyboard Setup Assistant
USB Keyboard
User’s guide
Thank you for purchasing the Macally ACEKEY. It is designed with lots of shortcut features and flexibility and will greatly improve your productivity.
Before you begin using this product, be sure to read this users guide in its ent irety.
Package Contents
Macally Product Information
Technica l Supp ort
Please E- mail us at techsuppor t@macall, In U.S.A. please c all 1-909-23 0- 6888 Mon-Fri 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM, Pacifi c Stand ard Tim e
Macally Product Information
Macally peripherals warrants that this product will be free from defects in title, materials and manufacturing workmanship for two year from the date of purchase. If the product is found to be defective then, as your sole remedy and as the manufacturer’s only obligation, Macally will repair or replace the product. This warranty shall not apply to products that have been subject to abuse, misuse, abnormal electrical or environmental conditio ns, or any conditi on other than what can be con sidered as nor mal use.
Limita tion of L iabil ity
The liability of Macally Peripherals arising from this warranty and sale shall be limited to a refund of the purchase price. In no event shall Macally Periphe rals be li able for c osts of p rocure ment of su bstitu te produ cts or services, or for any lost profit, or for any consequential, incidental, direct or indirect damages, however caused and on any theory of liability, arising from this warranty and sale. These limitations shall apply not with standing any failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy.
Copyright® 2017 by Macally Peripherals
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Users Guide
Press Fnkey with es c key simult aneously to swi tch to Fn Lock mode a s default.
Hardware Basics
Caps Lock
Fn Lock
Function keys F1 to F16 and blue color keys
USB Plug
Num Lock
Fn Fn
Brightness c hange to Mac buil t-in dis play
Cut (Cmd-X)
Copy (Cmd -C)
Paste (Cmd -V)
Previous Track (Cmd -Left Ar row)
Play/Paus e (Spaceb ar)
Next Track (Cmd-Rig ht Arrow)
Full scr een captur e(Cmd-Shift-3)
Area screen capture (Cmd-Shift-4)
Print (Cmd-P)
num lock insert
File save (Cmd-S)
Zoom Out (Cmd-(minus))
Zoom In (Cmd= (equal))
Screen capture for Windows PC
for Windows PC only
Volume Down
Volume Up
Shortcut mode - Shortcut mode is the default mode.If Fn and esc keys are pressed togather, Fn Lock LED is turned on, keyboard is in Fn Lock mode. You can press Fn and esc keys togather again to toggle back to Shortcut mode.
In Mac, the first time you plug in this new keyboard to use, desktop will pop out a Keyboard Setup Assistant window, Please follow the on-screen instruction to identify the keyboard before you can use the keyboard correctly.
After initial setup, if you experience any issue with keyboard or couldnt type correctly, please unplug and replug the keyboard, open keyboard icon in System Preferences, click on Change Keyboard Type icon to ru n Keyboard Setup Assistant to re-iden tify the keyboard.
System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.3 to 10.12 and above
Window s 7/8/10 and above
Any desk top and notebo ok computer wi th a USB por t availa ble
More ab out mode
1. Shortcut mode is restored to default mode after ACEKEY loses power, e.g. when unplugged from a computer or a computer is shut down or restarted.
2. In either Shortcut mode or Fn Lock mode, one can also press Fn key with one of top row key simultaneously to perform the secondary function without switching m ode.
Previous section has described default shortcuts and function keys. They are supported in MacOS X from 10.3 to 10.12 and above, no driver installation is needed. Please note, these shortcuts are not universal, certain shortcuts do not work as defined in some application. On the other hand, some shortcuts may act completely different way in different applications. You should try them out first.
In Mac, press 1 second to turn off screen, or press and hold 2-3 seconds to bring up Restart/Shut- Down menu; In Windows PC, press to put PC into hibernation